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Prospectus for 1874 - 7ili Year. THE ÁLDINE, A ii Wttstra'rd Mottikly Journal, universally ailfnittrd to be the Handsomest periodical in the World. A Rtpresentative and Champion of American Taste Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. THE ALD1NE, whlle issuen with all the regulan tv, haa none of the temporary or Hmely interest characteristic of ordinury periodicals. It is an elegant miscelíany of pure, light and graeefal literature ; and a coílect on of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skiU, ín black and white. Although each eucceeding numher affords a freeh pleasure to ite friends,the real valué and öeauty of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it hae been bound up at the close of the year. While other pubiications may claim superior cheapneas. as compared with rívalso a similar clasa, THE ALDINfC'ia a uniqne and original conceplion - alone and unapproached- absolutely without competition in price or character. The poasessor of a complete volume can uot duplícate the quantity of flne paper ard engravings in any other ehape or number of volumes or ten times its cosí; and thcnt there are the chrmnoSy bcsides! ART DEPARTMENT, 1874. The illustrations of THE ALDINE have won a world-wide reputation, and in the art centers of Europe it is an admitted fact that its wood cuta are examples of ihe hlghest perfectiou ever attained. - The comraon prejudice in favor of " steel plates," is rapidly yielding to a more edneated and discriminatiuk taste which recoguizes the advantagee of superior artistic qualHy with greater facility of production. The wood cu:sof THE ALDINE posseas all the delicacy and elabórate ñmeh of the moet costlyateelplate, while they afford a better rendering ol the artist's original. In addition to designs by the membera of the Na tion al Academy, and other noted American artista, THE ÁLDINE will reproduce exampks of the best foreign maaiers, selected with a view to the highest artistic success and reatest general interest. Thus the aubscribera to THE ALU1NE will, at a trifling cost, enjoy in his own home the pU asures and re flning infiuences ol true art. The quarterly tinted plates for 1S74 will be by Thos. Moran and J. D. Woodward. The Chnstmas issue for 18T4 will contain special designs appropriate to the season, by our beet artiets, and will aurpass in attractlona any of its predecessors. PREMIUMS FOB 1874. Evory subscriber to THE ALDINE for the year 1874 will receive a pair of Chromos. The original pictures were painted in oil for the pnblishere of THE ALDINE, by Thomas Moran, whose great Colorado picture was purchaBed by Congress for ten thousand dollars. Thesubiects were chosfiTi to rpp resent "The Bast" and "The West." One Is a view in The White Mountains, New Hampfhire ; the other gives The Cliffs ol Green River, Wyoming Teni. tory. The differeuce in the nature of the acenes themselves is a pleasing contrast, and affords a uood display of the artist's scope and coloring.i The chromos are each worked from thirty distiuct plates, and are in size Cl'2xl6J and appearance exact facsimilies of the origináis. The presentation of a worthy example of America' greatest landscape painterto thesnbscribers of TUK ALVINE was a boldbut peculiarly happy idea, and ita succcssfnl realization is attested by the following testimonial, ovei the signatnre of Mr. Moran himself: Newark, N. J.. Sept. 20, 1873. Mesara. J:imesöutton as vu. Gentlemen- I am delighted with the proofs in color of yonr chromos. They are wonderfully succesaful representationsby mechanical procesa of the original paintings. Very respectfully, (Signed) THOS. MORAN. These chromos are in every sense American.- They are by an original American procesa, with ma terial of American manufacture, irom designs of Americanscenery by an American painter, and presentedto the flrst Buccesaful American Art Journal. If any subscriber should indícate a preference for a figure subject, the pablishers will send "Thoughts of Home," a new and beautiful chromo.14x.iO inches, repreaenting a little Italian exile whose speakinL eyesbetray the longinga of hie heart. TEEMS. $5 iier year, in advance, with oil Chrommfree. For FIFTï CENTS EXTRA, the chromos willbeaent, mounted, varnished, and prepaid by mail. THE ALDIXE will, hereafter,be obtainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rate ; cash for eubscription b must be sent to the publishera direct, or handed to the local canyassers mthvut rispimsibiliiy tolhe publühers, except iocaae, where the certifícate is given, be.iring the lac-simile Bignatnre of James tíutton & Co, CANVASSERS TVANTED. Any pereon wishing to act permanently as a local canvas8er will receive full and prompt iniormation by applying to JAMES SÜTTON & CO.,, 1452w6 58MaidenLane,New York. wÈJLLj 7iJ ín Tin tjf í$jb CARBOLIC D1SINFECTING S0AP8. ForwashlngHorses, Cattle, Plgs, Doge; Kllls Fleas on Dogs, Destroys Lloe on Cattle and Horses, Tlcks on Sheep. Death to Bed Bugs and Roaches; Cheapor and betterthan all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET 8OAPS Whlten, Beautlfy and Cleanse the skin from all Impuritles. CARBOLIC MEDICINAL SOAP CURES M A OTHER Salt-Rheum I H Cutaneous And all V W DISEASES. CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. Affords complete protectlon to p'ints, Vlnes, Trees, &c, from all Bugs, Fleas, Plant Uce and Parasites. Without InJury to Vegetable Life. Never falls. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most effectlve cure and preventlv ot Scab-lt kllls all Llce-Cads-Tloks' eto. The Increased growth and welght ot fleece encouraged by lts use more tha equals the cost of the dip. -. ' Bochak's Carbollo Soaps and Compound alqj. aregenuine. All others are baso imitation - ♦otthlese. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTSTREMAIN & COLE, GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS No. 30 East Huron Street. A full line of Groceries constantly on hand and for salecheap, including Sugars, Teas, Spices, &c. Country Produce Bought and sold. Bring in your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Fruits, &c. N. B. VOIjÏi has established his 1,'onl office at th3 store of TREMAIN & OOLE, where all orders will be promptly atteuded to1 , STEABNS' COCO-OLEÍNA A perfect hair dressing- not a dye nor a v - storative, but a dressing, elegant r-i-l and ( - ïiomieal. " STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE ij oooling to the scalp, imparta a deliglittul mu: ■ o vilality i and soítuess to ljm the Latr. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, sweetiy perfumad and limpid, renders the hair uppleand - dreases it in aiiy I I oouivJ loilll. tm STEARNS' COCO-OLEIfsE, cnlircly vegetable oil, prevents that drj-nns of wnlp w h i c h f t causes dandruö r-,-"1 to ''"" muíate. "" ' „ STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE containsinonelarge bottle more oil and mote praBOld twenty-üve percent, less than most ollierii. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE luijiht rus blonde hair, darkens aub . . ura hn ir, renders lustroiwbroira and black - - ' liair, lesbens the harshness of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLÍINE Ifl BKAXKB ONJ-.Y BY PEEDEEIOK BTEAMSj - CZCMIï, KTUOIT, MICH. Sold everyvrhero. Be ure and get the (Jeiiiiiiie Coco-Oleinc. Let no one palm off on you a bottlí of some clieap and worUika imitation of l'ocoOlrine. Tliere are more than twenïy oonnterteit of it now sold, put up as ueai Uke the gonuiue us uie makers daré and evade the law. "ÜOR SALE ON LONG CREDITM Ann Arbor City Lots, with good title, and well loMted for residences or business. Also several MortgageB for aale. Inquireof E. W. MORGAN. 14S2m3 M k M Offer at prices to correspond wlth the late New York Rates. New and Fashionable Dress Goods. New Biaritz and Drab De Etes. New Silks and Alpacas. New Black Dress Goods . New Shawls anl rüoakings. New Fringes and Guipare Laces. New Ribbons and Embroideries. New Goods for Men's wear. New Flannels and Blankets. New Bleaob and Brown Cottons. :jgf ïhose wanting to buy Dry Goods cheap shonld nol fail to give us a cali. MACK & SCHMID. TjiALL BULLETIN ! P ï MïW fj. il. JUlUvuül?, HATTEE! Has turned bis back upon Winter and opcned his stock ot WINTER GOODS! Including all the latest stylea of Hats and Caps! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Which must be sold. GOOD GOODS AND LOWPRICES Is the word to paas along the line. 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor. 1424 A liíiilittaiHiüiiBJffiüpMt BriggsHouse, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has all the modern conveniences- Passenger Elevator, liath Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Room, Elegantly Furnished, and located in the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS &. HUNTOON, - Propnetors. IROCERIES AT VT LESS THAN COST ! L. R. SLAWSON Ia now selling Grooeries at LESS THIST COST For cash to close out his stock. V3 Buyera ahould cali and examine his good3 Wfore purchasing. NO HUMBUO ABOÜT THIS. Ann Arboi, Nov. 6, 1873. 1451tf


Old News
Michigan Argus