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í AESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE FOK SALE! he subscnber, on account of ül health offera his :ï:ï acres n the corpora tion for sale. This ground adjoins the JmversHj Übservatory on tlie eaat, opposite side oí ,he atreet. It has a most excellent 8PEING ! On the northeast corner- f ormerly aupplied the Ruilroad tanka with water. ITS ADVANTAGES Are as follows : For city purpones the Huron River meanders the iame ioma 3U to 4U roda, anJ íh part of the best "Water Power On the River Ín this vicinity, and the elevation on the northeast corner is sutticiently high and ampie to aup ply the city necesöities for water and flre purpoaesTHE WESTERN PORTION On tïie road is very appropriate and auitable for a Public City Cemetery . The city has no such grouuds dow but must have soon, and whatever grouods the city doea not care to use, can be sold at an advantage, so much so,that tlie cost of the Water Works grounda and Cemetery, would be merely nominal. If the city does not waut the same, the grounds would be invaluable for FRU1TS, LA.RQE&SMALL, Tliere being gome 100 trees now in bearing Vegetables and Pasturage, And also for MILKsupply.BLOODED STOCK, tiorses, sheep, And other animáis always in great want by many íd the city and iin vicinity. As city Iota adjoining the northwest comer of this land are now selling from three hundred to three hundred nnd ftfty dollar8, l hese landa would or could be sold in a short time to a good advantage and to much profil to the purchasers IjIBHURA.!-. TIME Will be given or the same will be exchanged for Merchantable goodti or Uruijs aud Medicine, at casb prices. TRACY W. ROOT. AnnArbor.Jan 31 18TÖ. Hll I o. o. j "When flrst L. COIBY hung his sign Of C. 0. D.- AtNo.'29t And offered Groceries cheap for casb, Some people aaid, " he's bound to go to smash. And old-time Grocers would faintly amile, Propheaying "C. O. D. will laat but little while. In aixty daya we'll run him oíf the track. And cali our wandeling customers back." lie croakera said and thought it true, Se'll surely fail before the year is New! rou can't sell Groceries in this town nd get your pay in greenbacks down ; here dry goods merchants on every street 'ïth ailkíí and aatins, hang out chickens to eat ; Where trad e is mixed in every place, t the same counter you buy butter or lace ; rhere credit and losa go hand in híind, t. C. O. D. but a sliin chance will atand," jet prophets and croakera have-their say, L. COLBYaells GROCERIESonly forREADY PAY, .ndsella ao cheap for daily caah e feara no danger of a amaah. .nd to hia patrons all, and business fríends, 'he greeting of the season he extends, 'o young and oíd, a glnd New Year, fith hoats of irieada and lots of cheer! ive him a cali, and from his alore 'our tables spread with good thmge more. .t that place you will alwaye ftnd fresh new Groceries ot beBt quality and kind- Kverythinp needful for good cheer at home You can buy at his counter whenever you conie. The dayB are so short thia bitter cold winter, To mention details would weary the printer. But aak if you ehoose for anything entable, You get it at once, in quality unbeatable 1 For hungry men who are weary and cold, He has Oysters hot, Oyaters that muat beaold - Oystera pickled, Oyster atew, and oyater fry, Or Oyatera any other way you ehoose to try. He will aerve up Oyatera at auy hour of day, And the best of cigara to smoke on your way. A diah of hot Oystera will do you much good, And cheer you while aeíling your grain or wood. And with cash in hand lay in a store Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour and many more, Of all things substantial for daily ue, Nor treat life'á good things with abuae ; Crockery and Glassware and Fruits to put in them, Nuts, Baisins, and Candy, for childreu wlio win thera And ye who are blessed with their beautilul faces, Will flnd [29] the best of all places, To buy a trille, to bring a smile or ringing laugh, Your pleasure, than theirs, will be greater by half Then do not forget to cali on Mr. C. O. D., Aud buy of him your Fruits, tiugar, and Ten Though the big a a may. fall frora its place, The C. O. D. Z V store ia still on the race. And does not intend to fly from the courae TUI croakers of evil talk themselvea hoarse. Groceries can be aold for ready pay. And Xj. OöXToy haa learned the way : Sold five times more than he expected- By O. O. D. from loss protected. And the aecret he ia not afraid to teilKeep the beat of all things- with prices low- be good natured, give good measure, And you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! BOOKS. BOOKS. J. K. WEBSTER & (0. NEW BOOK STORE JÍEAR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO TOUR INTEREST AX1) CALL. BOOKS. j yj L.C.RISDON'S ADVERTI3EMENT. Now is the time to buy PARLOR & BBATING STOVES. I will sell them at COST until further notiee. lïo. 31 S. Main St, Aun Arbor. Wantcd, Agents, $75 to $250 per month, ererywhere, malo and feniale, to intruduce the Genuine Improved Comraoa Senee Family Sewiug Machine. Thia machine will stitch.hem, feil, t nek, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embrolder in a most superior manner. Price only $15. Fully liceused.and warranted forfive years. We will pay $1,000 for auy machine that will suw a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic eeam tlian oura. It mak es the " Elastic Lock Stitch." ETery second Htitch can be cut, and atill the cloth can iiot b# pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $75 to $250 por month and expenses, ora commiasion from which twice that amount can be made. Addreea tiECOMB & CO., 157 State stroet, Chicago, Illinois. T? 011 SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! Ann Arbor City Lots, with good title, and well located ior residences or business. Also aeveral Mortguges for sale. Iuquir uf E. W. MORGAN. 14.12m3 1873. 1873, TAKE N0T1CE I nnH e A.NN A.Ü13OR TRADING iSSICUTIll Are now haïing "Daily Opening OF FRESH FillDnGlll! ■tí, tiirect f rom New York and manufacturera in Greater variety"tlian ever before ! Jasp-JiO HOUSE IN THIS C1TÏ Can show (ts Complete a stock of' DRESS GOODS jai A3 we are now opening. SHAWLS IN ALL STYLES, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHS, FLANNEL8, LINEN8, DOMESTICS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, LADIE8' UNÜERWEAR, &e.,&c. A complete assortnient oi CARPETINGS -ASISTID OIL CLOTHS 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4. LThe public undorstand that we have for the past flve years sold our goods at "Lower Prices than any of our competitors, and we now announoe that we intend to hold and increase our already immense trade by a system of , SMALL PEOFIT8 For ourdelves, and TELLING BARGAINS for onr customer9, which we beliere the public will appreciate and encourage. 0. W. HAYS, Supt. Á.an Arboi, Sept. 1S,167S. H441Í


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Michigan Argus