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Mercury, Arsenic anti Quiuine Are the poisons usually administered to counteract the poison oí malaria. They sometimes "break a chili," but are always hurtful and often dangerous to the system. Deshler's Fever aud Ague PiUs. are an infallible cure for Periodic Fevers without any of these l'nisons. Sold by druggists and by Feasee & Lee, New York City. Kliizí of tbc Bload. FOK SALT BHEUM, ERUPTIONS', SCALD HEAD3, ETC. Case. - I have been troubled for the last thirty years with Salt Eheum on my hands. They have been so at times that I have been unable to use them for any purpose for which they were intended. I was advised by a friend of mine, who had used the K. of the B., to try it. I did Have used seven bottles, and to all appearances my hands are well. Thoy look and feel as though an entirely new skin had been formed. H. L. Htjlbeet, Druggists, 44 South St.( Utica. See advertisement in another column. 1 1 m 1 1 How to I.ive i; onuuiii : 1 1 } . The problem of how to economizo in lÍTiug Í8 one that engages the aerious attention of a great many people. "Manya little makes a mickle " was one of Benjamin Franklin's "Poor Bichard" truisms that summarizes the whole system of popular extravagance. If you wish to save I money, economize in little as well as in large items of expenditures. For all the household purposes for which polishing powders, bath brick and soap are usually used, excepting the one thing of washing clothes, Sapolio is by many times the cheapest article that can be employed. To say nothing about its great superiority to all other substances, it is, on the score of money alone, by far the cheapest. Eemember this fact and save many dollars every year. ui mtm ■■! Xlie Mousehold Panacea and Family Lininient Is the best remedy in the world for the following complainu, viz. : Cramps in the Limbs and Stomaen, Pain in the Stomaeh, Bowels, or Side, Kheumatism in all its toi ms Bilious Colic, Neuralgia , Cholera, Dysentery, Colds, Fresh Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chills and Fever. ïor Internal and External use. lts opemtion is not only to relieve the patiënt, out entirely removes the cause of the complaint, It penetrates aud pervades the whole system, restoring healthy action to all its parts, and quickeniug the b'.ood. , _ Tlie Houseliold Panacea is purely Vegetable and All-Heuling. Frepared by CURTÍS & BROWN, No. 21S Fulton Street, New York. For sale by all druggists. 1436yl IJeyond the Mississippi.- Tliousands have alreudy gone, aud thousands more are turningtheir eyes towards 'new homes in the fertile West. To those going to Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Oregijn or California, we recommend a cheap, safe, quick and direet route, vía Si. Louis, over the Missftun Pacillc Eailroad, whioh runs its fine Day Coaches and Pullman Sleepers from St. Louis to principal points in the West without change. We belie've that the Missouri Pacifio Eailload has the best track and the finest.and safest equipment of any line westof the 'MisBissippi, and its connections with roads further West are prompt and reliable. The Texas counection of this road is now complet ed, and passengere are offered a flrst-class, allrail route from St. Louis to Texas, either over the Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R., via Sedalia, or over the Atlantic & Paciflc R. R., via Vinüa. For mapa, time tables, information as to rates, routes, &c, we refer our readers to I. G. Wheeler, Northern PaBsenger Agent, 72 Lloyd street, Buffalo, N. Y., or E. A. Ford, General Passenger Agsnt, St. Louis, Mo. Queslions witt bt cieerfullv and promptly answeredl Emiffration Tnrning ! Cheap Farms in South-west Missouri !- The Atlantic & Paciflc Railroad Company offers 1.200,000 acres of land in Central and Southwest Missouri, at from $3 to $12 per acre, on seven years' time, with free tranBportation from St. Louis to all purchasers. Climate, soil, timber, mineral wealth, schools, churches and law-abidine society invite emigrants from all points to this land of fruits and ilowers. For particulars, address A. Tuck, Land Commissioner , St. Louis, Missouri. 117 'I'líirty Ycars' Experience of an Oíd Nurse. Mrs. WinsloWs Syrup isthe preacription of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, aud has been used tor thirty years with never failing suíety and success by millions ef raotherB and children, from the feeble infaot oí one waek oíd to tht' adult. It correcta acidity of the Btomach, relieves wind oolic, regúlales the , and gives rest. health and comfort to mother and child. W believe it to be the Best and Sureat Eemedy in the World in all cases of DYSENTEKY and DIAREHCEA IN CHILDREN, whetherit alises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for Uüing will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTÍS & PERKlNSisonthe outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 1436vt Centaur l.iniiiiriii. There is no pain which the Centaur Liniment vrill not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which it will not cure. This is strong language, but it is true. Where the parts are not gone, its effects are marvelous. It has produced more cures oí' rheuraatism, neuralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, cakedbreasts, scalds, tmrns, salt-rheum, ear-ache, &c. upon the human frame, and of strains, spavins, galls, &o., upon animáis in One year than have all other pretended remedies smce the world began. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmless and the wouuded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe is published around eachbottle. Itisselling asno article ever before sold, and it sells because it does just what it pretends to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment. More than 1,000 certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumors, &c, have been received. We will send a circular coutaining certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis, to any one requestin(; it. One bottle of the yellow paper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars f or spavin or sweeuied horses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners - this liniment is worth your attention. No fannly should be without Centaur Liniment. Price 50 ets., large bottles $1. J. B Rose & Co., 63 Broadway, New York. Castobia is more than a suhstitute for Castor OU. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assirailate the food, regúlate the bowels, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine nor alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. - 1431m6 Children Often Look Palv and Si k From no other cause than ha vina worms in the stom"Ch' BEOWN'8 VERMIFUGE COMFITS Will destroy Worrae without injury tothe child.being perfectlv WHITE, and free from all coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparaCUKTI8 & BROWN, Propvietors, No. 216 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Drtiggists and Chemiats, and dealers in Medicines at twKNTY-FivE Cents a Box. l4S(iy 1 SECOND STOCK - OF - FALL & WINTER G-OOIDS I Now being received by BACH k ABEL HAVING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE G R E A T DEPEESSION EXISTING IN THE E A S T,E E N MARKETS BY MAKING LARGE CASH PÜRCHASES. WE ARE NOW ENABLED TO OFFER OUR LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. VW BUYERS WILL CONSULT THEIR INTERESTS AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE MAKING PÜRCHASES. BACH & ABEL. BOOKS. BOOKS. i J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STORE NEAR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL. BOOKS. r ______ ] L.C.RISDON'S AIWERTI3EMENT. I Now is the time to buy I PARLOB &HBATIN6 i STOVES. I wiU sell them at COST until further notice. lïo. 31 S. Main st. Aun Arbor. TAMES McMAHON, Justice of the Peacc, Oifioe in new block, North of Court House ïtoney collected and promptly paid over. INSURANCE AGENT. Triuraph, assets, $727,903.11 North Mlsêonri, " 45,417.91 Hibcrnia, 350.000.0U REAL KSTATK. 1 have 80 aerea of land V of a mile trom the city imite, finely located for fruit or garden purpoees. Also 40 aerea. AIbo 10 acres, with house and barn.and a llvel stream of water running throagh the barn yard. 60 aeree , a míle out. X will sell any or all the aboye cheap, or exchange for city property. 1S74 JAMES McMAHON.


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Michigan Argus