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Af ïlVITÏinTc'oPcdia of Things Worth KnowrtUCll iolw in8. or 25,000 Wants Supplied. Over 11,100 columna on royal-octavo-sized pagWANTKD. les. The greatest lleceipl lin ;k of the age. TPHlVTslhromo Free. Pamphlet circulara Vr , frree. N'th Westein Bible and l'ub. Co., Kxtra. Rirand Rapids, Mich. t 20íT PIANOS ani, "üRüAÑS New md Sci oiiiI-IIüiiiI, „f I irsl- liiss makers, mttbe told al l.ovi r Pricea for cash, or on I iisi;lI I men 1-. iv t'tty r 4'oiintry, duriiig iliis I liana u CtIih and the llu'llay,l} 11. WA'I Kits fc Stt, 481 . way, t h ii ■ ever before ofl'ercrt iu ew York. Agcntti Wantcd bxll Watnrii' ebrated Piunos?CoiicertO"'Or4',lie4tril Oriiaiis. IllUKtrnted Catalogues inailed. frrand IndiiceineiitM t.n !!■ Traite. A ' !]-.( ouiil ir, ministers, ('Imrches, ( Nimdtiy-St lioois, etc. , liniJCV Mad' ""1a'1! with Stencils & Key Check lYlUilC ï OutHiB. Catalogues snd full partícula l'HMi. H. Jl. Si f.n-oeb, 117 Ilauover Si., Boston, i Al rto lO0 in Wall St., often lrads to a fori 1 I Itune No risk. 32-potfe pamphlet for stamp. ift I I LValbhtiwe, TumbUXDGS & Co., Bankerd and VlJlUBrokers, 89 Wall Kt., New York. (IJF4--t!Q0ï"ir day! AK"n's wanted! Ail classes fcpJ uUPoUof woiking leople, of tilhersex, youDg or old. make more money at work for us in ttieir Hpare moments, or ail the time, tlmn ut anything else Particular free. Adflrews G. Stinson & Con l'ortland Maine. QËO.P. ROWËLL & CO, conduct nn Ageney for the reception of aüvurtisements for American Newspapers - the most complete establishment of the kind in the world. Six tliouniind Newspapera are kept regularly on tile, open to inapeotion by cuatomers. No reading-room, howevur complete receives one-twenticth of this number. Every Advertisement is taken at the home price ot the paper, without any additional chuigc or commission, so that an adveitiser, in dealing with the Agenoy, is saved trouble and corrüspondcnce, making onc contract instead of a dozen, a hundred or a thoitsnnd. A Book of eight pagea, containing lists of bent papers, hirgest circulations, religlous, agnculturul, class, political, daily and country papers, also maga zines and all publieations whica are specially valuable to advertisera, with some information about pricea, is sent Free to any adoren on appheation.. Persone at a distance wishing to make contracta for advertising in any town, city, country. State or Ter ritory of the United States, or any portion of fhe I)ominicn of Canada, may send a conciso statement of what they want, together with acopy of the Advertisement they desire inserted, and will receive information by return mail whiuh will enable them to decide whether to íncrease, reduce or torga the order For such information there is no charge whatever. Publishere not only aend their filea free, but pay Messrs. Üeo. P. Rowkll & Co. tor their services. Orders are accepted for a single paper as well as for a larger list ; for a single dollar us rendily as for a larger sum. Addrese the American Newspaper Advertising Ageney, 41 PARK RÜWJU. 46 ÖSYHOMANCY, OR SOUL CHAEliING.1 X How either ex may fascínate and g;iin the love and affectiona of any per-on they choose,inatantly. This simple mental acquirement all can poasess, free, by mail, for 25 cents ; tof,'ether with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. A queerbook. 100,000 BOld. AdOreea T. WILLIAM & CO., Publishers, Philadelphiu. I O. Whpn flrst L. COLBY hung lus aign Of C. O. D. At No. '29, And offered Groceries chetip for ensh, Some people said, " he's bound to go to amaah." And old-time Grocers would iuintly smüf, Prophesying "C. O. D. will laat but little while. In ïx ty days we'll run him otf the track. And cali our wandering customers baok." The crookera said and thought it true, 'He'll aurely ttiil before the year is New! You can't sell Groceries in this town And get yourpay in greenbacks down; Where dry goods merchants on every street With silkh and satins, hang out ehicfcenfl to eat ; Where trad e is mixed in every place, At the same counter jou buy butter orlace ; Where credit and loss go hnd in hnml. Mr. C. O. D. but a slim chance will atand." Let prophete and croakers have thoir aay, L. COLBYshIIs GROOEKI Kö only for READY PAY, Andsells so cheap for daily cash He feai'8 no danger of a smush. And to hia patrons all, and business fnenda, The greeting of the seaaon he extenda, To young and old, a glad New Year, With hoata of friends and lots oí' cheer ! Give him a cali, and trom hia store Your tables spread with good thiiips more. At that pluce you will always lind Freah new Groceries ot best quality anrlkind - F.verything needful for good cheer at home You can buy at his counter whenever you coma. The days are so short thia bitter cold winter, Tomention details would weary the printrr. But ask if you chooae for nnything entable, You í?et it at once, in quality unbeatable ! Forhungry men who nre weary and cold, He has Oystera hot, Oysters that must besold - Oysters pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry, . Or Oyatera any other way you choose tt try. He will serve up Oysters at any hour of day, And the best of cigars to smoke on your way. A dish of hot Oysters will do you mueh good. And cheer you while aelling your gruin or wood. And with cash in hand lay in a store Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour and many more, Of all thinga subatantial for daily uae, Nor treatlife'ftgoodthings with abose ; Crockery and Glaasware and Fruita to put in them, Nuts, Kaisins, and Candy, for ohjldren who win them And ye who are blesaed with their beautiful facea Will flnd [29] the best of all placea, To Kiy a trine, to bring a amile or ringing laugh, Your pleasure, than theirs, will be grealer by half Then do not forget to cali on Mr. C. O. D., And buy of him your Fruits, bugar, and Tea, Though the big qq may f;ill from its place, The C. O. D. o '" store ia Btill on the race And does not intend to fly from the course Till croakers of evil talk themselvea hoarse. Groceries can be sold for ready pay. And Ooltoy has learned the way : Sold five times more than he expected- By O. O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teilKeep the best of all things- with prices low- be good natured, give good measure, And you are bound to sell I 29! 29! 29! B00KS. BOOKS. J. K. WEBSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STORE IN THE "GREÍÍORY BLOCK." ( 100 K TO YOUR INTEREST ANI) CALI. í i BOOKS. a - ï _ A _ I I , t: I ty L.C.RISDOftg'S S ADVBRTISEMÉN i'. ) Now is the time to buy PARLOR&HBATIMi STOVES. I will sell them at OOST until further notice. So. 31 S. Main St, Aun Albor. A Chance for Bargains ! ji Drsale at a great bargain, l(i0 ACRES OF CHOICE AND, lying 2 Y, miles from the city of loniii. 100 res under improvement, with goud orehard, barn id shed, and a comfort:ible boiue. Tenoa oí payent - from $2,000 to $2,5110 down ; balance on long me. „11 R, Also 90 ACRES, about 2 V, miles from AuimstM. Fi nlamuzoo County, all improved, with jfood buildgs. Terms - extremely low. Rl Also 40 ACEES about eiffht miles from Hastlngs. Also 80 ACRES on scetion S iu the town of Hazell, Sbiawaaae County, about 12 miles from Corunuii. L ell timbered. For terms addresa the undersined. Cor E. Bt-FOIVD. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. a ■■■ a ■ a ■ - - MICHKHX ( EM'RAL RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLB. ÏNwcngpilriunsnowleave the severnl atatlons.ns oliowfc : oniNO vrv.HI. STATIONS. _; W S 'S _ __e w_ o 3 w A. M. A.M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P M Detroit, leave, 7 15 10 16 1 4." 4 00 5 40 lu :s(i Ypsilanti, H 43 n ■: .", H2 5 80 V 10 A. M. AmiArl)or, 0 02 11 43 3 21 5 SO V 45 12 05 Dexter, o 35 3 41 fi -2!, 8 10 Chelaaa, 9 52 1 4 00 30 GrassLake, 10 19 p. h. 4 35 00 ■ Jaokson, 10 55! 105 6 05 9 35 1 Sfl U. a. ,r. Kalamazoo, 2 20 3 40 8 20 11 88 Ohicagoarrive, 8 :o 9 1)0 (i 311 8 30 _. GOING KIST. = !il!í:lií S Q a wj w : is ö SA. M. A. M. 1 M. I'. H. Chicago, leave, 5 00 8 30 r, Li 9 00 „ , 1'. K. . M. A. M.I Kalamazoo, 11 05 1 lft 5 001 , 2 Ij P.M. I. m. Jacksrm. 2 30 3 55 8 00 12 30 ; 4 45 Grass Lake, 2 S6 8 30 Chelsea, 3 24: 8 53 - - a. m. Dexter, 3 41 o ofl 1 1 6 25 Ami Arbor, 4 96 5 03 'I .IX 1 55 f, (KI 1; Dj Ypsilanti, .1 2:, 5 22 10 03 2 17 6 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, _5 50 fi 25 11 20 3 30 7 2') X 45 Th Atlantic anrl Facifle Express run betweeD Jae.kson and N'ileson the Air Line. Dated, Nov. 2. 1873 DETEOIT, 1IÏLLSDALE & INüfANA KA1I lïOAI) GOINO WEST. -1873- QOIVQ EAST. STATIONS. Mai.. Exp.' STATIONS. Exp. Mail A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 4:00 a. m. p. m Ypsilanti IOjüO 6:16 linker P:30 2:1. Saline 11:00 : Hillsdale 705 2-30 Bridge- ater.. 1:18 7:00 Manchester.... 8:33 4:08 Manchester. ...11:38 7:!8 Bridgewater . . 8:50 4:28 P. K. Saline 9:05 4:4 Hillsdale 1:20 8:52 Ypsilanti 10:03 5:1 Bqnkers 1:30 9:00 Detroit 11:20 6:2. Trates run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKEB, Sup't, Ypsilnnti. Estáte of Matthow Kearney. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of At a session ot the L'robute Court tor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Cit of Ann Arbor, on Wednesdy the seventeenth day o' December, in the year oue thousaud eight hundred and seventy-three. Present, Noah W. Cheover, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Matthcjw Kearney. de ceased. Margaret Kearney Administratrix, deboni non of sidil .-state, come into court and represent that she is now prepared to render her h'nal accoun as such administratiix. Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday, the flfteent day of Jaouary ncxt, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, be assigned forexamixdngand allowing sucb ac count, and that the heirs at law of said de ceased, and all other persons mterested in sai estáte, are required to appear at a session o said Court, thon to be holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show oauas, if anythere be, why the said account shoulc I not be allowed: And it is further ordered. that said ad ministratrix g ive notice to the persone interested in sai estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearin thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be publishe in the Muh imm Arma, n newspaper printed and eircu lating in said County, three suecessive weeks previou to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEH, 167 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Putrick McCarthy. OTATE OF MICHKJAN, county of Washtenaw, 8 1 At a sossion of the Probate Court for the count of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in th City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the eighlient daj of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. Present, Noah W Cheever, Judcte of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patrick McCarthy, deceased. Timothy McCarthv, Administrator 01 said estáte, comes into court and repiesents that he ie now prepared to reuder his dual account as such Administrator. Theieupon it ia ordered, that Friday, the sixteenth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned tor the examining and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of saïd deceased, and all other persons interested iu said estáte, are required toappear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the ProbateOflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ii any tljere be, why the said account should not .be allowcd : And it is further ordered, that said Administrator give notice to the persons interesttd in said estate.of the peudency of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper, printed and cisculuting in said county, three successivb weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true_copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1457 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Michael Keariaey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw, o. O At a session of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the seventeenth day of December, in the year one thousand eight hnnured and seventy-three. rresent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estnte of Michael Kearney. deceased. Margaret Kearney Executrix of the last will and testament of said deieased, comes into court and represents that she is uow prepared t render her flnal account as such Executrix. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Thursday. the fifteenth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assij-ned for examining and allow imane)! accotiiii, and that the devisees, legateee, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested iu said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor in waid County. aud show cause if anythere be, why the said acconnt should not be allowed : And it ie further ordered, that said Executrix give notice to the persons inlerested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by oansing a copy of this order to be publishedin the Michigan Argvs,& newspaper printed and circuí at ing iu saidCounty, three successive weeks previous to sai" day of Hearing. (Atrnecopy.) NOAII W. CHEEVER, 1467 Judge of Pcobate. Estáte of George Young, Senior. OTATEOFMICfIIGAN.CountofWashtenaw,sfi At a session of the Probate Court for the Countj of Washtenaw holden at the ProbateOflice, in th City of Ann Arbor, on Tucsday, the sixteenth dsy ol December in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy three. Present Noah W. Cheever, ludge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of George Young Senior, deceased. Thomas Young, administrator of said estáte, comes into Court and represents that he is now prepared to render his flnal account as such Administrator. Therenpon it is Ordered, that Wednesday, the fourteeuth day of January next, at ten o'clck iu the forenoou, be assigned for examining and allowing sucti account, aud thallhe heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persous interested insaidestater1 required to appear at a session of said Court, then tn be holden at the Probate Office, in the City ot Ann Arbor, in saidCounty . and show cause, ifany there be.why the said account should not be allowcd And it is furthor ordered that said Administrator give notice to the persons interested in saidestate. of the pendency of said account, and the hearinp thereof. by causing a copy of this order to be pub lished in the Michigan Atgut, a newspaper printed aud clrciilating in said County. three auccessive weeks previoue to said day of hearing CA truecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEK, 14ñ7 Judgeof Probate. Estáte of Philanda Besininr. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss 0 At a session of the Probate Court for the Countv of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the eighteenth day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. Present. Noah W. Cheever, Judgeof Probate. In tlie matter of the estáte of Philanda Besimer deeeased. On raadiog and Kling the petition, duly verifled, of Anson D. Beaimer, praying that a certain instrument now on file in this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be admittt'il to probate, and that he may be uppointed sole Exeeutor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the ninebeenth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the foreooon, be assigned for the hearingof said petition, and levisees, leñatees, and heirs at l.w of said deceased, md all other persons interested in said estáte, are reluired toappeai ata session of said Court, then to e holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann irbOT, and show cause, if any there be, why the Diayerof thepetitionershould notbegranted: And it e further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to :he persons interested in said extate,-of the pendency of aid peiition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a opy of this order to be published in the Michigan Irytts, a newspaper printed and eirculating in said I ïounty, three successive weeks previous to said day I if hearing. c (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1 W68 Judge of Probate. e , __ _ . ( 8_dPPfjSfeSiíl?f' q Imilmttiiiiti ï Briggs House, I Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. da CHICAGO. an This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has of 1 the modern conveniences - Passenger Elevator, Bath ooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Room, Elegantly fa Liniishcd, andlocated in the business centre of the city. js' TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. P ICKCORDS k HUNTOON, - Proprietors. 1 " COI IVE ö ÍS ESE FEATHüRS $ á j PIBSTQUALITT, net' nt yon riand and forsaleby BACHSf ABEL. Mortgage Sale. -JEFAULT having been made the oondlH ■ a "Sr1" l5?ge executel by James MoMah anny McMahon, hia wifo, to Sitas H on ,"' earing date the firat day of February, An ! nd recordedlo the office of the Registe of n )l W aahtenaw County, Michigan, on th?;,? e? f Pebruary, A. D. 1866, in liber 84 of mortal d age 446, by which defalilt the power oi ained in said mortgage has booome operativo at, 'i' wl.ich mortgage tbere is claimed to beX „t , ate tb aum of three thousand two hiinrl nd tifty three dollars and forty flve c2ms aho „f," ollurs as an Attorney fee as provided in „aiil r, age and no suit or proceeding at law orinT cery having been inatituted torecover theZSt ured by said mortgage or any part thereof Xot s therefore hereby given that by virtue of the dot f sale contained in said mortgage, and of the ',? n such case made and providet, aaid mortm , be foreclosed on Saturday. the twcnty-ioimi "Í anuaryA.D. 1874, at ten o'clock in the folf f that day, at the south door of the Court S n the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Wast naw, (said Court House being the plaoeofijS heC.rculWourtfortheaaidcOTnfyolWa'hteíaw' ale, at public auction, tothehignert; bfdí'r oT described in said ■] '' mortgaged premise are described in raid morta oUow.,vls: All thoae tracis or par. SI ïtuate in the townshin of of Ann A,h„. and State aforesaid, toPwii: Th asVtVoT nor theast quarter of section eighteen, town t, outh, range six east ; and aluo a triangular Le and off the weat half of the same quarter sec,?! BR east üf the Cornwell road, coWmeneiï S southcast corner of the west half of the nortl , quarter ot said section and running uortherh o , east side of the Cornwell road jtwelve ro the southwest fraction of the northwes Vracti quarter of section seventeen, containing " h v and mnety hundredths of an acre; aml ffi other tract or pareel of land being part of th , east quarter of section revente! E 8l"l „V" commencing at a atake and alones in Sécente? ot aect.on aeventcen, and running thenc, „,'t forty-oue rods to a take and rtonef, tCCeS ly ütty rods to a atake and Monea, thence west tn Huron nver, thence along suid river to the nl ■ ■ beg.nmng ; and abo a certain and permanent 'j ot, land on the northeast quarter of "L part of the Southwest fractional quarter oí 1 most pÍí i ïf "f "nd con"-uctinP mül race „n most elig ble place orgroundon the northeast) tion of the southwest fractional quarter of II, seventeen, and at all timea ot repu ring and ke in repair for the use of the flouring Li &T with other neceasary machinery ; and also Oiat n wiV "Fute1! "1 0" 8aid mQUm s wit . All the land between aid race and the H, river and also all the land on said BOUthTeit tional quarter of aection aeventeen, I south line of the the road running easterlv from eightrodsdistant on the south ride of said mi quarter line, and also the right of making and k .nginrepairat all time a tail race sü caïïed f the mili on the premisea above grante.l imo the r at any point on the aid southwest fraoHonal oua of section seventeen, intending to eonvey tl,, and exclusive water power to run the same ka as the Kellogg milis, and the rights, priviW&T franchises connected therewith, exeepöns ml serving from the foregoing the land heretofore by said McMahon to John L. Tappan Ann Arbor, Mich., October 23, 1878 SILAS H D0ÚGLAB8, Mortgam Felch & Orant, Atty's for Mortgnget. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havinjj been made in the mditim a certain mortgage, made and executed bï s Cook and Ann L. Cook, his wite, of the citv of' Arbor, Washtenaw County, and State of Miei to Bilas H. DouglasB, of the sume place, beariLe the Bnt day of August, in the year oi ouv I otd tl.oiisiind eight hundred and sixty-seven, and ree ed in the oiüce of the Register of lleeds of the n ty of VV asbtenaw, in said State ot Jiicliiaan on ürst day of August, a. d. 18G7 in liber 86 oi reor ges, on page 636, on which mortgage there is clai to be due at the date ot' this notice, for principal interest, the sum of two thousand uve hundid nmety-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents ton with an attorney fee of titty dofia agreed should any proceedinga be taken foi tl e t closure of said mortgage ; and wherens uo proe: ings at law or in equily have been t„ken to reo the same or any part thereof : Now, therefore n is hereby given that by virtue of the power 'of contained in mortgage, I shall public auc to the hlghest bidder, on Monday, the mnth da l'ebruary, a. d. 1874, at ten of the clock in the I noon ot that day, at the south door of the O House in the city of Ann Arbor and State of Mi gan, that being the building in which the Cir Court for the county of Washtenaw is held premises deacribed in said mortgage, or so n thereof as ahall be necessary to satigfy the ani( due on said mortgage, the costs and expenses of sale and the attorney fee as aforesaid ; said mm are described as followa, to wit : All thut eer tract or pareel of land known and described as lows, towit: lying in the township of Ann Ar and being part of the northweat quarter of sec number thirty-three in township number two M Of range number six east in aaid Btate, beginnini the east line of said quarter section ai teen chains and üfty-three links south of the no east corner of aaid quarter section, and raio thence south on aaid line ftve chains and thirty links, thence south ñfty-one and n-half degrees twenty-two ehains and eleven links to the cente: the Ypsilanti road, thence northwesterly alonp center of aaid road nineteen chains and' ninetV' links to a point eighteen chnins and se-, south of the north line of said section, thence parallel to the north line of said seotion twi chaina and tbirty-two links, thence north parnllQ the west line of said section six chains and twi flve liuks, thence east parallel to aaid nortli line i chains and forty-four linka to tho east line of quarter section, thence south four chnins and t links to the place of beginning, and being the s land deeded by Jacob Kempf to said ('ook, part' the flrt part (to said mortgage) and the same i described in two deeds to said Kempf recorded in Regiater'a office, in said county, in liber Y of De on pages 676 and 677, and in liber No. 32 of deed pages 558 and ññ9. Ann Arbor, November 12, 1873. S1LA8 H. DOUGLASS, Mortgugf Felch &Geaxt, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, county of WsaUmu In the matter of the estáte of Cazo] minor. Notice is bereby given, int In pursaanci an order granted to the undersigned, Guardian of estáte of srtid minor, by the Hon.Judge of Frot for the county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-ti day of November, a. n. 1873, there wil] be sol public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the so door of the Court House, in the city of Am, Arl in the county of WaBhtenaw, in said State, on Prid the twenty third day of January, a. D. 1874, BI o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to al! cumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existüis. at time of the sale} and also subject to the righ dower of Kosina Miller. widow of Oottfrey Mil deceased therein. all the right title and interest said minor, it being the equal undivided one-foui part of the following described real esta to wit : The east half of the southwest quarter section twenty-nine ; the west three-eighths or t west thirty acres of the west half of the nortbei quarter of section thirty ; and the south half of t east half of the aouthwest quarter of section twen all in town two south range tive east fSeioJ in sf State, (except a strip of land on the west side of t last described piece ot land nine rods an'l ril iffl ' in width.) Together with the right of way sol the aouthwest corner of the west half of the soiit east quarter of said aection number twenty, one r in width. Dated, November 25th, 1873. LEONHAED GRTJNER, Guaní. Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waslit naw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Susa H. Welles, minor. Notice is hereby given, tin in pursuance of an order granted ïo the uniie: signed, Guardian of the estáte of said minor, b the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county ( Washtenaw, on the eighth day of December, i D. 1873, there will be sold at public vendue, t the highest bidder, at the south door of th Court House m the city of Aun Arbor, in th county of Washtenaw, in said State, on W 6fl nesday, the twenty-eighth day of January, A. I 1874, at ten o'clock m the forenoon of that to (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage o otherwise existing at the time of the sale;, al the right, title and interest of said minor, it be ing the equal undivided one-fourth of the fol lowing described real estáte, to wit : All tha certain piece or pareel of land sitúate and bera in the city Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan bounded and described as follows, viz : lom mencing at a point on the east side oi street one hundred and eighty-three north of the center of Huron street, theiiö north on the east line of División street onf hundred and seventy-nine (179) feet and nineiS inches to land formerly owned by George Sedgwiek, thence easterly along said SedgwiJI" south line about foity (40) rods to the secBOJ line on the east side of State street or University Avenue, thence southerly on the section HM and on the west side of State street or l D1T ity Avenue one hundred and sevcnty-imi' Eeet and nine inches (179 9-12), thence westen? parallel with the north line to the place ot M'inning. Dated, December 8, A. D. 1873. SILAS H. DOUGLAbS, I466M. Guardian. Sheriff's Sale. TTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oi' AVaslitenii, 3 By virtue of an execution issued out ,' .er the eal of the Circuit Court lor tl.e count Vashtenaw, to me directed and dehv.-r.-d, m ' f Chriatian Schmidt, plaintiif, and against the nd ehattles, lands and tinemiiits oi Oeorge - nd Abrnm Moe, defendants therein named, J o n the third day of Deo.-mber, 1873, levy on JMB wing described real estáte, to wit : Tho ' ractionalouarter of section flve town !"„ nge six enat, containing one hundred and og"" ores of land; Also the east side of the noith uarter of section flve, town two Bouth, ut, containing flve acres, which property "", ribed 1 hal! expose for sale to Oie bigbeet t)W ; public auction, at the south door ot Ibe . ouse, in the city of Ann Arbor, in V .unty, onSaturdny, the MTdntoenth dayot J ■y. 1S74, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day. Dated, December 3, 1873. .ff 145ótd Dy Thomas J. Hoskins, Dep'y "■■ Chancery Notice. iTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WS'SÚ ss. in Chanwiy. Diantha Wat.-rous, Compl' t vs. I )iui.'l S. Vaterous, deteiidant. .,),. [t satisfactorüyapncaring U]n due prooi ■ to this court that the defendant, JJ' ' " aterous is not a resident of the State of M''jj. t that he resides in Chicago, in the State jL is: On motionof Prawr, Harrimaii f?"" icitors for complainant, it is ordered that M . endant.Daniel 8. Waterous.causehisnpix'iu s cause to be entered within three montlistui ie of this order, and that in case of his nppy' ' , cause his anawer to complainant's bill to f ,, i a copy thereof to be served on the mplJ., icitors within twenty daya after service ot ijj si,i bill and notice of thi order, and m reof that said Bill be taken as contithe said defendant, Daniel S. ateroM Af urther ordered that withm twenty daj s s. ._, inant cause a notice of this order to PyLbMichioan Aroüi. a newspaper tirnite I n v ied In said county and that sa.d pub hcanon tinued in said paper at leaBt once eaclo-; ■ncoMtiva weeks, or that ahe cause ft copy ' . -, er to be personal! y Borved at least twenty" ore tbe time prescribed fcr his apptarum ._ , lated this 17th day of November, A. D ■ijm ALEX. 1). CRAN1Í, Circut Joigebazeb, Hareiman & Hamilton, Solidtors aplainanta.


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Michigan Argus