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Prospectus for 1874- 7th Year. THE ALDINE, [71 llhutrattd Montlüy Journal, univermlly admittrA to i'i tfu ffcmdtomest Periódica! in thr World. A ,!,■■■. i'tative. and Vluimiñon f American Tatta Not for Salf in Book or News Stores. I HF. ALDINE, wtiile issued with all the regalar! ty, has Done of the tempurary or timdy Interest rharacteristxc of ordinary eriodicals. It ia an e!egaut misceliany of pure, light and graceful litcrature ; and a collect on of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic 8kill, in black and white. Althouüh each succetnliii nnmber affords a fresh picasure to its frienda,tne real valué and beauty of THE ALD1NK will bc most nppreciated after it has been bound up at the close of the year. While othor publUations may claim superior cheapness. as compared with rivalsof a similar clans, Tilt: ALDINE'm a unique and original couception- alone and nnapproached - absolutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of a complete volume can not duplícate the quantity of flne paper ard engravings in any other shape or r.umber of volumes for Un timet iti ','"ai; and Ihen, ttere are öto ckremot. tfsides.' ART DEPARTMENT, 1874. The illustrations of THE ALDINB have won a worid-wide reputation, and in the art centers of Europe it is an admitted fact that its wood cuta are examples of ihe highest perfectiou ever attained.- The common prejudice in favor of " steel platea," is rapidly yielding to a more educated and discriminatiug taste which recognizes the advantages of superior artistic qnalHy with greater facility of productiou. The wood cutsof THE ALÜINE possess all the delicncy and elabórate finish of the most coetlyateelplate, while they afford a better rendering ot the artist's original. In addition to designs by the members of the National Academy, and other noted American artists, THE ALUIN Ki reproduce cxamples of the best forelffn masters, eelected with a view to the highest artistic success and sreatest general interest, 'l'hus the subscribers to THE ALIUXE will, at a trilling cost.enjoy in hisown home the pleasures aud reflning influences of true art. Ihe ijuarterly tinted platos for 1874 will be by Thos. Moran audJ. D. Woodward. The Chnstmus ií.suo for 18T4 will contain special designs appropriate to the season, by our best artista, and will surpaas in attractlons any of its predecessors. PREMIUMS FOR 1874. Every subscriberto THE ALDINE for the year 1814 will receivc apair of Chromos. The original pictures were painted in oil for the publishere of THE ALDINE, by Thomas Muran, whose great Colorado picture was pnrch&sed by Congres for ten thmunnti (tiiiljirH rl'hñ Hiibiects were chosen to rep rosent "The East" and "The West." One is a view in The White Mountains,New Hampehire; the other t!ivcs The Cliffs ol Green Rlver, ttyoming Territory. The difference iu the nature of the scènes themselves is a pleasing contrast, and affords a good display of the artist's scope and coloring. The chromos are each worked from thirty distinct plates, and are in size (12x10) and appearance exact facsimilies of the original. The presentation of a worthy exaraple of America's greatest landscape painterto thesubscribers of TUE ALDINE was a bold bnt poculiarly happy idea, and its sncceseful realization is attested by the followine testimonial, ovei the signatura of Mr. Moran hims;ll': Newark, N. J.. Sept. 20, 1873. McRirs. James Sutton & Co. Qentlemen I am deflghled with the proofs in color ol yoarchroraos. They aro wonderfully sncce8ful representaüon l)y raocbanica) process of the original paintiníís. verv respectfnlly, (SignedJ THO8. MORAN. These chroraos are in every sense American. - Thev are by an original American proceBB, with ma terial of American" manufacture, trom designs of Americanscenery by an American painter, and presented to the flrst succesaful American Art Journal. If any snbscriber ahould iudicnte n preference for a figure subject, the publishers will send "Thoughta of Home," a nuw and beautiful chromo, 14x20 inches, representin; a little Italian exile whosu speakinü: cyesbetray thelousings of hia heart. TEEMS. $ó per year, ia advance, with oil Cliromoafree. Por FIFTt CENTS EXTRA, the chromos will be sent, mouiiietl, varnUbed, and prepaid by mail. THE A IDISE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rate ; cash for subscription s must be sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local canvassers untkout rapoMibiWy ia ffu puWii&ört, except in case. where the certifícate is given, bearing the lac-simile slgn&tnre of James Sutton & Co, CANV ASSERS "WANTED. Any person wishing to act permanently as a lcal canvasser will receive full and prompt inlormation by applviiis to JAMES SUTTON & CO., Publishers, 14.)2tf "'S Maiden Lañe, New York. CIVEN AWAY IF 1T WILL NOT INSTANTLY RELIEVE o Rheumats'm M Mk. Deafness, Neuralgia, M A Catarrh, Headache, . ■ Bowel Cottv Spralns, H ■ plalnts and Brulses, V .M similar Cuts, Burns, ■ V QSeases. Chllblalns, W ;-:',. WILL KILL The worst cough In qulcker time than any other preparatlon In the wond. We wlll wlll refund the money If we do not glve Immedlate relief. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ONLY HARMLESS DYE. Acts like TJJ&v the most a charm I H k natural Neverfails ■ B shades to ■ V of Brown ly produce H m or Black á BY ONE APPLICATION. TKEMAIN & COLE, GROCEES AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS No. 30 East Huron Street. A fu 11 line of Oroceries constan ti y on hand and for saleeheap, imduding Bugaffl, Teas, Spicea, &c. Country Produce Bougtat :ind sold. Bring in your Butler, Eggs, Poulfery, Fruit, ftc N. B. i:OI,K haa estabHshed his Conl office at tha store of TKEMAIN & COLE, where all orders will be promptly attended to' H38 t STEABNS: COCO-OLESPI A portoet huir dreaaing - not a dye ■ nor :i r - storaüve, bul a dir-sint;, elcunl p--T-" itn.l aomioaL ' ' STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is cooling lo the soalp, impartí a dl%btfDl seme ot vitality ■ aiul softnesa toj- aitm: !■■"■ STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, sweotly perfomed and limpid, rendera tiiejiuu ■- STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevente thatdryness .■ w h j ,.'i, f 4 cituoa duudruti r_H Í ■■ -f"mulftte. ■"■ " i . STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE oontaiuB m onelargí hottle more oil and mote perfume - -.thiiu any oth.-r - i !'" dressing i-'in raai'Uet, tuni p"1" - iBOld v.enty-Hve per eent. lens than moM Otlje. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE bri"lit"iis)iliniilii)iair.dirkeiismi' '"'" nftlr, rendBrelMtrotMbrowii and black (- ha, 1 gem the harahneM oi ooawe halr. STEARNS' COCO-OL-INE is H LDB 01 ■ PEEDEEIOK STEAENS, - OÜEMIST, IKT!tIT, SIICH. Pold evi-rywlievr'. Be sore and gef the Gmnim Coco-Olelue. Lel uo ona paim i ffouyQaubo He of Ninw ci.cnp ttnd '■'■ Uilen im'laii-'i of :.ciOleine. Thera ar more tban tweity eoiinter.rita of it now sold, puf upasnearlike thu Bonujne ,.s Uw maken dare umi oTaao tl' law. "ÜOR SALE ON LONG CREDlfl Ann Arbor City Lots, with good title, and well located tor reaidences or business. Also several Mortguges for aule. luquire of E. W. JIOHGAN. 14mJ 1873. 1873. TAKE N0T1CE ! rpHE ANN ARBOË TRADING iUHIATIll Are now having "Daily Opening OP FRESH Fin Dn unís Diicct from New York and manufacturera in Greater variety tlmn ever before ! 2W XO HOUSE IN THIS OITï t Can s!iO,o as Complete a stock of DRESS GOODS As we are now oppning. SHAWLS IN ALL STYLES, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, ... ,, LINENS, DOMESTICS, notioíísTT" "" HÜSIERY, LIDIES' UNDERWEAR, &c, &e. A complete assortment ot CARPETINGS -A.3ST3D OIL CLOTHS 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4.1 %The public understand that we have lor the past flve years sold our gooda aff Lower IPrices than any of our competitors, and we now announce that we intend to hold and increase our already immense trad e by a system of SMA3L.L PROFIT8 Por ourselves, and TELLING BARGAINS for our customers, whlch we believe the public will appreciate and encourage. G. W. HAYS, Supt. Ann Arbot, Sept. 18,;i673. 1444tf


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