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m i i i o. xWhrn íirM U COT.BY huís uiSMgn ()f C. 0, 1).- At No. 29, And offered (roecries éheap í'oi l Some peoplo K;tid, " he's bouiul to tío tp staufth. ' And otd-time (rocera vould i';iintly smilt', Propheaying "O. O. D. willlust but litUc whili'. ín sixty duys wc'U run luin off the track, And cali ouv wanderiag customen bacK. ' The orortkera said and thougbt it true, "He'U surely t:iil bef ore the year ï tev ■ You cttn't nell iiroceries In this town And getyour ptiy in Krecnbucks down ; Where dry goods merchaxits on overy streel With silks find Miitins, hang out ehiekens to eitt. ; Where trade i.s niixod in every place, At the counter you buy imttor or ; Where credit and loss go luind in hand. Mr. '. O. 1. but ublim clmnce will stand!' Tiet propliots nd croakcrs lmvè their say, L.COIJ13Y8BllK(ÍI.()ClIUi:.S,,i1lyl,.ilKDYrAY And solía so oheup for dtiily e;ish Ho fears no danger of a Bm&ah. And to his pati unrt all, and business friends, The greetmg of the senson hc extends, To yountï and oíd, a glad New Yeaf, With hosU of frmuS and lots of clioor! Give liim a cali, and from hia store Your tables spread with ifoml tilines more. At that place you will always ñnd Fresh new (iroccries ot bestquality and kind - Kverything ueedful for good cheer at home You eau buy at his counter whenever you come. The days are so short this bitter cold winter, Tomention details would weary the printer. But ank if you choose for e.itable, You q;et it at onco, in quality unbcittablo ! For hunry men who aru weary and coW , He has Üysters hot, Oysters that must besol.l - Oystors pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry, Or Oyster.t nny other way you choose to try. Do will serve up Oysters at any hour of day, And the best of ciars to smoke on your way. A dish of hot OysUii-s will do you n'iucli goo'd, And chcer you while sellin your grain or wood. And with chhIi in hand lny in a store Of Coffee, Tea, Bogar, Flour and niany more. Of all thingrs substantial for daily use, Nor treat life's good thins with abuse ; Crockery and Giassware and Fruits to put m them, Nuts, ltaisins, and Candy, for childrcn who win them And ye who are blessed with thcir beuutiful 'aces, Will flnd [20] the best of all places, To buy a trille, to bring a smile or ringing laugh, Your pleasure. than their, will be greatcr by half Thcn do not forget to eall.on Mr C. O. V., And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar, and Tea. Though the big gin may fall from its pluee, The C. O. D. %9 store is still on the race And does not intend to üy from the eourse Till eroakers of evil talk 'themselves hoarse Groceries cak bc sold for ready pay. And Ij. Oolby has learned tlie way Sold five times more than he expected- By O. O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teil- Keep the best of all things- with pricei low- be "oo nstured, Mve good mcasure, And you are bound to sell 1 29! 29! 29! ■hLo 7 awLiir Jlrm'ii CARBOLIC DIS1NFECTING SOAPS. ForwashlngHorses, Cattle, Plgs, Dogs; KUIS Fleas on Dogs, Destroys Lloe on Cattle and Horses, Tlclp on Sheep. Death to Bed Bugs and Roachos; Cheaper and bet ter than all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET SOAPS Whlten, Beautlfy and Cleanse thp skin from all Impuritles CARBOLIC MEDICINAL SOAP CURES M A OTHER Salt-Rhéum I I Cutaneou; And all j Wm D1SEASES. CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. Aftords complete protectlon to p'Tnts. Vlnes, Trees, &c, from all Bugs, Fleas, Plant Llce and Parasites. Without InJury to Vegetable Life. Never fails. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most effectiye cure and preventiva oí Soab-lt kllls all Cads-TIcks' etc. The Increased growth and welght oi flcece encouraged by lts use more thar quals the CO8 of the dip, BüChan'b ('arbollc Soaps and Conipounds al. f are genuine. AU others are base imitations . Vorthless. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTSrpíIE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE IMS, E0. OF DETROIT. ' .T, S. PAURAND, - - rtealdanfc W. A. M0ORK, - - ' - Vice Président JOÍINT. LIöüKT'l', - - Secretary. L. M. THAYRR, - Oen'l Agent. Assets Jnnuar}' lst, 1 S 7 -Í $500,335.41. people oí' Michigan can no longer alford to pay tribute to Eastern States by placiltg their Life tnsurince with Eastern Corapanies, who bjr their charters are corapelled to loan their monny in their own otates, thus becominr a heavy drain on tlio resources of the State, wheu we have so reliable and well managed Life Company as tho MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the business of the Coinpany was incrensed Forl-eá{fHt and oao-IiuM per cent. of tho total amount done the previous flve years This shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE has the Confidence of the People, Thö lossea during the yoiir 1873 wereonly FIFTYFIVEper ceut of the amcunt tho mortality tables cali for, showiog1 great care in the selection of its risks. Durinf? the year 1873 there was a msícerial reduction in the ratio of expr-nsi's showingCAPEFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michigan Mutual issues tt tl the most desirnble formsof Life and endowment Tolicies. Diridends Dedared and Paid at lh rnd or the First Policy Year and earii year thereafler. All Policios ïioii-forfeitiiigafter onc Animal Premium has been paid. All Kudowment Polloica are convertible into Uu6h t the end of any y(;rtr aftel the iirst. Reliablo inilcuiuity ut luwct Caxli rt&tes can bo procured off I !n Tflieliiffitii Mlllllltl l.ifi'. OEO. L. FOOTB, Dis't Agent, Ypsilanti. 3. tl. A. Sessions, Agent, Ann Arbor. Oeo. E. 1'oote, Agent at Dexter. A Chance for Bargains ! orsale ut great bargain, 100 A OH BS OF GHO3ECH AND,lying2i miles froin the city of louiu. JOO eres under improvcment with good orchtird, barn nd shed, and a comfortable house. Terms of payaent- from $2,00U to ?2,5')0 down ; balance on long me. Also 90 ACRES, about 2? miles fiom Augusta, lalumajoo Couuty, all iinprovcd, with yood ïgB. Terms- extremcly low. r Also 40 ACRKS about cight nilcsfrom Haaliogs. Also 80 ACRES on section 8 in the tomi of n, Shiawasse County about 1'2 miles from v.'ovuuna. Veil timbered. , For terms address the nndersigncd. i:. it. Poivn. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. I Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haring been taaie inthe rondition ol ii certain mortjagi made by Cavia Mcüoll, ol Scio, tú tho Connty nf WaMnaw and State ol Michigan, to Willinm Lataon, of the city oí Ann Arbor, iu the County nnd Sitóte aforesaid, doled Marthtwenty-ráth, 1CO. nnd rr-ord-dinth-o1nn of Register of dcodi fer Wanhtenaw County, Michigan, oa UlO twenty-sixth clay of March, 18fi6, at clovcn and one hnlf o'cloi-k, A. M., in liher ?A n( mortguges, on page 2-'7 ; whinh said mortgage, togelher with the note aceoinpanying the same, was on the eightoenth dny óf .Tanimry', A. I). 1H72, duly nssigned to Lconard Vaughn and Marina Vaughn, whioh nssignment was duiy iccorrted in the office ot lïegister of Decds, afores:id, on the third day of Jlaich, 1S74, nt nino o'cloek, A. at., ín líber i nf assignments of mortgnges, on page 255 : upon which mortg:ige there is cfaimod to wá duí by virtne of the eonditiony thereof, and reniaining unpaid at the dato of this noticc, tho snm of twenty-two bundrod and forty-two dolhirs and sixtcen cents, and an attorney's feo ot Ihirty dollars provided for in aaid mortgage, md no suit or procceding having heen institutud at law to recover Ihe sum now dtie and seoured by ald morlgagc, or any part thereof : Now, thereforc, byvirtuoot tho power of ale contained in said mortgago and by virttio of the atatute in such case man aad provided, noiit-o is horeby Riyen that on Hitturday, the thirtieth day ol May next, at twelvo o'clook nou of that day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Artxir, in said County of Wnahtenaw and State of Michigan (snid Court House being th; place of holdiiig the Circuit Court for said County), thete will bc soid at public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, the. prcniises described iu said mortgago as : All T that certain truct or piireel of land known and degcribed asfollows: Being one equal and undivided half of tho carding and clothing worka and one-hall of the, machinery, and premisos thereto bclonginfr; said premisos are upou the southeaat fraol ional quarter of section two, in township twej suuth of range flve cast, beginningat a stake Htanding on the novth bank of the Iluron river, at a point near thiee rods from the end of the bridgo across said river on the road leading from Ann Arbor to Ilowell, inLivingston County, thence running nortli from said stake eight.rods on the line of said rond. thence ivesterly eight rods, thence soutlu-rly anti parallel with said road eiglit rods, thence easterly t tin; place of beginnin. Dated, Maren 4, 874. LEONARD VAUfiHN, MAKTHA VAUUHN, Assignefcs. Ja ;i:s f;. O'ott, AH'y tor Awignee. 1468 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haviug been made in the condition o: a certain mortgage executed by Jonathan Bock ort and Lydia hts wife, ol' the township of Dexter county of Wiishtcnaw and rtato of Michigan, te Isaac Ray, of the samo place, on the twenty-fiftl day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and recorded in tho Register' office, in th couuiy of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on tlu fourth day of November, a. j). 1870, at Z!i o'clock p jt.,in liber 42 of mortgaacs on page 528 : And ther is now claimed to be due on' said nvrtgagc and not i accompanying the samo the sum of flvo hundred anc eighty-seven dollarsand seventy-one cents, (and th f urther sum of three hundrod and four dollars anc seventy . cents to beeomo due oa the 25th day o: August, 1874 and 1875, also an attorney'n fee of thir ty dollar ahould any proceedings be taken to fore close said mortgage, and no proceeding in law or ii equuy having been had to recover said sum of mone; or auy part thereot : Now, therefore, notice is herebj given, that by virtue of the power of sale in sai mortgilgecontained, I shall sell at public auction tl the highest bidder on tho thirtieth day of May next at 2 o'clock r. ar. of said day, at the front door of th Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county afore -:üilihat boin the place of holding the Circuí Court for" said county), all that certain piece orpar cel of land situatod in the township of Dextr, Wash , tenaw County and State of Michigan, known, boun ded and described as follows, to wit: The nort] half of the Southwest quarter of section number fiv of township one soutb of range four cast. I Dated, March &, fSTi. ISAAC RAY, Mortgagee. ( John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. DliFAUI.T by non-payment of moneys, haviug beei made in the condition of a certain mortgago ex ecuted by William A. Benedict and t'ntherine H Benedict, to Andrew J. Shively, hearing date thi twenty-flrst day of April, A. D. 1870, duly stampec and recorded in the office of the Register of Deed of Washtenaw County, In the t-tateof Michif an, oi the sixieeuth day of llay, A. D. 1870, at four anc oue-hatf o'clook r. m., in hber 42 of mortgnges, oi pnie -112, and theieafter fully aesigned by the saii Andrew J. Shively lo Philip Bach, by an instrumeni of irastgnment, bMrtagdatè the tenth day of Janu W, -V. 1). 1871, and recorded in the aforesaid offici of Register of Deeds, on the sevt-nteenth day of i"ebniiiry, A. U. 1874, at three and one-half o'clook r. m., in líber 4 of assignnients of mortgagea, on page 2!2O, where by the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative, and no suit iu law or in chanoery having been instituted to recover the debt remaininf seeured by said mortgage or any pari thereof, and the sum of eight huudred and ninetyseven dollurt. und tifty-nine cents being claimed te be due f n said mortiruge at the date of this notice: Therefore, notice is hereby given that to Batiefy the tunount due on said mortgage, with the interest, eosts, and charges nllowed by law and provided for in said mortgage, including án attorney fee of thirty dol lars, the premises described in said mortgage, to wit: All that eertain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Mlchigf n, known bounded and described as followB, lo wit : Being in the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section number thirty-two (32), in township number two (i) south, range number six (0) east, commencing at the corner stake in the Ann Arbor and Lodi plank road, running eight rods west on the line of aaid quarter, thence north twelve rods, thence east eight rods to the center of said road, thence south tweïve rods to the place cf beffinninjr, will by virtue of the aforesaid lower of salHcoutained in eaid mortgage, and oi the statute in such case made and provided, be sold ut public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan p (said Court House beinc: the place of holding the Circuit Court within and for said County} on Saturday the sixth day of June, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon uf that day. Dated. Mareh ÍS, A. D. 1874. l'HILir UACH, B. F. GüANOEtt, Assijnec. A tt'y for .lssignec. 1469 Mortgago Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, made and exeouted by Jeruaha Huil, of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Lewis C. Eisdon, of the same place, in trust for Francés M. Hogers, a minor, bearing date the twenty-first day of June, A. D. 1869, and recorded in the office of the Ketiibter of Deeds for said County, on the same day, it four and one-half o'clock l. M., in líber 42 of mortgaea, on page 57 ; by which default the power of sale contained therein became operative, and there now being claimed to bo duo thereon tho 6Um of two thousand six hundred and twenty three dollars and ninety -six cents, principal and interest, and no proceediugs at law or in equity having been taken to recover the same or any part therof : Notice is hereby giyen, that, bv yrtue of a power of sale contained in suid mortgage, Ishall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the sixth day of June next, at 1 2 o'ciock noon, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw), the premises described in said mortgage, or bo much thereof as shall be necessary to pay the amount duo thoreon and the legal coste of sale, to wit : Lot number two south of Huron street and Range numeleven, in the eastern addition to the village (now city) of Aun Arbor in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 12, 1874. 1400 LEWIS C. 1USDON, Mortgageein Trust. Sheriff's Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. By virtue ojfa writ of exoeution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, and to me direeted and delivered againat the goods, chattels, lands and tenenients of John I). Helnrich, I have this 18th day of February, A. D. 1874, seized and levied upon all the right, title and interest John B. lleinrich has in and to the following lands, to wit : lot number four, five. and six in block nuniber three in Page A Ormsby's addition to the village (now city) of Ann Arbor, aecording to the recorded plat thereof, excepting and reserving the part of said lot numbered five and six whieh lies southwesterly of a line drawn parallel to and five rods northeasterly from the southwesterly line of lot number fourteen i ii xiid block, together with all the appurtenances thereto, wiiich above deseribed property I shall expose for sale at puÜicauctlon to tnehighest bidder, at the South duor of the Conrt House, in the city of Aun Arbor, on the seeond day of May, A. D. 1874, at 10 o'cloek A. M. of said day. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Dated March !lth, 1S74. 1470td rpHB CIRCUIT COURT for the County of WashX tenaw - In Chancery : Kozella Slater, complainant, vs. Jacob Slater, Uefendant. It satisfactorily appearing to this Court, by atiidavit, that the defendant, Jacob Slater, is not a resident of this State, but resides in the State of New York, 0:1 motion of D. t'ramer, sohcitor for complainant, it is ordered that the defendant cause his appearance to be entered in this eiiuse within three months from the date of this order, and thaL in cuse of his appearing he cause his answer to the complainant's biü to be rlled in this cause, and a copy thereof to be served on the oomplainant's solieitor within twenty dayB after service on him or his solicitor, of a oony of the bill of complainant liled in this cause, and a notice of this ordt-r, and in default thereof, that the said eomplainant's bill be taken as eonfessed by the said defendant. Andit is further ordered.that within twenty days the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argits, a public newspaper printed in &oid county of Washtenaw, and that the pub ication continue at least onee each week for six successive weeks, or that she cause a copy of this order 10 be personally sorved on the Bid defendant according to the rules and practica of this court. Dated, March I6Ü1, 1874. JOHX F. LAWRENCE, Circuit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw County, Michigan. D. Cramf.k, Solieitor for Complainant. 1470 Commissioners' Notice. 1 TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of ■ The undersigned having been appointed by tho Probate Court for aaid county. Commissioner lo reet'ive, examine and adïust all claims and demands of all persons against the estiitc of Charles Marken, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notice that &ix months from date'nre allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims tgainst the estáte of Baid decensed, and that they will meet at the residence of Philip Blum, in the township of Lodi, in said county, on Saturday, the j eleventh day ot April, 'and on Saturday, the sixth day of June next, at ten o'clock a. m., of eacli of 1 said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, December 8. A. D. 1873. 1468 EOBERT P. HARPER, ( Toirmiioner CONRAD WARNER, ommissioner. ASUPPLYING A WANT LONö NEEDED BY HAKKKS. - " i,Awyi:its, ( IV C II OORRESPUND'T.S, wt_c__ BHOKKEEPERü, J1EBCHA!VTS, ' 11 II f f IIISISKSS MEN, . _ __ 1 One of the most practical, 1 ' " useful, and valaable inB AND vontions of thí age. Pat!' I ented December, 1872. i' Over 5,0OO now in daily s 10 F 1" I I use' g'ving unqualifted I Bi 11 I Isatisfactiou. No business U %f b I U Mm 'otH'-c ï '-ompletr withnut " ÜVi V E NT I O N ■ jj ■ Win Ml Iii'i-U- IM- - - iW - - - - f L Send for Trice CM and Tllutrated Circuïai. a GENTSWANTEDíViuSe 2 Also, County Rights for Sale. Addrees ' e. a. ('ook. rnicAaOj ill. - - - t . - Mortgage Sale. f ■pjEFAULTl.iaTinjbeer.maflein il-.; coníliiion oi f ÍK, " ccItom moitgagc, made and Kiccuted by Solón j Cook and Ann L. Cook, bis wife, of tlic citv of Ann , Arbor, County, ind State of Michigan' , to Silan 11. Douglass, of thc same place, beariLg flati . the flrst day of Aitsuat, in thc year of our Lord uno i thoasand ewht lmndrod and sixty-seven, nnd recordf od m thc otuco ot the Kcgistcr of Deeds oí tlc coun. ty ot Waslitenaw, iu said State ot Michigan on the ■t flrsf dayof Auguat, A. r. 1BG7. inlibcr 80 of mortga. ges, on pago ao, on whioh mortgage there ís clnimed to be due nt tho date ni this notice, tor principal m.l f interest, the sum of two thousand flve hundred nnd t nincty-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents, togfther . with un attorney fee of fifty dollars, as providsd and , ugreed should any proceedings be taken lor the fure, elosure of xaid mortgage; and whereas no proefed, ragsatlawor in equity have been taken to recover , Ibesame or any part thercof: TXovr, therefore, notice . ia hereby giren that by virtuc of tbc powcr of sale [ contained in mortgage, I símil se 1 at public auction j tn thc highest bidder, on Mond.iy, the mnth day of I February, a. D. 1874, at ten of the oloek in tlio loienoon ot that day, at the south loor of the Conrt ( House in thc city üf Ann Arbor and State of Michi, gar, that being the buildina; in whieh tlie Circuit r Court tor the county of Washtenaw is held, the f preinises deseribed ín unid mortgage, or so much , thoreoí as shall be neecssary to Batisfy 1!.. , due on said mortgage, thc costs and expenses of said f ale and the attorney fee as aforeaaid ; eaid premisea . are described as follows, towit: All that certain , tract or parcel of land knowu and describid as 1V1, lows, to wit : lying in the township of Ann Arbor ! and being part of the northwest quniur of oction . number thirty-three in township mimi er two routh [ of range number six east in said htale, beginning in the east line of said quarter section at a oint six, teonchains and lifty-thiee links south oí the northt east corner of said quarter section, and running j thence south on said line flvc chains and thirtv five . links, thenee south fifty-onc and a-half degrees west. t twenty-two chains and deven links to the eoiifcr of s the Ypsilanti road, thence northwe&tcrly rJodd the , center of said road nineteen chaise and nBietv-iivc , links to a point cighteen chains and seventy flve'links south of the north line of said section, thence east j parallel to the north line of said seetiqa twenty , chains and thirty-two links, thence north paralle] to the west. line of said section six chains und tweatyflve links, thence cast parallel to said north line nine chains and forty four links to the east line of paid qnartcr section, thence south tour ohaiBS and threo link to the place of bcgiuning. and beinp; the saine land deededby Jacob Kompfto said (ook, party ot the fir-t part (to said mortgagei iind the rama Und _ described in two deeds to said Kempf rrcordcd in the Register' office, in said county, in líber Y of Deeds on pages 676 and 677, and in líber No. 32 of deeds at 1 pages 658 and 659. Ann Arbor, November 12. 1873. ' S1LAS H. DOUGLASS, Mortgagee Felch & Gbaxt, Attorneys for Mortgngee. " The sale of the ]remises above described, is ad- journed to Thursday. May scventh, at the same e place and hour of the day. e Dated, February il, 1S74. Fjslch & Obant, S1LASB.DOÜGLASS, Attorney. Morti ' Mortgage Sale. i PEFAULT having betn made m the condition ol f U a certain mortgage made ahdexecuted W. Morgan and Lucy W. 8. Morgan, hls !- John Henly and Amanda M. !■'. Goodale, on the d eleventh day ut August, A 1). 1873. and recorded in y theofficeof ihe Kegisterot Deeds for the County oi y Washtenaw and State of Michigun, on the n'jr,d teenth day of August, A. 1). 1878. at liiree o'clcck P. 0 M., i Hber 4i of mortgagee, ou page 8Ü4 und upon t, whirh aaid mortgage there is now claimed to be tíue :e and unpaid the sum of tive hundien and twenty-six ;- dollars and ninety four iiü26.SM eenls principaj nnd it interest and a reasonable attornty i( e as stipulated in Baid mortgage, and no snit haring been faistjtuted 1in law or equity to recover said sum or any part ithereof : Now, theretore, notioe is hereby ieii that h by virtue of a power of snle contained in said moite gage, and mpursuance of the statu te in such case made aud provided, the Uinds and premisos deeclibed in said mortgage. towit: All those certain pareels of land known and (iesciibed ns lols nunibir tive (5) six (6), Beven f7), eight ft], nine (!), ten f 10, eleven - (II), twelye{12), tliirteen (Hl, fourtctniH], ritteen (15) anisixteen (16), in block number tive (5) south. in range one west, in Maynurd'e ndditios, in the 7 city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Cnunty, Michigan, 1 or so much thercof as may be nucebsary to paj said amount dne, with interest, costs of sale and m'M wa torneyfee, will bc sold at public auction, to the 3 highest bidder, at the south Coor oi tin (ourtBoiiH a in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtennw ('ounty fútate a. ofMiehigan, (that being the place for holding the n Circuit for said County), on Friday the twenty-eec, ondday of May, A.D. 1S71, at ten o'eloek in the f foienoon oí said day. Dated, Ann Arbor. ïYl. ?6, 1874. „ JOHN HENLY, AMANDA M. F. GOOBALEi Mortgaffei -. , FRAZBR, HAimiMAN & 1IamII,T0-V, Atty's ftr M rtgageeg, t Mortgago Sale. KFAULT having heen made ir thc comlitions of " U ii certain mortgage, by ihe non-payment of money due thereon as provided by the teims of snid ; moifgage, execut.ed by Elijan . Morcan and Llicy W. S Morgan, liis wile, lo John Ilcnly and Amandil M. F. Goodiüe, bearing date the flrst day ol . piü, A. I. 1870, and recorded in the oihec of tl. ' ter of Ueeds of Washten.iw ( ounty. in t):e State of Michigan, on the nineteeuth day et Muy, A. l in book 45 of mortgages, page 340, by wnic . ' the power of sale contened m said moitgage 'has be come operative and on which mortgagi ■ claimed to be due at the date ot' tliis notice tlie&ua " of one thousand one hundred and nmety-nine dollars, and no suit or proceediups Iiavinir been ïiistitutei5 in 1 law or equity to recover the debí seonred i mortgage: Notice is hertby given that oi; the twenty-second day of May, A. D. 1874, at tin o'eloek a. m., on saiil day, at the south door of the Court llouse, in the city of Ann Arbor, County of Waahte' naw, iü the State of Michigan (said Court il ; ing the place for holding the Cucuit Court for said r Couuty), there will be sold hy virtue of the power of ' sale contained in said mortgage at public acetinn, to the highest bidder, the premises described i? aaid ; mortgage or so much thereot as may bu necessary to - satisfy theamouut due and paynble on eind mórtgage, with interest, costs, charges and expenses al' lowed by law and provided lor in s::iil mortgage, that is toeay: Lots (5J,six(6 . seven (7), eight (8), nine (ö), ten (10), eleven (1), t wel ve ,12), thirteen (IS), iourteen (14). fifteen (15) and sixtetn (16), in block nnmber five (5) south. in rai west, in Maynard's addition, in the city (.f Ann Arbor, Washtenaw ('ounty, lAichigan, Dated, Ann Arbor, Keb. 2.'), 1874. JOHN HENLY, AMANDA M. F. GOODALE, Mort g FliAZKIt, IÏAKRIMAN & HaMILTON, Atty's for Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the eonditions ot u certain moi-tgüge executed by William H. ! Mallory and Helen M. Mallory to Job N. (olt, ' bearing date the sixteenth day of September, A. D. 1 1872, and recorded in the office of the Heañster et' ■ Deeds for the county of Washtenaw and tnte of Michigan, on thc ninth day of Oetober, a. d. 1872, in Libcr forty-nine of mortgages on pnge two hundred and ninety nine, whieli said nxortsage wtts duly assigned by John N. Gott to Samuel P. Jewett, and by Samuel P. Jewett to Christian Mack and Frederic Schmid.and by reason of said aefault the power of sale in said mortgage having become operative, and there being claimed to be due and owing on said niiiitija.1 and the bond aecompanying the same at the date oi this notice, the sum of one thousand seven hnndred andilfty-six doilars and twenty-nine cents (Ïl,1ii6.29), together with an attorney's fee ot h'fty dollar.--, provided for in said mortgage, and na snit or proceedings at law or in equity having beeu ins'ituteJ to recover sad amouut or any part thercof: Notiee is therefore hereby given tbat on Baturdny, the twenty-thirddayof May, a. d. 1874, ut il ven o'eloek in the forenoon of said day, at the s-.mth door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor fsaid Court House bemg the place for holding the ircuit Covii for the county of Washtenaw) there will la1 sold by virtue of the power of sale contained in said nart■ gage, at public auction to the highest bidder, the premiees described in said mortgage, ir so much , thereof as may be necessary to sati.-fy the amount due and puyable on said mortgage togèthei vith thinterest, custs, charges and expon'.-, allowed by h'w, and provided for in said mortgage, that is to sty: Ali that certain piece or parce] oí land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, county afoiesaid. known. bomided, and desciibed as tollows. to wit : Commeneing at a point in the north line of Huron street, in the city ot' Ann Arbor aforesaid, eitilit rods and eighteea inches west of the west line of D. Mclntyre's hmd fnd running thence iiorth piirallel with said west line of said Mcfntyre's land twelve rods, thence west paralel with Huron street to the east line of Mann street, theuce south twelve rods to the corner of Mann and Huron streets, thence east to the place of beginning. Suid description being intended to cover the premise.s where said William H. Mallory now lires, on thA north side of Huron street. Dated, February 20, 1874. CHHISTIAN MACK, FREDElïIC SCHMID, AssigneC3 of said AfortgagA. D. OliAMKH, Att'y for said Assignees. 1467 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of a eertaiu mortgage executed on the tweuty-tífth dayof July, A. D. 1888, by Robert P. Leonard and Martha A Leonard. of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, to Joseph Pray, of the township ol' Northfleld, in the Countj of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, aforrsaid. and ncortlert the same day in the oih'ce of the Register ot Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw, Michifran, in líber 38 of mortgages, on page 453, npon which mortgage there is claimGd to be due at the date of this notice, two hundred and ue dollars and sixy-seven cents, for principal and interest, and nlso thiity dollars as an attorney or solicitor's fee as often as any proceeding is taken to foreclose aai 1 mortgage,, and no proceedings having been taken at law or in cquit to recover nmount due or any part thercof : Therefore, notice is hereby given thnt. by vimto (,t the. power of sale contained in said moi-tirare, I shall sell nt public auction, to the hiühest bidder, OB Sntxirrav thc twenty-third day of Maynext, at two o'cloci: r. M. of eaid day, at the front door o the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, County nforesaid, (that being the place of holding the Circuit Cóurt ioi' said County): All that certain pieee or pftrcel of land sitúate in the township of Northfield. Washtenaw County, State of Michijran, knowa, bouuded and described as follows. to wit: Commeneing south thirty-six deerees forty-four minutes east, eight rods and eight links frcni a rtake. seven links in front of the northeast corner of Albei t Steven V t a vern stand, thence sqnth tlfty-three degreee nod tifttii; minuten west, eight roda, thence south thirty-six degres and forty-four minutei east. four rort, thence north tlfty-three deai ees and fifteen minotea east, eiglt rods, thenee noith thirty six degrees and forty flvo minutes west, four rods to the place of beginning, one-flt'h of au acre ol' land more or less. DateJ, l'eb 2.". 187. JOSEPH TRAY, MortgRgee( John Gott, Att'y for Mortgagee. IVOTICE Of n Special Term of Circuit Conn for tbc Couuty of V:is!tenav. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Washtcnnw County, ss. Wherea8 it appears to me necessary that n Special Terin of the Circuit Court. for said county shruld be held for tho transaetion of the general business pendling in said court : Therefore. a Special Term of iaid court is hereby ordercd, in pursuance of the ïtatute in sucb case intide and prervided; and notice ■ hereby given to all persons having business pendne in said court, and to their respective attorneys, lolicitors. and counselors, that a special term of sniü :ourt will be begun and held atrthe Court House, in laid county, on the FIRST TUE8DAÏ OF APK1.I, lext ensuing. at ten o'eloek in the torc-noon of said Iny. and to be continucd f rom day to day as may be ound necessaiy for the transiction of the general lusincss of said conrt : And it is fnrther ordered hat tbe Clerk of this court causo a copy of this order nd notico to be published both in the Peninsular 'ouricr and Family Visiiant and in the Afich-igan rgus, for four successive weeks, once in each week, ) commenee on Friday, the 27th instant, in each of lid papers. A. I). CHAÑE. Circuit Jndxo. Dated, Feb .2t, 1874, H67t5


Old News
Michigan Argus