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FOB. SALE OE EENT.- My rüfdence iu the city of Ann Arbor is for saie or rept, ivrn jahed or unf urnished, to Buit purchaser pr tenant, t i} sjtuated n pns of Ihe . aftat cpnvenient, heálthjr ud beautiful parta o.f the qifry. Apply to me or tó N. B. Cole. . -twHil O. B. QUANT. VfOTIOE, The annitnl meeting of the Forest Hill Cemetery onipauy of Ann Arbor, will bo held at the atore f (ieo. (irenville, on Tuesday, January 6th, 1S74, t 2 o'clock, P. M., for the electionof uiliecis and the ranuactionof Buch uther butinesBas ma} come böore ït. GKO. GRENVILLE, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Dec. lBth, 1873. Iwl4ü7 rTOESESHOEING ! lp addition to the Mili Piek busineiss, we have put n Horseahoeing, und invite eveiy mau wnnticggood ork tu oall. We uae the DAY & EUSSELL, GOODENOUGH, and common shoes. Shop in the Goodrich Foandry or Lock Fiiqtory uildjng, North 4th. street. Í1YÍ57 CHURCH & CHAPÍN. rjR. O. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PÜT ÜP AND FILL iMiysiciaiis Prescriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Uregory Block. C. A.LEITER & CO. Ann Arbor. Deo. 23}1871. ÍIM -- UIZ JÍ WHAT TEACHER Or pupil il properly furnfehed for his work, as a new term begins, unleas he is supplied with n í:tiaht% E1VGLIMH DIC I IONAKY 1 Or whaP?" fessional man, famliy i.r private individunl, cnn 1ways read understancliriRly, or mnki.' l),e best intellectual progresa, unless ilierc is at hnrd, lor oiten Ziff' " like wolk; "a"d wlii yi;U are GUT THE BEST," WEBSTBR'S DNABRIDGED DICTIÖNABÏ 10,000 Words and Meanint;s not 11 othcr Dictiutinries 3,000 Engravings ; 1840 Pages Quinto. Prios 12. BarA National Standard. OT nuthority in tha Government Printiner Offi,ce at U'asliinftton K9"Wnrmly]ecomin,etided by Buncroft, Presentí Motley, (leo i. Marst, Halleck, WhittiPi Willis' Saxe, Elihu Burritl, Daniel Webster, üuius Choate' and the best A mor toan and European sghol-irg Publishedby . C. inerrium. Sprinüfleld, Masg. 8o)d by all Buokbt-llers. Webstcr's School Diotionarins, Mugtrated Editions. Webster's Primary School Diotionary, 204 Eng. " Coramon School " 274 ' M High School " $97 " Academie ' 344 " Countin;? House " with numerous lllustrationa and many valuable tables not to be found elsewhere. Puhlished by IVTSON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., N. Y. Sold everywhere. 14S7 THE DKTROtï WEEKKLY TRTBUNE FOR 1874. THE XJE-A-lDIlSrGRIPUBL1CÜN PAPER of MrnnmATv. ONE OF THE LAKGEST W EEKLIES IN THE NORTHWEST. The Dutroit WEEKLY TRIBUUT!, ore of the oldest and most flrmly estiiblished'newspnpers of tho country, is now a 56 COLUMN NEWSPAPER -OP- EIGHT PAGES, and thua one of the Largest Uepublican Weeküea published iu the Northwest. Politically, it is an Independent lte])ublicnn Journal, the friend of all gcnuine Refoim movements, and the earnest advocate of the rii;]its of the people as against monopolies of all description. The DETROIT "WEEKLY TRIBUNE ia alao a oarefully adited journal, which publUhes in compact f O. Vil ALI THE NfiWS OF THE DAY. Foieigïï Rná F0mestio; whicn is especially attcntive to all matters possessing a Michigan interest; which -ivea full and accurate Commercial Reports ; and which presenta to its readers regularly choice poetry imd stories and other miscellaneous selcctions. To tMs latter feature much attention is pairt, nnd this raalces THE TRIBUNE a sterling Family Joural, ucd a welcome gueat at every firehide it visita. ITS AMRU'ULTUrIÏ, DEPARTMENT Ia under the chaige of an experienced nd practica] editor, a,nd, is a popular medium for the interchange af cqpjnions and the fuots oí experieoce among ita subscribe, TERMS- $2 per year for single copies ; in clulm of flve at one time, $1.80; in clubs of ten at one time, $J .60 ; in clubs of twenty at oue time, $1.50.. It is the Largest, Cheapest, and Beat Weckly newspayer published in Michigan.. Address all orders to THK TRIBUNE, DETROIT, MXH. Estáte of Greorge Young, Senior. OTATEOF MICHIGAN. Countj ofWashtenaw,sa Ata session of the Probate Court for the Oountj of Washtcnaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tut-wlay, fcfce ftUteentb diy of December, in, te year oue thousand eight hupdredar.d seventy three. Breseut. Noah W. Cheever, .Tndge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of George Young, Senior, deceased. Thomas Young, administra tor of aid estáte, comes into Court and represen tt thal he U now prepared to rendor his final ftccouut as euch Admlnistrator. Thereuponit ia Qrdered, thatWednesdny, the fourtcenth day of Jannary uöxt, at ten o'elock iu the forenoou, be aaeigned for examining and allowing such accouDt,andthatthe heirs at luw of saiddcceused, and all otherpersonsinterepted Insaldü requirt'd to appear at a session of satd i'ourt, then to be holden at the Probate OÖlce, in the City oT Ann Arbor, In saldCounty, and show cftue, ifany there be,why the said acoount should not be allowed And It ia further ordered that sid Admlnlstrator give notice to the persons Interested in said estáte, of the pendoncy of said account, and the hearinp thereof. by caueing a copy of this order to be publishedinthe Michigan Ar pus , a newgpaper printed and clrculating in said Couuty, three auccessive weeks previons to said dy of hearing. (A truecopy.) NOAI1 W. CHEEVRR, 1457 Judge of Probate. ÏJatate of Michael ]$earaey. OTATEQFMICEfIGAN,OountyofWashtenaw, s. O At a aeasiou of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Waahienaw holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the seventeenth day of December, in the year one thousand eighthundred and seventy-three. l'resent, Noah W. Cheever, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the eetate of Michttel Kenrney. deceased. Margaret Kearney Executrix oí the last will and testament of &aid deceastd, comes iuto court and representa that she is uow prepared to rencier her final account as such KxvcutrU, Thereupon it is Ordered, that Thursday, the flfteenth day of January ucxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aaafgned for examining and allow ngsich accuunV ftöd that the deviséis, lpgatees, and heirg at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required ;o appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the ProbateOffice, in the City of Ann Arbor InsaidCounty, and showcauseif auy there be, whythe said account should notbe allowed : And it ii? 'urther ordered, that said Executrix L've notice io thepersonsinterested in said estáte, oí' the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereoT, by canslug a copy of this order tobe pnblishedin the Michigan Argus,& newspaper printed audci:culatine nsaidCounty, three successive weeks previQiiH to saiH day of heaHnff. CAtrueoopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 145? Judgü of Pcobate. Estáte of Patrick McCarthy, OTATE OF MICHIGAN", oounty of Washtenaw, ss. IO At a seaeiou of the Probate Court for tho couuty of "Wuahtenaw, holdon at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the eigbtee&th daj of December, in the year one thousund eiyht liundred and seventy-three. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In tlie matter of the estáte of Patviuk McCarthy, deceased. Timothy McCarthy, Adniinistratur oi said estáte, comeB into court and repiesenls that he is nüw prepared to reuder his final account as sueh Administra tor. Thereupon it is ordered, Fnday, the sixteenth day of January iet, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assign,ed for the examining and allowing auch account, tiud that the heirs at law of said deeeuscd.and all other persons interested in aaid estáte, are required o appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden it the ProbattOffi.ce, in tbe City of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the said uccount should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that Baid Administrator give notice to tlie lersons interested in said estáte, of the pendeucy of said iccount and the hearing thereof, by cuusiog a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper, printed and oir.oulu,ting iusaid county, hree aucceseive week previous fo said day of heur"ÍV tvueoppy.) NOAH "W, CHEEVER, 1457 Jude of Probate. Estáte of Matthew Keaniey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "VVashteunw,ss. O At a seasion of the Prubate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office in the City f Aan Arbor, on Wednesday the seventeentli duy oJ )eoember, in the year one tkousaud eight hundrecl nd seventy-three. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of theeatateot' Matthew Kearney. dfeased. Margaret Kearney Administrutrix, debonis on of said estáte, come into court and representa lat ehe is now prepared to reader her ftnal account s such adminiatratrix, Thereupg it ia (Hiered. that Thursday , the flfteenth ay erf 4aoYy BeaEt, at ten o'cloek in the foreon, be aaaïgoed. farexaminingand allowing BttCh ftoount, and thttt the heiiö at luw of said deeased, and all other persons in teres ted in said state, are required to appear at a seBsion oí iaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, n the City of Ann Arbor, in said eounty, and show auae, if any there be, why the said account sbould ot be ftllowed: Aud it is t'm-ther ordered, that snid admiuistratrix give notice to the persons interested to aald state, of the pendency of aaid account, nnd the hearing lereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publisht'd n the Michigan Argus, a newapaper printed and (4ycuatingin said County, threesueoessive weeis previoua o aaid day of hearing. {AtruecQpya P' IfOAHW. CHEEVKIi, m Judse of Probate. HURRY UP ! ■pARTIES wlahlng Wall Paper, Shades T Hollands, Wlndow Pixtnres, Co'ds, Tassels, Ac, all New Styles, at Satlsfactorj Prlcee, bj J. It. Webster e. Co., Book Sture , uur the BxptetB Office. "ST. NIOHOLAS AND "OUR YOUNG FOLKS." Boys, take pleusuie In announeinn that by an ar 'our youms foljks HA BEEN MEUGEIJ IX " ST. .VICHÓLAS.1 In addition to the strikins novelties and great liteS'L?A?' fh.e e9t Features of Our Young f olks will be relamed. " St. Nk-hoU " has been enlarged. new eontributions huve buen secured ■ aruoDg tliem ' A SKRIAL8TOBYBY J. T TRUWBIilDGE. Late Editor of "Our Yonu" Folks " whioh bcgms m the present number. Kmin'mt wiitr7L n knowntothe readers of Our Yoim 1: olks has been engaged. We are tima enableá to Premt to the ublln J Masrazine f ciflda JuhlwW'dT"01111 eVery W8pMt t0 any CT betore Thhee Splendid Sekial StoiesWIlAT M1UI1T HAVE BEEN EXPECTED, A Story for Boys, Bï Fbank E. Stockton. "' "TiB-a-.Lin8:," Roundabout Kambles," wtóers IÍ! nI%,1eof the hestof our Ameri. "NIMPO'S TROUBLES," A Story for'Ciirls. By OLIVE THOENE (Mbs. Habriet m. Miuj), A great favonte with the children. Iti a good' strong, wholesome í-tory of Kirl life, and wfll be ful! of interest for both boys and girls " " auii "FAST FRIENDS," By J. T. TBOWBRIDGB, One of the most popular writers for yonng folks in America. Headers of " Jack Hazard," "A Chance forHimself," and " Doing his Btet," will unders'andwhat a capital treat is in store for them in Mr. Trowbridge's new story. ALL THESE STORIES 4PLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. "JIMMYJOHÑ" STORIES," By Mra. ABBT MOKTON DÍAZ, Author of "The William Henry Letters," "William Henryand Hislriends," and " Lucy Mari" (who has the rare and happy gift of knowing how to dehght young pepple) will appear during the year. Iiierewill also beShorter Ktories, Papers on Science and Hiatory, Natural History, Wild Sports and Adventures, Sketches of Travel, Fairy Tales, Poems, l uzzles. Charades, Jingles, Fun and Fancv Instruction. Entertainment and Delight. Something for all, frorc iather and Mother to the baby The IIlustrationswillbe the best that the Artista of two oontinentscansupply, and will be printed with the greatest care. FOR VER Y LÜTLE FOLKS. Our pages in big and easy words for the youngest readers, which hnve been h " hit " from the flrst, will be continued. The children will be glad to know also, that the department of JACK-1N-TH E-PULPIT is to be a permanent feature of the mgasine. Jack wiU teil some of the most curious things ever heard and make himself generally entertaining. We have undertaken to make the best magazine possible, for the little iölks, as well as those who are older. Every number of St. Nicholas will contain good reading matter for boys and girls of all asres besides a great deal ot hoartY and innocent fnn, ' Chnatmas comes but once a year. hut St. Nicholas the new nvisazine for glrls and boys, comes every month. ] t has ñire dy won the hearts of the younz folks, and the little chlldien are for St Nicholas. " We Want 100,00 Children made Happy BY ST. NICHOLAS VT THE HOLIDAYS. St. Nicholaü, as enlarged, containa one-third moarumnttertlian Our Yonng Folks, thus givine a great variety lor all. With lts great Literary and Attractions, and ils beantilul Printing tt willbefouud to be the Cheapest Manaiine in the World. Sul)scriptionPilec.f3ayear. The tiro back nnm bers for Noyembor aml Dectmber, '13. will be Bent toall subsribers for '74 without additionl cnarge Pour Monthifor ONE DOLLAR: 25cts a NumberPor Sale and sahcriptiom received by ail Booksellers & News Dealers on the aboveterms. Money may be sent to us in cheeks payable to our order, or in Post Office Money Orders, or n Re?istered Letters. Money in Letters not ReisterexT a-t sendrr's risk SCR1BJÏER & CO., C54 ItroAwuy, New Tork. TAMKS McMAHON, Justice of the Peace, Offico in new block, North of Oourt House Money collected and promptly paid over. HSTSUKANCE AGENT. Triumph, asaeis, $T2;,9IS.n Nfutu Mlssmiri, " 045,417 91 Hibernia, " 350,000.00 RHIAlli K8TATK. I nave su aerea of land 'i of a mile from the city imita, finely looatod for lïuit or garden purposes. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with honse and barn,and a llvel stream of water running threagn the barn yard. 60 acres, a mile out 1 will sell any or all the abovojeheap, or exchanee for cit property. l3T4yl JAMES McMAHON. W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Siruff, Pipes, &c, AT XO. 7 EAST HUROX STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANSÍ ARBOR, tl H II. 1345tf If yon are Suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Down Constit ution, Or require a Remedy to Pnrtfy and Enrich the Blood, yon will flnd Dr.Crook's Componnil Syrnp of l'oke Boot to possess greater merit, cure you more speedily, and do you more good than any and all othor romedies combined. That l'n1e,Yellow. S okl.v-IookineSkln la clianped to one of frethiiess nd nealtla. Those ljsonsos of the Skiii.!impies1Pustnlea, Blotclirs anrt Eriipiious are removed. Srroi'ula. ScioIHIoiih Uispasea oí tlie, Whlii SwelIiiiSTN, Cloers, (llil Sores or any kind of Humor rapidly dwind e and disappear xinder its influence. WhiUlsit? lt is nature's own restorer I A soluble oxyd of iron combined with the medicinal propeities of Poke Root dlvested Qt all disairreeable oualltifis. Tt. wiilonroanv Msoa wliose real or direct causo is Hall ülooil. Klieuinalinm. l'.ims in Limbs or Bones, uusiiiiif oiim braken down by Mercurial or other poisons, are all cured by ltQFor Kyphilis, or Syphllitic talm, tnere is uotiiiii_ .-.nul to iu A trial wili nrove It, BoU Dy IROCERIES AT LESS THAN COST ! L. R. SLAWSOIM Is now solling Groceries at LESS THAIST COST For cash ta close out bis stock. tSíW Buyers shuulil eull und exainiue his goods bOorepurchaüing. NO HUMBUG ABOUT THIS. Ann Arliol, Nov. 6, 1S73. 145 ltf V'OTICE! The annuiil meeting of the Waslitenaw C'ounty Lgrioultural mid Hortioultural Society, i'or the leution of oföcers for the ensuing year, iind for the ranauotion of sucli otlier business as may properly um before it, will be held ut the Oourt House, in he city of Ann Arbor, on Xueaday the I6U1 day of )ecember, at 11 o'ciock. Aun Arbor, Dec. 2, 18T3. UAYID M. FINLEY, 1455w2 Becretary. noit salí: ! The undersjijned offers for sale cheap hls Store, rner of Huron and Fourth streete : a good and conbnignt building and oue of the best business loca.ons- ebpecially for the grocery trade- in the city. Ann Arbor, Xov. 6, 1873. IWltf l. E. in k m Offer at prices to correspond with the late New York Rates. New and Fashionable Dress Goode. New Biaritz and Drab De Etes. New Silks and Alpacas. New Black Dress Goods. New Shawls and Cloakings. New Fringe8 and Guipure Laces. New Ribbons and Embroideries. New froofls for Mpti's uwr New Flannels and Blankets.. New Bleacb and Bwn Cottons. Those wanting to bny Dry Goods cheap should not fail to give us a cali. MACK & SCHMID. T 1 ATX T)TTT T TimTXT t luiinn HATTEE! Has turned hls back upon Winter and oponed hit stock oí WINTER GOODS! Including all the latest styles of Hats and Caps I GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c Which must be sold. GOOD GOODS AND LOWPRICES Ia th word to pass along the lir.e. 7 Sonth viniíi St.. Aun Arboi. 1424 WAGNEB, The One-Pricetl Clothier.' Hiwreeently enlargedhia store and has just receiveí and offers to the public the larcest btock oí MENS', YOUTHS', AND BOTS' Ready-Made Fall and Winter CLOTHING! Ever brought within the County of Wiishteoa-These goods were bought for cash, und wül be sola " thelowest possible cash price. AT WAOXEE' Also coustanlly on hiud fln li-ne f Foreign and DomeBtic Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestin?s All in ífreat variety, which will be mnát op to order und warrnntfd to fl.. WAGNBB19. A completo and large stock oí Gents Purnisliing Gooú )f eyerydccription, lowor than r-WAQNEK'S. TRtTNKS AND VALISES of varioua styles and onke,. AT WAGNEBGOOD PAPEK COiLAES only 8 ct. per box. WM. WAGNEB. 1 SeutL Main St., Aun Arbor


Old News
Michigan Argus