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u k stkü Offer at prices to correspond witli the late New York Rates. New and Fashionable.Dress Goods. New Biaritz and Drab De Etes. New Silks and Alpacas. New Black Dress Goods. New Shawls and Cloakings. New Fringes and Guipure Laces. New Ribbons and Embroideries. New Goods fpr Men's wear. New Flannels and Blankets. New Bleacb and Brown Cottons. -ÜF Those wantirg to buy Dry Goode cheap should not fail to give us a cali. MACK & SCHM1. WAGNER The One-Prieed Clotliier ! Heis recently enlarged his store and has just receivetl and otfera to the public tbe largett stock oí MENS', YOUTHS', AND BOYS' Ready-Made Fall tial Winter CLOTIIING! Ever brought within the County of Washtenaw.- These goods were bought for cash, and will be sold at the loweat poesiblecash price. AT WAGNER'S. Also eonstanlly on hand a fine line of Foieign iml Domeatic Cloths, Cassimeres and Yeslings All in sreat variety, whioh will be mude up to order andwarrantedtonv AT WAGNEK'S. A complete and large stock oí Gents' Furnishing Goorts „f eyerydescription, lowerthan TRUNKS AND VALISES of various styles and makes. AT WAGNER'S. GOOD PAPER COLLARS only 8 ets. per box. WM. WAGNER. 21 South Main St., Ann Arbor If yon aro Suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Down Constitution, Or require a Remedy to Pnrify and Enricb the Blood, yon will flnd Dr.Crook's Componnd Syrnp of Pofce Boot to vossfut greater merit, cure vou more speedlly, and do you more good than any and all other remedies comblned. Hint PaIc,Ycllow,Siokly-looUinKSkln la changed to one of freshness nid nealth Those Dtseases of the Skin,PimpIe8,Puatnles, Blotches and Ernplions are removed. Scrofula, Scrofuloiis Disenses of tbe Eye, White Kwellins, Plcers, Oíd Sores or any kind of Humor rapidly dwindie and disappear nnder its influence. Whnt Is ItT lt Is nature's own restorer I A soluble oxyd of Lron combined -with the medicinal properties of Poke Root dlvested ot all disagreeable quallties. It willoureany Dlsease wbose real or direct cause is Bad Blood. RtaeumstlNin, Pain In Llmbs 01 Bones, Constitations broken down by Mercurial or other polsons, are all cured by ltC For 8yplilli,or Nypbilitic taint, there ís nothiug ecjual to it. A trial wUI roveit. Soldby W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST ! Doals in both FINE CUT AN1) SMOKING TOBACCO, Siruff, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HUROX STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANN ARBOR, MICH. 1346tf ' TjESIRABLE REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE! The subscriber, on account of ill health offers his 33 ACRES In the corporation for sale. This ground adjoins the Umversit} Obsorvatory on the eaHt, opposite side of the street. It has a most excellent SPRINQ ! On the northeast corner - formerly supplied the Rail road tanks with water. ITS ADYASMTACES Are as followa : For city pnrposes tho Hurón River m;andersthe same sume 30 to 40 rods, and is part oí the best "Water Power On the River in this vicinity, and the elevation on the northeust córner ís mu ítioientl y high nnd ampie to sup ply the city neceasities í'or water and tire purpoaes1 THE WESTERN P0RTI0N On the road is very appropriale and suitable for a Public City Cemetery . The city haB no such grounds now but must have soon, and whatever grounda the city does not care to use, can be sold at an advantage, so much so, that the oost of the Water Works Kroundg and ('emetery, would be merely nominal. If the city does not want the aanie, the grounds would be invaluable for FRU1TS, LARGE & SMALL, There being some leo trees now in hearing Vegetables and Pasturage, And also for MILKsupply,BLOODED STOCK, Hordes fcheep. And other animale ulwaya in great y?ant by many in the city and its vicinity. As city lote adjoiningthe northwest corner of this land are now selling from three hundred to three hundred and flfty dollars, these lands would or could be sold in a short time to a good advaulage and to much protit to the purchasera LIBEBAL O:i3S:E Will be given or the same will be exchanged for Mcr chantable tioods or Urugs aud Medicines, at caeb prices. TRACY W. ROOT. A.nn Arbor, Jan 31 1873. 1411 L. C. RISDON 8ELL8 PERRY&CO.'S No. 9 New American COPPER LIJID IRON-CLAD RïSERVOIR, FULT, TRIUMED, jfojei seoi Otlier Stoves in proportion 31 FOUTH MATN ST., ANN ARBOll. Htr OHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPEDIA. A DICT10NAIÍY OF Universal Knowledge for the People. REViSED EDITION. WITH MiipB, Platos, and Enravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of 832 pairos each. ï Uudrated with about Four Thousand Engravings and Forty Mnps, toyeihe.r with a Series ' fram, Etghty to Óne llnvdrnl Elcganth Enijrarftl Pintes - iUustrative of the Üubjects of Natural Hiünry now for the fikst TiMMappearing in the work. PRICE PEU VOLÜMK. Extra OLorh, beveled boards; - - 5 50 Library Sheep. marbled edyea, - - (i 00 Half Turkey Muiocco, - - - (i 50 Tuis Edition is Sold only by Agents. Published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PMladelphia, Pa. SYLVANUR WAKKEN, IR!) Woodward Avenue, Detroit, General Agent for the Stat of Michigan. By coraimring Oifirabers' Encyclopteiia with the New Amerioan Cycloptedia, - the work with which it is most frcquently bruught into comparison, it will be tound that while the ten volumes of Uhamborn' contain 83-0 puffen, the uriginaJ síarííen volumes of the New American con tuin loss than 12,000 pages, ft will als be found that a page of (ühambers' cont;iins full one-Jiftft more matter than u patre of the New American, making the ten volumen of the tormer equivalent m amour.l of orintfid matter to at least fhe ittex, not to m ention the QumerouH Platea fabóui 80), VToodcufca (some 4 000), and M apa [sboul 40, that are inoluded in thia edition oi Ghambers', and to which the New American poa Besses no oot respon dinfr features. It is contidently believed thai aa a popular " DitmoirAifs :■ C7híver.bal Knofw] i ■■hik." limwork ík without aií e'i i:l in tixt Knglish )aiif.niii'-( H?6y1 - ?- LEOTUEE TO Just publithed, in a Sealed Envelope. Price G els. A L eet ure ou tiie Nature Treatment and Badical cure of SpermatorrntBa or Seinitial Weaknens, lovoluntary Emiasifius, sexual Debility, aud Impedimenta w Mamage eneraily; Nervousuess, Coiisumptioiu BJpilepsy and Fit; Mental and Phvsical Cnoapacity, reaultiug from Abuse, etc -By RO11ER J. OULVEBWEIX, M. D., Author of the " (ireen Book," &c. The world-renowu author, m tina admirable Leeture, clearly pro ves írom hia own experience that the awiul eonsequeDCes of Self-Abuse may be effeetually removed without medeuiiie, aud without dan'orous aurical operations, bougUs, instrurnents, rinpa or cordiiiln, poiuting1 out n mude of oure at once eertain and efíectual by which every sufferer, no matter what hil oondition may be, may cuie himself oheaply, privately and radioally TUIS LECTUBB WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOU8AND8 AND THOU8AFDS. Sent under sal, to any addreps. in a plftio sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage s1am]s. Also Dr. Ctjlvkbwell b "Marriage Guide," pnce, 50 cents. Addiüsa the Publitshera, CHAS. J 0. KLINE&CO, 127 Bowery, New York, Postotlice Box, 4580. L486yl K HURRY UP ! UARTIES wisliiug Wall Paper, Cloth -T and Paper Shades. Hollands, Wlndow Pixtares, Cotds. Tassols. &c, all New Styles at Satisfactorj Prioes. by J. R. Webster Co., Bjokttore, nearthe Express Office. X X ÜALL BULLETIN ! E. J. JOHNSON, ' THE " H -A.T TE R ! ■ Han tnrned bis back upoa Winter nncl oponed hia atock oi WINTER GÜÜDS! Inclufling all the latest stylcs of Hats and Caps 1 O E NT T S ' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Whicli must be sold. GOODGOO SANDLOWPRICES Ib the word to pass alohg the line. 7 Soul I vi ai n t., Aun Albor 1424 T3UT YOUK MONEY WIIEEE IT WILL DO THE TMLO&T GOODA. A. TERSY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES T O ü E F Y CO M I E T IT1O ALSO, A FÜLL LINE OF GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS fW Cali hefore purchasitig. 15 South Main Street. „ CIVEN AWAY IF IT WILL NnT INCT&NTI V RFLIPVP Rheumats'm Ê k Deafnes8, Neuralgia, A catarrh, Headache, M H Bowe, Com, Spralns, M ■ pialnts and Brulses, ■! al 8lmMar Cuts, Burns, V V Dh,eOBe. Chilblalns, H WILL KILL The worst cough In qulcker time than any other preparatlon In the wond. Wewlllwlll refund the money tf we do notglve Immedlate relief. SOLO EVEBYWHERE. ONLY HARMLESS DYE. Acts iike S. the most a charm ! fl k natural Neverfails fl B shades to V V of Brown ly produce H or Black BY ONE APPLICATION. TREMAIJÍ & COLE, GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS Ko. 30 East Huron Street. A full line of Groceries constantly on hand and for saleclieap, includiug Sugurs, Teas, fepicee, &c. Country Produce Bought and sold. Bring in your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Fruita, &C. N. II COIjK has eatablishod his Ctal office at tha store of TKEMA1N & GOIE, where all orders will be promptly attended to' 1438 T STEARWS5 COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressing - not a dye - nor a vstoratie, but a dressing, elegant ] ant tCl nomical. r"" STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE in cooliug to the scalp, imparta a delightful si'ii1 ■ i vitaliiy and not'tncss to fr"5S3- tliu i. in ■ f J ) PH STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, sweetly i'íTÍumed and limpid, remlers the hai-:'rploaqd mmj dresaos it in auy I- - Seti'ri I farm. ■- STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entircly v. p-iuljle uil, puevents ümt drj'ncsa of Bitf w li i c li f j causes dandruli ---n ' u 11:mulut-e. ' r" ■"■'H „ STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE conUuu-j in unu iu-rfc bottie nxoie oil auU inui; lifnuie - than. auy otlnr - h u i r sold tweaty-live per cent. leös than most oUters. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE 1ii-hf '■Tisl'loiiilchair.darkeii-siiub ,„.i..p- . um hnir, riMicK-rs luslroiití bruwu and bi.tuk ■■- xi lesseus tlie liarshness oí' coarse hucx. STEARNS' COCO-OL :NE IR MADE ONLY HY FEEDEEICK STEA1UCS, - CHEMIST, PETROIT, MlCn. Sold PTtryw1ieri'. Be TOTO and get Ihc irimiiie Coco-Olr'liic. tiBtnoonepalm oflonyouabottle of Borne c.'.í'í' a. 't warlhUsi iioïtatïèa ot' 4'ocoOlcl'ir. Taire ure more than Iwcnfy coiinierlcits of it i ■uwnuiil.put iipasnearliUu tliut-'oiüiueaa the niüker daré and evade tlie law. HURRYUP! f3AKTH:S wishlng Wall Paper, Shadee i HollandB, Window Fixtures, Co-ds, TaeselB &c , all NewStyles. at öatisfactorj Pi ces, bj J. R. Websier & Co., Book Store ,near the Expiess Office. x_ x


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