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Local Brevities

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Cakds. - Circuláis. - Bill-Heads. - Letter-Heads. - Shipping Tags. - ■ Printed at the Abqus office. - In tho bost style anti ciieaf. - Don't order elscwhere before calling. - Satisfactiön guarantced in evory respect - Now is the timo to subscribe for the Akgtjs. - The vreather on "Wednesday was decidedly summery. - The robius and bhio-birds ventured out again on Monday. - All is unusually qniet in politlcnl circle and candidates are either scarce or are " vattin for something to turn up." - We invite attention to a communication i aaother column, discussing the eondition of the Toledo, Ann ArborandNorthorn Railroad. Our columns are open to others. - The -High School junior clas? exhibition takes place this evening in the hall oí the central iiuilding. Tho prococds ot the exhibition ave for the benent of the High School library. - The University Glee Club go a concert ing next week, making Jackson, Marshall, Battle , Creek and Kalamazoo. The boys will furnish the people oí those towns some good music. - The Scouts of the Plains,- Buffalo Bill, Texas Jack, and Wild Bill, -are to appear at the Opera Ho.use on Thursday evening next, with a first-class dramatic company. Seo advertisement. - The Medical Commfncemont is to be held next Tucsday forenoon ; tho Law Commencement in the afternoon. The exercises will bo held in new Hall. Xo admissios carda will be issued. - The Aeous office makes a specialty of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Cireulars, Cards, Programmes, etc., giving flrst class work and stoek at Iow figure?. Cali and see before orderiug. _ - At a meeting of the Common Cd ncil held on Monday evening last, the City Treii-urer was iustructed to make prooi in bankruptey of the claim of this city agninst tho lato Treasurer, S. M. Webster. - The Manchester Enterprise says that Dr. Pratt, of this city, has been engaged to deliver a course of lectures at the Presbyterian Church in that village, on " The Beginning of Man." He knows all about it. - " Christianity as a Life" was üie subject of Dr. AngeU's abie and eloquent address before the Student's Christian Association on Sunday eveiiing last. It was listened to with the greatest interest by a very large congregatiou. -The Ypsilanti Commercial of last Friday said : Detroit is likely to be. stirred from center to circumferenee by a talk of a road from this city, to connect with the Canada Southern at Trenton." We were in Detroit a day or two ago and no quakmg was perceptible. - Mr. Hawk, of Cook's Hotel, requests us to say that he has thrown out the bar, and will thoroughly try the experiniMit of running a hotel without the aid of súch an attachment. This announcement will be gratifying to the temperanc public and will entitle him to a cordial support. - Anna Dickinson drew a large audience on Monday evening, having failed to appear on Friday evening. Her leeture is diversely spoken of, and the question " What's to Hinder ?" was antwercd hy the .statement that women are hindered frorn getting the saino wages as men because they fail to do as good work. - The Women's Temperauce Association of Tpailanti has adopted resolutious inviting prosecutions of Iiquor sellers and owners of building in which liquors are sold, undcr the State law giving the wives of drinkers claim for age3, and pleíging " sympathy, and, if needed, pecuniary aid to womcn who can procure cvidence, and who wish to soek redress under the law." - Joe T. Jacobs & Co. had " au opening " in tlioir new quarters on Saturday evening. Their new store is roomy, neat and attraetive, giving opportunity both to show and sell goods. The frieuds of Joe needn't fear that lic is getting dangerously extravagant, as the difference . he pav in rente is a small fraction of the extra convenienco and facilities for trade. There is nothing like an attraetive place of business. -The local reader will find a very interes ting article m this day's Akgüs : a statement of the coudition of the city finances, and from ivliich thetax-payer will be glad to learn that the Council has materially reduced the floating debt existing at tho beginning of the financial ear, and would have done so still moro but for the defalcation of the late Treasurer. The reader can analyze it for hiraself, only remembering that of the balances shown on hand nearly $1,400 are tied up by the default referred to, or to be exact, $1,390.05. In answer to the followiug note the Rev. C. H. Brigham has furnished ior pubhcation his discourse on Charles Sumner, delivered in the Uuitarian Church ou Sunday inoming last, and cheerfully granting the request we give the saine to the leaders oí the Aegus this week.: Ann Aeboe, Mareh 15, 1874. Rev. Chas. H. Bbiqham, Dear Sir : The undersigned, a committee appointed at a meeting.of tho Unitarian Society, held on Sunflay eveumg, respectiully request of too, for puWicatiou, the sermón delivered by you on the morhing of this day, on the characterof tho late Charles Sumner. A. McEEYXOLDS JAMES B. G-ÜTT MOSES EOGERS W. D. HARRIMAN THOS. S. SANFÜRD. A an indicatiou tí the appreciation of the discourae by those who heard it, it is only necessary to say that several hundred extra copies of tho AnGca were ordered before the day of pnblication. The Webstee Literaey Society of the Law Department of the TJniversity, at its last meeting for this term, elected the following oftioers ïor next year : President - H. Rush Loggart. Vice-President- W. W. ütt. Secretary- W. B. Given. Treasurer- Miss E. A. Martin. Marshall- A. W. Kumler. Senior Critic- G. E. Putnam. Junior Critic - Miss M. F. Perry. Executive - W. Rush Lagg.irt, cxffido, J. C. Orr, L. K. Myers. After adjournment of the Society the memra proceeded to Hangsterfer's where they partook of a farewell banquet. - i ■ Our frieud of the Dexter Leader gets off this Paragraph : " H is the inalienablo right of every American cituen to stop his paper whenever he thinks its müuence is not salutary, whether it be the Dexiw Leader or any other journal. And no public iliscussion of the question is neeessary." Correct, neighbor ; but thon vrhen the aforesid American citizen " gets .up on his ear" and Mserts hia " inalienable right," hadn't he ought to first pay up arrearages ?


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