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Estáte of Philanda Besinier. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa O At a seasion of the Probate Court for the Countv oí Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Offioe, in the Cityof Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the eighteenth dny of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and aeventy-three. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Philanda Besimer, deceaaed. On reading and aiing the petition, duly verified, of Anson D. Besiiner, praying thHt a certain instrument now on ille in thia court, purportiny to bc the last will and testament of eaid deceased, may be admitted to piobute, and that he may be appointed sole Executor thei-eof. teenlh day of Januaiy next, at ten u'elock in the foienoon, be assigned for the of saidpetition.und devUees, legtitees, and heirs at law of aaid deceastd, and ull other pcrsonu iutereated in said estáte, are required toappeai ata aeasion of said Court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if auy there be, why the piayerotthe petitionershould notbegranted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notioe to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of üaid pctition, aud the hearin thei-eof, by oausing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argiis, a newapaper priuted and circulating in said County, three auceetwive weeks previou to said day of heariug. (A ttue oopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEB, 1458 Judtfe oí rrobatí. Hheriffs Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wsshtensw, ss. O Notiee i hereby jfiven that by virtue of one writ of execution istmea out of and under the eal of the Qixnuife Court for the County of Washteuaw, to me directed and del'vered, I did on tnis nineteenth duy of December, A. D. 1873. le-rj upon iill the rig-ht, title and intei-est of Merchant H. Goodrich, in and to the following deecribed reul eatate, situated in the County of Washtonuw. State of Michigan, to wil: Lots number two, three, foui, flve and six, and west half of lots leren and eight, block one north, i-miffo Üve east. ;xcf ptinsr tn feet off the west half of lot seven and ight, alo except fortr-four feet front on Fonrth itre#t by one hundred and ten feet deep off the Kmthwefct corner of saki lots. all in the city of Ann i.rbor, Washtenaw Couqty, State of Michigan, which ibove described property I shall zpote for sale at mblic nuction, to the highxt bidder, at the somh tixr of the Conrt Home. in the dtr of Aon Arbor, o the evwitli y of pabnary, A. D. 16T4 Datad, Ama Axbei, Dc. 1, 1S7J, M. FLKMIKQ, 3hrlff. j FIRE ! FIRE ! C. H. IVIILLEIM'S PIRE In ipt! The Oldest Ageney in the (Jity ! Representa the followiiig first-claas companics : Home Insurance Co. of New York City. Capital and Burplus over $4,000,000. Continental Ins. Co , of New York, Capital and surplus 82,500,000. Ureene Insurance Uo., 01 i'miadelpiiia. Capital and surplus 700,000. Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartford. Capital and surplus $600,000. No. 4 South Main Street, Arm Arbor. C. H. MILLEX. ïuatf in V WÜ OyclopetliRof Thinps Worth KnowAu6lllM"in8' r25."0 WnntsSupIHied. Over ï,y 0 eohniniH on royul octavo-sized pugWANTED. leg. The greatcBt Eeceipt Ba k ui tlie afie. Tl1 D McU'liromo t'ree. rimphlet circulara i r, KTisifree_ N,th We3U.rn ijjijie an{j pub. Co., Extra. Riraud Rápida, Mich. 200 PIANOS and ORUAAS New and Second-Muiid, ƒ I irsí-í l:ivs makers willbe sold at Lower Frices for cash, ur on liiHliilliiniil. in City or Country, durinir tnisFiuancial Crisis and the Holl.inj , 1,1 H. WAi i;iis ie sn, hl Broadway, tlmn ever before offercd in ew York. Arent Wstntud (s 7 Waler' Cvle li rut eil Pianos, Concertouurf O rchcstrail Oricaiiv. II I iihi riiKMl Catalogues ma.iled. Grand Indnceuicuts lo Ue 'l'rade. A large discount to ministers, Cnurclics, Miiiilaj -s-liool, etc. ll nury Made Rapidly with Stencils & Koy Check IVIUrlC T Outilttj. CataloffiieH and full particubivs FBEE. 8. M. Spencer, 117 Himover St., Bostou. (fl Pto $100 in Wall St., ol'tcn leads to a forJ I i jtune. No risk. 32-pafje paraphlet for stamp. i I 1 1 Valentine, TuMluiiDGE & l'o., Bankers and VPlUBrokers, 39 Wall St., New York. " ' i t --'--'■ pf QJCf rtÖJQ Apcr day ! Ageuts wunted l All classes PüLOkyaUot1 working pecple. of tithersex, young or oíd. malee more money at woik for 113 in their spare momento, or all the time, than at unything else Particuliirs f ree. AddreBs tí. Btinkon & Co., Portland Muine. Í0. P. aOWËLL -i CO, conduct an Agency for the recept ion of advertiaementa for Americtm Newspupeiü - the most complete eötablishment of the kind m the worlil. öix tbousand Newspapera are kept regularly on tile, opou to itiapection by customers. íío reading'-room, ho wever complete, recive one-twontieth of this number. Every Advertiseinent is tukun at the homu pi'ïce of the paper, without any additional ch:ugu or euiuiaiasion, so that an adveitiser, in dealing with the Agency, is saved trouble and correspondentie, makirig oue contrnct inatead of a dozen, a hundied or a thouand. A Book of eight paes, contaiuing lists of best papers, largest circululions, religlous, agnculturnl, claaa, political, daily and country papers, also uiagnzinea and aU publicationa whicü are specially valuable to advertisers, with some iui'ormation aboDt prices, is sent ITrec to any adürebon application. Persons at a distance wiahingto make contracta tor advertiaing in any town, city, country. State or Ter ritory of the United States, or any portion of the Dominion f Canada, muy send a conciso statement of what they want, together with a copy oí the Aflvcrtisement they deaire inserted, and will r!coive ioformation by return mail wliich will enublc them to decide wheiher to in crease, reduce or forgo the order. Por such information there i no charge whatever. Puhlishers not only eend their riles freo, wUt i"' a-i-i LpWDi l1. 11 iii ■J_U i1". i"t VWBtt servicee. Orders aie acceoted lor a single paper as well ns for alaryer list ; fora single dollar as reiidily aa for a larger sum. Addrcss the Amric-iU Newspaper Advertiaing Agency, 41 PAUK KOT, 1 ■ J. X Howeithersex iu;iy fascínate and ; ■ in the love and affections of any per-on they choose,iustantly. This simple mental acquirement 11 can possess, free, by mail, for 2ñ cents ; togeiher with a Marriao Guide, Kg'yptian Órnele, Dreams, Hints to'Lndies. A qut-er book. 100,0(ü aold. Addrees T. W1LLIAM Sc CO-, Publisherf. Philadelphia. WHAT TEACHER Or pupil is properly furnished for his vork, aa a new term begins, unless he if bupplied with a GOOI) t:;i,IMI D1C1IUNAUV? Or what proteBHional man, fttmif y r private individuttl, can Jways read understandingly, ur muke the best intellectual progresa, iiDlesa there is at hand, tbr otten conaultation, a likt) woik Í " and whilat you ure about it, GEÏÏHE BEST," DNABRID6ED DIGTIONARY 10,000 Words aud Meanings not iu o,ther Dictiunnries 3,000 Engravings; 1840 Pages Qunrto. Price $12. KIP A National Standard. The tiuthority in tho Government Printing Office at Washington. KT Warmly lecommended by B.incroft, Prescott, Motley, Öeo P. Muréh, Halleck, Whittior, Willis, Saxe, Klihu Burritt, Daniel Webster, Jiufus Choate. aud tho best Amorican and European scholars. Published by ii X V Merriani, Springtlcld, Mti&a. Sold by all Bookselifrs. [-:■] Webster' School Dictionaries, Illustrated Editions. Webster' Primary School Dictionary, '204 Eng. " Common School ' 271 '■ High School " 2B7 " 11 Acadcinic " 344 " M Counting Houo " with numerous illustrutious and muuy vahmble tables not to bo found elbewhere. Publishetl by IVISOX, BLAKEMAX, TAYLOR & 00., N. Y. Sold everywhrre. UÍ7 TA00B HALLEE, 22 East Hurón Slreet, Aim Arbor, Dealer in fine Gents' and Ladfes' (otl uuil Silver WATCHES AND CJIAIXS A great variety of line GOLD AND PLATED JEWELRY, Ookl Pens, Clocks, &c. Solo tiijenf of the éélebrated PAUL BRETON WATCH, Aluoof the Perfected Luwll S Mum-.' Spectiicles and Eye Gliisscs OPEKA QLASSKS FOR HALE OR RENT. KiT Special attention piven to repuirmg Wftk-hea, ClockH, Jewehy uuü SpeotaolfeS. 145.'.,vJ I . _______________ . „ II TTOKSESHOEING! In addition to the Mili Piek business, we have jut in HoriH.shoeiiiy, and invite ever? mun wantinggeod work to culi. We use the DAY & KUSSELL, GOODENOn Hl, tind comnion slioc-s. öhop in tho Goodrich Foundry or l.m-k Faotory building, Nortli Jth stveet. 2wH57 CHURCH & CHAPÍN. "OTICE. Th annunl iueetint? of the Forost Hill CemeterjCompaDy of Ann Aibnr, will be held at the store oí G. Grenville. on Tuesday, January 6th, 1SÏ4, t t o'olock, P. M., tor the election of offiosis and the tMiMaoUou oí uch othex butiucss as mu} come beGEO GKENTILLE, Clerk. Aan Arbor, Dec. 18th, 1873. lwU57 "ST. NICHOLAS" AND "OUR YOUNG FOLKS." The publwhc-r. of &T. NICHOI.AS, Scrlbner'n Illustraied 'lau„„. tor dirls and Uuys, take pkasuie in unnouncing that by an arrangement with Messrs. J. R i sgood & Co. their popular Magazine '-OUK VOLWii FOLKS HA8 BEEN MEHGED IN " ST. NICH0LA8.' In addition to the strikin novelties and preai literary and urtiistic attractionB. alruarly otfercd by " 8T Nli;HOLAS," The Best Featurea of Uur Young Folks will be retained. "8t. Nicholaa" has been enlurged. new eoutiibutiuns have been secured ; among theni SKRIAL8TI)RYBY J. T TROWBRIDGK. Late Editor oí "Our Yuiiií Folk," wDich bejcins in the present number. Olher Eminent writerswell known to the tenders of " Our Vouns Folhs" bas been engaffed. We are thua ennbled to present to the public a Mat'nzine for Children and V outh, superior In eveiy respect to any ever before pubuahed. Tiu'.ek Splendid Sebial Stohiks : WHAT MIUH f HAVE BEEX EXPEC'TEÜ, A Story fur Doys, ÜY i'EANK R. StuCKÏON. Autlior of '■ Tiuga-Ling," " Roundabout Hamblca," etc. Mr. Stockton is one of tbe best of uur Ameri. writers. 'The scène of the story is laid in Virginia. The boy-liero has started out with a gun on his shoulder, and we may be sure theie will bo no end of fun tind udventurea. "MIMPO'S TROUBLES," A Story for Girls, By OLIVE THORNE (Mks. Harhiet M. Milleu), A great fnvonte with the children. It is n good, strong, wholeaome ttory of pirl life, and will be full of interest for both boys and girls, "FaST FKIENDS," By J. T., One of the most populur writers for young folks in America. Üeadersof "Jack Hazard," " A Chance tor Himself," and ' Doinf hia B'et," will understaud what a capital treat ia in store for them in .Mr. Trowbridge's new story. ALL THEöE S10RIE8 4PLENDIDLY ILLUSTiUTEX. " jimmyjohF" stories," By Mrs. ABBY M0KT0N DIAZ, Authorof "The William Henry Letters," "William Henryand His Friends," und " Lucy Maria" (who has the rare and happy pfift of knuwinff how to delteht young people) will appear during the year. There wi 1 also be Shorter Stoiics, Papers on Science and Hiatory. Saturitl History, Wild íports and Adventuves, Sketches of Travel, Fairy Tales, Toems, Puzzlen, Charades, Jingle, Fun and Fancy Instructora, Kulertainment and Delight. SomethinR for all, froir Father and Motherto the baby. The IIlustrationBwillbe the best that the Artista of two cnntinontscanauprly, and will be printed with Ihe greatest care. FOU VEKY LITTLE FOLKS. üur pages in big type and easy words for the younjiest readers, which have been a " hit " from the Hrat, will be contiaued. The children will be glad to know also. that the deDartment of LU U.UUW illüU, LU. IL H1U UI_'miUUUHL UI J IN-TH E-PULPIT i.8 to be a permanent feature of the nigasine. Jack will teil ome üf the most curiuus things ever heard, and make himself generally entertuining. We have undertaken to make the hest magazine possible, for the little tolks, as well as those wbo are older. Every number of St. Nicholas will contain good reading matter for boys and girls ot uil ages, betddes a great deal of heartY and innocent tun, Oh ristmas comes butoncea year. hut St Nicholas the new magazine for girls and boys, comes every month. It haa alrcdy won the hearts of the yonng folks, and the little childien are crying for St. Nicholae. We Want 100,000 Children marte Happy BY ST. NICHOLAS VT TfIE HOLIDAYS. St. Nicholas, as enlarged. containu one-third more matter than Our Young Folks. thns glvin); a great variety lor all. With its great Literary nd Pictorinl Attractions, and its beautilnl willbefouud to be the Cheapest Magazine ihe World. Suu8crl)jtion Price.S3a year. The two back nnm bers for November and Docimber, '73. will besent to all eubsribiira ior '74 wi.hont additionl charge Pour Monthd for ONE DOLLAR: 25cla a NtunberPor Sale audsubcriutioa recei ved by ail Booksellera & News Dealers on the above terms. Money may be sent to us in cheeks payable to oor order, or in Post Office Money Orders, or in Registered Letiers Money in Letters not Registcrecf at seniU-rV risk SCR1BNER & CO., 664 Bruüdwiiy, New York. HECH1OAÜ CENTRAL RAILROAI). WINTER TIME TABLB. Passenge-i trainsnow leave the several BtutionP,a8 t'oilowb : GOING WEST. iA' '3 - H a a j ÜlêiAi. a. m.!a. mJp. jt.jj. m. Detroit, leave, 7 15 10 15 1 451 4 00 i S 40 10 30 Vp.Uuti, r r.i ti rj ' i .■ so r lo a. m Ann Arbor, '.) 02 11 43 3 21; 5 50 7 45 IJ 05 Dexter, i 9 35i i 3 41 6 25 S 10, ChelseH, j 9 52' j 4 00 8 30 OrassLake, '10 19 p. ie. 4 35 I 9 0' Jackson, 10 55 1 05; 5 05 9 35 1 30 K"alamazoo, 2 20 3 40 8 20 12 25 Ohicago arrive, 8 M 0 M 6 30i 8 30 GOING EAST. i f fff! sil A. M. A. H.l P. M.jP. M. t'hicago, lettve, ; 5 00 8 3(l! 5 15 ü 00 p. m. a. m. I a. m. i Kalamazoo. U 051 1 IS j 5 00 1 2 15 F. H. A. M. Tackaon. 2 30 3 .í5 S 00 12 30: 4 45 Graas Lake, 2 so 8 30; ■ Chelsea, 8 24j 8 631 1 a m Doxter, 3 41 9 09 1 1 6 25 Ann Arbor, 4 05; 5 03 9 38; 1 551 6 00 6 55 Ypsilanti, 4 25, 5 22 10 03: 2 17 6 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, 5 50 0 25 11 20 ! 3 30 1 7 25 8 46 The Atlantic and Pacific Express run botween Jackson and Xiles on the Air Lliie. Datod.Nov. 2. 1S73 DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EA1LEOAD Gonro wkbt. - 1S73- ooiüq f..vt. stations. Maii. Exp.j stations. Exp. Mail. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 4:00 M MYpsilanti 10:S0 6:15 Banken P:30 2:15 Calino, 1 :00 6:43 Hillsdale 705 230 Bridgewater.. 1:13 7:00 ! Manchester.... 8:33 4:08 Manchester.. ..11:38 7:18 ! Bridgewater . . 8:50 4:28 P-M. ! Saline 9:05 4:46 lTilladale .1:20 8:52 i Ypsilanti .10:03 5:15 Banker. 1 :30 i):00 Detroit 1 1:20 6:25 Traína run by Chicago time. W. F. PAEKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. ( ROCERIES AT LESS THAN COST ! L. R. SLAWSOIM Is now uelling Groceriea at LESS THAN CO8T For cash to olose out liis stock. EL? Buyera shuuid culi and examine biagoocis fore imrchiusiljg. XO HUMBUQ AHOI'T mis. Ami Arbor, Noy. 8, 173. u.'iltf AjSÜPl'LYINO A WA.NT LONG N EEDED BY BANK hltS, ai r a PHirsiciANs, ril Y n n.i:i{; tu: TO k ïï OORBBSPONDil ■ -- --i i BrioKKiiiiriiiis MEHCHA1VTS, H U ff' T I BUSINESS !IK.. One of the moat praotio ; uaeful, wid vulunlilc i -A.iï vi'ii:ionsof the nge. V entdd D qc em [ er, 187; . . -fc _ _ S,O uow ind.ii BI C P P I i Use, k'iviny unquiiliflet I % P I I SatlsfBOtfOU. o litlsiiic-s W fai ■ %J m otHoe ÍH complete without Ji V E M T ION. Sond for Ptice List and IUtutntad Ciroulai AGENTS WANTED to%SSlW Also, County HiMht for S„le. Addree. C. A. COOK. CHICAGO, ILL. Wanted, Agent s, $75 to Í250 per month, Terywhere. mals and feruale, to Introduce the Genuino lmproved CommoR Sense Family Sewine Machine. Thi machine will stltch.hem, feil, tuck. quilt. cord, bind, braid and em- J'ryiderinamost superior manner. Price only $ j. Fully hcensed. and warrauted for flve yeare. Wewillpay$i,iHiofor any machine that will h. . stronger, more beautiful. or more elatio mm than ours. It muke the Klatio Lock Slitch." Eïery ■econd stltrh can be cut. ind till the cloth can Dot bt pulled aprt without tearing It. We pay agente from 3 to 52.W per month and expensen, or acommiasioa frorn wlilch twlce that anionut can be made. Addres SECOMB & CU„ 157 Stato atreet, Chicago, Illinois. FOR SALE OR EENTMy residence in the city ot Ann Arbor u for sul? or rent, urnühed or unfurnished, to suit pui-choawr or tenant, t is sitaated iit oneof tae most ounveaient, halthr nd bsüuutul parts oí the city. 4,pply to me or to . B. Cole. '? C. B. GBANT. U k Stliil Offer at prices to correspond with the late New York Rates. New and Fashionable Dress Gooda New Biaritz and Drab De Etes. New Silks and Alpacas. New Black Dress Goods . New Shawls and Cloakings. New Fringes and Guipare Laces. New Ribbons and Embroideries. New Goods tbr Meu'e wear. New Flaimels and Blankets. New Bleacb and Brown Cottons. 1: Those wanting to buy Drv Goods cheap should nol fail togivs us a cali. M4CK & SCHUD. WAGNEE The One-Pficed Clothier! Han recently enlarged bis store and has jiist recefved and offers to the public the lurgest stock ol MENS', YOUTHS', AND BOYS' Ready-Made Fall and Wint CLOTHING! Ever brouglit within the County of W'aahtenaw.These gcxxls were bought for cash, uad will be so!d st the lowet poftsiblccaah price. AT WAfi-VEE'ü. Also conatunlly on hand a fine line of Foreign ud Dtontk Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings All in great variety, which will be made up to order and warranted to üi. AT WAGNEB'S. A complete and large stock oí ( Gents' Furnishing Goods of every description, lower than ever. AT WAGNEIfSTRUNKS AND VALI9ES of vnrioua styles ai makes. AT WAtiNEJ'"8GOOR PAPER C0LLAR9 only 8 eta. per box. WM. WAGNEE. 21 South Main St., Ann Arlior [f you are Suffering from aay . CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Down Const ilution, Or requlre a Eemedy to Pnrliy and turicü the Blood, ïou wlll flnd Dr.Crook's Componnd Syrnp of Pokeltoot to posaesê greatermerit,eaTtl yon more speedlly, and do you more gooo than any and all other remedies comblned. Tbs Pale.Tellow, Sirkly-loohine Shi Is ohanged to one of freshness nnd nealth' Tbosa DÜseasea of the Skin.PimpIes.F9' (nls. Blotches and Krnpilons are removed. Serofnla. Ncrofuloim Dinen"11 of tUe Eyea, White NwpIIintri, licor, oíd torea or any kind of Hnraor rapW'7 dwinrt e and disappear nnder lts influeDce. Whatlsltr lt Is nature's own restorer I A ■oluble oxyd of tron comblned iritli tij medicinal proporties of Poke Eoot dlvesteu ot all disagreeable quallties. It willcnreany Sisease whose real or direct cause is B" Blood. KtKMimtttism. l'aln in Lliiibü or Bones, ConsUtntions broken down by Mercurial or other poisons. aro all curea by tt For 8yphllls,or Sypbilltlc tninj. tnere is nothina equal to IL A trial wlU oro velu Boldby W. A. LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST I Deals in both FINE t ÜT ANÏ) SMOKING TOBACCO, Siruff, 3?ipes, &c.f AT 7 BAST HUROX STREET, et to the Express Office, Aim arbob, mica. MM


Old News
Michigan Argus