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FIRE! FIREll C. H. MILLEN'S IllliUpiï The Oldest Agency in the City ! Eoprortonts the following first-class e-ompaniea : Home Insurance Co. of New York City. Capital and surplus over 4,000,000. Continental Ins. Co , of New York, Capital and surplus $2,500,000. Girard Insurance Co., of Philadelphia. Capital and surplus $750,000. Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartford. Capital and surplus $600,000. No. 4 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN. U58tf BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Blook, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. Studente can enter, any time after Aug. 31st. i Cali and examine facilitiee for study at our very pleasant and newly furnished rooms. ( 1441tf Sroceries at LESS THAN COST ! L. R.SLAWSON Ia now selling Groceries at LESS THN COST For cash to close out kis stock. t3T Buyers should cali and examine his goods before purchasing. NO HUMBUG ABOUT THI8. j Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, 1873. 1451Ï3 I "ST. ISTICHOLAS" AJÍD "0UK YOUNG FOLKS." The publishers of ST. NICHOI.AS, Scribner's IlluHtrated Slagzine for Girls and Boys, take pleasure in announcing that by an arrangement with Mesera. J. lt. UBgood & Co., their popular Magazine 'OUR YOÜWG FOLKS HAS BEEN MEKGED IN " ST. NICHOLAS.' In addition to the striking novelties and great liternry and artistic attractiona. already offered by " ST. BICHÓLAS," The Beat Features of Our Young i'olks will be retnined. " St. Nicholas" has been enlarged. new contributions have been secured ; among them 4 SERIAL STURY BY J. T. TROWBRIDGE. Late Editor of "Our Vomiif Folks," which begins in the present number. Other Eminent writirswell knowntothe readers of "Our ïonnc l'olks" has been enguged. We are thus enabled o present to the public a Magazine for Children and Youth, superior ia every respect to any ever before published. Three Splendtd Serial SToniKS : WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN EXPECTED, A Story for Boys, Bi Fiiakk R. Stocktob. Author of '-Tilig-a-Ling," " Roundabout Kambles," etc. Mr. Stockton is one of the best of our Ameri. writers. The Bcene of the story is laid in Virginia, rbe boy-hero has started out with a gun on his shoulder, and we may be sure there will be no end of fun aud adventuren. "NIMPO'S TROUBLES," A Story for fürls, By OLIVE THORNE (Mes. Hakbiet M. Milleb), A great favonte with the children. It is a good, atrong, wholesome tory of girl lile, and will be full of interest for both boys and girls, "FAST FRIENDS," By J. T. TROWBRIDGB, One of the most popular writers for young folks in America. Readers of "Jack Hazard," A Chance for Himaelf," and " Doing his Best," will undcrstand whnt a capital treat ís in store for them in VI r. Trowbridge's new story. ALL THESE STORIES 4PLENDIDLY ILLÜSTRATED. "JIMMYJOHïT STORIES," By Mrs. ABBY MORTON DIAZ, Author of "The William Henry Letters,' "William 5enry and His Friends," and ' Lucy Maria" (who ïaa the rare and hnppy gift of knowing how to deight young people) wil! appear during the year. There wil also be Shorter Stories, Papers on Science and History, ff atural History, Wild Bports and Adventures, Sketches of Travel, Fairy Tales, Poems, Puzzles, Charades, Jingles, Fun and Fancy Instruction. Entertainment and Delight. Something for all, f ron; Father and M other to the baby. The IIlustrations will be the best that the Artists of two continents can eupply, and will be printed with the rreatest care. FOB VERY LITTLE FOLKS. Our pages in big type and easy words for the roungest readers, which have been a " hit " frora the irst, will be contiuued. The children will be glad to know also, tbat the department of JACK-1N-ÏH E-PULPIT s to be a permanent feature of the mgasine. Jack will teil some of the most curious things ever heard, and raake himself generally entertaining. We have undertaken to make the best magazine possible, for the little folks, as well as thoae who are older. Every number of St. Nicholas will contain [ood reading matter lor boys and girls of all ages, j etides a great deal of hearly and innocent tun, f Ch ristmas comes but once a yenr, bat St Nicholas the new mngazlne for girls and boys, comes every nonth. lt has alroidy won the hearts of the yonng ölke, and the little children are ervinz for St. Nicholas. We Want 100,000 Children made Happy BY ST. NICHOLAS VT THE UOLIDAYS. Et. Nicholas, as enlarged, contains one-third more mptter than Our Young Folks. thns giving a great variety for all. With lts great Llterary and l'lctnritl Attractions, and lts beautifnl Printing, it willbefouud to be the Cheapost Magazine in the Vorld. Subscription Prlce,$3a yer. The two back num lers for November and December, '73, will be sent .o all subBribers for '74 without udditionl charge 'our Mont.hj for ONE DOLLAR: 2Scis a Number!"or Sale and suocriptioní received by ail Booksellers & News Doalers on the above torras. Money may be sent to ns in cheeks payable to onr order, or in Post Office Monoy Orders, or in Regisered Letters Money In Letters not Reglstered, at euder's risk SCRIBNEE & CO., p 604 Broadway, New York. HOU NAM? ! The undersigned offers for sale cheap his Store, orner of Huron and Fourth streets : a good and con venlent building and one of the best buslnesa looaions- especiallyfor the grocery trade- in the city. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, U7S. lültf (L. R. rpHE Tsrisr akbor TRADING ASSOCIATIOK Would cali the ESPECIAL ATTESTION OF THK LADIES ! GENTLEMEN To the fact that they will offer their ENTIRE STOCK OF AHD WOOLENS AT A GREAT REDUCTION FEOM FORMER PRICES, On and after November 24th, 187 J, FOR 60 DAYS For Cnsh. CONSUMERS Will find this the GREATEaT OPPORTÜNITY Ever Known ! To make their ChristmaS PURCHASES FOR CASH. COME ANDJSEE TEICE8 . W. UAYS, Supt. Aun Altor, Nor. U, U19. Itóitl


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