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The Wife Of Agassiz

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A Cambridge correspondent to thu . Y. Tribune, says of the wife of Agassiz : I know what those silent lips would say if just hore their testimony could bo gathered. It would be a testimony as sweet and beautiful as that of Joan Stuart Mili to the helpmate he so devotedly loved. - It may be a fact less familiar to the public, but it is one well known to Prof. A's friends, that his wife was his complement and in every senso helpmate. What tho Professor lackod iu ordor, method, business habits was abundantly supplied by Mrs. Agassiz. It was her graeef ui assiduous' pen that recast and put out into more classic moulds the Professor's ready English. It was her constant encouragemeut and stimulus that supported tho Professor in new and difficult undertakings. Hor counsel was listencd to with respect. It is safe to say that we should not havo had so many of his works put iu a permanent form in English if it had not boen for her earnest co-oporation. Tho Professor, as all know, was a ready lecturer and always delivered his address without manuscript. In all of his leoturos and speeches ncar home Mrs. Agassiz accompanied him whenover possible and took copious notos, and thus proservod the thought for future use. All of his Communications for tho press passed through her hands. - She wrote much from his dictation, attendod to a great many of his business details, and in a thousand ways forwarded his work. Every word of praise we bostow on the silent dead is an unuttered recognition of her who shared alike his labors and his rowards. Let us höpo that she who knew him botter than any or all of us, may crown his life of devotion by completing and giving to the worldher own record - long since begun - of the genius and work of him whoso departura has left snch a void iu our hearts.


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Michigan Argus