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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. nRAIIKK & RANKER, Atton.iys at Vy Law, Ann Arbor, Mieh. FBAZI It, HAItHIITIAN & IIArriII.TOlV Attorneys Ht ( ffi' Nos. 7 imd 9 .South Main Street, Ann Arbor. Mioh. Nlt. COIE. Dealer in Coal. OfBce wt)iFKl.rn . & Qbant, over -laws n & ons' Store, Or , Fourth and Huron St. IKASTUS TIIATCH13K, Attorney and XLl Counselor ftt Ijïiw, Nu. 5 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mioh. 13SC i ' ARBIIR MKVF.RAL. Sl'ltlXiS, A.' Morris Unie M D.. Suparlntondent. Office in bolldtnï, corner Mam) and ft'estHorou Streeis. WIXES 4; WOiiDE!V, 20 outh vlain strest, Ann Ar or, Mich , anil reMll dealers in Dry Goods. O&rpeta and Grocerii'P. 13ñltl' il CK SCrsfifSO, DeaU-fs ui Drv ooils. VI Grocark-s, Ofockcry c. Xo. 54 fonth Main atraet. l JI. JACKSOX, DoiHlst wccesortoC li. V Porter. Office corner Main aod HnronatreeU', ov,t the store of R. VV. Kllis & Co, Ann vrhor, Micli. nesthetlcs aihnlntstercd if reqalrcd. Fi .T. JOHHSOIV, Daaler in Hata an.l ups, ! Pora. Straw Ooods. Gents1 Pnrnleblng Ooods. ,v. No I South Main -treet. ánn Arbor Mich. ITIIHilI-AX A WIirciM, Llfc and Fir Insnramv "ind dealere iii Keal Katate. OuceoS Huron Streel BACJI A A5IJ51, Dealers in ry Oooda Groceries, c &c..No 16 South Main Street. Ann Vrbor. cjLAWSON !k SO!V, Grocerfl, Provisión and Comiaiasioi] Mercliants. anri dealers in Water LiTieLaiul Planter, nnd Piasler Paris. No. 18 Eaet Huriir. Street W.W,1VAi'r:K, n-.-iler in K-ady Mi)e''lothing, 'lotbs Ciisainicrc Vésifces. H.-its, O.aps. Trunks, Carpet Hags. &c 21 -outh Main street. VTÖAH W. CHEEVEK, 'attobnet at law ! Ottoe with E. W. Morgan , Kast side of Conrt House Square. 1SS1 iv c. nut. ututist, . SUÜOPMOI to C. C r.Jeiikins. ? sfém W, Nitro nü Oxic L" _ x lías adimnislerei L$LÈl$% " ■■ '-- -i_ wlion ni'fcssary. jfi - = - ''"" o tü e e o v e i W'p A' -;- ". ïïhoIi & A tel' KBS. II. J.liTLTON, M. D., PKYSÍGÍAN AND SÜSGEON, Offia and Residence No. ftS Ann Street, corner af Ingallg, Ann Arlor, Mich. Kf Office hoin-s-8 to 10 a t., sna 2 lo 4 p. w.'Wi üefercnces- Prof. Sagsb, Fbof. Pai-meü. 14,1 ijl CHARLEN M. VV(K)I)KUFF, Attorney at Law and SOLICITO?. IN CHAKCERY. Office, Arcade Bhek, Tpsilantí, Mich. Collfcctions mule and promptly remitted. All legal business faithíully uttended lo. 1426 OEOCKEKY GLASSWARE & GROCEBIES, J. & JP IDonnellyHavein store alargeBtock "f Orockerj, Glússware, Plated Ware.Cutlory tírocenei. &c, c. all tobe ioldat unusually low prices Ko. 12 East Hurón Street, Anu Arbur. U28tf J. Jk P. UONNKI.I.Y. [OHN G. GALL, DEALBB INT FRE3H AND SALT MEATS, LAR, I1DIAON, Ktr., Uriioresolicited and promptly illed with thebest meate in the market. 31 East Washington street Aim Arbor, Sept. lth, 1869. ISMtf [JRrcTATrEITlÏK" CONTINÜES TO PÜT UP AND FILL Phjsicians Presoriptions, At all houra, at No. 1 Uregory Block. CA. LEITEIt & CO Aun Arbor, Den. 22d 871. 1354 Jyf aiíkskv, eJHg-Mr MiinufacturiT of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLKIGHS, of nvory stylo, mado of the best mtenul, and warranted. iïepairiug done promptII f pnces 'sonable. Detroit Street, ne} B. "Depot, Aim Arbor, Mith. 1146yi JOHN FEED. BROSS, MANDFACTÜEEE OF URKlAtES, BKU.IF.S, I.l 1IÜKÜ tt.UilHS, SPRIÏC WUiOVS CITTERS, SLEIfllIS, &c. AiUork warranted of the best material. Repairttlone promptly and reaaonably All work waiow'(. to gire perfect aatiafaction. 68 South Muin tra't, 1422 pLOUR AND FEED STO1ÏE. HEKBY WASCH, (Suceessortolieo. Laubengayer,) hl, West I'H"rty Street, will keepconstan 3inUii "nd " tuU 8tock Í 'lour, Meal, O;its, C'orn,:. 'U iel , (te. A II orders promptly fl]ld ut the lowcasli pnoes. Cash pid Coru aud Ots. i5yl [)R!ü. B. POBTBRt DElsTTIST. Oificc in the Siivtag B.iuk Bloek, Ann Arbor. W Operations on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. ÜN3ÜRPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE n artíícíal teeth, TO ([VB EAOH INDIVIDUAL. ""ttojtkc proper êixe, shape.nclor.JirmrUBiHina t nalnral r.xpretsio 1244 HURRY UP ! LA„I1.'PH-:S wishing Wall Paper, Shadel Tn. l. tUdBl Wiudow Pixtuies, Co-d, BonTfbj Webster Sc Co., ook Store, near the Espíese Office X


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