KIXOCIL MOKüAIV's soN'N' S A. P O !L. T O Is a subsütute fur Soup for ft!l Household purposes, except waghiog elothes. "s'a. p öi7iö for eleaning your House will save the labor of one cleaner. Give it a trial, s ■■a.-t or. i o for "Windows is better tha&WbifcingoT Water. Nü removing curtaine and cárpete. S A P O L I O cleans Faint and "Wood, in fact the entire house, better than Boap. Noslopping1. Kaves labor. You can't atiord to be without it. "öaTp o l Tö for fccouring1 Knives is better and cleaner than B;ttli Briek. Will not scratch. is better than Soap and Band for polishing1 Tinware. Brighteiis without seratehinfi. sapolTo Poliaheö Brass and Topper utcnsils better than Acid or Oiland Kutten Stone. "XpöXTö" for Washing Dinhos and Glasswarc is invuluable. fhewper than Soap. "sTpolTo removes Stains fron Marble Mantels, Tables and Statuary, fiom Hard-iinislied Walls, and f rom China nnd Torcelain ] & JL& OïjTO removes Staiue and Grease frora Carpeta and other woven fübrics. There Is no one articie known that will do o many kinds uf uork and do it :is uill as S:ioliu. Try it. HAND S .A. I3 O L. I (5 a new anti wondert ully effective Toilet Soap, hnvingnoequul in thia country or abroad. HAND S APOIjIO as an art iele for the Buth, 'reacha the foundation " of alldirt, opona the poros and gi ves a healthy act ion and brilliant tint to the skin. hand 8A.POLI ö Cleanses and Boautifies the Skin, instaritly rf!rao%'inff any ftain ov blernish from both hands and tare. HAND S A. IP Ó L I O is without a rival in tlie world for curing1 or preventintr roQhmew and chappmg ol' either hands or face. hand s a. ï3 o L i o reraovew Tar, Pitch. Iron or Ink Stains and (Jrease; for workera in Machine Shops, Mines, &o., is invaluable. Fojmaking the Skin white and Boft. uu giviag to it a " bloom tf beauty," it ia unsurpasaed by any Coametic known. HAixD S A. JP O L ï : (5 costs from 10 to 15 cents per cake, and every body sliould haveit. Vou will like it. DON'T FAIL TO Tltï THESE -G00D8 Ruy it of your ïnii lianl if lic lian it or will procure it fur you. If not. Uien writc for our l'iini [ili let, "All about Supolio," iml it will be iiiïiiled frec. ENOCH MÍ)5IÍAI'S SOINS, 28 Park Place, N". ', Or 105 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio. TREMAIN & COLE, GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS ! No. 30 East Huren Street. A f uil line of Groceries constantly on band and for salecbeap, includiiib' Silgan, Teas, Bpíoes, &c. Country Produce Bought and sold. Bring in your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Fruit, &c. N. B. COLÉ has established bil Conl office at the atore of TREMAIN & COLE, where all orders will be promptly attended to. I4S8 HtCHNíAÍÍ CESTRAL RAILROAD. srMMElí TIME TABLB. Panengertrains aov laare t.he wvenil tHtinnt,íw roHowa: OOING WEfil . [I Íi'A A STATION K. _; W B öti o Jjl_[JLyLl j A. M. A. M.P. IC V. M. I'. K. P. M. Detroit, leavp, 7 00 9 40 1 4d 4 03 5 411 Id 11 Vrwilunti, 8 28 III 45 2 6S t 96 7 10 11 2.' AunArlior, 8 Sí II (MI 3 li 5 55 7 45 11 4f üextor, :i jn ; 40 ii j.í S 10 Chelsen, !l 40 : 4 lio s 30 Qrwe I.iike, lo 11" 4 :!í ! 00 a. m. Jaokson, 10 40 12 1SI 5 os íi 35 1 011 p. m. p. m. . v. HiUftmfUEOo. 2 03, 2 55 8 20 12 2ó Chicago arrire, 8 is 8 00 1 , ti M s M OrNG EAST. 3 1 lili i íf A. M. A. M. P, r. P. M. nhiongo, leave, á 00 9 00 5 lií a 00 P. M. A. M. A. M. Kuliimazno, 11 15 2 03 5 00 2 15 I'. K. A. M. JaoltBOn. 2 30 4 15 8 00 12 30 4 45 Grasi Take, 1 It6 s 32 Chelstwi, 3 24 R 58 a. m. Dextcr, S 10 - - 20 f 20 Aun Albor, 4 05 5 19 9 60 1 55 B 00 6 55 Ypilanti, 4 25 5 38 1(1 05 2 17 6 20 7 20 Detroit, armo, j 50 6 40 11 20 3 30 7 2: S 45 The Atlantic and Pacific ExpreRs run between Jackson and Xilee on the Air Line. Dated, May 26. 1873 DETROIT, IlILLSDALE & INDTANA KAII.ROAD OOING WEST. -1873- OOIVOJEiJIS. stations. Mixed. Mail. I stations. Mail. Mix. A. M. P. M. Detroit, (lep... 4:05 M Pé M Y]silnnti f:2fl 5:40 Bankers 6:G0 2:40 Saline 8:30 6:15 Ilillsdale 6:44 3:05 Bridgewnter.. 9:05 6:33 Manchester ... 8:42 6:55 Manchester. ... 9:48 6:55 Bridgewater . . ü:"ñ 7:35 p. U. Halinc 9:25 8:10 Ilillsdale 1:10 8:48 Ypsilanti 10-00 9:(li Bankers 1:30 9:00 i Detroit 11: Triiins run ly Chicago time. W. F. PARKEB, Sup't, Ypsilanti. p 1? MhX UREHV v' l So Prrson rau Inkr tliesc Bitters accorúinx lo dlrectlona. nnd remaln long unwell, pro vid cü tlieir bonos ure nol ücstrovcd i mineral poison or ottier nieans. aiul vital organs warted bevond the polnt oí' repair. Oy-tjx'psin or Indigestión. HoadactlB. Paja inilif Shoulder. Cutighs, Tighlnefts oí the ('íicst, Dizincss. Simr Kructatious of tlu Sloiiuic1.!, Bad Taste in the Moath, Billons Atfncka, Palpttatioo or the I leurt, luflammatlon of tin' liiings. Pain m the reglón of the KidaeyB, and n honrlrfed other painfti symptoms, ure the tT-spriiiK" ' Dyspepsla. One bottle will provo a better puurmitce of it merita titan i lengtln advertien)etit. FV ni a Ie f'ikiiipluint. In vnilDfl or old man-led or sincie. ftt the iiawn oi woiaaoijood, or the turn ol' Itfe, thee Ton Ie lïittow uiaplay so decid eü as tnilueuce that irnprovemeut ia sooa perceptible. For IiiilnniiiKttory umi t'lironlc Rhpii uaatisiH and (out, Bllioun, ttemittcuü aud lntermlttent Kevers. Diseasosof tlic Hlood. Livor, Kidntïya aml Blaïder, these Bitters have no equat. ö:ii'li Diseasea are caused hy Vttifttetl lïlood. Thcy ure a gfeiitle Puigntlvr as vll nt n Tonic, pos{-ssuiür ttie merit of aotiug as a powerful agent In rel te vinfr Congestión or Infiammationof ilie Uver aml Visceral Orgaos, and ia Bfiioos Dlaeases, For Skin DfieaiM, Emptions, Tetter, SaltRheam, B lot ches, spots. Pimples, Pus tu les, Boils, Carbuncles, Rtng-wornifl, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ervsipelas. Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, Humor, and Diaeasea of the Skin o whatever name or nature, are llterally dag up and carried out of the system i,i n short time hy the use of these Bitters. Griiteful Thousnnds proclaim Viskoar BrTTEKá the most wonderful lavtgorant that ever sust-iiiueil tlie sinking ssteni. K. If. HeÓOXAI.D & CO. Drugglsta and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., A cor. of Washington and Oharlton Stx.f N.Y. SOLÍ) BY ALL DRfGGüra & DELERS. CPR1NG BULLETIN! E. J. J0IK1, HATTBR! Hum turned hla back upon Winter and opcned liis totk oí SPRING GOODS! Iiicluding uil the latest styles of Hats and Caps ! GENTS' FURMSHOC GOODS, &e. Vhxb be so'd. GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES Is the word to pass long the line. 7 South viain St Aun Albor. 1424 THE BABCOCK HOOK & LADDER TRUCKS Equipped with Bnbcock Fire Kxtinguishers, Exten8iou and Scaliug Luddars, Gruppling Hooks pnd Chaina, Buokets, Lanterns, Pike Pole, Pike Axes, &c, &c, weighinjf leus than l,(K)a lbn.; easily handled, mndsoinely linislied, and afl'ord the greatest protec;ion at lefa expense than any truck in the market. lust what every Fire Department wants. The Babcock Fire Enginen and Fire Kxtinpuishers are saving valuable property all over the country. Send for tlieir record. E. 'T. 1HHM Jl, den. Air.-iu, 118 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Manufacturer of IroD, Copper and Brass Wlre ïVIre Clolh, Bolting Cloth, Burr Mili Stones, Broom Wire and Twlne, Copper Weather Vsnei, Wiie Counter Raillng, Wlre Fenclng and OrnamentaJ Wlr Work, 1410yrl SEMI-ANNÏ Al, STATEMENT OF TUK lid Li INSURANCE GOM'Y OF TUF. Ilnited States of America. BRANCH OFFICE : PHIL A DELPHI A, PENN., Where the Business of the Company is transacted. CHAKTERK1) BY CONGRES. Cash Capital - ,$1,000,000. JULY 1, 1873. RECEIPTS z Vnnn Jan. 1 to July 1, 1873. (Sixmohths. Premiums- ncluaing iecei)ts on reinsurcd polick-s, - - ■ $700,12 4 Interest, - - - - 124 (tl; 8 Premium on gold, - '2,01i 7 Total ruceiptt tor iix months, jk2i,hu 1 IDISBTJÏÏ.SElSEElSJ-'rS ; From Jan. 1, in Jiily 1, 1873. (Six mohtlis. Dpath Claims and Annuities, - 128,865' Cash nnd allowunces for surrendercd policie8t .... 71.0.'4 fit Premiums on policies reiatured, - - 8,.!O7 'X' Commuted Commitsions, - - 2.121 1 Revenue Stamps anl taxes, - 8,331 1 Dividends, .... 3o,(Kio ou All other expenditures, ... 126,786 8 Total disburscments für siic montli, Í375,43 ID ASSETS. Cash in Bank and Trust Companies, $101,572 69 United States Bond, tmarket valué,; 432,3i5 00 State Bonds, (market value,) 39,680 00 LoanB secured by flrst mortgages, 1,278,587 16 Loans on collaterals, (collaterais worth $1,500,000,} 976,095 34 Accrued interest, 30,037 01 Loans on policies of the Excelsior Life Insurance Company, which were reinaured by the National, 9"i,876 "8 Deferred semi-annunl and quarterly premiums, on policies in force, tincludinr reinsured poïicics,) 97,8 6 2 Premiums in course of collection, including premiums on reinsured policies,) and all other assets, 62,185 17 Total assets, July lst, 1873, $3,110,275 4 LIABILITIES. Total present value of all policieB in torce, including uil policies reinsured - being the amount requisite to rein surf all outstandinK risks, $1,900,612 00 Deduct present value of policies rein sured in other solvent coiupanies, 38,02 00 Net present value of all otitataniling risks, 11,862,510 00 I-oases reported hut. not due, 67,5ï6 79 Total liubilities July lst, 1873, $1,930,096 79 SUUPLUS. (benig ad litionul to reinBurancefuud,) $1, 186,178 62 Ratio of Assets to Liubilities 1(52 per et. Totnl Assets. July lst, 1873, $3,116, 276 41 Totul AasetB, Jaiiumy ltt, 187.':. S, 563,911 63 Inoréase in Assets during six months, $552,363 78 New Policies issued the A'é. Amount six months, New Policies, issued from .lan. 6,010 981 lsttoAug. lat, 1873, (seven months), jqjj 7,117,10" New Policies issued from organir.ation, (Aiijruat lst, 1868j iu August Ist, 1873, KWH 60,911,579 'l'he National is makin exccllcut progies in flnunciul streiijtth- in iucrease ot in new busüieKs - and in net amount at risk. All connected with the Compnny, policy-holden as well as mnnagers, can feel gratilled il its nülid buccess. OFiTICIGRS I E. A. HOLI.INS, Piesident. n"lHWCMOí.lí1ríf hiUKtou) Vice '"Went. JOHN M. BUTLKK, Secretary JAY COOKE.Ohm. Fin. ind Ki. Com anEMKItSON W. PEUT, iPhiladelplna) Vico Pr.. S2' U' Mc(Iiíl Director. V, M. h. UHANDLEH, (Washington) Attorney. w -if,re,Ct "■"? A' Kollins, Jay Cooke, CtanaM w í,'í'''''il!Ori?C TlT' Wu).O:Moorhead, Johñ W Mh Henry D. Cuoke, J. Hinckley ark Win i.Chandler, John 1). Defrce, Edirurd Dodin: H C lahnestock. B '■"■"■ G. W. SNOVEtt, Gen. Ag7t MoíTatt Block, Detroit, Mich. W. W. Whedon, Ag't, Ann Arbor. 1444tf 1 WASITTENAW COUNTY. J ta3g SM SSa h k nÑOTABYPUBLÍCJl '-_ HCONVEYANCER lJ HH BMV SBJS PtaBP WEB (BEBÍ VHM i'lui'!iiii ' ií ,i i. ■;!■ i ' "!"!""': !!1 OÜR ABSTRACT BOOKS! As partiallv Indioated above, ure now posled to dato. They at onoe, in ;i oondensed or posted form, sliow the orisnal chuin and ull new ohaina ül t.itle. Instaix, such iis AUDITOli GENEEAL'S DEEDS, Known as TaX-Tltles, which ure ycry mimeroua ia this CouTity, Decrees, Contract?, Deeds ! "WILLS, íScC. Aleo, now as well aa all oí' the oíd undischarged Mortgages as fal biick as 18-24 - which are legions. Persons takin títle or mortgages and liens will remember that Tax-Titles and other collateral mattern are not found in the ovaal mode of search by Indexeí at the Regtater's orKoe. The books or lilers in the Register's office have beeomeso numerousand voluminou8 tliat. titui! is neoortnrily rejuired even to make a hast y and unreliable search. With our faeilities we say to the public that we can show them title snd Titlc History. ninke Deeds, Mortgafres, Assignmentë, Diai'hiirjies, A-c, as corredly, qtlicker and in lietter stylo than mij othcv otiioc iii tlieCountv. We have MONEY TO LOAN ! )n Bond and Mortgage c n long time. REAL ESTÁTE 9Lldor exchanged. H0USE8 TO KENT. 88 orep oppoaite the Obyervatory íor sale in lots to suit purobatera ROOT & LEITER, Real Estáte Agents, No. 1. Gregory Block, Tuacy W. Boot, and opposite the Tottoffice. Chahlf.s A. Leitek. UK tí rDERMADOR. Good for Man.- Inflanimation of all kinds, Diphtheria, Wonnds, Braises, Burns, Sprains, Bhen. matism, Sorc Throat, Swelling of the Glands, In. flammation of the Eyes, Broken Breast, Fro8t Bites, Chilblains, Pilca, Bee Stings, and all Sores. Good for Beaat.- Fresh Wounds, Galls, Poll Evil, Sprains, Brutees, Cracked Heels, Ring Bone, Wind Galls, Spavins, Swecney, Founder, Lameness, Sand Cracks, Scratches, or Greaae, Manee, Horsc Distemper. ThU trnly wondorfnl I.lnimcnt was discoverart by HOMER ANDERSON, A.M., late Professor of Chemistry and Mathematica in the Clinton Liberal Institute, of Oneida Connty, N. Y. In ejtperimenting for the purpoae of making Prnssic Acid, by uniting the independent gaseoua bodies of which ït is composed, a residuum was left, which, on being apphed to braises and inflamed parts, by the students of the Institute, was found to possess the remarkable property of cooling down and carrying off the inftammation and soreness at once, and restoring the part to soundness and bealtU in a few tours without pain or irritation. It ts iint a iK-atinsr Iilnlment, but acts by its peculiar specifle or chemical qualities in dissolving and scattering the soreness and inflammation of the injured part. By a f ree application, the red eurface soon becomes cool, moist and natural, and is restored to natural hcaltb. without eappuratioii or destruction. As a Iilntment for Hone Fleh, for the cnreof all the ailments named above,we challenge the world to flnd its equal. Prlce 25 &, 50 cents per bottle. i D. BAITS01Í, SON & 00., Propr's, BUFFALO, N. Y. See notlce In local column. W W ■ THE GREAT ALTERATIVE A.N'D hp& liLOOD PUilll ILii. Y "B ït isnotaquack nostrum. The I SÉ I ingredieots are published ( a ecli I 4 bottle o f medicino. Itisusedand B recomm ended by Physicians H whereverit hm been iutroduced. I 1 It will positively eme HSCROFULA W manil kindred dUeates, RITEU.WAY mmSM, WHITE ü WEL LINO, LGOUT, GOITRE, BRONCHImÊTIS, NBRVO US }EB1L1T1 ■ A MlA'CIPIEAT CONSUMI'TION ■ and all discases arising frora an B W B impuro condition of the Blood, ■■il Send for our Rosadalis Almanac, Hin-which you will find certificates 1 A H frora reliablo and truat-worthy V Hphysiciana, Ministers of the G03Ipel, and others. HH I l)r. 11. Wllson Carr, of BaltiK flj ■more, says be has u sed it in cases of HScrofulaand other diseases with much H satis faction. JW " I)r. T. C. Pngl, of Baltimore, reBcommends it to all persons sufiering HéMHH with diseased Blood, saying it is supeK H tior to any preparation he has ever used I ■ I llcv. abixy llnll, of the Balti■ H more M. E. Conference South, says I m he has been so much benefitted by ■ itsnse, that he cheerfully recommends ■fl H itto allhis friends and acquaintances. rTZ I Oraren Si Co., Druggists, at GorI B ■ aonsville, Va.,say it never has failed B to give 8atisfaction. 1 Snm'l O. flltFadiIen, Murfrees■ Ê boro'(Tenne3see, says iteured him of ■H Rheumatism whcnallelsefailcd. THEE03ADALIS IN CONNECTION WITH OUR will cureChills and Fever, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, etc. Weguarantee Rosadai.13 superior to all other Blood Purifiera. Sena for Descriptive Circular or Almanac. ( Addres, CLEMENTS & CO., 2 S. Commerce St., Baltimore, lid, Bemember toask yourDruggist for Rosa dalis. T. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressing - not a dye m nor a retoratire, but a dressing, elegant -n and ecouomical. r"l STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is cooling to the scalp, imparta a delightful sense oí vitality iJL and softness tol-the hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, sweetly perfumed anrl limpid, renders the hair suppleand - droBBea it in any - desired fonn. ■■ STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevents that dryness of Bcalp which f causea dandruif _- to accumuíate. ■"■■ r"H t STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains in one large bottle more oil and more perfume mm ■ktnftn any other t i hair dressing mmm in marliet, and besideB Ís Bold twenty-üve per cent. less tuan most others. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brijrhtens blonde hair, darkensaub urn hair, renders lustrouB brown and black mmt bair, leeBt' us the harshness of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE FREDERIOK STEAKNS, - OHEMIST, f DETROIT, Míen. f Sold everywhere. Be eure and get the titiinr Coco-Oleinc. Let no one palm off on you a bottle of some cheap and worthless imitation of Coeo Olelne. There are more than twenty counterfeitft of i t now sold, put up a near like the g enuine as th maken dare and evado the law. r IVE ÖJ5ESE PEATHjíRS " PIBST QXTALITT , ;oDit 1 on band and forsaieby BACHfr ABEL. i ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS More Merchante ad Busiuess men, who knowing their own interests will advertiré in the Auous. GET YOÜK BILL-HEAD8, CIRCULARS, LÉTTËR-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At tlic Argus Office. QET YOUE BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VI8ITINO CARD8, WEDDIKO CABDS, At the Agrns Office. GET YODK LAW BLAHK8, LAW BBIEFS, LAW BECOBD8, PBOOBAMME8, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, (Jood Work nu n. AND REASONABLE PRICES ! 3T A WOED TO THE WI8E. Mortgage Sale. IAEFAit.t having been. made in the oondltion of M certain niortniigo made and exiKiitrd by Klijah W. Morgan and Lucjr W.8., ln rife, of Ann Arbor Uity, Michigan, Ui l'crsls I.. Tnttle, of Genera New Vork, oo the lenth ilny oï Decembtr m the yenr of our I.ord one tlutunaud eighi hu.ndred and sixty-aine, and recovded in ttif RcgiKler's offieu, Wasbtenuw t'onnt)-, Micliigan, os the tuotb ilnj oí Dtocmbar, A D. lSWjft 3 o'olock P. M. ot naid ay. íd líber 11 ol mortgiiges, on }$ s and thai the is uw claimed CO lx? due upun lid morlRKge and tb bond aceorapüuying tlie sme the i-um of sevenleen hnndred asd ■evsnty dollars and thirty-fonr cents; alo n reasonable nolioitor'xoi attoiney'a fce slioulcl nyproceedinB be taken to forechwe said mortgope; aud du procecdinfrH in luw or in r(Miiy hav nK lieen had lo reeOTer mid huih of monpy or any jiait théroof: Now, therefore, potice is liereby (fiven thal ly vii-tuc of a power of mte in saiil raitrtmgv lontained, 1 sliall ell at public iiiicl ion io (In; hiühiwt bidder, on the Hfteenth day of N'ovciiiIht next. at 2 o'clock I. M. of naid dny, t the front door of thcCi.iut Houpo, n the city of Ann Arbor, onuuty aforeaidd ['hat beingtha place of holding the Circuit Coiirts foi aid countyi all.thone pnroöta of hind km.wii and described ai lot No. iix, sev, eiuht, iiirn;, ten asd Bieren, and lot No. nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, Iwenty-two, twenty-three and twenty-ionr in 'block nv noiith in ranfK four eait, and lots No. ix, seven, eiffht, fourteen, tifteen, sixtecn, eventeen, eifihteen and nineteen in block Hve outh in ranue live east in the city ot Anu Arlnjr, m Üih Stale ot Michitran. Auguatlóth, 1K7M PKRSIS L.TUTT1.E, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, Attorney for Morttrauee. 1439 Chancery Order. .tTATE OF MICHLOAN', Fourth Judicial Circuit ■ In Chancery Suit pending in the Circuit Couit for the Oounty of Washlenaw, in Chancery, at Ann Arboron the xixth day of .September, a. d. 1873. Louis Dillon cumplaiuimt, ts. Heury mllon defendnt, Divorce. It appearing by affldavit on file in said cause that the said defendant, Henry Uillon. i ■ resident of thi8 State ; that process for Dia appearance hu been duly issued and that the sume could not be arred by reason of his contvnued absence from his place of resideuce, on motion of O. A. Critchett, olicitor for udd conrp'iarnaat, it ia ordered that aid defendant cnuse hia appearance to be entered in aid caune, within three months from the date of thi order; and in default thereof that the bill of complaint üled therein be taken aa confeaned avainm him. And it i further ordered that in cane of said defendant'a nppearance. he cause hi answer to the complainant's bill of oomplaint to De flled and a copy thereof to bo served on the complainant's aolicitor within twenty days after service upon him of copy of the said bill and u noticeof this order, and in default thereof that said bill be taken as confeased bj hirn, the said defendant. And it is further ordered that within twenty days from thiB date, the complainant cause this order to be publinhed in the Michigan Argm, a newspaperpublislied in said county nd that the publicntion thereof be continued once in each week for ix succesnive weeks thereafter; or that he cause a oopy theof to be personally served on naid defendant, at least twenty days tóore the time above prescribed for his appearuncê. September 6, 1873. J. F. I.AWRENCE. Circuit Court Commissioner, Wahtenaw County Michigan. O. A. Ckitchett, Solicitor for Complainant. 144,'iwO In Chancery. tíT ATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, O Iu Cfcancery. 8uit in the Circuit Court for the county of Washteimw, in Chancery, at Ann Arbor, this twenty-sixth day of August, a. d. 1H73, wherein .Sarah Jane Miles ii complainant. and George Hiles ia defendant. It satisfttctorïly ñppeaxing by attidavit that the said defendant, Georjre Miles, ia a resident of thie State ; that process tor hia appeiirance haa been duly issued, and that the same could not b served by renson of his absence trom, or concealinent withiu, the State : On motionof Cramer & Grilliger, Sollcitor for complainant, it i.s ordered that the saiddefendaut,.ieorg Miles, appear and answer the bill of complaiut filed in said cause, within three months from the d:ite of this order; and in dcfault thereof that the 8aid btll bc taken aa confesst-.l by the said defendant. And it is further ordered that this order be published within twenty d;iys aftér rtate in the Michigan Jj-gm, a newhpap.-r pimted in said oounty, i.nd that said publica tion be co'itinued in said pitpr once in each week for six weeks in Buocensiott ; ot thitt the said complitina t cause a copy ot' this order to be personully sjerved on the saiu detendant, Gearfe Miles, nt least twenty öuys betere tlift time above prcwribeil tor )iin api)t:aiainie. Ann Arto, Atifruat 26, 1878. J. F. LAWRKNCE, One of the Circuit Court Commissioners WashtetiHw (.'ounty, Michigan. i.'RMÊu &Ghvni;er. Solicitóla for Comiilainttiit. U42wG Estáte of John Millson. C'-TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of At a bohAob ut the Probate Court tor the Cotmty of Wiwhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on KrMay, tnè twenty-sixth ilay ui September, in the ye;ir one thousand "eight hundred mift scveiity-tluce. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the nutter ot the estáte o! John Millson,decpned. JuniuH SJioit, udministratot of said e tate, comes into coitrt and répreMOta thttt he is now prepared to render hiê iinal account as aufih Adiaj nifltrit tor. Thereupon it is ordered. tiiat Tiiesdny, the twentyeightii day oí' Ootober next, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, be isMifrned for examinfog and allowinfj suofa ncoount, and tlmt the hers at law of said deeettsed, and nll other persons interested in said estnte, are required to appear at a session ol B)id Court, then to be liolden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said i-ounty, and show (ïjiuse, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is tnrthcr ordered, tiiat said admiiiistratorivenoticetotheijerHons interested in said fötate, of the pendency of said account, and the hearinfz thereof, )■ causinir a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argns. a newspaper printed and circuUtini_'in said ('ouniy. three sucoessive weeks previous t naid day of hearing. (AtriKfoopy.) NOAH W. CHEEYEH, !■■( Judge of Probate. Estáte of Mary Carpenter. OTATE Of MICHIGAN, Couuty of Wnshtenaw, as. O Atasessiouot the Probate Court for the Counly of Washtenaw, holde at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-sixth day of September, in the year one thousand eight huudred and aeventy-three. Present, Xoah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí Mary Carpenter, deceased. Ou readinf? and füiiig tle netition, duly verified, of Francés M. Carpenter, that a certam instrument now on tile in ÉliL uourt purportiujf to be the luit will and testament of suid deceaaed iaay be udmitteil to probate. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twerrtyseventh day of October next, at ten o'clock in, the forenoon, be aiMined for the hearing of said petition, nd thwt the devisees, legatees, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, n re required to appear at a sesaitm of said Court, tlten to be holden, at the Probate Ofiice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, i f any there be, wby the prayer of the petitioner should not be grunted : And it ia further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of 8aid petition, and the hearing thereot', by causing a eopy of this order to be publishcd in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said County, three aueeesaive weeks previous tosaid day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) XOAU W. CHEEVER, 1446 Judge of Probate. Estáte of "Veit Zeeb. QTATB OF MICHIGAN, county of Wushtenaw, as. ? Ataseaeionof the Probate Court for the county of Wsshtënaw, holden at the Probate' Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-ointh day of September, in the year one thousand eight Jiundred and seventy thive. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Veit Zeeb, deetuvl; On reading and flling the petition, duly verified, of William April, Adminislrator, praying that he may be lieensed to Bell the real estáte whereof aaid deceased died seized. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Tuesday, the fonrth day oí November next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, beassigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persone intereatc-d in aaid eatate, are required to appear at h sesaion of Baid court, then to ba holden, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordei-ed that said petitioner give notice to tïie persona interested in said estáte, of the pendency of Huid petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauBÍug a copy of thie order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newapuper printed and circulatinp in said oounty, four siicnessivw weeks previous to eaid day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEH. 1446 Judge of Probate. éstate 01 Uotttrey Miller. QTATE O F MICHIGAN, Cuunty of Washtenaw, ae. O At a session oí' the Probate Oourt toi the County of Waahtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office, in the Cfty oí Ann Arbor, ,on Wednesday, the íourteenth day of Muy, in the year one thousand eight huodred and seventy-three. Proaeut, Noah W Cheever, Judge of Probate. Iñ the matter of the estáte of Gottfrey Miller, deeeatted. .u UMidinK itnd filing the petition, duly verified, oí John O. Milier, prayinp that an Hclmimstrutor ma y be Appointed on the estute of suid deeeased. Thereuponit is ordered, that Mnuday, thethirteenth day of Uctober next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon be tuwiKiied for tlie heuriK of nad petition, and thatthe heirti at luw of said deceased,nna allother personsinterested in said estáte, are required to uppear at a session of said Court, then t be holden at the Probatt Otñce, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ií ny tbere be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be ffranted : And it ia further ordered, that aaid petitioner frive notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of tnependeney of said petition, and the hear ing thereof, by catuing a copy of this order to be publiithed in the Michigan Argtts, a newspaper.printed and circulating in taid county, three Huccehsive weeks previous to sniddny of hennnp. (A truecopy.) NüAH W. CHEEVER, 1443 JndKe of Probate. BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Blook, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. Studente can enter any timeafter Aug. 31st. Cali and examine facilities tor study at our very pleasant and newly furnished rooms. H41tf T?OR SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! Ann Arbor City Lots, with good title, ond well loeated for retidences or business. Alio lereral Mortjfuge tor ale. Ijiquir of E. W. MORGAN. Uttal Mortgage Sale WHEREA8JameK.Selfe and liza A„„ o of the township ol Manohea .1.-.) .01 i„ly. ,„,!,.. ,,, ,„„,„. ,.,',;.;, '! 'ut!. ïghl and eventy, executed 1 Cfiarle. J. Bowell, of tlfe citj o V,. . principal and ntere.l money ,!,„,.,„ , ' '. wlnch mortHge was reeorded m the ofttce . f Í !'" " feteroi Deed hmaid ranty, „„",1, , ' , ■' August, A. 1). 1870, at l o'd,k P.M of .aif of nUber48o mortgagu, on page 801; „ml ',, y' aaultha.beenmaJeformoWthan tl, ,iv , tliepaymentoi an lnstaUmen t of aid inte„ , '" "'■ frijich beoame clue on the Bftwnth dar ot j,,u K"le5' 1S7-2 by reason whcreof and pnnuant to t J'Ail)pi aaid morf Knge said mortsagee hercby elec!,i tnuoh of aid principa] at remana ,1 „ , l,"Uo áRuuwnof lntetettheran,hiül l-con,,'!, "U haiable immediatcly ; nml wbenM h,r,. ,.", [pbedaeandunpaidoneaidmortoageaf tl '""ll11 thinotico,theMm of two tholS im: hn und fortyight dolían tor principal ÏÏ ï al an . attorney'. fee of fort y doUan Bhod MooeídingB be taken toforeclofw said , feoBultorproceedlngshaying been institi inlawor equity to recover ihe same or „'''" thereof: NoUce to therefore herebj ivVn fí ";l11 the flftcenth day of November next, at 2 „■ i„, 1' arternoon, ut the front door oí the ( louw Ho u the city of Ann Arbor, county afores aid (il tnebufldtonnhich the Cirmit 1 ty is held), and by virtue of the powei , tamedin sud mortgage, I Bhall 11 „1 public „?" to the highest bidder tl.n premises describea ' mortgage to satisfy the amouolof ptineiTiil . terestaboveclaimedasdue, wit), the el and attorney' fee of forty dnllara : All. weee or purcels of and ituated 111 the t, kar,ches,ter, county of Waehtenaw, a„d SLg% Michigan knowu, bonnded and d. to wit : Being the northeast quartei of the sonthp. quarter of section number tour f4j. alu west quarter of the southeast quinter o! number tour fexcept the ifehta and privile, , - ', ' ,; ;'' edtothe MichigMn Southern and Northen Railroad Company;, also the aonthenst quarK 1 f" r" northeast quurter of said wction nnmbei t alsothe following desorfbed land to-wit: bi easterly ten chaina aud fourtpcn fn weet corner of the eat huif of the nortl paW northwest quarter of section number northerly twenty-flve ohain, thence eaaterh t , chaina, thence sontherly hrenty-flve thenoe westerly four chaina and fotir tiliks to tï place of beginning, the last demiption contn ten acres, the whole of the above describeci 1 1 amounting to one hundred and rlfty altntïï ■outheaat ter of the qnartn of ma section number four f4), except fcurtosr cret ],,l tofore deeded to Luinan Stevens, all 11, bnrihrBnn south of range number three, in saiil coi Wnshtenaw. ' ' Dated, August 15. 1873. CHARLES J. HOWEIX, Morti John N. Oott, Atty for the Mo Mortgage Sale. WHEItEAS Jolin Clair and Kliza Ciato of th. city of Ann Arbor, County of Wanhtenim u State of Michigan, on the ttnth duy (,l Juiy in tl year of our Lord one thousimd tijjlu buni seventy-one, executed h mortelde to ( ba. Howell, of the city of New York, to secure n inent of certain principal and interest monej iu mentioned, which mortgage ni recordedin ti.I ofHce of the Register of Deeds in said Countröf Washtenaw, on the tirenty-nventh day ot .Inh A 1). 1871, ut 5:21 o'clock in the afternoon of said j, in Uteer 44 of raortgaaea on page J4Í; and, heren! del'ault has been made tor more tlmn tiin: the payment of an installment of said intei -est uiimci whiuh btcamedue on the ñrst day ni January A n' 1873; by reason whereof and pnrsuaul bo tl of said mortgage, said mortgagee lien t.y ek-ete thsta much of saiil principal iis renmins unpmd with all li rearages of interest tlierton, slmll beeome dm au piiyable immediately ; and, whenas, tlitn il to be due and ODpaid on &aid mortguge at llie datetí this notice two thousand two hundred and I three dollars and thirty tour eents, tor principal and interest muuey, also an attorney s fee oi Sft] should any proneeding be taken to forecl mortgage, and no snit tr pxooeedinga having stituted eltherin law; or equity ti recover (he any part thereof; Notice is therefoie htreb) that on the üfteeiith tny of Novembei o'clock in the afleinoon oí tluit da), at the tloi of tlieCourt House, in thecity of Ann Arlji.i ii county, (that benig the buildin); in which thi t'ourt for xaid Coimty ot ashti -ii.iv. by virtue ot the power of sale oíntained in ui ñioitg:ige I phnll sellat public iinctin totln big] tlei , the premfsea descríbed in -.tvl mortj ly the amount of principal and interest alioTi asdue, with the cliurgt's ot such umi ai ney'sfeeof Hfty dolíais : All those certuir .. pareéis of limd sitnatr and beiogin the Col] Washtenaw and State of Mlchignn, kbci descii followsto wit: beüig a part of lol Dnmber two in bloek number two (2 north of Hurou ï number foui f4j east, in the city i f Al State aforesaid, dfseribed is toJlows to wr meni'ini! es the south ïiue ot said lot thirtyo and seven inches ejist of the BOUth-west ei said lot, running theiice Past on the sonth line n said lot twelve feet and flve inches, then parallel with the eust line of s:tnl lo thence west parallel with the sonth line oí twelve feet and rive inches, thenee runninf; outb terallel with the west line of said lot aevew the place of beííinning; Alsj luis No. one (. tm f2), three (:ij, tour (4j and tive iu bloek ' ('." (uu,.. by and l'agtt's addition to the city of An . eordiiifj to the recorded platthereof. August lst, 1873. CHARLES J.HOWEI.L, Mor i John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagi e Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS Wiight K Mills and Clftrida E, Milis, of the township ui' Manchen ter, wmntj of WaslHenaw, and State of Michigan rn teenth dny of December, A. 1). Itttl, morlguge to Charles J. Howell, ui the city ut Kew York, to secure the payment ol eeitn 11 principal and interest mouey theiein mentioned, wbich moi wasieeorded in the office o1 Registe! the county of Waahtenuw and Btate oi Mi I on the eighth dn? ot Januui y, A. 1, 18 i F. Eiber48, page 1 2: And wbereas, d has been rnade for morethantwenly days in tiu piiyinent of au iDstalment. of said interest money wbich beoame due on the ftzst day oí Januaiy. A. i . by reason whereof and parsuant to the mortgage, saidmortyajae plecrfi (Luí bí qaui h ■ principal as lemains uupaid with all arreiu interest thereonshali become dm, and j diately: And whereas there is olaimi d tobt di unpaid at the date of this notice the 91 thoustind 8ix hundred and dol! niuety-two centa for principal and interest, al dollars aa a reasonable solieitor oratlorney lee ílLi'for in addition to all other leij 1 cuata, as ol any proceedings ia taken to foreclose said moi either by virtue ol the above puwer of sale in cery or in any other monner piovided by iaw, and no suit or proeeedings having bees in Bt i tuit d in luw or equity to recover the saine or anj pi r thereof; Notice thereiore is bereby given, Üiat on öaturdy, the sixth day of Deoezuber next, i o'clock 111 the alteinui n of tuda day o) tïu door of the Court House in the city or Aan fthat being the in whicli the Circuit toert tor the couuty oi' Washtenaw, and Btate aloresnid n held,) and by virtue oí' the power ot sale ooatainedin said mortgage, I sliall seïl at public nuction to the highest bidder the premieee describid iu í-híiI morígage, to fatisfy the amouot of principal claimedto be due, with theattorneyV fee oí iii lars and charges of sale to-wit: All those certain pieces o r parcela of land situated in the township of Manchester, county of Washtentw, and State of Michigan afoiesaid, known, bounded and di as follows, to wit : Being tht; eust lialt ofthenortkeast quarter, and the northeast quarter uf smitlieaetquarter, of aectiun number ne (exoepting one and a half aciesof the above describí1' pieee of land,1; also the northent quarttr of the aouthwest quarter of section number thirty-t vo, the ensthalfof the outheaet quarter of section numbei thirty, (30) (excepiing nixty acres trom thenoith eüd of the last above describcd piepe of land); ftlaoail that part of the west half of the northweat quartEl of aection number thirty-two which lies southof the center of the bighway above mentioned, and also fiom the westside of the northeast qnarter of the sou thwrst quarter ofsaid section, the two last putcels of land on section thirty-two oontaining lorty six and a half acres of land, and being ths same land deeded by Oliver Nickols and hiswife to Geurge (. Matthews in the spring of ISfii), ai] in Lownship number four south of range number three enst, and oontaining in all two hundred and twenty-five acres of land. September lOth, 1873. John N. Gott, THAIïLES J. HOWFI I. Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortagee. Mortgage Sale. i PVEFAULT liaving been made in the eonditioneol ï U a certain mortgage exeeuted on the seeond d..y oí f November, A. 1)., 1869, by Elijuh W. Morgan :"nii 1 Lucy W. S. Morgan, lús wife, ot' Aun Arboi, Miehi1 gan, to KdwardL. Boyden, as adniinistrator ir Nm1l nianC. (joodale. late of Washtenawcounty, de f and John Henley, of said county, and reeoi. same day in the office of the llegister of Det the cuunty Of Washtenaw, Michigan, in Libel 41 oí mortgages, oa page 378, and the undividcd half üf said mortgage was duly assigned by said Bdwartl ï Boydeii, admiaistrator of the estáte oí' Noiman C tioodale, deceased, to Amanda M. F. Goodale, wliii'li ; said assignment bearsdate the flfth (iti ot' November, 1870, and is reeorded in said Ëefiïster'B oltice, in Liber 1 nuniber vwo of Assignments of Mort.-ti, vu pagi 646 ; upon which iaortgage there is chiimed to be dac at the date of this uotice, two thousand fcwo hundred and sixty-four dollars and seventy cents, for pri and interest, and also h reasonable attornprovided in said raortgnge should proceedij taken to foreclose the sanie, and Doprocedinga b been taken at law or in etiuity to reoovei The amoosl due or miy part thereof ; Thereiore notiee i here] J given that by virtue of the powez of stvli said mortgage. and pursuant to the sfealute Én tmch case made and provided, on Saturday the dayof November, A. I., 1873, at ten o'clocfe ir. tl forenoon of that day, at the south, or front dooi ui the Court House, in tne city of Ann Arbor, tbatbeing the place where the ircuit Court for tlie comity of Washtenaw is held, therfi will besuld tothehighest bidder the premises described in snid mortgagi muoh hh mny be necessary to satisfy the ami due as aforesaid, and interest and coat and expense allowed by law, for the advertí se ment and Bale of ssiö premises, excepting the sonth halt of lt mini in bloek number three south In range tbree e;ist,iu the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, wlnch h:is been released from said mortgage by a releise exeiuíed iy John Henley and Amanda 31. F Goodale to J W. Morgan and Sáted the Hth day of Auguat, 1"';That part of thepremises described in aaid mo which will be sold at the time and placo aforesaia art deHcribed as follows, to wit : Ah those parcel land known and dehcribed aa lots namber om two, and the south nine feet in width of lot numbei three in blook number two north, in rang numbwt three east, and also Iota nnmber four and the nrtn half of lot ntimber flve, in block number three south, in range three east, in the city of Ann Arbor, Micbi gan. Dated August 20, 1S7:I. JOHN" HENLEY, Mortg AMANDA M. F. GOODALE, Assigneeof nn undivided half ot snid Blortg M. E. Frazkr, Att'y for Mortgagee and Absj U40td. TAMKS McMAHON, I Justice of the Peace, Office in new blook, North of Court House Money collected and promplly ptiid over. INSUKANCE AGENT. Triumph, assets, ÍT2T 908.11 North Missouri, " ''"-"'„i Hibcruia, " 3.-.ti,0(H.0(i BEAL ESTATK. I have 80 acre "f land ' of a müe trom the city mite, flnely located for fruit or garden purpoie. AIbo 40 acres. Al8O 10 acres, wlth h"uae and bnrn.and n ilvol tream of water running throngh the barn yard 60 aeree, a mileout 1 wlll sell any or al! the above cheap. nr exchnrïo ordtyproperty. JAMES McMAH0N.
Old News
Michigan Argus