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QO XO COOKS HOTEL, BtTIMUlV To get your WATCHES, &c. Promptly & Faithfully Bepaired by the practical Watch-Maker, DON J. MOZART. The Aun Arbor Agricultural Co. Would say to their customers that every one of them hare been furnished with a statement of their account and asked to cali and settle on or before November 15, 1873. We wish now to say to those who know themselves indebted to us, anti have not settled their accounts and notes, that, without keqabd to peesons, all accounts and notes will be placed in a Justice'a hands Dec. lst, for collection. Our shop is idle and ñfty men out of employment, because you neglect to settle your accounts, and this will not be tolerated another moment. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1873. Ann Akbob Aokicultutal Co. Mortgage Sale. WlIEREASJamesE. Selfe and Eliza Ann Selfe, of the township of Manchester, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the fifteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hnndred and seventy, executed a inortgage to Cliarles J. Howell, of the city of New York, and Í State of New York, to secure the payment of certain principal and interest money therein mentioned which mortgage was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in said county, on the lOth day of August, A. D. 1870, at ïy, o'cloek P. M. of aaid dy, in líber 43 of mortgagrg, on page 301 ; and whereas defiiult has been iuade for more than thirty dayB in the payment of an installnientof said interest money whieh became due on the nfteenth day of July, A. D. 1S72 by reason whereof and purauant to the terms of said mortgage said mortgsgee hereby electa that so much of said principal as remains unpaid, with all arrearages of interest thereon, shall become due and payable immediately ; nd whereas there ia claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notiee, the sum of tw thousand nine hundred and fortyeight dollars for principal and interest, also an attorney's fee of forty dollars should any pioceedings be taken to foreclose eaid mortgage, and no suit or proeeedings having been instituted either in law or equity to recover the same or any part thereof : Notiee is therefore hereby given, that on the üfteenth day of November 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, county albresaid (that being the building in whieh the Circuit Court for said coun■ ty is held), and by virtue of the power of sule con tnmed in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction i to the highest bidder the premises described in said mortgage to satisfy the amouut of principal and interest above claimed as due, with the charges of sale and attorney's fee of forty dollars : All those certain pieces or pareels of land situated in the towuship of Manchester, county of Washtenaw, and State oí Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows to wit : íeing the northeaat quarter of the aoutheast quarter of section number four (4), also the northweat quurter of the aoutheast quarter of said aection number tour fexcept the lights and privileges granted to the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad Compauyj, also the southeaat quarter of the northeast quarter of aaid aection number four (4j ; also the following described land to wit : beginning easterly ten chaina and fourteen links from the southweat corner of the eaat half of the north part of the northwest quarter of section number three, thence northerly twenty-flve chaina, thence eaaterly four chaina, thence sontherly twenty-flve chaina, and thence westerly four chaina and four links to the place of beginning, the laat description containing ten acres, the whole of the above deacribed land aniounting to one nundred and fifty acres ; also the southeast ter of the aoutheaat quarter of aaid aection number four (4;, except fourteen aerea heretofore deeded to Luman Stevens, all in township four sou th of range number three eaat, in aaid county of Washtenaw. Dated,áugust 15.1873. CHARLES J. HOWELL, Mortgaee. John N. Gott, Atty. forthe Mortgagee. 1439td The above sale ia postponml until the 13th day oí December next, at the same time and place. Nov. 15, 1873. CHARLES I. HOWELL, Mortgagee John N. Gott, Att'y for Mortgagee. Estáte of Joseph Crane. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of k At a seasion of the Probate Court for the County of Waahteuaw, holden at the Probate Omce in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the ittventeenth day ol November, in the year oue thouaand eight hundred and 3eventy-thrce. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probute. In the matter of the eetate of Joseph Crane, deceaBed. David Depue and William E. Crne, administratora of said estáte, come into court and represent that they are now prepared to rentier their ilnal account aa auch administraton. Thereupon it ís ordered. that Monday, the flfteenth day of December next, at ten o'elock in the iorenoon, be asaigned forexaminingand allowing auch account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other peraona iuterested in aaid entate, are required to appear at a aeasion oí snid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cauae, if any there be, why the said account should BOt be allowed: And it is furtner ordered. that said administra ton give notice to the persons interested in said eatate, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argut, a newspaper printed and ! Lating in aaid County, three lucceuiTe weeki prerioui to said day of hearing-. (A truecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1453 Ju4f of Probate. U k SÉË Offer at prices te correspond with the late New York Rates. New and Fashiuriable Dress Goods. New Biaritz and Drab De Etes. New Silks and Alpacas. New Black Dress Goods. New Shawls and Cloakings. New Fringes and Guipure Laces. New Ribbons and Embroideries. New Goods for Meii's wear. íew Flannels and Blankets. few Bleacli and Brown Cottons. IsgT" Those wanting to bnj Dry Goods chcap should not fail to give ua a cali. MACK k SCHMID. TALMAGE, HPURGEONT. De Witt Talmage is editor of The CM tian at IPbrlij C. H. Spurpreon, Special ' utor. Tliey write for no other paper in America. Three magniflcent Chromos. Pay lurffer commiNflion thttn auy otimr paper. CHROMOS ALL READY. No Sectarianism. No Sectlonaliam. One agent rooently obtained 380 subscriptions in eighly hourfl absolute work. Sample copiea and j otrcularB sent free. AGENTS WANTED B. V. ADAMS, Publislier. 102 Chamberí) Street, New York. I TWELLING HOUSES I vR SALE A largeand very well built brick house, with two or more lots. Two large frnmed housea. Aleo a grood sized brick house and framed houae ; and a small frame house on a g-ood lot. intended for addin? a front for sale on fair terms and a reasonable credit. AIso other buildings, lots, and property. MOKEÏ WAUTTED - So many wishin to orrow money applj to me that I can readily obtuin for lendtrs good satisfactory investmentn at ten per cent. interest. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Anril 23. 1873. 143Slf Wanted, Agcnts, $75 to $350 per month, Terywhere, mal and female, to Introduce the Genuine Improved Commoi Senae Family Sewing Machine. This machine will atitch.heui, feil, tuck. quilt, cord, bind, braid and embrolder in a most superior manner. Price only Sis. V ully licensed. and warrauted for il ve years. WewillpaySl.OOOlbr any machine that will flw a ntronger, more beautiful, or more elastic ieam than ourfl. It makei the ■ Elastic Lock Stitch." BTery ■ecood atitch can be cut, and atill the cloth can not b pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agcnts front $7 ft to $250 per month and expenses, ora coinmiision from which twice that amount can be made. Addresi SECOMB A CO., 157 State síreet, Chicago. Illinoi. LMIU SAM! ! The undersifrned offers for sale chenp his Store, corner of Huron and Fourth atreeta : a good and conTenient building and one of the best businew locationi- especially for the grooery trade in the city. Ann Arbor, Nuv. 6, 1879. i461tf L. R. SLAW80N. TUT TOUE MONEY WHERE IT WILL DO TUE MOST QOODA. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y C O M P E TITiO IV, A1S0, A FL'LL LINE OV GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Í3 Cali ieore purchasiitg. 15 Smith Main Street. _FJ W. A. LOVÊjÖyT" TOBACCONIST ! Deals in botli FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Simff, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HURO' STREET, Next to the Express Office, .■ N ARBOR, Tl II II . 1345tf A Chance for Barga! ns ! For sale at a great bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOirE LAND, lying 2 V% miles from the city of lonia. 10(1 acres under improvement, with good orchard, baru and shed, and a comi'ortable house. Terms of pa; - ment- from $2,000 to $2,5110 down ; balance on luiig time. Also 90 ACRES, about 1% miles from Augusta, Kalamazoo County, all improved, with jood buildings. Terms- extremely low. Also 40 ACRF.S about eight miles from Hastings. Also 80 ACRES on section S iu the town of Hazelton, Shiawasse County, about 12 miles from Conmua. Welltimbered. For terms address the undersigned. E. II. FOND. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. tí yon are Suffer ing from any . CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Down Consti tutiou, Or requlre a Remedy to Pnrlfy and Enrieli the Blood, 7oa wlll flnd Dr.Crook's Compoand Sy rn p of Poke Boot to postest greater merit, cure Sou more speedily, and do you inore good jan any and all other remedies combined# rbst Pale.Yellow. Jiiok I j .lookinK Sk f 11 la changed to one of freshnes and health. Those Diseasex of the Skln.PimpIes.Pnstnlea, Blotchea and Eruptions are removed. Scrofula. Nrroluloiii Dlseases of tbe Eyes, Wblt Swelling-s, Clcers, oíd Sores or any kind of Humor rapidly ilwlndle and disappear nnder its inflaence. Wbat Is itt lt is natare's own restorerl A oluble oxyd of lron comblned -with tha medicinal properties of Poke Root divested ot all disagreeable quallties. It wiUcnreany Blnrase whnso real or direct cause 13 Bad Blood. Bbeumatism, I'uln in Limba or Bonea, ronutltations broken down by Mercurial orotiier polsons, are all cured by K.CV01 MyplilllK, or Hy tnint, tbere Ís uothing ejual to it. A trlal will ■trovelt. Boldby ASCPPLYIXG A WANT LONG N EEDED IA BAKKIRS, " l.AWYKHS, ______ PHYSICIA1VS, ■VI _U Vw i:i,i:itv i:, ■ k WW I illllll M'OMl' ia. __- IIIMIkkl I l'l l! í li:it II A is ,.._. i'minsi(iu iM V t I BUSINESS MEN, w ■ - One of the most prnctcai, '"■"■ ' j useful, and valuable in_A_N"ID i ventions of the age. Pat" ented Decerabtr, 1H7Í. Over 5,000 now in rtail.v lift f F I use, VlTiog unqualified I ■ ■ I satisfactiuu. No biisinecs U W L I U _L office ij complete without INVE IM T I Q ÍM . Send for Prioe List and Tiluatrated Circular. AGENTS WANTED ÜrtS&Z'vt Also, County Kights for Sale. Address C. A. (OOK, CHICAGO, ILL. ' 1VOT1CE ! The Annual meeting of the GERMÁN FARMERtí FIRE IN8L'RANCE COMPANY of Washtedhw County, will be held at the School House oppo aite the Oerman Church in Hcio, on the first MouJrt' of Iecember next, at IC o'clock a. m., for the purpoee )f electinp officers, and for the transaction of sticli rtther busineiB as may legally come before said meetng. A general attendance is requested. Dated, Oct. 24, 1873. 1449td WM. F. BUSS, Secretary. K X HURRY UP ! DAHTIES wishlng Wall Paper, Cloth Í and Paper Shades. Holland, Window FixturcB, Coids, Tassels. Ac. all New StTles, at Sati8factorj Pricee. by J. R. XtebmXer Je Co., BjoIc store, near the Ezprei Office. X -X


Old News
Michigan Argus