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KiyOCH V1ORt.AJ'S SON 8AFOLTO Ia n subsiitute for Snap for all Hmmohold parpases, except waihinu elothes. S A "PÖTÏÖ" tor cU HiiiiiK your House wiil save the labor of one clt-'iiiioi . Give it a triul. lor Windows ia. bet ter thaii "Wbiïii gor "W ater. N'o curtniut nné cárpete sTFolïo i-leans Paint QH& Woud, in fact the entirc house, betterthan Soap. Noslnppinfj. Haves labör. You ean't afford to bc without it. for Peourintr Knive i better ;nl clenner thaa Buth Brick. Will not scriituh. sapcTlTö" ín better than Poap and Batid for putishtag Tinwai'o. Briphtfiifi without pciiitcl'ine. SAPOLIO P'lishes Broas and topper utensila bettor than Acid or Uil and Botten Stont. fliPÖEIÖ for WasbinK Disbes and Gln.swure is invahmble. theaper thn Soap. S "AP"Ö"LÏ"Ö removes Stnins fron Marble Mantels, Tables and ötatuary, trom Hard-ftnislied Walla, and from China and Poreelain S APÖLI Ö removes Staius and Greuae from CarpeU aud otber vuven fabrica. rhere is no one articlc known lliut will do so 111:111 j kinds of work and lo It in ivi'l I ;is 8upolio. Ir) it. BïHD SAFOL I Ö a new and wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, having no cqual in tliis country or Hbroud. HAND S A. T3 O Ui I O as an artielo for the Bath, "reaclieg the foundation " of all dirt, opens the pore and given a healthy uction and brilliaut tint to the skin. HAND S .A. :F O L I O Cleausen and Beautifles the Skin, indtantly rfimovinf? any ftain 01 blemish frora both hands nnd iace. HAND S -A. I3 O L I O is without a rival Ín the woiid for or preventinty roughness and chappuifr of either handt) or face. HAND S J F O J-, I O removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink Htains nnd Orease ; tor workers in Machine NhopH, Mines, &c., is ínvaluable. For making the. Skin Whitfl and Soft. and ííiving to it a " bloom of beauty," it is nnsurpassed by any ('osmetie known. HAND SaT FOLIO conti fiom 10 to 18 centn per enke, nnd cveiy body should have lt. You will like it. DOpTt ' FAÏL Ttü TIIV HE8Ë 600D8 Buy it of your ïnprcliant -if Ue li;is it or will procure il for you. If nat, then wrlte for our Pamplilet, "All about Sapolio," nnd it will bc malled BTVÖCïl MOKUAN'S ONS, S8 Park Place, N. Y. Or 105 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio. AI8ÜPPLYING A WANT I L O N (i N E E L E I) BY BANKI.I1S, - I.AWVKIIS I"IHSI(MS. IV I C UU rifBRBYJIKW, IV C WW COKKKNltl'XS. _„_„_„. iniiKhiiriHs HENCHAVro, _ . _ ,. _ . I'UOHSHIAI, &■ II If AND ra I V r I bi'S'm n:v ■ ■ ■■ Otv of the most prncticnl, - i ■ i uefnl, nnd vulunble in TVTÏ ven'ionsof the nfe. Pat-fx ented !)ecemlier, 1872 Over 5,000 iiow in dnily II f% ■■ ■■ 1 I na-, eiving unqualiñed IV L L I UiitiHfitctiou. NobiisineR U V b F U L lin'"1' ' '"I'leti without I N V E NT I O IM . Send for Pïice List and Tllustrated Circulai, AGENTS WANTED fetgiVtf AIbo, County Kiphts for Pnle. Address C. A. COOK. CHICAGO. ILL. A Chance for Bargains ! For ale at a ereat bal-Rain, 160 ACRE8 OP CHOICE LAND.lyinij 2 miles from the city of Ioriii. ion acres unrter iraprovement. witb poid orchiirri. barïi nnd shed. and a comfortabln house. Terms of paymont- fiom $2,000 to $2,500 down-, balance on long Hme. Also W ACRES, about 2ií müeí frora Aua-upto, Kalamnzoo County, all improved, with good buildings. Terms- extremely low. Also 40 ACEF.S about eight mileBfrom Hastings. Also 80 ACRES on section Í iu the town of Hazelton, Shinwasse County, about 12 miles from Corunua. Well timbered. For tenns addres the undersigned. K. II. POKD. Ann Axber, AprU 1, 1173.


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Michigan Argus