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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. riBAMEK & GRA1VOER, Attorneys at [j Luw, Ann Albor, Mieh. tR AïJErThARKIMAN 4: HAMILTO1 F AUorneys at Lw. Office Nos. 7 and 9 South Main strcet, Ann Arbor, Mich. ,vr77c0L,E, Dealer in Coa!. Office wHIiFelcu pi . & Gbaht, ovor tflawson & Sons' Store, Cor., Foarth and Huron St. TKASTIJS TIIATCIIER, Attorney and h Counselor at Law, No. ó East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mtoh. L38Ü_ TSVaKBOhTuUWKRAL, SPR1NGS. .Morris Halo, M. 1)., Superintendent. Office lubolldinc, corner Mann and West Huron Street. '„■■VES & WORDEN, '20 South Main strect, V Ann Arior, Mich., Wholesale and retail deal„ Dry öoods. Cárpete and Groceries. 135ltf ilCK & SCIimu, Dealers in Dry Goods. M. Groceries, ürockerj,c. No. 4W South Main Stmet. Wil. J 4CKSON, Dentist. successor to C. B. Porter. Office corner Maiuand riuron streets, „„, the store of R. W. Ellis & Co , Ann Arbor, jLich. nestheticsadministeredif reQuired. i .T. JIIS, Dealer in Hats and Caps, f!i. furs, St'raw Goods. Gents' Fnrnishins; Goods, i-c. No 7 Soutli Main treet. Ann Arbor, Micli. TijTHERlüSS & WHEDOS, L and pire Insurance Aircuts, and dealermn Real Estáte. OBrfon Hurón Street __ BCH ABEL, Dealers in Pry Goods Groccrie,c ftc.No J6 South Main Street, Ann Irbor. OUIWSON A 8OW, Grocers, Provisión and S Oommissloii Merchanís. and dealers In Water Ume.Und Piaster, and Pller Parí. No. lu East Snror. street Wti, WAfiKEB, Dealer in R-ady MadeCloth i,,.' Ulotbe. Cawflmere. VestinRs, Hats, Caps, Trankíarpet Hags, &c 21 South Mainstn-it. VTOAÜ W OHEEVEK, AL'TORNET AT LAW ! OUdewlth B.W. Morgan, Hastside ofCourt House ii]iiire. 1331 lyC. CaRRí Dcntist, - Suenessor to C. C. Jrükins. Nitroús Oxid : Gas iidtnniistered " A. - ■" -s_ when necessary. f 3k OfBce over f aW Bach & Alel's MUS. H. .T. HILTON, M. D., PHYSSCIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Rendente No. 88 Ann Street, corH- r of Ingalls, Ana Arbor, Midi. feW Office lioui-s- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to i v. M."i Btfermett- Pko. Bageb, Prof. Palmee. lMivl , R O C K E R Y GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & P Donnelly HaveinstorealargestockofCrockery, Glassware, Plated Ware,Cutleiy Grocenes, &c, ie. all tobe soldat unuBually low prices. No. 12 EastHnron Street, Ann Arbor. 1128tf J. & P. DONNELLT. TOHN G. GALL, DBALEB IINT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LAR, SAUSAGBS, Etc, Onlerssolidtedandpromptly illed with thebest meats in the market. 31 Bast W aehington street Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1889. 1235tf j)R. C. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PÜT UP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Uregory Block. GA. LEITER & CO. Ann Arbor, Deo. 22d 1871. 1354 AHKSEÏ, ïiFJk Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, ANn SLEIGHS, of everystylc, made of the best material, itnd warranted. Kepaiiing done promptly ml pricös reK3onable. Detroit Street, Der R. 1!. Depot, Ann Arbor, Jlich. 1446yl JOHN FEED. BKOSS, , MANUFACTUREK OF ' CA8RI VGES, BtGVIES, M'.nBCK K.IHN. üPRIXti H A(.OS tl I II ItS, SI.KK.ilS, &c. All vork warnmted of the best material. Repairin? done proniptly and reasonably All work warrimtt'ü to ive perfect satirffaction. 68 South Main strert. 1422 pLOUR AND FEED STORE. HENRY WASCH, (Succesor to üeo. Laubengayer,) At 14 West Liberty Street, will keepconetan ly on hand a i'ull stuck of Fiour, Mea 1, Oats, Ccm Mili Feed , &c. All orders promptiy tilled at the low est cash prices. Caab paid for Corn and Oats. 415y QR.O. B. POKTER, DEISTTIST. Ottice in the Siivings Bauk Block, Ann Arbor. 411 Operations on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. ÜS3URPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIBNCB MTIflto ARTIFICIAL TEETH, K 8tTB EACH INDIVIDUAL, Oiire oflkc proper tixt, thapt, color, firmnrttnnd natural tzpretsioH 1344 JJOTICE! J. HANGSTERFER & SON have cominenced tp B0TTÍE LAGER BEER, Ia Pint and Quart Bottles, and are now ready to receive orders to deliverto lamihes by the dozen, alpo bottled Scotch Ale nd Losdon Portee, at reasonable prices. Ü&" Leave orders at Hangsterfer's Confecnonery Store, which will receive prompt atteubon- P 1452w4 L


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