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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. pïl.VEK, BABBIKIAN A; HAHII.TOV F Attorneys at Lav. OtlieL1 Nos. 7 mul !) üulll tfiiin Street, Ann Arbor. Mich. píTisTUS TII1TCIIKR, Atturnc-y and Cj Counselor at Law,. No. 5 Eiwt Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Slieh. USG TTTarbor nraüRAL springs, Morris Hale. M. D., Superintendent. Office a buildina, corner Mann and U'estHuron Streeta. WINES WORDEJf, 20 'outh Main strect, Ann Ar jor, Mich-, Wholesale and rctail dealers in Dry Goods, Carpeta and Groceries. 135ltf ïiAOIi. Sc SCHMID, Dealers in Dry Goods. Al Groceries, Orockery, &c. No. 54 fouth Main str-ct. gj II. .1 ACKSO, Dentlst.succebsortii C H. VV Porter. OfBce corner Main and liuron streetf, „ver the store of R. V. Eliis & Co, Ann Arliór, Xich. mestheticsadministerod if rcqnlred. IITHÍ3RL,A?ÍI ie WHGDON, Life and jFirelnaurance Agent, and dealere. u BealBatate. officeonHuron Street. iiiCU : ABEL, Dealors in Dry Soods.GroD cérica, &c &c.,No -C Snuth Main .-nvet, Ann i Lrbor. LAWSOrV A; SON, Grocer, ProviBion and 3 (lommission Merchants, and dealers in Water Hoe, Land Piaster, and Piaster Paris. No. 16 East iluror. street. lirW. WAfíNER, Dealer in Rnady MadeClothVI ing.Clotbs, Casshncres. Vestin;s, Hals, Caps, Tronk, t'arpot B:ig, &c. 21 íoiuh Main street. UüAH W. ÓHEEVEK, ilTORNEY AT LA.W ! HMwUhB.W, Morgan, Enst slde of Coart House iitra. 1831 ir Ü. CaBBi Oentisi, jt?v. Snccessor to C. O - - i-v .Ten kin s. 1 ■"' "-v Nitr o u a 0 x i ( t . ' _p ■ Gasadministere _ when necoasoW. L Jja 0 ffi e e ovo [W PBach & Abel' V f f pnPfVJ Xo.i'üSouth XKS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oplet and Rettilence No. 88 Aun S!r!., rorner of Ingalls, Aun Arbor, Mich. tSW Office hours-8 to 10 A M., and 2 to 4 i. ji."H Rtfennccs -Prof. Baobb, Puof. Filxss, llyl pBOCKEK GLASSWARE & GROCEETES, J. & DonnellyHaveinatorc alargcatocknf cockcrj, Glasswnre, Plated Ware.Cutlery GroceneR, fcc, ie, all lo be oldat nnusually low prices. No. 12 Ëast Hurón Slreet, Aun Arbor. ltSStf J. & I'. DOiUNUlXY. [OHN G. GALL, " DEALER IIST [ FfiESH AND SALT MEÁTS, URD, SAUSAGES, Etc., Urdcrssolicited and promptl.v illecl with thebest neit8 in the market. 31 Kast Washington stveet AnnArhor, Sopt. 16th, 1SC9. ' IÍSStf" 1)1?. C. A. LEITER, Physician n ii d Hurgcon, 'Ice over Watts' Jcwclry Store, Main Street, Residenoe S8 Eat Hurón Street, lf ANX ARBOR, MICH A It K SE Y , (Jg'WjLMaimfacturor of Carriages, BuggieSj Wagons, 1VD SLEIGHS, of pverystylo, raailo of Iho best BUI, and warrunted. Kepiiring dono promptIU ptuM reasoaable. Detroit Street, K. ■"Uspot, Ann Arbor, llich. 114f!yl J FRED. BROSS, MANUFACTUItER OF (1MI16ES, BIOOIES, LUIBER WAGONS, SPltl.VG WkMÊi, ClTTEItS, slkh;hs, tit. . iiWoik warranted of the best material. Repairmtm promptljr aüd rensonably. AU work war'm to givo perfect satisfaotion. (8 South Main rett. 1422 pLOUR AND FEED STORE. HENRY WASCH, (Suoccssor to üeo. Laubengayer,) l'14. Went Street, will keopennstanA ï " tulUto!k o' Fioi, Meal.Oat, Corn, t. I ' A" orlior3 promptiy tilled at the lowOíli pnces. Cash paidfoi1 Cora und Oats. i41Syl ip.U.B. PoIíTErT DEMTIST. 'Jfficc in the Savinga Bank Blook, Ann Ailjor. 111 Operatioas on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. 'SSÜRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE flUh ABTIFÍcÍAL TEEïH, TO (ilVE EACII INDIVIDUAL, '""iioftke proper tixe, thapef.olnr.firmncstimd natural cxpretsioH 1244 W. A. LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both pÏNE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, 8uff, Pipes, &c, AT SO. 7 EAST IIUROJÍ STHEET, st to the Express Office, lUstf ANN AHBOR BTtCHC.


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Michigan Argus