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CaRDS. - Circulara. _ Bill-Heads. _ Letter-Heads. ghipping Tags. l'rintecl at the Aroi:s office. _- In the best style and cheap. _ Don't order elsewhere before calling. - Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. - Col. Grant has removed his family to gouifhton. _ X. B. Colé has bought the interest of his partner in tha grocery business. - The amiual eloction of tho First National Bank is te take place on Tuesday next. The senior eloss has voted to postpone a Clsas Dy " to Conniiencement Week. Korrect. _- Despite the city ordinances and the vigilant nolice pedestrians had to waile in snow yesterrinr. ll'roi. Morse is to del i ver his two leeturos on panrinisnl in tlie Opera House sometime in February. - That oft-printed and mnch wrangled over noem, "Beauüïul Snow," was in order yester jay morning. _ Pr. D. W. Bliss and wife celebrated their wolden anniversarv New Tear'a evening by a f.imily s:ltheril1"_ The Fifth Ward Firo Company dedicated their new engine house on Wednesday evening, witli n grand ball. - AVithout due and sufficient wam ing from " Old Probabilities " over eight inehes of snow feil during Wednesday night. _ The store of John Claney was entered by burjflais on Satnnlay night last, and some nine or ten dollars taken frora the money drawer. _ A. Widenmann, Esq., of this city has premited a heautiful 19 pipe organ to the Universitv, and it now sounds its notes in the new chapel. At the anuual meeting of the Unitarian üooiety held on Mouday afternoon last, Jos. Whitlark and A. McReynolds, Esq., were elected Trustees. Everv citi.en of Ann Arbor oiight to take andpay for) one or the otherot tae local pa" pera, and now i.= jnstthe time to subscribe for the ABors. _ By what authority does the eommou council of Ypsilanti appoiut a Justice of the Peace ? H by the charter, is it sufticient P It is nnporhuit to kiiow. - At the annual elcction of the First Methodist Episcopal church, held on Monday eveniug last, Heñís. E. A. Beal, Stephen Mills, and John Ferdon were elected Trustees. - Rev. J. H. Brigham of the Unitarian Church, will discourse on Sunday morning, on ;' The use of Iutoxicating Drinks," in response to the resolutions ot the G-ood Templara. - The following officers of the Porter Zoure elected on Monday evening last : Captain- S. B. Revenaugh ; First Lieutenant - J. W. Hangsterfer ; Socond Lieutenant- William Kay, - This eTening, by the invitation of the Medio! studeuts, Rev. C. H. Brigham will lecture in the lower lecture room of the Medical College. Subject: "The Bthics of the Medical Profession." - Yesterday moming furnished a capital ocrrision for a students' raid upou the sidewalks, hut H'e regret to say the opportunity is among the lost or misimproved ones scored up against uur young friends. - A basket well filled with tlie cards of New Year's callers was stolen from the door post of a Liberty street house : probably by some one ■'üose basket had been shghted or who was too shiftlesB to hang one out. - A city clergyman was called up at a very early hour on New Year's moruing by a couple aniioUB fc beyin the year as yoke fellows. After tarrying for breakfast they were married ;iii church) and went their way as hppy as two iuexperienced lambs. - " 1849. Welcome. 187-4 " was the legend in evergreen letters and figures over the wide-open doors at the residence of J. B. Gott, Esq., on Xew Year's day. The interpretation was that t was the silver wedding anniversary. May we assist at the celebration of the golden anniversary ? - It is understood that bcginning with the year the price of gas is to be S3.ÓU a tliousand, it one thousand feet are burned. The reduction will be acceptable, but the condition will lead to more hard feeling than it is worth. Better an eren $3 all round, with satisfied consumere and increased consumption. - Yicky Woodhull compensated hereelf for her experience at Ann Arbor by a glowing account of her tnbulations, accompanied by a list of "distinguished citizens" who called upou her, expressed their great regret at the occurrences of the evening, and urged her to come again. The list includes the names of several gentlemen who, not wishing to be "snatched bakl-headed," deny tne impeachment. - T1Ú8 city has an adultery case on the officia' slate. The parties are a Mr. Donahue and a Mra. Connors, of Wayne county. They were captured Tuesday night at the house of James ilaloy, in the Third ward, and under circumstances as strong as those of the colored man, who said " when you see two white feet and two black feet sliding out of the same bed it is pretty ncar time to suspect suspicion. Their examiation was set down for to-day bet'ore Justice Beahan.

- Mrs. Hannah Schittenheim, of Scio, about four miles west of this city, committed suicide on the night of the 6th inst, by plunging headlong into a well on the premises of her daughter, MrS. Mary Fox. The well was forty-five feet deep and contained five feet of water. She was missed on the morning of the 7th and search being made was found in the well her head bruised and mangled and right leg fractured. The verdict at the inquest, held by coroner Breakey, assumed mental derangement caused by sickness.

- This being "The Week of Prayer" union ;s have been held eaeh afteruoon in the lecturo room of the Presbytenau Church, and in the several churehes identiüed with the Evangeüéal Alhance each evening. We hear that at the meeting on Wednesday afternoon, the special subject being "Prayer for Colleges Schools, Prisons," etc, there was a little uiitimely if iiot unseemly friction touching the religïous influonce at work or not afwork in the Univetmty, with sonie odious comparisons and Klowing prognostications concerning the tendencies of a higher education. Is there tsue wisdom in the' trite proverb, t( Where ignorance is blisa 'tis folly to be wise ? " or can revelation nd religión stand before the light of science aokirship ? On the 29th uit. Philip Fohey, oí Nortlifield, sliot a gray Eagle, which measured 8 feet from tip to tip of the wings, and 4 feet trom beak to end of tail. He broke liis wing at the second hot and then tollowed him three-fourths of a unie, broke a raíl over bis head and Becured him ulive. While Thomas Coyle was looking at the ciiptiYe bird he mauifested a propor resentment at the treatment he had received by securing a portion oï said Coyle's nose. Mr. l'olioy ]resented the bird to the üniversity. - A prominent exchange bas this startling heading to an editorial, " Mora Eottenness of the Eepublican Party."


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Michigan Argus