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CAÍDO. - Circulare. _ Bill-Heads. _ tetter-HeaiK _ Shippmg TaíP_ Printed at the Arous office. - In the besi rtyle and chkai'. _ Don't order elsewhere before calliiifí. - Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. _ The philosopher's stone : Advertise- in (he AR0U9. - The Aeous and Scribner'a Monthly for $5 Subscribe nt this office and save $1. - Ira Cushman, Jr., of Chelsea, recovera veiy Jowly from his recent attack of paralysis. _ john J. Eobison was in town a day or 1 wo jo, and reported his íather's health a littlc im.roveri. - Smith, of tlie Clifton House, Whitmore Lake, lias issued cards for a dance Thanksgivng evening. - Theslaters pursist iu fceepiog ntworkon the roof of the uew Congregational Church despite the weather. _- Henry Hall. Esq., of Deiter, an ol.l, welltiiown, and generally respectad citizen, died on a,e28th uit. aged 7:'. years. -The Aaous and the St. Nicholat- Soribner í Co's, new and model magazine Lor the young, „„si. Now is tise time to subscribe. - The Marshal and Lis pólice tour are reminded - by this item- that there are ordinances remming sidewalks 1n be deaned immediately aiter a suow storm. -The Board of Supervisors apportioned the State and County taxes on Friday last and adiourued to Dec. lTtli, at. wliicli time the smalllims and other unfuushed business will be ifigposed of. - J. T. Jacobs has resumed specie payment md no more deals out ilirty fractiona! curïency over his counter. Buy your ready-made elothingof him and silver will tiiereafter jingle iu murpockets -ihnr is if any change shall le due you. -The Manchester Journal recounts the exntaü of a local iauk president and cashier in baatbig for a wild hog: - rte exploit of the ouinei oonsistdng in falliug into a hole six teet Jeep and half full of water, which had been 'set as a trap " for the hog. - Tlie Manchester Journul is the latüst ftddition to the list of county papers. It is puhlished by Messrs. Palmer & Stewart, is a 32 column 'sheet, wifch Jackson liowe's oased in a Chicafjo jacket. Manchester may be able to support two papers, l)ut we gitess not. - Several inches of snow feil Tnesday afteruoouand night, and Wednesday was adisagreeable day, cloudy and threateuing overhead, and slushy under foot. Wednesday night was clear and cold, and yesterday ai 7 a. m. the meicury marked but 12 degrees above zero. - Gov. Felch, of this city, ! nd Hou. C. I. Walker, of Detroit, have been retained by the Iiegents of the University to contest the issue of the homeopathie maudamus asked of Judge ('vane. Pehaps it is au ailopathic rnandamus that is wantcd in aid of honieopthy. D. Darwin Hughes, of Grand Eapids, has been retained to tisaht the counsel ior the relatora, SfeiBrs. Lawrence and Sawyer. - The lecture giveu by Dr. Cocker, on TuesJay evening, in the M. E. Church, and for the lienetit of the Ladiea' Benevolent Society, was both interesting and iustructive. The Dr. has vivid recollections of life in Van Diemen's Land and Australia, and told some stories wbich would strain our credulity did we uot kziow theirsource. It ahouid have been listened to by a larger audience. - This evening M. Mileson, spirit artist, will lecture at the Court House on " The propriety of building a Spirit Art üallery in Aun Arbor br the public exhibition of the works of our spirit artists." A number of spirit portraits will be on exhibition. The Toledo railroad being in the " uine lióles," and the street rftilway project having merged in an exijerimental omnibus line, why not have a " Spirit Art Gallerv ;-" - It was a good drive Constable Hoskins came over au ex-County Clerk a few days ago. .Meeting him on the street, he took him by the button-hole in a confidential way, and asked, " What kind of a man is the Sharou Supervisor." Uettmg for an answer, " A very clever fellow," liis rejoinder was, " I don't tlunk so : if he can return such a man as John J. Robison for juror it is all I want to know of him." John acküowledged himself " sold." - All who heard Kev. E. II. Chapín in last season's lecture course will be glad to be reminded that he is again to appear before the Students' Lecture Association on Wednesday eveniug next, the 19th inst., in University HallMr. Chapin is one of the most finished oiators in the country, and adds to oratorical skill tlie power both to think and write, - so that his lectures are models both in matter and marnier. His subject is " Building and Being," and we are sure that young and old will be delighted and benefited by listening to his discussion of t. The hall should be well iilled. - We have a suggestion or two to make to tlie ofticers of the Students' Lectnre Association, K the janiton in charge of the hall. lst. As oon aèleast as the audience is gathered and the lecturer takes the platform (which should be ith a little more uromptness than on toy evening), the entrance doors to the main öoor and gallery should be closed and inconvenicntly cool cun-ents of air checked. 2d. At "ie close of lectura the doovs at the head of the tront stairs and half way down the same should ' thrown fully open (instead of one-half as on W adneaday evening), and thus facilítate a more 'peedy and comfortable exit. - That was a long bow drawn by Mrs. Leonwens on Wednesday evening before the S. L. A-i in University Hall, and the stories she told -and told well - of high life in Siani, were unique, curious, and amusing. And yet the reader of the pages of " Seward's Voyage Around the World " or other recent booka on oriental lands, wili be prepared to credit Mrs. L. with oaly a modicum of exaggeration. We hope, however, that the experiences she detailed will 'iot set all the " University girls " to seeking positious similar to the one Mrs. L. occupied. The audience was large,attentive and well pleased, wd the lecture was delivered in an easy and Natural manner, without any Btraining at oratory. The dedication of the new University Hall at Anu Arbor took place last ïuesday evening. Lpwards of 2,0UU people were present, and adiresses were delivered by President A. D. White of Comwell University, Hon. George Willard "f Battle Creek, and D. Bethume Duffleld of Detroit. A poem written for the occasion was Mad by Hon. J. V. Campbell. The cost of the new hall is ïlüó.OOÜ, and ït has a seating capac'ty of 2,700, being more than any other audieuce room in the State.- Loming Republican. Om fnend of the Republicun should " conuense " from some more reliable authority. " Upwards of 3,000 people were present ; " the hall wiU comiovtably seat 3,500 ; and the Steward says that he can dispose of 4,000 without demanding too inuch shrinkage. It would do you good Bro. George to look upon such an audience. Besides, Judge Campbell didn't read a poem, but wrote an ode which was sung. The Judge was absent in body- at Lansing- though no doubt present in spirit. And, besides, again, the Hall was " dedicated " Wadnaaday evening instead of Tuesday evening. The Ana Arbor correspondent of the Toledo Commercial tells the tollowing story at the expense of a well-knmvn professor in the DniYersity more noted at home for asingworia is ■ ns ra1 her t han tisis : While so much of a qneetionable charaoter is stirring, it is a relief to know of a " good thing " whioh oannot be questioned- you may vouch for the folio wing: Ou Saturday morning a professor, whose name ia known on the other side of the water, and who is doubtless a better astronomer than a pugilist, was holding a conionwitha '75 man on gsocentric circles and the perturbations of comets, when the conversad on turned on boxing, and the professor insinuated - only insinuated, remember - that a round or two with gloves would greatly invigorate hie disusod muscles - an insinuation, however, which the bold junior immediiitrl.v onderstood, and he thereupon offered to serve the professor after dinner. It ia no part of the writer's intention to mention auy naines, not even that the profoasor is uot a stranger to the ineuphonie sobriquet of " Tubby," nor that the student was named after a genus of plants, of which it was once writtan, " They toil not neither do they spin," but only to say that the two met in the professor's House and "relaxed" ouo another as it proved, in a manner quite mfortunate for tlie professor. Now the professor is a corpulent man, and he feil a victim to the junior's tactics which seemed to be to " worry " ' him, and finally in an uneuarded moment, succumbed to a " hot " one h-om the studeut's leít. Opinión is divided as to what part of his physical frame received the blow, whether the head or sorae part in the vicmity oL the belt. Many think the lattor, not only b'eeause it afforded sueh good " inducenionts " on account of " size," but because the professor tras immediately attaoked in a wny reciuiring tlie extemal and internal application of anti-spasmodies ; while others incline to the former, if for no other reason tliau that the professor is so used to " seeing stare." The follovving is tlie list of petit jurors drawn for the regular term of the Circuit Court, an:l summoued to appear on the second day of the term , November i'j : Tiraothy R. Amsd.'ii, Ann Arbor City. Séneca ïlagley, Supenor. Harris Ball, " Scio. 8pencer Boyce, Lyndon. Charles Burkhardt, Saline. William Burtless, ■ Manchester. Goodrich Conklin, Manchester, ■fames Cowan, Ann Arbor Town. Hcman Drury, Ypsilanti. William Exinger, Anu Arbor City. Edvvard Forayth, Ypsilanti. Levis Freer, ' Linia, Artemas (.lover, Saline. Thomas Haran, Xorthtield. Jonathan E. Holmes, Manchester. William Humphry, Lodi. Stephen Hutchinson, Ypaüanti City. Jeremiali Jacobs, Northfleld. Hiram Martin, Bridgewater. James Osboni, Scio. William Otto, Xorthtíeld. Loren G. Ovenahire, Saline. Ueorge Klieinirank, Bridgewater. James Eice, Ypsilanti City. John J. Robisou, ' Sharun. Everett Rouse, Pittsfleld. John Sclienck, Freedom. Cyrus T. Stevens, Manchester. John D. Van Duyn Manchester. James B. Vanatta. Salem.


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