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All Sorts Of Pen-scratlhes

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- The Agricultural College rnixes up its student politically, if it. does nothing else to speak of. Witness the reported "standing" of the reoent graduating class : " ten aro Itepublicans, ono a Democrat, four neutral. Four are for Protec. tion, ten are firiu bclievors in PreoTrado, and one neutral." It will puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer to teil how the two statements ean bo harmonized : ten Republican and ten free-traders in a class nurabering but fifteen. Guess not, unless five of them have yet to cut their eye teeth. - An Indiana court has just decided that the condition on the back of railroad "free passes" waiving claims for damages to person or property is void. The pending caso was an action brought by a drover. Other courta have so held before, the principie being that railroads cannot avoid the consequences of the negligence of their employés by such a condition ; andbesides, that the so-called "passes" are really paid for. This ia certainly the case so f ar as the press is concerned : more than paid for. - An exchange credits the PostinasterGeneral with making what we 6hould cali, " in languago that'a plain," another "bull-head" decisión. That is : "thatto affix printed matter, as a slipfrom a newspapor, to a postal card, whether with or without writing on the same, is to inake the card liable to letter postage." One may write a postal card full or have it printed full, but if he should, to save writing, paste:on a printed paragraph, he must pay letter postage. Bosh ! - A State exchange - hailing from way down in the Saginaw valley - copies an oloquent deflnition of a " Grange." We quote a single sentence : " It demonstrates the fact that rich harvests are developed by Iran culture; that a great erop ot weods have grown up and smothered out the useful plants by a neglect of 1ran culture." The rapid increase of Gran ges and Grangers ought to causo an equally rapid increase in the price of bran. - Itmaybe that the Spanish-Cuban üuthorities violated international law in capturing the Virginius, and the laws of humanity in summarily executing her passengers and crew ; yet we cannot see that Gen. Eyan and his associate filibustera, revolutionists, and chronic disturbers of Cuban peace are entitled to mucb sympathy or many tears. These organized raids from our soil are too thin a disguise, and have been winked at too long. - A Stokes juror named Center hag beeu sent up thirty days and fined $250, for irregular practices during the trial, wliich includes separating hitnself from the other jurorg, visiting saloons and all sorts of low places, etc. Why is not Ihe officer who accompanied him in his nightly rounds also hauled over the coals ? "What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander." - The Hillsdalo Standard charges that Senator Wilber, of Allegan, a radical of the first water, " supportod and canvassed the District for Conistock, the Democratie nominee:" for proof of which Don Henderson will eheerfully tender our friend of the Standard a free pass for life on all the craft to float on the raging watera of his ship Canal. Send hiru along the proofs, Harvey. - The Hancock (Ohio) Courier says : " We are led to believe that most of the money in Hancock county is held by the farmers." As a reason for its conclusions it adds : " Nearly $50,000 have been paid to farmers for apples alone, within the past month, and yet very few of them pay their debts." Have the Hancock farmers a host of twin brothers in this region ? - Some of the good people of Columbus, Ohio, seem to have the same affection for the citizens of Toledo that a " cat has for hot soap." Witness the following from the Columbus Journal : " If any Toledoian should chance to get to heaven - which is not at all probable - they will ba known there as swamp angels." - The Toung Men's society of Kalamazoo proposes to give the net proceeds of the current course of lectures for the relief of the poor. "We kuow of towns where the poor might be called upon to make up deficiencies. We hope that it will not be so in Kalamazoo. - The fabled ass starved to death between two bundies of hay ; but the notorious Rosenzweig, the proved murderer of Alice Bowlsby - though. only convicted of ' manslaughter - has attained his liberty ' between two trials and bungling legislation. Modern legislators may well be termed jail deliverers. t - The annual report of General Creswell is announced as complete. It recommends the Postal Telegraph and Postal Savings Bank schoines. Until the P. M.-G. can get his mails thiough froin New York with some regu]srity it is ssaroely worth while to thrust any more duties upon his department. - A lively race is in progress at Coldwater for the post-oflice, with nuinerous "loil" entries, including John Chandler - present incumbent, J. S. Barber chronic office-holder, T. C. Ethridge, J. D. W. Fisk, and Alien Tibbits. - Pólice Commissioner Charlick may have deserved expulsión from Tammany, Dut tüat n was done at the instance or on the motion of John Morrissey is not peculiarily gratifying to the Demociacy out of New York city. - The Toledo Commercial frankly confesses that " Republicanistn in Louisiana lias fallen far short of what was expected of it, and has giveu occasion for rauch invidious criticism." After" which ita plea in abatement was a work of supererogation. - Maretzek canceled his engagement for the Lncca opera troupe at Chicago, the sale of tickets being unsatisfactory, and is to bo sued for the two weeks' rent of the engaged but unused theater. - Anthony Lederle, Superintendent of the Detroit House of Correction, died on Saturday last, of cáncer in the stomach, aged 50 years. He was a nativo of Baden and one of the '48 revolutionists. - $200 is the tariff price for shooting a saloon keeper at Bloomington, 111., orthat is the figure a distinguished lawyer has been fined for a shot at one for refusal to serve him. - Among the new institutions at Detroit, is one for the " education of horses and other animáis :" which may include " many men of many minds," - Directory statisticans - reliable figures (?) - give Bay City a population of 18,000. and Jackson, 16,000. - Secretary Eichardson will favor the annexation of Cuba if Secretary Fish does. Hasn't any opinión of his own. - Hon. John P. líale, with whose long political career every reader is familiar, died at his residenoe in Dover, N. II , on Wednesday evening last. - In the Tweed caso the jury rendered a vordict Wednesday morning, finding him guilty on all tho counts. - The outs tanding legal tenders on Wednesday aggregated $362,807,611. - Gold olofed in New York, Wednesday afternüon, ut 109 l-l and 109 3-8. The Wasiiixiíton' correspondent oftlie New York World (writing under date of tho Kith) boing correct, an unneeessury hue and r.ry has 'neon made over the " outrage upon our flag " by the capture of the Virginiin. Ile quotos tho law providing for registration,numberiiig, niarking, report from Bureau of StatUtios, fco. The law provides that if any stearaer shall cease to be inarked, as provided by tho prescribed rogulations, " such vessel shall be no longer recognizod as a vessel of the United States." The last official report, made May 5, 1 873, and containing a list of' all vessols, of every kind and description, registered and niarked frora June 30, 1867 to December 31, 1872, doos not contain the narae of the "Virginius. - This being true our Government has little or nothing tosay concerning the capture. If the rights of any American cit izen, the rights of hutnanity, or international law wore violatedin the subsequent wholesale massacres - mis-called executions - then the duty of onr Government to investígate and demand reparation will begin. But if tho Virginius was sailing under no flag and engaged in unlawful commerce, it remains to be determined what intervention should be exerted in behalf ofhor filibusteringcrew and passengers. - Since the above was in type the following Washington dispatch of the 19th haa appeared in print : The Chief of the Bureau of Statistlcs states, with reference to the omission of the eteamer Virginio! from the last list of merchant vessels of the United States, that she is entered on that list on page 294 as Virginia, pnddle steamer ; tonnage, 441 84,100 ; home port, New York; official number, 9"),8.r)7 ; was awarded Fobruarv 21, 1872. The Democratie party will (iemand of its liepresentatives in Congress, as soon as the session commenoes, a united, earnest eflbrt for the repeal of the salarygrab law. - Bvffalo Courier. The Democratie party can deinand itself hoarse, with about as good rpsults as its demands usually meet with. When it succeeds in making a Congressman drop $2,500 a year, it will perform a greater feat than has happened since the ram'shorn business about th wailg of Joricho. - Toledo Commercial. Whieh is a Republican eoufession that the Eepublicau majonty in Congress does not propose to relax Ita grip upon Uncle Sam's ïuoaey bags. " Eoforms nevor go backward" ia a favorito Republioan saying, and plunging t!ie forearin deep into the treasury whenever tlie opportunity offers hrs alwaysbeen a liepublicíin method of reform. . - -■ d Bah. - k


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