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Dot Monish

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" Varo is dor gashcr ?" ejaculated the breathless Teutón, as he boundod up the steps and into the door. A courtly gentleman made the bland response, " I am the cashier, sir. What oan we do for you to-day !" " What oan you do vor me ? Sacrament! Dot ish a h - 11 uf a node, aind it ? Do vor me'i Herr Gott donner wetter und zeifenblazen. I wants dot monish - mine goed, vot I tnnks deposit with this tam bank poorty soon last suiumor und - ': " We havo temporarily suspended payment, bv an arrangement similar - "Arrangement similar, der tuyvel!" hroke in out Tcutonic f'riend. "Vot dol vaut mit your tainpt arrangemeuts 't I vants dot monish - five thousand dollars vat I niake deposit hereall der vile, und L vants him poorty quiok too, oof you ilon't vants souie droibles right away." " Calm yourselt, my friend, and let us thinU tbis matter over. I shall be glad to ct-rtify your check for your balance with us, and - " " Cerdity nodings ! Vat you tinks I vas ■i tam iool '(" " Here ! here ! (pounding the counter frantically with his fist), I vaut dot monish - eiery cent, und I vants him righd avay. queek, owut oderl make you a heup o' droobles pooty soon. Geev me dat monish - dot greenbaoks- dot ish all vat I vants' Make him owut queek, und I goes righd away olï, und you can go to der tuyfel und your tam pank !" Seeing there was 110 wey of reasoning with this excited customer, the cashier turned to his paying teller, and said "Mr , cash this man's check for his bal auce in iull." The Chicago dealer in "sheep cloding " nervously drew up the check and the urbane teUer counted out the sum it ealled tor. The Teutón drw in one good, long brenth, counted his money, put it in his breast pookt t, and went his way a happy rnan. The cashier went back to his office anti had been eéated there some minutes, whtn the prominent nasal appendage of his Teutonic c -stomer again overshadoWed the counter, and his voice was again heard : " Mr. Gasheer, I vood like to shpeek mit you some diugs." Thinking that perhnps his customer had rocovered trom his i'right and desired 10 deposit, his fuuds the uaahier responded quickly and came torward to the counter. " Weil, sir," said he, " what is the matter now'i" "Veil, you see, ven I hear aboud dis ding uut der panks I va9 in Sheecago, und I must koomed right avay quickund I dinks it vil' pe all righd ven you pay my leedle expense down here und pack home und - " " Pay your expenses,'1 broke in the cash, ier. " Pay your expenses. Well that is an idea, to be sure. See here my hüw many brass bands do you suppose could be supplied with instrumenta froni that cheek of yours, and then have bronze enougli left. to tnake an equestrian statue of Jim Fiski1 About how many six gun batturies of twelve pound Napoleon howitzers were melted down to make that cheek, anyhow?" The cxcited individual from Chicago eyed bis interlocutor with the injured air of one whq thinks he has been refused a very reasonible request and then sadly preceded bis coat-tails out of the bank. He got his money.


Old News
Michigan Argus