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The Michigan Argus

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, ,Uhpil every Friday niorning, in the third story rï ii-ick bloei, corner of Main and Hurón streets, 1 intiem, Míen. Entrance on Hurón strect, op■tfiftc llc Ore8ry HouscFLlHC Bl P0XD' Editor and I'ublisher. .orins, s. a Ycar in Advanco. A.TKS OF1 ADVKRTISING : (12 lincs or leas con&idered a square.] ffji "wTifg7jT"w. 6 wl 8 m. 6 m. fyear. '- ' I75ÍÍT5 1 50 2 75 4 006 00 $ 9 00 I "!!, 1 SOl S 00 2 50 3 50 5 00 8 00 12 00 ! )4US 2 00 2 50 3 50 5 00 7 60 10 00 15 00 1-5 4 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 20 00 30 00 t i min 5 00 7 00 8 00 10 00 15 00 24 00 38 00 iMïSn 7 00 10 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 30 00 55 00 l'3ofSm ! ?? 15 _18 ()0 ' O0l60JOO_0O ■í, in Directory, not to exceed four linca, Í4.00 a ''f.' rtisers to the extent of & quarter column o o AÏÏÏmc. will be entltled -f have tho.r cards in KSSorJ without extra charge. .1 editorial notices 20 cents a line. Business '-?f, H cents a line for the ürst insertiOD, and 8 ''"tifor cach subsequent insertion. 'e"larri9ge and death notices free; obituary notices „. ',i'ntsa line. ,.„,.lv advertisers have the privilege of chapging ndvertisoments thiee time. Additional changÍ'rilbechai-Redfor. Advertisementa unaccompanied by wntten or ■ 1 directions will be pnblmhed three mrmths and 'edaccordingly. i 1 advertisement, first insertion 70 cents per , conts per folio for each subsequent insertion. fí 'n „oostponement is added to an advertisement 1 ï Siolewill be charged the same as the flrat inser;-n be paid for when affldavit is made. JOB PBIJÍTI1VC. , „„hlets, Posters, Hand-Billa, (iirculars, Cards, ■'Skets. Labels, Blanks, Bill-Heads, and other f',i,',of i'lainand Fancy Job Printing executed "ü, promptness, and in the best possible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus