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29! 29. 29! Whenfllj) L. COLBY huna hlsalgn Of CO. D.- AtNo., And offered Groceries cheap for cash, Some people suid, " he's bound to go to smnsti." And old-time Grocers would faintly amilf, l'rophi'aying "C. O. D. wül last but little while. In sixty days we'll run ]um off the track. And cali uur wundering customera back." The croakers said and thought it true, "He'll surely fail before the year ís New ! Y ou can't sell Oroeeries in thiü town And get your pay in greenbaeks down ; N here tlry goods merchante on overv street With silkn and satina, hang out cliic'kens to eat ; Where trade ia mixed in every place, At the same counter you buy butter orlare ; Where credit and loss go hnnd in hand. Mr. tí. O. 1). but a slim chance will stand." Let propheta and croakera liave thcir sav, I..CI I IiBYsellsffltoCJSUIEHonlyforriKADTrAY. And sella so cheap for diiily caah He fear no dsaga of a rauah. And to his patrón all, and buainess fnends, rhe greeting of the season he extends To young and oíd, a glad New Year, With hosts of friends and loth of cheer ! ílive him a cali, and from his store Your tables spread with good thWs more. At thiit place you will always iind Fresh new Groceries ot best quality and kindKverythinu needful for good cheer at home You eau buy at his counter whenever you come. I he Saya are so short this bitter cold wmter, I o mention details would weary the printer. l!ut ask if you choose for anythin? e.itable, You j;et it at once, in quality uiibeutable 1 For hungry men who re wcary andcold, He has Oysters hot, Oystrs that must bèsold - üysters pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry, Or Oysters any other way you choosc to try He will serve up Oysters at any hour of day, And the best of eigars to smoke on your way. A dish oi hot Oysters will do you mueh Rood And cheer you while sellinpr your grain or wood. And with cash in hand lay in a store ?J. S?' Te"' Su8ar' F1ur nd many more. Of all thinga substantial for daily use . or treat life's good things with abuse Crockery and Glassware and Fruits to put in them, N uts, Kaisins, and Candy, for childreu who win them wDn h Trw? T,l íSSed with their beautiful face, Will ttnd [2'J] the best of all places, 1 o buy a trille, to bring a smile or ringing laugh, Your pleasure, than theirs, will be greateï by half lhendonot torget tocallon Mr. C O D And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar, and ï'ea. Though the big qq m,iy fan tmm its lace ihe C. O. IJ. ystoreissüllon therac And does not intend to fly from the course 1 ïll croakers of evil talk themselves hoarse Groceries can be sold for ready pay 7? ?"7 Cöltoy h"s lenrned the way : Sold flve times more than he expected- By C. O. I. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teilKeep the best of all thingrs-with priceslow-begoo natured, give good measure, And you are bound to sell ! 291 291 291 BOOKS BOÜKS. I. il. VVEBSTEK & CO. NEW BOOK STORE IS THE " (ÍKE(JO1LY BLOCK." LOOK TO YOUK INTEREST A NI) CALL. i i BOÖKS. i i i L.C.mSDON'S AivaaTisBMENr. j So Is the time to buy iPARMili&HEATiNG STOVES. I will sell them at COST until further notice. IVo. 81 S. Main St, Anii Arbor. U1 B. GIDLEY, Sncceasor to COLGUOVK & SON. ÜBÜGG1ST ANÜ GHKHI8T IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL. No. 12 E. HURON STREET DEALER IN DRUtiS, HEDIClifES, SURGICAL nSTIMTlETS, PIRE Uli:s AM) IJQtOaS, tPOR MKMCAL PÜRPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, rerfumery, PAITVTS, OII,S, VAKIVISIÏFS, ;ï,ASS A1VO PIJXTY, PHYSICIASS' PBESGBIPTIONS Carofally compounded at all honra. PROPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE E. II. I.IDIIV. l3CTtf irVROCERIES AT LESS THAN (Í08T ! L. R. SLAWSON Is now selling Groceries at LESS THlJST COST Por cash to close out his stock. B lïuyersahould cali and examine his goods beore purchasing. NO HUMBUG ABOUT TKIS, Ann Arbor, Not. 6, 1873. HJHf X - X HURRY UP ! UARTIES wlshing Wall Paper, Cloth -T and Paper Shades, Hollands, Window Fixtures, Coids, 'fteeeli. c, all New Styles, at Satisfactorj Prices. by J. U. Webster Sc C., Book btore, nearthc Express Office. X X FIRE ! FIRE ! C. H. MILLEN'S FIRE lm Am The 01 dèst Agency in the City ! Eepresenta the following üist-olass compauies : Home Insurance Co. of New York City. Capital tod surplus over $4,000,000. Continental Ins. Co., of New York, Capital and surplus f2,000,000. Girard Insurance Co., of Philadelphia. Capital and surplus $750,000. Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartford. Capital and surplus $600,000. No. 4 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN. HMtf WAGNER The One-Priced Clotliier ! Has reoently enlarged his store and hfis just received and offers to the public tbe largest stock of MENS', YOUTHS', AND BOYS' Iïeady-Made Fall and Winter CLOi HING! Ever brought the County of Washteuaw.- These gootte were bouxht tor cash, und will be sold at the lowest posible cash ptioe. AT WAONKR'Ö. Also constiuilly on Imnd ri fine line of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Csissiineres and Vestings All in great variety , whieh wil! le made up to order and warranted to tk. AT WACNER'S. A complete and large stock of Gents' (ooris of every description, lower tlian ever. AT WAGNEB'S, TRUNKS AND V ALISES of various styles and makes. AT WAGXER'S. GOOD PAPER COLLARS only 8 ets. per box. wm. wagner. 21 South Main St.f Aim Ailor TA M KS McM á HON, Justicc of the Peaee, Office in new block, North of Court House Money collected and prompt ly paid over. INSTJRAlSrCE: AG-EINT. Triumph , aséela , $727,903.11 Nortti Missouri, " 45,417.91 Hibernia. 350,000.00 RKAXj ESTÁTE. I have 80 acres of land } of a mile froni the city imitg, flnely located for frait or garden purposes. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with houeo and barn,and a llvcl stream of water running through the barn yard. 60 acres, a mïlcout. I will sell anyor all the above cheap.or exchanjge for eit property. 1374yl JAMES McMAHON. SheriíTs Sale. O T ATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss. ö Notice is hereby given that by virtue of two writs of execution issued out of and under tbe seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, and to me directed and deiivered, I did on this twentyfourth day of Jauuary, A. D. 1874, levy upon all Ilinlit, title and interest of Merchant H, Goodrich, in and to the following described real estáte, ituated in the County of Washtenaw, Stut e of Michigan, towit: Lots number two, three, four, fïveandsix, and west half of lots seven and eight, block one north, range ñve easi, excepting ten te et ojf the west half of lota seven and eight, also excepting forty-four feet front on JTourth street by one hundredaod ten feet, deep oiftbe southwest coruer of Baid lots; also lots number thirteen andfourteen, block number three nprtb. range four east, all in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Cwunty, State of Michigan, which aboye described property I phajl exposé for sale at public auction, to the highest bidd?r, fit thö soutb door of the Court Houee, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the fourteenth day of March, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clook A. Vf . of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jan, 24, 1874. HC3td J&FW5MItfG, Sheriff. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, ö Ín Chancery. Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the Couuty of "W"ashtenaw, in Chancery, at Ann Arbor, on tJic twentieth day of January, Á. 1). 1874. Mary A. Loring Complainant, vs. Burns Loring, Defendant. It appearing by affidavit tUat th defendant, Jiarn Loring, isnot a resident of the títate of Miühigan, but that he resides in the State of Kentucky, it is ordered that the said defendant cause bis appearance in thitf cause to be entered within three nionths from the dute of this order, and that in case of his appearancfl he cause his answer to the complainant. 'a bill to be flled and a oopy served on the complainant 's solicitor within twenty days after servioe of a copy of eaid bill and notice of this order, and in default thereof that Bftid bill be taken as confessed by said defendant. And it is further ordered that within twenty days said complainant cause a notice of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a new&paper printed in said eo:inty, weekly, and tlmt the publieation be continued in said paper once each week lor six successive weeks, or that ehe cause a copy of this order to be perBonnlly served at lüat twenty days before tho time prescribed for his appeurancp. Dated, Jauuary 20th, 1874, JOHN F. LAWRKNCE, Circnit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw County, Michigan. John N. Gott, Solicitor for Coraplainant. Cominissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss. The undereigned, hu ving1 been appointed by the Probate Court for said oounty, Commisuioners to receive, examine, and adjust all claims and demanda of all persons against the estáte of Jacob Buehler, [ate of said county, deceased, hereby give notice that six months froni date are ullowed, by order of said Probute Court, for creditorsto present their claims igainst the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of Mack & Schmid, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county. on Monday, the twentyifth day of May, and on Monday, the twentyfourth day of August next, at ten o'clock a. m. of each of said days, to receive, examine, and adjmt said claims. Dated, Febiuary 24th, A. D. 1874. CHRISTIAN MACK, FREDERICK SCHMID, 1 46G w4 Commissioners . THE CIRCUIT COURT for the eounty of Washtenaw. Myron Webb and John W. Huil vs. Allen H. Risdon- In Attaohment. Notice is hereby given, that ou the fifth day of January, a. d. 1874, n vrit of iittftchment was duly issiied out of the Circuit ( 'ourt for the couuty of Washtenaw, ut the suit of Myron Webb and John W. Huil, the above named jlaintliïs, against the lands, tenements, goodi lid eliattles, moneys and eifects of Allen H. Risdou, ;he defeudaut ubove named, for the sum of one I red and forty-five dollars, together with cosis of r uit, which said writ wns returnable ou the third day ] f February, a. d. 1874, ( Dated, ihis 20th day of Fobruary a. n. 1874. H 14íi7 A. J. 8AWYER, Att'y for Pl'ffa. THE CIRCUIT COURT for the County of Washj' tenaw. Kdwin H. Ford v.. Allen H. Risdon : in s ttachmeut. Notice is hereby given that on the tenth o ay ot January, A. D. 1874, a writ of attachment ft as duly issuod out of the Circuit Court, for the n ounty of Washtenaw, at the suit of Edwin H. Ford, d ie above named plaiutiff, against the lands, lenei( ;ents, goods and chattels, moneyB and efFects of b lien H. Kisdon, tho defendant ubove named, for tl ie sum of one Imndred and fifty-two and 77-100 ai ollars, tog-ether with costs of suit, which said writ C as returnable on the third day of February, A. D. A 974. a te Dated, this 6th day of February, A. D. 1874. sa FHAZER, HARRIMAN & HAMILTON, HOj Attorney's for Plaintiff. Mortgagc Salo. T)EFAVLT haring been madein the condition nf iJ a certain mortgage, made and executed by Rolon Cook and Ann L. Cook, his wife, of the . city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, and State of MichiiJr, o SflaiH. Douglass, of the same place, beaiiig Tu' tlie hrst day of August, in the ycar of ouv Lora oni' thousand eiehl hundred ana Blity-ieven, and record: ed m the oftro ot the Register of Deed of the county otWüshtenaw, in said State ot Michigan, on the flrst day of August, a. n. 1867, m liber 3fc of morte , ges on pago 536, on which mortgage there is claimed to be aue at the dato of this notice, for principal an interest, the sum of two thousand five hundred 'ind ninety-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents, together with an attorney fee of flfty dollars, as provided and agreed should any proceedings be taken lor the foreclosure of said mortgagc ; and whereas co proceedmgsatlawor in cquity havo been taken to recover the same or any part thereof : Now, thcrefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of Mie contnmed in mortgagc, I hall sell at public auetion to the highest bidder, on Mondar, the ninth dav of February, a. d. 1874, at ten of trie clock in the forenoon of that day, at tho south door of the Conrt House in the city of Ann Arbor and State of Michigan, that being the building in which the Circuit Court for tho county of Washtenaw is held the premises described in said mortgnge, or eo much thereof as shall be necessary. to Batisfy the amount due on said mortgage, the costs and expenses of said sale and the attorney fee as aforesaid ; said prenüses are desenbed as follows, to wit : All that certain traet or parcel of land known and deseribed as fel lows, to wit : lying in the township of Ann Arbor and being part of the northwest quarter of section' number thirty-thrce in township mimber two south of range number six east in said .State, beginning in ibe east line of said quarter section at a point sixteenchains and nfty-three links south of the norliieast corner of said quarter seelion, and runninv thence south on said line flvo chains and thirtv fhv links, thenoe south flfty-one ana a-half degrees west twenty-two chains and eleven links to the center of the Ypsilanti road, thenoe northwesterly nlong the center of said road nineteen chains and ninety-livp links to a point eighteen chaira and seventy five links south of the north line of said section, Ihenco east parallel to the north line of saia seeüon tw.ntv chains and thirty-two links, thence north parallel to the west line of said section six chains and twentvfive links, thence east parallel to said north line nine chains and forty-four links to tho east line of said qnarter section, thence south four chains and tbree links to the place of boginning, and being the same land deededby Jacob Kempf to said Cook, party cf the flrst part (to said mortgage) and the snme land aesenbed in two deedsto said Kempf recordcd in the Reglster's office, in said county, in liber Y of Deeds on pages 676 and 677, and in liber No. 32 of deeds at pages 658 and 559. Ann Arbor, November 12, 1S7.1. SILAS H. DOUGLASS, Mortgagee. Felch & Ghant, Attorncys for Moitgagee. The salo of the premises abovo described, ia adjonrned to Thursday, May soventh, at the same place and hour of the day. Dated, February '.), 1874. & Gbant, SILAS H. DOUGLASS, Attorneys. Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the oondition of a certain mortgage mado and executed by Elijah W. Morgan and Lucy W. S. Morgan, his wlte, to John Henly and Amanda M. F. Goodale, on the eleventh day of August, A. D. 1873, and recorded in tho office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on tho nïneteenth day of August, A. D. 187;;, at threc o'cloek P. M., in liber 45 of mortgages, on page :}04, and upon which said mortgage there is now elaimed to be due and unpaia the aum of live hundred and twenty-six dollars and ninety four (Ï526.94) cents principal ma interest and a reasouable attorney fee as stipulattd in said mortgage, and no suit having been instituted in law or equity to recover said sum or any part thereof : Now, therefore, notice is liereby given that by virtue of a power of sale rontained in said mortgage, and in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, the lands and premises deseribeu in said mortgage, to wit : All thoso curtuin pareéis oï land kuown and deseribed as lots number Óve (6), six flïj, seven (7), eight (SI. nino (■)), ten ÜO), eleven (II), twelve (12), thirteen (131, fourteen (14!, nftt-en (lij anl sixteen (Hij, in block number ;. in range one west, ín Maynurd's addifion, in Ihi city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, or so much thereof as may be necotsary to v amount due, with interest, costs of salu and Baid attorney foe. will bc sold at public auetion, to the highest bidder, at tlie emita dooi of the ( outt House in tbc city of Ann Albor, Washtenaw County, Btate of Michigan, (thiit bi-ing the place for holding the Circuit for said County;, on Friday the twerty-secondday of May, A. IJ. 1874, at ten o'cloek in the foienoon of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Feb. ?5, 1874. JOHN HF.XLY, AMANDA M. F. GOODALK, Mortgagecs. FCAZEA, HaTIRIMAN & IÍAM1I.TON, Atty's tor Mortgagees. Mortgago Sale. DEFAULT having been made ip the eonditiousof a eertain mortgage, by ihe non-paymont of money due thereon as providtd by the terms of lid mortgage, executed by Elijah V. Morgan and Luc'j W. S. Morgan, his wife, to John Henly and Amanda M. F. Goodale, hearing date the first Uay of April, A. I). 1870, and recorded in the office of the liegister of Deeds of Washtenaw County, in the State of Michigan, on the nineteenth day oí May, A. i). 183, inbook45of mortgages, page 310, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgnge han become operative and on which mortgue I claimed to be due at the date of this notice the turn of one thousaud one hundred and nmety-nine dolíais, and no suit or proceedings haviug been instituteC in law or equity torecover the debt secüred by sihl mortgage: Notico is hereby given that on I the twenty-second day of May, A. D. 1S74, ut ten o'elock a. m., on said day, at the south door of the Cnurt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, Oounty of Wasbtenaw, m the State of Michigan (said üourt Ilouse being the place for holding the Circuit Court tor snid County), there will be sold by virtue of the power ut' sale contained in said mortgage at public auctiob, fo the highest bidder, the premisea deseribed in snid mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due and payable on said mortgage, with interest, costs, charges and expenses ailowea by law and provided lor in said mortgage, thatistosay: Lots nnmber five (5), six (C!, seven [7;, eight (8), nine (9J, ten (10), eleven (11), twehr lij, thirteen (13), iourteen (14), fifteen llü) nnd töxteen (16), in block number five (5) south. in range one west, in Maynard's addition, in the city ot' Atiu Aibor, Washtenaw County, Michigim. Dated, Ann Arbor, Feb. 25, 1874. JOHN HENLY, AMANDA M. F. QOODALE, HorigÁgees. FnAZElí, HAItniMAN & HamILTON, Atty's for Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the oonditions oï a certain mortgago exeeuted by Williom li. Mallory and Helen M. Mallory to John N. Gott, bearing date the Bixteenth day of September, a. v. 1872, and recorded in the orüce of the lïegister of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the ninth day of Oetobcr, a. d. 1872, in Liber forty-niüe of mortgaees on page two hundred and ninety nine, which said mortgage was duly íiísigned by John N. Goti to Samuel P, Jewctt, and ljy Samuel P. Jewett to Christian Mack and Fredcrie Schmid,and by reason of said uefault the power of sule in said mortgage having .beoome operative, and there being elaimed to be due and owing on said mortgage and the bond accompanying the same at the date oí this notice, the sum of one thousand seven hundred and nfty-six dollars and twenty-nine cents (1,7P.29), together with an attorney's fee of flfty dollaw, provided for in said mortgage, and no suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been institute-i to recover said amount or any part thereof: Xoüee is thereforq hereby given tlat uu Balvtrday, the twenty-thirddayof May, a. n. 1874, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the south door of tlie Court House lin the city of Ann Arbor (said Court House bemg the place for holding the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw), there will be sold by virtue of the power of sale contained in fiaid mortgage, at public auotion to the highestlbidder, the premises deseribed in said mortgage, or so mucll thereof aa may be necessary to satisfy the amount due and piyable on said mortgago, together with tho interest, oosts, charges and expenses allowed by lw. and provided for in suid mortgage, that is to say : AU that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, eounty aforesaid, known, bountled, and deseribed as iollows, to wit .■ Commencing at a point in the north line of Huron Street, in the city of Ann Arbor aforesaid, eight rods and eighteen iiulu s West of the west line of D. McIntyreTs land and running tfyenoö north parallel with said west line of saiá Mclntyre's land twelvo roas, thenep west parallel with Huron street to tho east line of Mann street, theuce south twelve roas to tho corner of Mann anti Huron streets, thence east to the place of beginning. Saia description being intended to cover the premises whera sittd Wjlliam H, Mallory uow lives, on the north sidp of Huryn street, Dated, February 26, 1874. CHRISTIAN MACK, FREDEEIC SCHMID, Assignecs of said ïlortgase, CiïAMF.n, Att'y for said Assignees. 14i!7 Mortgage Sale. ÜKFAl' LT having been made in the eonditiou of a certain mortgage exeeuted on the twenty-nfth dayof July, A. D. 1868, by Eobert P. Leonard and Martha A. Leonard. of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, to Joscph Pray, of the township of Northfield, in the Countj of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, aforesaid, and record ed the same day in the oflioe of the Register of Deed?, for the County of Washtenaw, Michigan, in liber 38 of mortgages, on page 453, upon which mortgage there is claimod to be duo at the date of this noticc, two hundred and fifty-oue dollars and sixiy-seveu cents, for principal and interest, and also thirty dollars as an attorney or sohcitor's fee as often as any proceeding is taken to foreclose saM mortgage, and no proceedings having been taken at law or in ei]uit y to recover amount due or any part thereof: Therefcjre, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of aalö containód in said piortgago, I shall sell at public auetion, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the twenty-third day of Maynext, at two o'dock p. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, County aforesaid, (that being tho place of holding the Circuit Court ior said County): All that certain piece or pareel of land sitúate in the township of Northtield, Wnshtenaw County, State of Michigan, known, bounded and described as Iollows. to wit: Commencing equtli thirty-six degrees forty-four minutes east, eight rods and eight links trom a ptake, seven links in front of the northeaat corner of Albert Steven's tavern stand, thentse south nfty-three .degrees and tiftcen minutes west, cight rods, thence south thirty-ix degrees and forty-four minutes east, four rods, thence north flf ty-three degrees and fit' teen luinntee east, eigM rods, thence north thirty six degrees and forty íive minutes west, four rods to tho place of beginniug, containing one-fifth of an aere oí' l;uul. more or lees. Dated, Feb. 25, 1874. PÜAY, Mortgagee, John Gott, Att'y for Mortgagee. NOTICE Of n Special 'I'orm of tlio Circuit Court for lic County of Waslitcuuw. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Washtennw County, saWhereas it appears to me necessary íhat a Spucia) Ferm of the Circuit Court for said eounty should 1 f ïeld for the transaction of the general business pendiingin said court: Therefore, a Special Term of laul court is hereby oraered, in pursuance of the itatuto in sueh case made and provided ; and notice s hereby given to all persons having business pendng in said court, and to their respective attorneyB, oficitors, and counselors, that a special term of' s:ml ourt will be begun and held at the Court House, in aid county, on the FIKST TTESDAY OF APEII; ten o'clock in the forenoon of said ay, and to be eontinued from day to dny as may be jund necessaiy for the transtctlon of the general usiness of said eourt : And it is furtber ordereu ïat the Clerk of this court cause a copy of this order ad notico to be published both in the Peninsular ouritr and Ftimüi Fisitant and in tlie Michigan raus, for four suceessive weeks, once in each week, i commence on Friday, the 27th instant, in each of ,id papers. cnANK; c;r(,nlt j Dated, Feb. 24, 1874. 14"'d


Old News
Michigan Argus