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Bej oml tUe IMississippi.-Thousandshave already gone.aud thousands more are turning their eyes towards new homes in the fertile West. To those oing to Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Orcgon or California, we reoommesd icheitp, snfe, quick and direct route, via St. Louis, over the Missouri Paoiflo Hailrottd, which runs its fine Day ('oacheB and Pullman Sleepers from St. Louis to principal points in the West wWtoul t&ang. We believe that the Missouri Pacific Railroad has the best track and the flnest and safeit equiprnent of any line west of the Mississippi, and ita connecüons with roads f urther West are prompt and reliable. The Texas counection of this road is now comploted, and passengers are otfered a flrst-class, allrail route from Jat. Louis to Texas, either over the Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R., vin .ledalfa, or over the Atlantic & Pacific R. R., via Vinila. For maps, time tables, information a to ratt-s, routes, &c, we refer our readers to I. Or. Wheeler, Northern Passeulier Agent, 72 Lloyd street, Búrlalo, N. Y., or E. A. Ford, General Passenger Agant, 8t. Louis, Mo. iiestions xnU bt cheeriullij andyrmnptly answeredl rinigrntion Turnlng ! Cbeap Farms iu South-wect ITIisaourt ! -The Atlantic & Pacific Eailroad CompaDy offers 1,200,000 acres of land in Central aud Southwest Missouri, at from $3 to il' per acrp, on seven years' time, with f ree tranBportation from St. Louis to all purchasers. Climate, soil, timber, mineral wealth, schools, churches and iaw-abidingr society invite emirants from all points to this land of f rui ts and llowers. For particulars, address A. Tuck, Land Commissioner, bt. Louis, Missouri. 1-'7 Tliirty Years' Rxperiencc ai' au Oíd Niirse. !Ir. WinsloWs Sootliiiiií Syrup isthe preHoriptioii ir 011e of tlie best Komale Physicians nd Nuram in the rnited sutes, and has been used tor thirty yeara with never failing saíety and success iiy milliouM ef mot!iera and children, from the feeble liífant oí' une week old to the adult. It correcta acidi;y of the stomach, relieves wind oolic, regulates the aowel1} and gives rest, heatth and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Hemedy in tlie World in uil cases of UYSKNTERY ind OIARRHCKA IN CHILUREN, whetherit arisea 'rom Teethinff or from any otlier cause. Full direciona for iiteinfï will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTÍS & PEE■CINS is on the outside wrapper. öold by all Medicine Denli-r. 143(ivt


Old News
Michigan Argus