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EJV!H;U MORGAN' SO.8' S P O L I O Is a substilnW' fur Soap ftr :)11 Efousehold purpnscs, except washing clotbes. S AP OLIO fnr olemiine yonr Soase vi 11 ie the laboi' of one cl t; uier. (Hre it a ti ia!. S APO L I O for U [ndow is hetter khan "Wlníiny or Vter. No removiiiLT en nu nis and carpeta. S POL I O clemis I'üint and "Wood, in f;tct the entire house, better tliiin Sonp. Xo slo])pinfi-. .'-'aves labor. Yon can't aüord to be without it. S APOLIO tor ScouriTifT Kuivo? is botter and cleaner th;iu lïiith Brick, Will not síüíitch. SAPÍ7ÍO is better tluin So;ip and Snd for polisïiing Tiuwure. Brigliteiirt without f-crntehiuf. XFoTTTo" Pulishes Rrass and Topper atenidls better tluui Acid or Oil and Kutten Stone. sXpXTö for Wiwhinft nislies nnd Glaisware is in. vftluable. i beapei thun Soap. S APOLIO removes Stnins f ron Marble Mantels, Tables and gtatuury, trom Haid-ilniBhed Wallë, and íVotii China and Torcelain SAPÖLIÖ removes Status and (Jrensc from f.'arpets and other woven i'abrics. There is no onc article knowu tbal will do o uiiuiy kiiiils of worlc and do it as well nu Kapolio. 'I'ry it. HAND S . F O I-, I CD a new and wondert' ully eifeetive Toilet Soap, having no equ:ü in tbia country or abroad. II ANO S APOLIO tis ah article for the Bath, "rencties the foundation " of UI dirt, opens the pores ancLgives n healtliy aotion and brilliont tint to the skjn. HAND S ft. I9 O Xi I O ClMQsee and Beautifiea tlio Skin, instantly TfltnoTing anyitainoi blemish from bota handa and face. HAND S .A. JP O IL. I O is without a rival in the world tur curing or preveiitinir roughneM and rliupjjiug of i'ilher hands or face. HAND S .A. D? O Xj ÍO removes T:ir, Piteh. Iron or Ink Stains and Grease ; for workcrs in Machine Shops, Mines, &c, ia invaluable. For the Skin White and Boft, and giving tu it a " bloom of beauty," it ia onsurpassed by any Cpsraetic known. HAil) S J 3P dLf"Ö costs fioni 10 to IS oenta per cake, ;unl every body Bhould haveit. You ül DUNT FAIL TO TRY TBE8B GOUDS Buy it of your ïiht!i:iiii it lic luis it or ill pMicilrr it tor J Ml. It' nul. Uien unie (or lir 1'ainpltlct, "All ubout M polio,"' l it ivill bc muilcd KKOCH 1Í!UAN'S 8OJNS, 28 Park Tlaoe, N". Y, Or 10.3 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio. A3UPPLTING A WANT LONG NEEDED BY BANKhKS, - I,AVYIiKS, pjarsiciAivs, y C Vl (i.i:i!(.ïtii:, IV L VW OORRESPOND'TS, ____ iKoKKi:!;'i:!t.. HEUCHAKTS, NniiEri iKoFErw IJ B S iBCSINESSME, - ■ One of the most practical, : uweful, und valuable iujVTSiT) ventionH of the age. Putentod December, 1S72 Over 5,000 now in daily I il f" ff" f ; us!, ifiviiig uiicjualifled I fc m b satisfootiou. RoDnalnera U V k I v k offloe ia oomplete without I NV E N iT LQJNK Send for Price Liat and lllustrated Circular. AGENTS WANTED feflaS?i Also, County Hight for Sale. Addreis C. A. COOK. CHICAGO, ILL. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAI). SUMltEK 'TIME TAüI.b. p tsceiigi'i train!1 now Ibatg the Bevertl Btiitionp,iiii f -i . : Á TATlOJCh. _ M ' ; B -f; c ■- , -- X 'v % CS " QJ 'J 'r - S : a w c -i, w (5 A. M. A. M. 1'. !r. V. H. I', bf. P. M Detroit, louvc, 7 00 9 -10 1 4J 4 05 6 10 1 11 Ypsilnnii. 8 3fl I I;. 2 .,;, ., Mi ; 10 11 JL AnnArlmv, 8 .12 11 00 S 16 5 5S 7 lá lí 4: Dexter, 9 20 - - ;;-i(i 8 25 s In Chelseu, (o 4 110 s SO Ornes Lnke, to 07 I SS I) 00 a. li, Jaekson, 1 1 . 40 la K : M :i 88 1 m 1'. M. I'. UT. . U. fCnlaraaroo, 3 ":i 2 f;i 8 Í0 [12 2.í "h'c;'iio arrive, 8 15 8 (K) (i SO s (m OOING KAST. Ó. ■ ., ■ ' X' ' ,.S j: sfc. A. M. A. M. H. M. P. M. Chicago, lenve, r 00 00 .' 13 íi 00 P. M. A. M. A. M. KillllIItMon. 11 15 2 03 .r 1)0 -2 1") P. M; A. f. Jacks 1 80 4 10 s 00 i so 4 -;:, Ornas Lak, I n 32 Chülaoa, S 24 8 .''S a. m. Dexter. 3 1(1 !l 20 B l!l Ann Arhor, 4 M S lii í) 60 1 SS 1; 00 i Sí ïpsilantt, I 2S .'1 8(1 10 M 2 17 0 JO 7 20 Detroit, urnve, 9 80 8 40 11 20 :; 80 7 2." s 4S The Atlantic and Pjtcjflc Exprefts rnn . belweeo Jafikson nuil N'ilcson theAírLlne. Ditted, May 26, 1878 DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INI)fANA RAIIROAD (OINí: WEST. - 1873- nOIKG F ST. stations. Mixed.MaiI. statioxr. Mnil. Mix. Detroit, dep... A' "" 4:0' 5I MVpsü.uiti 7:23 6:40 Bunkers. r.;:;0 '2:40 Saline 8:80 6:15 Hülsdüle (.:44 ,S:O.', liridgewftter.. 9:06 6:S8 Manchester ... :4S B:M .Manchester.... 9:8 R:" Bridgewater . . :"p 7:V p. m. Baline í):2r H:lo Ilillsdüle 1:10 8:48 , Ypsilanti.. .. 10:00 9:0í Bnnkers 1:80 9:00 Detroit II::::. Traína run by Chicago t,imc. W. F. PARKER, Bup't, VpBilanti. So Person mi 4nlp tlx'-íp Blltcrs iiccorúíhk to dlrcctious, iiinl rcmaln lunüJMwell, provided their bones are tiot dotroyed hy iiiineral poisi ti or other means. aml vital orguns waated boyoml the polnt of rjepalr. Dyapepsiaor IiKllgeMion, Ileadacüe, Pain In the Shoulders, Conglis, Tlglitnexs or thc Coest, hi.ziness. Sniir Eruciiitions of Un1 stomacli. Bftd Taste ia the Mouth, BíUoub Atlack, PalpItaUoa of I the Heart, [DnaiumatloD of the Lungs. Pain in the ; región of Ihe Kldneys. and 1 Inmrtred othor painful 1 symptonis, are the olï'-sprintrs of Dyspepalfl. One bottlewlll prove a better guarantee of ita meritó Ulan a leriífthy advertiseniem. Por Pemñle ('oiiiplnints, tn yonnfr or oíd, married or single, nt the dawu ol womanhood, or the turn of lile, these Tonia Ulttera rllsplay so decided an Influence ihat improvement is soon perceptible. Por 1 íillnumii. 1 m nlltl Clironic Rhcti matism aüd ííoui. Bilious. Kemlttent and Interrnittent Fevers. Dlseases of the lilood, Liver, Kldneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Sucli Diseasea are canned by Vitiated Blood. Theyiirc afreiille Pin-jE[ati vc ns well as a Tonic, posaessing the merit ot actlnc as a powerful agent in relievinR Congestión or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin Distases, Eniptions, Tetter, SaltRheura, Blotchea, Spots, Pimples, Postules, Boiis, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Ileail, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch. Scarfs, Disrolonitions of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literallv dus up and carried out of the system iii a short time lv the use of these Bitters. Grntefiil Thnnsniiils proclalm Vineoar Bitters the most wouderiul lnvigorant that ever sustained the siukinir svatem. K. H. He DO VA LD & CO. Druggists and (Jen. Ast-.. San Francisco, Cal., 4 cor. of Washington aml Cüarltnn Sts., N.Y. 80LD BV ALL DRUGOIjTS ie DEALERS. L. C. RÏSDON 8ELLS PERRY&C0.1S So. Í) iti luritu COPPER LINED IRON-CLAD RESERVOIR, Fll.l, TRIMMED, FOK, $6O I Otlu'i' stoA os in proportion 31 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANX ARBOR. 144Ctf If yon are Suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Down Constitution, Or require a Remedy to Purify and Enricb the Blood, Yon wlll find Dr.Crook's Componnd Sy rn of l'iikc Boot to posten grrntrr mttrit, cure you more speedily, and tío you more good than any and all otilar remedies combined. Illüt lal-,Y ■!!. S-rkl.T-lookiilKSklii la changnd to ono of fi-psliness And nealth Those Iisonis of the Skin.Pimpies.PiíHtules, Iilofrhovi and Kriiptioiis are removed. Sorofula. SiTiiInl.iii Disonsen oí the Eyes, Wlulo Ww-lliitUs, l'lceri, Oíd torea or any klnd of Humor rapidly dwlndie and disappear uiidr-r its influencé. Wliatlsit? lt is nnture's own reslorerl A soluble oxyd of Iron comblnptl -with tha medicinal piopeities of Poke Koot divested ot all disagreeabTe qualltles. It willcureany liifiease Whoae real or diroot causo is Itixl ISIood. ICheuinaliKin, Iains in l.iinbi or Itoncs, oiiNitiitions broken down by Mercurial oroüier polsons, areall cured by Jt. For Sj philio, or Sy pbilltln taint, there ls nothiuy eciual to ii. A triat will orove it. Sold by -3STN A LECTUEE TO Just publisheil, lo a Bealed Euvclope. Frica 6 ct. A Lectura on tlie IValurc, I 'ruutinenl and Kíidiciil cure of Spermatorrnffia or Seiuiíüil Wenkness, Involuntary Emissious, Etexual DebiAty, aud Impeaiments to Blamage generully ; Nerrousuess, OoummptioD, ]ipilepsy and Fit8} Mental and Pbysicallnoapacity, resultiug (rom Abose, ctr -By BOBEBl' J. OULVEEWELL, M. 1)., Author of the " Orcen Book," &c. The world-rcnown author, ín this admirable T.octure, olearly provea from liis own oxjwiience t)iat the awlul consequeiics of Belf-Abose may be effectually removed without rueiiecine, aud without danerous surgical operations, bougies, instruniunts, rings or eordials. pointinfe' out a mode of cure t once certain and uffccluul by which every suffercr, no mattei what his condition niay be, may cuie hiranelf cheaply, privately and radicftlly. THIS LECTTJRB WILL TROVE A BUO.X To'THOCSANÜB AXD THOUSAFDS. Sent under leal, to any addreps. in a plain sealed envelope, on tlie roeeipt ofsix cents, or lwo postaiíe slump. AlaoDr. Cui.vEnwELL's "Marriage (íuide," price 50 cent 8. Addresa the Publishers, CHAS. J. 0. KLINE & C0.t l 87 Bowery, New York, PostoiHce Box 4 5KH. 143í;yl SEMI-ANNTJAL STATEMENT OF TDK Ifional Lile II í INSURANCE COM'Y OF TUK United Stntos of America. BRANCH OFFICE: PH [LA DELPHI A, PENN., Where the Business of the Company s transaoted. CHAHTERED BI C0NGRE8S. Cash Capital - $1,000.000. JÜLY 1 1878. BECEIPT3 r Wrom Jan. 1 to Jvly 1, 1S7IS. {Sir moitih.) Premiums- including ie ei]ts on reinsured polioiea, - - - $700,12J 47 Interest, ----- 124 (i; 89 Premium ou goli, .... 2,010 -,h Total receipts ior six montba, fftS6,fil1 14 UISBXTRSEMENTS ; Vrom Jim. 1, tn J'il 1, 1870. (Six moittht.) Dp.ilh Claim and AnnniÜ8, - fl2(i,8U." 2G t'iish and tUowanoeB for surrenderod iiolieies, - - - - 7 1,0 '4 66 Premiums on pohoies roinsmvd, - - s,:jn7 24 Oommuted CommifbionRi - - ..121 11 Revenue btumpa and t:ii's, - - s,."i;il 10 Dividend, .... 30,000 0' Aüollicvexpendiniifs, ... 120,78082 - Total difbureemeuls for is ráonth, S75,4S6 16 ASSET3. tiasli ia liank and Trust Companies, $101, S72 C9 United Siates Bonds, irualket valué,) 432,3Í)5 CO State Bonds, (mitrket value,) 39, Ml 00 Loaiis secured by ürst mortgage, 1,278,587 16 Loans on collateraltj, [Obllaterals worth l,600,0(l,J !)7fi,09.') S4 Acorued interest, .0,l'37 00 Loana on policies of the Excelsior Life Insurance Company, whieh were reinsured by the Nalionul !7,87O 78 Deierred eemi-annual and quarterly premiums, on jwlioies in foree, tineluding reinsured policios,) H7,8 G 27 Premiums in oourse of collection, including premiums on reixisured poU oien, and all other aasets, 02,185 17 Total iissets, .luly Ist, 1873, $8,116,375 41 LIABILITIES. Toial prtsent vitlue of all policies in iorce, inclutling all policies reinsuie! - beiiifr the umounl requisite to ïeinsury all outstiindiiig riskt, $l,!)00,C12 00 Deduct present vulue oí' policies rein öured in other solvcnt comptinieH, ?8,0-r-2 00 Net present vulue of all outatanding risks, $l,8()2,56O 00 T.osst-s reported but not due, 07,536 79 Total HiibililieR July UU 187ö, $1,930,096 79 SURPLUS, (being ndlitionul to reinBurnoce iund,) (1,186,173 f'2 Hntio of Assets to Liabilitiee 102 per et. Total A&setB, July lst, 1873, $3,llfi,27f 41 Total Amsets, Jauuarv lt, 18715, 2,5G.'ï,dii c;í Tiuüi'iiso ín Assetw (luring t-ix inonths, f&62,883 7S New Polioies isrnied during tbc _A7. Amount. mx. monihs, $ New Policies. issued from Jan. 6,010,981 lsttoAug. lat, 187Ü, {Beven months), 8078 7,117,107 New Policías íshucíI irom oifjanization, CADfifDBt lt, 1868J ro August Ist, 173, 2S001 50,1)11,670 The National is making excellent procreas Id finan - ci;tl streuítli -in inórense ot ín utw busiues - aiiii in net iiiuoutil at riwk. AU ctninucted with tbe Compauy, polioy-holdera at well hs manngerflj can feel gt-Htiflea ;it its aolid aaccefs. OFMCEBS : E. A. ltOLI.INS, Piesident. H. D COÜKK, (Washington) Vice l'rewdent. JOHN M. BUTLER, Secretar?. JAY COOKE.Clim. Fin. and Ex. Com. EMERSON W. l'EET, (1'hUadelpüia) Vi Tres, and Actuary. I', (r. KM1TH. M. D., Medical Director. WM. E. CHANDLEK, (Washington) Attorncy. Iirector. - E. A. Rollins, Jay Couke, Olareijce H. Clark, Ueorge P. Tyler. W'm. Q. Moorhead, John W. Ellia, Heury D. Cooke, J. Hiuckley Clark, Wm. E Chandler, John 1). Defieea, Edwind DodRe, H. C. Falmestoek. G. VV. SNOVER, Gen. Aí?'t Moffatt Block, Detroit, Mich. W. W. Whedon, Ag't, Ann Arbor. l-HJtf WASHTENAWCOUMTY:j pNOTABpuBLlcl '■-- --i ■ - ,,-í í GENERAL I '■ Jj t_jJ!trriC0NVEYANCER kL3UE3 '& ÍW fr-ilmní"cwiffí-j LJ E sS%r Itflffl BB OUJt ABSTRACT BOOKSJ As partlatly indiosted aboya, are aow pnstod to date. They at onee, in a condenséis or potited form, show thí orlgnal tshaln and ull m-w chains of title. insttince, sucli as AUDITOE GÉNEBAL'S DEEDS, Knmvn aa Tax-Titles, which aro pery numerous in this Gounty, Decrees, Contracis, Deeds ! Alan, now aa wellae all of the oíd aodüobarged MortgagdS af t;ir bock as 1824- whiuh are Lesiona. Persoas taks title ot mortffaffes and liens will remembez Tax-Titles and other eollateral matters aro not fomiïl i the asoal mode of searoh by Indexea at the Beglsterfl ottice. The book or libera in the Reginters oftiec have beootneao aumexouaand volominous that timo is necesaarily required even to rauke a hasiy and unreliabíe sourch. With ourfacilitíea we ay tb the public tliat we c:m hIiow them title añil Titlo History, make Deeds, Mortgaees, Asaipnmfnts. DiBchnTfres, &cM n correotly, qnieker and in better stj lo. than any other office in Tho Coanty, W;e have MONE7 TO LOAN ! Oh líon.l and Mortgagecn long time. REIL, 'ESTÁTE Soldorexchanííol. HOUSKS TO líENT. fW acre? oppoaite the Obgjrvatory for aale in luts tosnit pnreoaaera . ROOT & LEITER, Re il Estáte Apents, No. 1. Greory Blunk , Tbaoi W. Koiit, me! opposte the Pottoffice. (Thablí:s A. 1,k .teí. 1411 tf DK. A. TKASZS Magnetic Ointment FOR THE CUIIE OK INPLAMMATORY DISEASES. Dri Tras le was engaged for twcnty years in course of experimenta upou the medical propertie and power of vegetables, separate and combined. At the age of seventy years he sneceeded iu presenting to the world, as the result of his experimenta, a combination of Vegetable extracts, the power of which in removing diseases is uuequaled m tUe aunaU of Medicine. His disco vcry conMsts in a combination of these powerful Vegetable Extract with Electricity or Magnetism in the form of an Oiutnient. Certa i n , It Is, ttaat t lic remarkable and nnprecedented success wliich has attended its application in the cure of diseaaes, stampa it at once as the greatest discovery of the age, and calis íor a trial and close investigation of its properlies. It never ails, while tlierc remains snfficient life to restore a natural and healthy action to the capillary vessels of the body, and equalize the circulation of the blood. By this means a controlling power is gaincd over the moet malignant forms of disease, which cannot be obtaincd from any other remedy. SikIi Is the power of tliis combi natiou, that it penetratea to every portion of the human frame; everv bone and másele, vein. nerve nnd lif. ment is searched out and made sensible of its purifying and healing influence. Henee it copea as readllj with interual aa external disease. Nameroui Instan ce are on record whera this reniedy has restored health to patients so near the grave that the most powerful internal remedies failedto produce any eftect. Such has frequently been the case in Intlamma tion of the Bowels. No patiënt ever need die with this aisease where the Magnetic Ointment can be obtained. For Infla nimatory Rhenmatlim this Ointment ia the most complete remedy ever prepared. For Diphtheria or Putrid Sore Throat it is unrivaled. Inninety-nine cases outof ahnndred, it will afford en tire relief to the worst caaea oí Nervoua Headache in thirty minutes. For Nervous Dlseasen this medicine is of immense value. Aflectlonsof tUe Splne, Eheumatism, Lameness, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Croup, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Ague in the Face ot Breast, Burna, Scald Head, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Ery. sipelas, Inflamed Eyes, Fever Sores, Sores, etc, will be immediately relieved by tUe use oí Dr. Trasls's Maenetic Ointment. D. Kansom, Sok & Co., Propr's, Buffalo, N. Y. . ' STEARNS COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dreasing- not a dye nor a restoratm', but a dressing, elegant -T-1 and eoonomical. H-H STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE i cooling to the scalp, imparta a delightful seniw o( vitality „.and eoftness to l_ ■ ttie hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, sweetly perfumed and limpid, renders the hair suppïeand drosses it in any ►- deMire:l form. " STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevents that dryness of fiealp which í causes dandrutf r"- " to aeoamuhite. ' I T I - STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains in one large bottle more oil and more perfumo mh h t huu any othei' - hair dressing Wm in market, and besidea ia sold twenty-tive per cent, leas tban most others. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE biightens blonde hair, darkensaub -- urn hair, renders luntrous totnm and black J hair, lesaeriH the harshness of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLSINE 18 MAPE ONLY BY PEEDERIOK STEAENS, - GHEMIST, 4 ETKOIT, MICH. fSold cverywhere. Be snre and pet the Genuine Coco-Oleiike. Let no one palm off on you a bottle ot' some cheap and wortfUêtj imitation of C'ocïoOleine. There are more than twenty counterfeit! of it iiow sold, putup iiHiiear like the jjemüne as the niakerá daré and evade the law. THE BABCÖCK , Ê7 i SM HOOK & LADDER TRUCKS Equipped with Babcork Fire Extinguishers, Extensión itnd Soaling Ladder, Grappliug liooks and ("liiiiiis. Bueketa, Lanterns, Pike Polea, Pike Axes, &a, &c, weigliing leas than 1,000 lbs.; easily handled, handüomely fliiished, and afford the greatest protection at lesa expense tlmn any truck in the market. Just what evory Fire Department wants. The Babcock Fire Engines aml Firu Extinftuishors are saving valuable pioperty all over tho country. Send for their record. E. T. IC V!JI II, ■ 11. Aif.llt, 118 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mannfacturer of Iron, Copper and Brasa Wlre WfreCIolh, Boltlng Cloth, BurrMlll Stones, Broom Wlre and Twlne, Copper Weather Vanei, Wlre Counter Ralllng, W1ri Feuclng and Ornamental Wlr Work. Hluyrl


Old News
Michigan Argus