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Aun ABBOH,TncnsAï, Feb. 12, 1874. ArpLES- Oreen. 60@65c. BüTTEB- 24@30c. Beef- From wagon, $5.G0. Corn- Oíd 65@75- New COc. per bu. Chickens- Dressed 9@10c, Dkessed Hogs,- $6.50 Eoas - Command 16c. Hat - í 10@10 peí ton, according to quulity. Honey - Ín cap, 25@30c. Lakd- The matket stamls at 8@9c. Oniohb- $1.50. Oatb- 42@46c. POTATOEE- 80 9OC. Tüknips- 30@45c. Wheat- White $1.40@1.45; Amber íl.30@1.35 Tdiikeys- 10@lle. Detroit ProduceMarket. Latest quotations for leading articles of country produce- Feb. 12, are ib follows : Wheat- white, $1.38@1.55 ; amber 1.30ÍS1 44 Babley- $2.40.@3.60 per centiil. Rye - 75@85c. per bu. Cobn- 60@65c. Oats- 47@49c. POTATOES- 1.00c@1.12c. Dressed Hogs-$7-00@$7.35. Hay- $14@Í22 Büxtee- 20@02c. Egos- 17@20c. Labd- 9@10c. Honey- 18@23c. Wool- 3ó@42c. per Ib. Detroit Live Stock Market. From the Detroit Free Press. Michigan Centbai. Cattle Yakds ) Monday, Feb. 9. $ The movement of stock was very quiet íor the entire week, the market in the East receiving such large consignments as to intimidate shippers here and causing a temporary fright as to iuture prices. Shipments this morning were, however, more active, many deeming it test to venture and take the chances oí success whatever they might happen to be. Eeceipts for the week and corresponding week last year were as follows : Cattle. Hogs. Slieep. Week ending Feb. 10, 1873, 560 1,184 2,880 Week ending Fel). 9, 1874, 325 126 6,991 Receipts from other States: Cattle, 887; hogs, 189. CATTLE. A moderately fine range of qualitieS were preseuted to buyers. Sales were Blow for mostly any class, and were only closed upon prospecta of lots remaining on hand at the close of the market. Choice lots averaging 1,000 and 1,100 lbs. were closed out at $5a5 25, and sorae moderately fair lots at $4. The home demand was scarcely perceptible, only manifesting itself in the purchase of a few thin lots for cheap beef. This class brought about $3a3 25. HOOS. Sales wore few, but few lots from the interior being received, and these were such as were too light for immediate uae. From the Chicago market a few choice lots of block hogs were received and held at $5 25. Medium lots sold at $4 75. The home demand was unsupplied. The rush continúes unabated, the varioua sections of the State beiug seemingly ransacked for this article. The qualitics continuo choice and very desirable to shippers. Under tho influx it was thougbt prices would be considerably off, but thoy held firm at about last week's prices viz.: Choice smooth lots, averaging 105 Ib8. at S6 20 ; 90 lbs., smooth lots, at ?5a5 25, and indifferent qualities at $4a4 50. Kinq's Cattle Yaeds, ) Deteoit, Monday evening, Feb. 9. J CATTLE. The supply was better this morning, but drovers held on for better prices, their cattlo haying coat them more in the country, but as butchers had a largo supply to select from prices were of the two rather easier, though to casual observers the market appeared more active. Quota;ions wero about as follows : Choice beeves, young, largo, well f attened, weighing f rom 1,200 to 1,400 lbs. U 00 a fi 00 Good beeves, well fattened, stoers and heifers, averaging 1,050 to 1,100 lbs, 3 23 a 3 75 Medium grades, fair steers, averaging 950 to 1,050 lbs., 2 50 a 2 75 Working cattle, woll fattened, averaging 1,000 to 1,500 lbs., 3 50 a 4 00 Cows, common to choice, 3 00 a 4 00 Conunon stock, medium steers, and fair to extra cows, in dectmt flesh, 800 to 1,000 11)9., 2 00 a 2 76


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