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ffldlii (x üliilUllU Offer at prices to correspond with the late New York Rates. MIT3JJU8 2U3flA New and Fashionable Dress Goods. New Biaritz and Drab De Etes. New Silks and A lpacas. New Black Dress Goods . New Shawls and Cloakings. New Fringea and Guipure Laces. New Ribbons and Embroideries. N"ew Goods for Meu's wear. New Flannels and Blankets. New Bleaeli and Brown Cottons. J TLoae wanting to buy Dry Goods cheap should not fail to give lis a cali. MACK & SCHMID. WAGNER The One-Priced Clothier ! Hu reoently enlarged hl store and hu juut receired and offers to the public tbe larest tock of MENS', YOÜTHS', AND BOYS' í'ljiA 'Jiií I, Ready-Made Fall and Winter CLOTHING! Eyer brouffht wittin the Coantr of Wsahtenaw.- These goads were bourht tor cuh, nd will be sold at the loweat posaible cah price. AT WAONBR'8. Also coostaalljr on hand a fine line of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Cassimeres and Yestings All in yreat rarietr, which will bo made up to order and warrantfd to Al. AT WAGNEH'8. A complete and larfe itock of Gents' Furnishing Goods of every description, lower than ever. AT WAGNEE'8. TRUNK8 AND VALISE8 of Vxrioua tylps and malte. AT WAGNER'S. GOOD PAPER C0LLAR8 only 8 cU. per box. WM. WAONEE. 21 South Hain Bt. , Ann Arbor [f yon ar Sufftrisg froa any CHRONIC DISEA8E, Broken Down Conati tutlon, Or require a Remedy to Pmify and Enrlch the Blood, ïon -wUl flnd Dr.Crook'a Campoond H, r op t Pok Mt to bwmm wüür mHÍC cura rou mor pediry, and do yoa mor good &?n "SZ." "í1 "h "medie oomblned. rut Pal,Tllw, ekl7.1klB Skin la chaaiid to on oir trwho n7 bñlth TnotSlM4u or th klB.Pfmpfa Pot. tal. Blotch and Krnpilofas re removed. Serttfnla, Mcrofnlooa Dlaae of Uje Ey, Whll ■.llinr.. rireü OW S. or any lnd of Humor rapidl? dwlndie and dUappear ander lu tnflaence. WhM 1 Itr lt 11 ture1 own regtóïïr I A oluble oxyd of lron oomblned -anth Ui medicinal propertle of Pok Roo dlretted ot all dUagreaabl qaalltlam. It wlll cure any ;' who red r direct caos U Bad Blood. UeoBiilin. Pala In Llmbi or Bonn OeuUtaUoai broku dn by Mercaiial orother pollona, are 11 cured by 1L( For SyphlUa.or OypolHUr tal.t, tuere u uothing equai to lí. A irUlwUI arl. SoldDy W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CÜT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, &c, AT N0. 7 EAST HUROX STBEET, Next to the Express Office, U4ftf AI" AM-H, miCR. JJESIRABLE REAL ESTÁTE - S .A. Ij E ! The subscriber, on acoount of ill health oflora his 33 ACRES In the Corporation for sale. This ground adjoinn the Umversit} Observatory on the east, opposite side of the atreet. It has a most excellent 8PRING ! On the northoast corner- formerly supplied the Rail road tanks with water. ITS ADVAIMTACES Are as f ollows : For city purposes the Huron River meanders the ame some 30 to 40 rod, and is part of Ihe best TVater IPower On the Riyer In this vicinity, and the elevation on the northeast corner is autficientl y high and ampie to sup ply the city necessitios for water and fire purposes' THE WESTERN PORTION On the road is very appropriate and suitable for a Public City Cemetery. The city has no such groundf now Dut must have soon, and whatever frrounds the city does not care to use, can be Bold at an advantnije. so much so.that the cost of the Water Works Krounds and Cemetery, would bu merely nominal. If the city does not want the same, the grounds would be invaluable for FRU1TS, LARGE&SMALL, There being ome loo trees now in bcarlng Vegetables and Pasturage, And also for MILKsupply,BLOODEDSTOCKj Horses, $heep. And other animáis always in great wantbymanyin the city and lts viciuity. As city lots adioining the northwest corner of this land are now selling from three hundred to three hundred and flfty dollars, these lands would or could be sold in a short time to 8 good advantage and to much proflt to -the purchasers LIBERAL TIIktfiE WIU be given or the samewill be exchanged for Mer chantable goods or Drugs and Medicines, at cash pnces. TRACY W. BOOT. Ann Arbor. Jan 31 18T3. 1411 L. C. RISDON 8ELL8 PERRY & CO.'S No. 9 I BCTOO'O NtiAiiriiu COPPER LINED IRON-CLAD RESERVOIR, FULL TRTMMEI), IF1 0 IR, $6OI Other Stoves in proportion 31 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. Mtttl QHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPiEDIA. A DICTIONAKÏ OF Universal Knowledge for the People. EKVISKD E3DIXION. WITH Maps, Plates, and Engraving3. m _ Complete In 10 Vols. of 832 payos each. Uustratut wilh about Fout Thousand Engravingt and Forty Maps, togetker with a Series f fram Etghty In One Hnudrtd Elcgantly Éngraved Platei - illustrative of the Subjecta of Natural History -now for tht firöt time appearing m the utork. PRICE PER VOLUME. Extra Cloth, beveled bonrda, - - $5 jo Library Sheep. marbled eilges, - - 6 00 Half Turkey Morocco, - 6 50 This Edition is Sold only by Agents. PublishBd by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. SYLVANUS WARREN, 189 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, General Ageut for the Stat ■ of Michigan. By comparing OhamberH' Encyclopeedia with the New American ('yoloptediii,- the work with which it la most frrquently bruught into comparison, it will be found that while thé ten volumes of Chambere' contain 831Ï0 pages, the original ixUen volumes ot the New Americiiu contain Iöhs thun 12,000 pages. It will als ' be found th:it n püge of Chambers' eontains full onc-fifth more matter tlmn a paye of the New American, makitig the ten volumes of the former equivalent in ttmount of printed matter to at least thirteen volumes of the latrer, not to mention the numernus Platea (about 80), Woodcuts (some 4 000), and Maps {übout 40), that re included in this edition of Charaber1, and to which the New American poa sesses no oorrespondins1 reataren. Tt is conftdently believed thnt ns u popular " Diottonary of Univkksal Knowledoe," the work is without au equnlin thf; Enffliühlanguage. 1426yl :Srs i LECTURE TO StET -sro"a■33■C3■ itEisr. Just puWixhed, in n Senled Envelope. l'rice 6 ets. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Kadical cure oí' Spermatorrhopa r Seminal Weaknetw, Involuntary Emissious, 8exutil Pebility, aud Impedimenta ío Marnage senerally ; Nervousues, Cousumption, Epilepay and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity. resultiuR from Self-Abuse, etc. -By ROBKRI J. CULVEKWELL, M. D., Author of the " Qreun Book," &c. The world-renown author, in this admirable Leeture, clearly pi-ovea from his own experience that the awlul conaequences of Self-Abuse may be eífeetually removed without medecine, a'ad without danperous suriiicnl operationB, bougies, instrumenta, rings or cordial, pointing out a mode of cure at once certftiu and eflectual by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. THIS LEOTURK WILL TROVE A BOON TO THOUSAND8 AND THOUSAFDS. Sent under seal, to any nddresd. in a plain aealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Alm Dr. Cdi.vebwki.i.'r "Marriage Quide," price, 60 cents. Addresa the Publishrrs, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO.. 1 2T Bowery, New York, Poatoiflce Box, 4 580. 1436yl V_ K HURRY UP ! K PARTIES wlshing Wall Paper. Cloth and Paper Shades, Holland. Wlndow PIxtares, Coids. Tasel8. Ac, all New Stvle, at Satlifdctorj Prlcee. by J. H. Webter fc Co., B iok -lorc, rjesrthc Sxptn Office. X -X 3 ■pALL BULLETIN ! l J. JOHNSON. ' TX3C3E3 " HATTBR! Hiis turned bis bnok upon Winter and oponed hia stock oi WINTER GÜÜDS! Including uil the liitesl atylea of Hats and Caps ! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Which must be no!d. GOODGOO SANDLOWPRICES Is the word to pass almis the line. 7 Suulh Main Rt., Ann Arbor. 1424 TIJT YOUE MONEY nrVrTRT i WIIERE IT WILL DO THE MOST GOOD8M3JJtlVr.H .0 A. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATESTSTYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO ÜEFY COMPE T ITJO ALSO, A FULL LINK OF 3ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS ïa Cali heore purchasittg. 15 South Main Street. _g CIVEN AWAY IF IT WILL NOT INSTANTLY RELIEVE Rheumats'm Jk Wtis. Neuralgia, Deafnes, Headache, M M 2atar.rï' Spraln, ■ ■ Bowel Com. Brulses, plalntsand Cuta, Burn, V V 2, 8lrnllar Chllblaln, B Br WILL KILL The worst cough in qulcker time than any other preparatlon In the wond. We wül will refund the money If we do not glve Immediate relief. SOLDEVERYWHERE. II S7 WP ' w) ft "" H] 8) ftk t jl ONLY HARMLESS DYE. Acts like tho most a charm ! fl k natural Naverfails fl k shades to ■ Pf of Brown ly produce H B or Black BY ONE APPLICATION. TREMAIN & COLE, GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS No. 30 East Huron Street. A full line of Oroceries constantly on innd and for lalccheap, including Sugun, Ten, Spioc, c. Country Produce Bought and sold. Bring in your üutter, Eeks, Poul try, Fruits, &c. W. B. C'OIjK has eatablished his Onnl office at th store of TREMAIN & COLE, where all orders wil be promptly attenijed to1438 COCO-OLEINE, A perfect hair dressinir- not adye nor r ■■■- torative, but a dressing, elegant r__""l aad nomical. ■■■ STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE Bcooliugto thescalp, imparta a liellphti'ul sonc e1 vitality ' and softnesB tol hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, weetly perf umed and limpid, rendera the haiirsnpÍile and m dresees it in anj mü detiirv orm. " STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oü, prevenís tbat dryuoss oí' n.-a'p w h i c h " causes dandrufi P"- -1 to atctimuhite. ' i '- STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains in onelarge bottle more oil and more perfume - ■ m. thau any other - m h a i r dressing J in marhet, and J" besidcw i.- sold twenty-five per cent, less than most otbvrs. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE briffhtons blonde hair.darkenaaub urn hair, rendera tuatrous bruwn and black hair, las{tena tlie harsbneaa of coarse huir. STEARNS' COC3-OL :INE Ifl MATE (7NI.Y ÍIY FKEDEEICK STEAKNS, - CEEMIST, DETROIT, MJCH. Sold everywlierf. Be swre and pet the Jeniilne Coeo-Oleine Let no une pnhu t-lfoiiyüu a bottle of orne cheap and worthlrss jnutatioii of ('ocoOlítiir. Tiiere are more than iwonty counterfeita oí it v.qtw sold, put np asnear lilce the Lëbuine as the makrj daré and evade the law. HURRY UP ! PARTIUS wlshing Wall Paper, Shade Holland, WIndow Pixtnre, Co'd, Taseel. c , all New Style. nt Hatlsfactori Prices, b J. R. Webster A Cu., BouK Store, naar the Expieit Office. X -X


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