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lili! I O. When firsl L. OOLBY hnng bis sign Of C. O. D.- At No. 29, And offered Grocerie cheap for cash, Some peoplesaid, " he's bonnd to go to smnsh." And old-timo Orocora would f aintly srailt', Prophesyin "C. O. D. wil] last bat üttle while. In sixty days wc'H run hini off the truck, And oill our wandeling trastorne back." The pronkers asid nufl thought it truc, "He'll surely tail before the year is tíew ! You ciiu't sell Groccries in this town And get yourpay in greenbacks down; w here dry goods inerehantson every si reet With silks iind latina, lmug out chickeus to eat bare trade ia mixed in every place, At the samo counter you buy butter or Ince ; Where credit and los (?o haud in hnnd. Mr. ;.. I), but a. slim chance wlll stand." prophets and croakern liavc tlieir ay, L. COLBYselli uiwi ; V. u u ;s ouly tor itKADY PAY, And sella ho cheap for daily cmhL He fears no danger of u smash. And to his putrons all, and biuinen fnenda, i lie greeting of the nason he extsndg To young and oíd, a lad New Year ' Vith hoetsof friende and lou of oheerl (ive him a cali, and from his store our tablra aproad with pood thinga more. At that place you willalways flnd ' Frèsh new Qroceriea ot best quaUty anti kind - í-very tliinfí ncedful for good ebeer at houio ion cim buy at liis counter whenever you come. 1 he day are so short tliis bitter cold winter, I o mcntion detail would weary the printer. But aak if you choose for anything eíitable, i ou set It at once, in quality unbcatablc ! Forhungry men who are weary and cold, Ho has Oystera hot, Oysters that must besold - Oystci pickled, Oyster stew, and ovster fry, Ur Oysters any other way you choose to try He wi 11 serve un Oyiten at any hour of day, And the best ot cisars to smoke on your wav. A. dist i oí hot Onton will do you mueli goo4 And ch.;er yon white wllinR your grain 6r wood. And with cash in hand lay in a store Y C;"ffee, lea, Sugar, Flour and many mere, Of all thiiiírs substantial for daily lúe or treat lifo's good thinga with abus.. Crockery nnd Glassware and Fruits to put m them, N ut, Babina, and Candy, for children who win them w"íi íe Tí'.!mrblraed with their beautilul faces, Will tind [ion the best of all places, To tayn trille, to bring n smile or linginc lauph, Your pleasure. than theirs, will be gnlter by half 1 hen do not forget to cali on Mr. O. O. D . And buy of him your Fruit, Silgar, and Tea. ThouKh the Ug (JQ may fall from 1(4 place, The (,. O. D. !6rtoreii8tülon the race And does not uitend to fly from the oonne Till croakers of evil talk tbemselves hoarse (Irocenes can be aold for ready pay Aml Ii. Colby has learáed the wny holcl fivo times more than he ezpeoted- ' By C. O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teil - KetttenpSSt " '- b 8And you are bound to Bell ! 29! 29! 29! CIVEN AWAY IF IT WILL NOT INSTANTLY RELIEVE Rheumats'm m &: Neuralgia, A Deafneso, Headache. M M Catarrh, Spralns, ■ ■ Bowel ComBrulses, W' H plaints and Cuts, Burns, W W "" similar Chllblalns, B pT - WILL KILL The worst cough In qulcker timo thar any othor preparatlon In the wond. Wewlllwlll refund the money ir we do notglve Immedlata relief. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ONLY HARMLESS DYE. Acts like jt. 'ho mst a charm ! Mk Sk natura! Nevorfails ÊÊ Wk shades to ■ ■ of Brown ly produce j er Black BY ONE APPLiCATIO NL HPHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF DETKOIT. 3. B. FATtUAND, '- . . President. W.A. MOORG, - - . Vice President JOHN T. LIG iETT, - - Secretary. L. M. THAYKR, . OenTAgent! Assets Jamiiiry Int, 1874 $500,335.41. l'hepeople of Míohigan om no louger afford to pny tribútete Eastern States by plucing their Life Insurance with Kastern Companies, wlio by their charters ar,e compelled to loan their mouny in their own States, thna biicomiuff a heavy drain on the resources oí the State, when we have so reliable nnd wcll maDaged l.ife Oompany as thé MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the business of the f'ompany was inovasi Forly-eiirlu and onc-half per cent. of tli total nmount done the previous live veurs Thi shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL UFÉ has !he Confidence of the People. The loasea daring the yearlS73 wereonly PIFTYFIVE per cent of the imcunt the mortnlity tables cnll f'or, ahowing graat oare in the Belectton of ite ritks. Durlugr the ' yenr 187J there was a macerial recluciion in the ratio of expenses showing CAPEFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michigan Mutual issues uil the most (ïcsirable tormsof Lifo and eixlowment Tolicies. MvideiuU Declared and Paid at Ihe rnd of the First Pollcj ïear and each year thcreafter. All Policios non-forfeiting íifter one Annual Prcniiuiii has been paid. AU Endowment Policiea aro convertible uto C-tsh at the end of nny year ufter the ftrot. Rellable iixleiiiiiity at IoavisI :isli rutes can be procureil of the IUlchiiran mutual Ufe. EO. L. FOOTE, Dis't Agent, Ypsilanti. J. ü. A. Sessionb, Asrent, Anu Albor. Gko. E. Fooie, Agent at Dcxter. A Chance for Bargains ! Kor sule at a Krent bargain, 1G0 ACRES OF C'IIOICE LAND, lying 2 K milos from the city of Toniu. 100 acres under improvement, with roüiI nrchard, barn and Bhed, and a comt'ortablo house. Terms of payment- from {2,0011 to $2,500 down; balance on long timr. Also 90 ACIJES, nbout 2i milt' from Augusta, Kalamnzoo County, all improved, with good ouildings. Terma- extromely low. Alo 40 ACRES about eight milesfrom ilaslinga. Also 80 ACRES on section S in the town of Hazelon, Shiawasse County, nbout 12 miles from Corunua, iVell tiinbered. For torms ad(lrS9 the underaigned. E. B 'POND. Ana Arbor, April 2, 1873. Mortgage Sale. PI'IíFA'ULT havinsf been mado in the conditiun o i-f a cortriin ranrtffapi rciade by David Mcüoll, o Scict. m thc Cnunty of Washtenaw and State o Michigan, to jiiinm Latnon, of the city of An Arbor, in the Count.y n,nd State aforead, date March twenty-.ixth, i8i;o. and rocorded in the ohV or Rcffister of decds fr.r Woslitpnaw Cotintv, Miol igan, on thc twcnty-sixth day of March, '1966. a eleven and one-half o'cluck, A. M., in líber 3fi o mort gages, cm pago 237 ; whieh said mortgage, t.oBethfrwith tho note aoconipanying tho samo, was o the eightcentli day of January, A. D. 1872, duly as signcrt t.o l.eonard Vanghn nnd Marina Vnughn vrnioh assignmont was duly íecorded in the office o Register of Deeds, aforesaid, on tho third day o Jlarch, 17Í, at niño o'clock, a. m., in liber i oía signiuents of rnortfrages, ou page %::: upon whic mortgage thore in claimcd to bc dut !y virtue of th eonditions theroof, rad reraalnlng impaid at th date of this notice, the auni of twenty-two hundrei and forty-two dollars and sixteon cents andana torney' (ce ot thirty dollars provided for in sai mortgage, and uo suit or proeeeding having bee ínstitutodat lawto recover tho sum now due an( secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof ■ Now thereíore, by virtue oí the power of salo containei in suid mortgage and by virtue of tho stiicute i Buch case made and provided, notice i hereb' givon that on Suturduy, the thirtioth day 'o' May next, at twelve o'e'ock noon of that dav, at th front door of the Court lloune, in the city of Ann Arnor, in said Couuty of Washtenaw and State o Michigan (aaid Court House beinpr the place of holi ïiig the Circuit Court tor said County), therc will b sold at public auction or vendue, to'tliB higheitt bic ucr, the iiremisc desertbed in Haid mortgage as : A Ihat certain tract or parcel of land known and de Bnribedaafollows: Deing one equal and uudivide half of the carding and clothing works and one-hal of ihe apimrtenunces, machinery, and premiaes theret belonging; said pi(-mises are upou the aoutheas iractional quartor of aection two, in township tw s'iuth of range üveeast, beginning at a stako tand ing on thc north bank of the Huron river, at a poin nearthieo rods trom the end of the bridge acroa saidriyeron the road leading frorn Ann Arbor to Howell, mljivingston County, theuce running nort trom said stake eight rods on the line of said road thence westerly eight rods, thenci: southerly an parallel with said rond tijfht rod, thence easterlv t the place of beginmng. ' ' Dated, March 4, 874. T.KONAKD VATrOHN WABTHA VAüflHN, t .. Asfignces. James n. Gott, Atl'y tol As.signee. uw Mortgago Sale. ÜKFAl'LTliaving been made in tho eondition o a certnin mortgage executed by Jonathan Bock ert and Lydia hls wife, of tho township of Dexter county of Washfcnaw and rtato of Michigan, t Isaac Ray, of tho samo place, on the twenty-nfi] day of August, one thousand eijrht hundred and sev enty, and recorded in the ltegister's office, in th coumy of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on th fourth day of November, a. i. 1870, at Sy, o'clock r M., in hber 42 of morigages on page 528 : And there is now claimed to be duc on said m'Ttgage and note accompanying the same the sum of five hundred anc eighty-seven dollars and scventy-one cents, (and the iurther sum of three hundred and four dollars am seventy cent to bccome due on the 25th day o Autjnst, (874 and IS7ó, also an attorney's fee of tlnr tv dollars should :iny proceedinga lw taken to fore ose said mortgnge, and no proeeeding ia law or in cquity having been had to recover said sum of money oí any part thereof : Now, therefore, notice is hereb: glven, that by virtue of the power of salo in said mortgage contained, I shall sell at public auction to the higheêt bidder m the thirtieth day of May next at 2 o'elock i m. of aid day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county afore said.tthat Deing the place of holding thé Circui Court for said county!, all that certain piece or par cel of land situated in the township of Dexter, Wash teuaw County and State of Michigan, known, boun dcd and described as follows, to wit: The nortl half of tho southwest quarter of section number live oí township ont; south of range four cast Diited, Marcho, 1874, ISAAC RAY, Mortgaf-ee. J'ihv N. (on, Attorney for Mortgngee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUIT by non-payment of moneys, having been mude in the eondition of a certain mortgage executed by William A. Benedict and tatherino H Benedict, to Andrew J. Shively, hearing date the twenty-Hrst day of April, A. D. 1870, duly stamped and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of W'a.ihtenaw County. fn the lítate of Michifan, on tho sixtoenth day of May, A. D. 1870, at four and one-half o'clock r. m., in liber 42 of mortgages, on paire 412, and thereafter fully assigned by the 'said Andrew J. Shively to Philip Bach, by an instrument of nssijrnment, bea ring data the tenth day of January, A. D. 1874, and recorded )n the aforesaid office of liegister of Dceds, on the seventeenth day of February, A. U. 18-74, at three and one-half o'clock r. m. in líber 1 of asslgmucnts of mortgnges, on page 2"o' whereby tb power of ale contained in said mort' gage has hecome operative, and no suit in law or in chancery having been instituted to recover the debt v wMuue ötv-nitru u) fiaiu munae or any part thereof, und the nm of eight hundred und ninetyseven dollars, and tifty-nine cents being claimed to be duo nn said mortgago at the date of this notice : lherefore, notice is hereby given that to satisfy the amount due on said mortKage, with the interest, costs, and charges allowed by lw and provided for m said mortgagc, including an uttorney fee of thirty dollar, the premises desenbed in said mortgage to witAll that certain piece or pnrcel of land sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Wushtenuw and Htate of M'chigr n, known bounded und describid as follow, to wit : Being in the southeast corner of the northeast quarter oí the northweat quarter of section number Ihirty-twu (02), in township nuraber two f2) south, range number six (C) east, commencing at the corner stake in the Ann Arbor and Lodi plank road, running cight rods west on the line of said quarter, thence north twelve rods, thence east eight rodu to the center of said road, thenoe south twelve rods to tho place cf beeinnins, will by virtue of the foresaid power of salo'contained in said mortprage. and of the statute in such case made and provided, be sold at public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the ('ourt House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenawand State of Michigan (said (ourt House being the place of holding the Circuit Court within und for said County; on (Saturday the sixth day ot June.A.D. 1874, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon of tliat day. Dated,Murch 13, A. J). 1874. _ to THILH" BACH, Ji. 1 . Gbakoes, Assicnee Atfyfor Asstgnee. 1469 Mortgage Sale. THFAUTT having been made in the conditiong of J a certain mortgage, made and executed by Jerusha Huil, of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washteuaw and Btate of Michigan, to Lewis C'. Uíhdon, of the same placf, in trust for Francés M Hogers, a minor, benring date the twenty-nrst day of „une, A. D. 18C), and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for snid County, on the same day at tour and one-half o'clock p. M., in liber 42 of ' iragt'B, on paso 57 ; by which defsult the power of sale contained therein became operative, uud therenow being claimed tu be due thereon tho sum of two thousand six hundred and twenty three dollars and ninety-six cents, principal and interest, and no proceedings at Uw ov in equity having been taken to recover the same or any part therof : Notice is hereby given, that. by virtue of a power of ale contained in said mortgage, I sha 11 sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the sixth day of June next at 2 o'ciock noon, at the south door of the Court Honse in the cuy of Ann Arbor (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for the County of i naw), the premises described in said mortgage, or so '. much thereof as shall be necessar.y to pay the amouut ] due thereon and the legal costs of safe, to wit ■ Lot number two south of Huron street and Range 1 eleven, in the eastern nddition to the village (now i city ) of Ann Arbor in the County oí Washtenaw and I State of Michigiin. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 12, 1874 i I4(i!) J.KWIS C. RleDON, Mortgaaee in Trust. ■ 1 Cointnissioners' Jiotice. O J'ATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw ■ ! O fhe undersigned, having been appointed by the t Probate Court for said county, Comraissioner to ret ceive, examine, and adjust all claims and demands of i all persons against tho estáte of Jacob Duehler o Inte of said county, deceased, hereby give notice t that six inonths trom date are allowed, by order of c said Probate Court, forcreditorstopresenttheir claims n against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will r meet at the store of Mack & Schmid, in the city of t Ann Arbor, in said county, on Monday, the twentyv litth day of May, and on Monday, the twent'vn fourth diiy of August ni-xt, at leu o'clock a, M.of eac'h 1 of caid days, to receive, examine, nnd adjust aid w claims. Dated, Februory 24 th, a.d. 1874. n CHRISTIAN MAOK, S FHEDEKICK SCHMID, w 1 mul Commissioners. n Comtnissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of 1 he undersigned haring been appointed by the 1 róbate Court for said county. Oommissioner to receive, exumine and ad!ust all claims and deniandB of all persons against tilo catate of Charles Harken late of said county, deceaseel, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said I róbale Court, lor creditors 1o present tlieir claims againat the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the residence of Philip Mum, in the township of Lodi in said county. on Saturday, the elevenlh day ot April, ond on Katurdny, the'sixth .ay of June uext, at ten o'clock a. m., of each of saiil ttays, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, December 8, A. D. 1873. 1468 EOBEUT P. HAKPER, I „ CONHAD'WARNEK, -ommissionere. T)VT Y0U1Í. MONEY WIIEREITWILL DO TH E ovtosrr good. i A. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF ; HATS AND CAPS f IN TUE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND ! PRIOE8 TO I h DE F Y C O VI I K TITK) Is AD30, A Ktir.L LINK OF GENTS' FÜRNÍSHING GOODS. II HËSF" Cali beore purchasiug. JJ 15 South M(Un Street. _LJ {," LIVE GE ESE FEATHüRS ' Ï? 2 PIBSTQUALITT, to oDftrntlyonhand sndforsaleby Ia BACBfr ABEL. i Mortgage Sale. rVESAULT bavinj been madein the conUil-oD ,. iJ i_ nertorn roortgago, made and executcd bysolo' ? Ann I,. Cook, his wife, of the citv of a, Arbor, vVashtenw County, and 'state of Miohiif„" t 81 H. Douglass, of the same place, beoriMt ?!?' the flrst day of Aucust, in the veir of our Toril , thmiiand ewht hundred and ity-aeveo, oud íLí' f1 "l we Tce Dl the gister of Deed, of" ie ïï ty of Washtcnaw, in Baid State of Michigan on tí' flrat day of August, a. d. 1867, in liber s o imVt ges, on page ƒ,36 on which raortgage thera is claiL to bo due at the date of this notice, for principáis interest, tho sum of two tLousand flve hundred Ï2 ninety-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents, toMtC! with an attorney fee of flfty dollars, as provided an,ï sgreed ahould any proceedings be taken for the w ckrauro of said mortgage; and whcreas eo procewl" inga at law or in equity havo been taken to reemi, the same or any part thereof : Now, therefore, noti ia hereby given that by virtuo of the power of sul contained in mortgage, I shall Bel at public auctton to tho highert b.dder, on Monday, the mnth dayï lebruary a d 1874,attenof theclock n the lorê noon ot that day, at the south door of the f on House in the city of Ann Arbor and State of MfcM. gran, that being the Iraildina in which the Chef, t Court tor the county of Waahteoav is held thí premises desoribed in said mortgiipo, or f0 n,ch thereof na ahall be Deoessary to eitjïly the mom due onamd m,irtt-nge. the costa and expenses of 3 sale and the attorney fee us aforesaid ; eaid m , are desenbed aa followg, towit: All that eert i„ tract or pareel of land known and describid as ju Iow8, to wit: lying in the township of Ann Arbor and being part of lbo northwest qnaitrr of Sccti00' number thirty-three in township number two fout? ot range nurabcrsix east in snid State, bepinnin" „ the east line ot tand qiu.rti-r ction at a point ïiL teen chaina and tifty-thrr-e links south of the nor h east corner of said quartev section, and runnC thence south on said line hve chains mid thirtï m hnks. thence south lifty-one and -hall degree toj twenty-two chains and f leven links to the center oï the Ypsilanti raad, tlionce northwesterly tl 1 center of said road nineteen chains and ninety.flw links to a point eighteen chaini and serenty flvelinkj south ,of the north line of said neotion, tinne,, eist parallel to the north line of Baid atMn twemï chains and thirty-two links, tlience north parallel l the west line of said section six chains and tmntvfive hnks, thoneo east parallel to said north line nine chamsand fortyfour links to the east li„, „nd HÏ.l8C,!0fKbt!?iu"ill!!' !""lbeiK the same ♦ï. „. y Jacob Kempfto said Cock, party of the flr-t part ,(to said I mortpe) and the ame taa desenbed ,n two deed? to said Keinpfreeordcd in the Register's office, in said county, in liber Y of Deeik PagPeS6a7n6ir6tC77'n'1'll"liteNo-M''L'; Ann Arbor, November 12. 1873. S1LA8 H. D0UGLAS8, Mortgagee Fjloh & Grant, Attorneys for MortgHttee? ' lhemle of tbc premiaes abore H. ■■, ii„ ,1. , a(. journed to Thursday, Alay suventh, i place and hour of the day. Dated, February 9, 1S74. Felch & 0nKT, 81LAH H. DOU(ii.AS-i Attorneys Mort-, Mortgage Sale. rjEFAULThaviugbeen made m the condition of 1- n certam mortgage made and executed by Eliiali W. Morgan and Lucy W. B. Mi v.ite to John Henly and Amanda M. F. (feodale, on W e eventh duy of August, A I). 1873, and reeorde,', i„ the oifaee ot the Résister of l)ecds for ( nniilv ,', Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the mne' teenth day of August, A. D. 1873, at (Uree o'cíock P M., in hber 45 of mortgage, on page SM and upoii which aid mortgage there is now eiaimed to beduc and unpaid the sum of flvo hundred and tweiitv-sh dollars and ninety tour (626.941 oents principal and interest and a reasonaUe attoraey iee as stípulated in said mortgage, and no suit haviiij.' been institnted in law or equity to recover said sum or any riart -hereof : ow, theretore, notice is hereby given tïat by virtueof irpowerof sale eontained in' said monga, and in pursuanee of the Matute in .sueh caae made and provided, the lands and prtinises di in said mortgage. towit: All those eertain parceh ol land known and aeacilbed at, lot number tlve [Si mal fOj, seven (7), eight ft!, nine (J), ren (10), eleven fllJ.twelvedS], thirteen tl.'il, fourteen (14), fittten (1SJ anlsixteen (16j, in bleek number five (5 in range one weet, in Maynard'e nddition, in thé city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan or so niuch thereof as may be necessary to pay said amount due, with interest, Mts of Bale and iaid attorneyfee, will be sold nt public auction, to the highest bidder, nt the south dooi of the lourt Bonn' in the city of Ann Albor, Washtenaw Countv, lítate ot Michigan, (that being the place for hold"in" the Circuit for said County!, on Friday the twent ondday of May, A.D. 1K74, at ten o'clock in the foienoon of aaid day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Feb. ?."■, 1874 JOHN HENLT, AMANDA M. i'. (OODALE, ,. „ Mortffageea. n.z:lt, Hauhimax &■ Hamit.ton, Atly's tor Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. rvKl'AULT having been made il? the conditionsof - a eertain mortgage, by ihe non-payment of money due theroon as provided by the terms of said moitgage, executed by Elijah . Morgan and Lncj r . S Monwn, bis veile, to John Henly and Amandü M.l. Goodale, bearing date the fint day of ipiil A. I). 1870, and reeorded in the office of the i erof Deedsof Washteuaw County. in the Stat? ol Uiehigan, on the nineteenth day of May, A. 1). 1873 n book 45 of mortgages, pago MO, by B he power of sale contuned in said moitgage ' ome operative and on which mortgage t! _aimed to be due at the date of this notice tlietnm tone thousand onc hundred and ijmety-nine dolían, ind no suit or proceedinas having been institutec in aw or equity torecover the debt secured by said nortgage: Notice is hereby given that on Fridaj ie tw-enty-second day of May, A. D. 1874, at, ten clockA. M.,onsaidda,y, at thesuuthdoorof theCourt House, in the city of Anti Arbor, County of Waslitennw, in the State of Michigan [saidCourt House !■■ ing the place for holding tho Ciicuit Court County) . therc will be sold by virtue f Ihe p sale contained in said mortgage "t public uuction to thehighest bidder, the premite desciïbed in said niortgage or so much thereof as may be necessnrj to satisfy theamount due and payable raisaid mort;age, with interest, costa, cbaügi nd c xj en sts nllowed bv luw and provided lor in said mortg8ge, that ia to say : Lots number ("j , six (0), seven ("], eiffht (8), nine (9), ten (101, eleven (1 Ij, twelve I tlurteen C13), (ourteen (14; flfteen (U) and tixtïtn f 6), in bloek immber five (5) south. in naige one west, in Maynard'saddition, in the átfot Ana Albor, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Duted, Ann Arbor, Feb, 25. 1874. JOHN HENLY, AMANDA M. I'. GOODALE, Morigi FSAZJEB. IlAliltlMAN & ÜAMILTON, Atty's for Jlortgagees. Mortgage Sale. TEB'AL'LT hsving be made in the cosditii L a certain mortgaaq execuied by William il. Mallory and Heln M. Mallury to Joh N'. Gott, Tjearingdate the sixteenth day of September, a. d. 1S72, nnd recorded in the office of the Register vi Deeds lor the connty of Wiiahtenaw and Btftte of Michigan, on the ninth day of October, a. i. 1S7i', iu Liber l'orty-nine of morti;aLes on pngu t'o hnndreo nnd ninetv nine, whicli suid raortpipe wua duly assignedby John N. Gott to Samuel J'..l.i il, and by .Samuel P. Jewett to Christian Mack and Fwderic bchmid.and by renson of s;iid uefault tho power of ae insatd mortgage haring breóme opetutive, and tbere beitig claimed to be due nnd owïng oa said mortgag and Ihe bond neeompanyinfr the same at the date ol thisnotice.thesumof one taonaamd Beven -limulicíl nnd flfty-six dollar and twenty-nine oente M1.7Í6.29), together wilh an attoiney's toe offlfty dollar, provided lor in said inortpiitfe, and no suit or proceedingsat laworin iquity having been ingütuted to recover sadamountor any pnrt Uiereof: Notice is therefore hereby given that on Saturdav Ihe tweaty-thirildayof May. a. i. 1874, at eleven 0'clock in the forencon of said day, at the snuth door of tl1 Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (bnid Couït House being the place for holding the Circuit Coort for the county of Washteiiaw) there will be sold by virtue of the power of sale contained in saiil mirtgage,_ ut public auction to the liisho.-,t bidder, the premisea described in said mortffHge, or so much thereof as may be ncoessary to satisly the amount due and pi.yable on said mortp-age togethei witl interest, custs, chalíes and expenses aúowed by 1, and provided for in said mortgage, that is lo aay : All that certain pieee or pnrccl of land situnted in ili city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid. known. bouuded, and described nB follows. to wit : ( ommencing point in the north line of Huron stroef, in the oi! y of Ann Arboi aforesaid, eightrods and pivoteen incoes west of the west line of D. Mclntj re's land and ninning thenco north parallel with said west line of said Mclntyre's land twelve rods, thence west parallel -ith Huron street to the cast line of Maon street. :heuce south twelve rods to the corner of Mann nnd Suron streets, thenee cast to tlie place of beginning. aid description being intended to cover the pre] ïhere said William H. Mallory noiv Hves on tho jorth side of Huron street. Dated, Febrúary 26, 1 874. CHH ISTIA X MACK, FUEDElilC SCHMID, Assigneesof said Mui D. C'liAMElt, Atfy for Baid Assignees. 14IÍ7 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having boen made in the condition of acertuin mortgage cxecuted on the tweiity-flfth dny of July, A. D. 1868, by Robert 1'. Leonurd and Martha A Leonard. of the city of Ann Arbor, washtenaw County, Michigan, to Joseph Fray of the township of Northfteld, in the Countj of Wahtenaw nnil State of Michigan, aforesaid, and iecorded the same day in tho office of the Jicgister of Deeds, for the County of Waahtenaw, Mirhigan, m liber 38 of mortgages, on pace 453, upon whieh mortgage there is claimod to be due ut the date of Ihisnotice, two hundred and ne dollars und sir'y-sevea cents, for principal and interest, and also thirty dollars as an attorncy or solieitor's fee asolt.n proceeding is taken to foreoloae sai 1 mortgage, and no proceedings having been taken at law or in equity to recover amount due or any part thereof : Therefore, notice is hereby given tlmt by virtue ot the power of ale contained in said morteaj-e, I shall sell at public auetion, to the hiehest bidder, on Batni the twenty-third day of Maym-xt. at two o'doc'k P. M. of suid diiy, at the front door o the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, County aforesaid, (that being tho place of holding the Circuit Court ior said County): All that certain pieee or paveel oí' land sitúate in the township of Xortliikld. Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, known, bounded nnil described as follow?. to wit: Commencins south thirty-six degrees forty-four minutes rast, eighl rods and cight linka Irom a .-take. even nk in front of the northeast corner of Albert steven V ! stand, thenco south flfty-threo degrecs end flfteen minutes west, eight rods, thince .south Ihirl legríes and forty-four minutes east, fow ïhencenorthfifty-threedegreea and flfteen minutes last, eiglit rods, thence north thirty six degrees and 'orty Uve minutes west, four rocls to ths place oí eginning, contnining one-fifth ot' an nere of land, nore or less. Dnted, Feb. 25, 1974. '"SI TH PIÏAY. t -. „ Mortgfigeo, John Gott, Att'y for Mortgagec. COTICE f a Special Term of Ilic Circuit Court for the County of Washtcnuiv. JTATE OF MICHIOAN. Wnshtenaw Countj-, m. j Whereas it nppears to me neoessary that n Special erm of the Circuit Court-for snid coünty plinuld Ie ?ld for tlie trunsaction of the general business pending in eaid court : Thertfore. n Special Term of Lid court is hereby ordered, in pursuance of tlie ntute in such case made nnd providt r! and notíce hereby given tu all persons havine business pendg in sald court, and to their respective attoireyp, licitors. flnd counselors, that a special teim of said urt willbebegun and held at the (dmt Hoste, in id county, on the FIEST TUESDAY OF APBJL 'xtensuina; at ten o'clock in the torenoon of said iy,and to be oontinued from day to day as may be und necessniy for the transic'tion of the gfiiernl isiness of eaid court : And it is fnrther ordered at the Clerk of this court cause a copy of flus order d notice to he published both in the Peninsular vritr and Family Viiitant and in the Michigan ■guj, for four successive weeks, once in each week, commence on Friday, the 27th instant, in each of ld papen. A. D. CRANE, Circuit Jnduc. Dated, Feb .24, 1874. 1467W


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Michigan Argus