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J"OR SALE T REDUCE STOCK I A i'EVV IIEAD OF THOROUGHBEED SHORTIIORX C0W8 AND IIEIFERS, and two flue Buil calves ; tlso a few pure Berksliire l'igs, by 145(lw3 H. B. JON'ES, Dexter, Mich. JV O X 1 C E ! The Annual meeting of the GERMÁN FARMElib FIKE IX8URANCK CO.MPAN'Y of Waahtenaw County, will be held at the School House oppositethe tterman C'hurch iu Seio, on the fust Monday of LJeeember riext, at 10 o'oloek a. m., for the purpoae of electing oftieers, aud for the trunsaction of sueh nthei business as may legaüy come beíore said meeting. A general attendauce is requeated. J)ated, Out. 24, 1K73. H4atd WM. F. BUSS, Secretary. Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT having been made in the conditions of a inortgage exeeuted by James McMahon and Fanny McMahon, his wifc, to Silaa H. Üouglass, hearing date the tirst duy of February, A. 1. 1866. and recorded iu the office of the Eogister of Deeds forWaahtenaw County, Michigan, on the thiri day of February, A. 1). lsiili, in liber 34 of mortgageB, on page 44(i, by whieh defatllt the power of sale contained in said inortgage luis beeome operative aud on wljich mortgage tbere is claimed to be due at this date the sum of three thousand two hundredj and and fifty three dollars and forty flve centB, also lifteen dollars as an Attorney fee as provided in said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law or in chaneery having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given that by virtue of the power of Hule ooutainod in said mortgage, and of the statute in such cuse made and provided, aaid will be foreclosed on iiatuiday. the twenty-fourth day ol Jauuary, A. D. 1874, at ten o'cioek in the forenoou, of that day, at the south door of the Court House, iu the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid county of Washtenaw, (said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for the saidcounty of Vaslitenaw),by sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, of the premisea, deseribed in said mortgage, whieh said mortgnged preuiises are deaeribed in said mortgage as lollous, nz: All tliose tracis or parcela of land sitúate in tle township of of Ann Arbor, county and State aforesaid, to wit : The east half of the northeaat quarter of seotion eighteen, town two, south, range si. east ; and also a triangular piece of land olí' the west half of the same quarter sectiou lyinif eastof the CornweU road, eommencing at the southeaat corner of tlie west half of the northwest , quarter of saiil soction and running northerly on the ! east side of the Cornwell road jtwelve roda; and also ' the mthwest fraetion of the northwent fractional quarter of aection seventeen, containiuir sixty-aix and ninety bundredtlis of an acre; and alao that othei tract or parcel of land being part of tïie uortheast quarter ofsection seventeen in aaid townahip, commenciug at a stake and stones in the center line of section aeveuteen, and tlwuce easterly forty-one roíis to a btake and Btone, thenee northerly iii'ty roils to a irtake and stonea, tlience west to the Huron river, thcnce along stid river to the place of beginmog ; and alm a eertain and permanent right of flowüig tand on the northeaat quarter of the east part OÍ the southwest frafltional quarter of seciion seventeen nnt to exceed twenty acres, aud also the right uf dúninv and eooBtructlng fl mili race oo the moHt eügibïe place orgrounrl on the northeast fraction of the southwesi fraetioiml quarter of section Beven toen, and at II limes of repairing and keeping in repair for the use of the flouriug and grist mül with other neceasary machinery ; and also that other piece or parce 1 of huid on said section seventeen; to wit: All the land between saul race and the Euron river, and also all the laad on said southwest fl-ac tional quarter of scction seventeen, between the south line of the the road riinnint easterly from said river on the quarter line and a line parallel thereto eight rods distant on the south side of said road and quarter line, and also the right of makingr and keeping in repair at all times a tail race 80 cnlled from the mili on the premiaea above granted into the river at any point on the said Southwest fraotional quarter of seetion seventeen, inteüdiny to convey the mili nul exclusive water power to run the snmc, known is the Kellogg milis, and the rights, privileges and ranchises conneclid therewith, ezreptinir and re erving ïrom the foregoing the land heretofore sold by said McMalion to John L. Tappan. Ann Arbor, Mich., October 23, 1873. SILAK H DOUOLASS, Moiigagee. Feloh & Obant, Atty's for Mortgagee. Estáte of Itosina Miller - miuor. CÍTATE O F MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss At a sesnion of the Probate Court for the Countv of fashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City f Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the tweuty lirst day of ctober, in the year one thuusund ei'ght hundred nd seventy-tliree. Present, Nouh W. Cheever, Judoof Probate. In the matler of the estute of Caroline Miller, inor. on readingand Bling t!ie pctition, dnly veriflcd, of eonhard Oruncr. Guartlian, praying that he may be nsed to ell all the right, title and interest of said iroline Miller in eertain real estáte despribed in said tition. Then-upon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the twentythdayof Novembsrnext, at ton o'olock In the foiecm, beassignedforthe hearing of siiid petition.and at thenoxt of kin of said Carolme Miller, and all othperaona interested in said estáte, arerequired to apaiata session of said Court, Hien to be holden nt I Probate Offioe, in the eity of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any tïiere be, why the prayer ofthepoiitioiiershould not betantéd : And it ta förthai ordered, thatsaid petitioner fiive notice to tlie persons intercsted insail estáte, of tliei)endency of naid priition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argtis, a newspaper prinfed and circulatin in aaid County, three successive weeks previuns to said dny of hearing-, (A tiue copy.) NOAIT W. CHEEVER, 1430 Jud't of Probate. SECOND STOCK - O F - FALL & WIITffl O-OO3DS I Now being received bj BACH & m HAVING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF TnF, QREAT DEPRESSION EXISTING IN THE EASTEIí X MARKETS BY MAKINü LATiliE CASH PURCHASES. WE ARE NOW ENABLED TO OFFEE ODE LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ÍW BUYEES WILL CONSULT THEIR TNTERESTS AND EXAM INE OUR STOCK BEFÜRE MA KING TURCHASES. BAC1IL& ABEL. aSRpi Itttf tío - Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has all the modern conveniences - Passenger Elevator, lïath Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Koom, Elegantly Furnished, and located n the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. o RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, - Proprietors. HURRY UP ï pARTIES wishinj; Wall Paper, Cloth x and Paper Sbades. Hollands, Window Fixtnres, Coids, Tassels, te, all New Stvles, at Satiafnctorj Prices. ly J, H. Webster de Co., B jok "loro, near the Express Office. X X Q WELLING HOUSES FOB SALE A large and very well built brick house, with two r more lots. Two large framed houses. Also n good zed brick house and framed house ; nnd a smill rame house on a good lot, intended foraddinsr afrunt for sale on fair terms and a reasonable credit. Also other buildings, lots, and property. MOfKï WA5(TE...8o many'wi,hin? to nrvmamaney appl? to me that I can readily obt.nn for hmlers good aatisfactory investments at ten per cent. interest. ' E. W. MORGAN. Ann Albor, AotiI 23. 1873. 1423tf Wanted, Agcnts, ffATto $250 per month, eTerywhere, male and female, to introduce the Genuine Iiuproved CommoH Sense Family Sewing Machine. This machine will etitcb.hem, feil, tuuk, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a moit superior marmer. Price only $15. Fully licenaed.and warranted forfive yeara. We will pay $i,(XK)for any machine that will böw a stronger, more beautifu), or more elantic seam than oura. It makea the " Klaatic Lock Stitch." Every oecuod titrh can be cut, tind still the cloth can not bc pulled apart tvithout tearing it. We pay agenta from $75 to $250 per month aud expenses, ora cuiumissiou from which twice that amount can be made. Addresd SICCOMB & CO., 157 State Street, Chicago. IUinoia. TOR SALE ON LONG CKEDIT ! Ann Arbor City Lots, with good title, and well located tor resideuees or business. Also several Mortgagea l'or aale, luluii'L'ut' E. W. MOEOAN. UltaH


Old News
Michigan Argus