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Üards. - Circulars. - Bill-Heads. - Letter-Heads. - Shipping Tags. - Printed at the Argus ofiice. - In the best style and cheap. - Don't order elsewhere before caliüig. - Satisfaction guaranteed in cvery respect - Now is the time to subscribe forthe Argus. "- Thin is " Good Frida}'." - Easter Sunday comes tlie day iftor to-moirow. - Exercises were resumod at the Uuïversity on Wednesday. - The public schools opeoted for the spring term on Monday. - Threatenïng weather yesterday ïifternoon, wuh snow nyiiig. - See the new fidvertisement of tlie now firm of R. W. Ellis&Co. - P. M. Eaton has been appointed Corprah , tion Attomey for Saline. - Tlie Fanner's Store has a new carpet advertisement in to-day's Ajtous. Readand lieed. - One-third of Spring gone for the almanac is out in its reckoning) aud nary bulm 011 our plate yet. - March honized it a little ïuesday : sufliciently at least to xuake that trite old proverb hold good. - Three warrants have been isaued agaïnst Heiiry Binder, oñ coinplaints for seliing liquor to minors. - The Ladies' Teniperanou Union holds regular business meetings e very' Tuesday and Friday ufternoon. - The dancing school of Prof. Fowle wil! close with a grand so.cial on Safcarday (1o-morrow) eveniug. - Novr for tliose April shovrera that " brmg forth May ñowers. The sooner they put in aa appearance the better. - The Democrats of Scio held their nominating caucus at Allport's Exchange, Dexter village, yesterday afternoon. - Gov. Felch is talked of as the Democratie candidate for mayor. Xo valid objections are knowii whv he should not be. - The ladies of Manchester - not to be outdone tiy those of larger burgs - are moving on the works of the liquor Bellers. - P. Tuoniy and Brother, of Scio, have pur chased the farm of the late Fred. A. Spaiding, just east ot this city, at $16,000. - The special term of the Circuit Court will open on Tuesday next, April 7th. The jury has been summuned for tlie l-'ith. - If "Ophelia" will send us her real name her article will bu iuserted. It is our invariable rule to know the name of a contributor. - The Democratie City Convention is to come off at 2 o'clock this afteruoon, at the Court House. We spoak for good candidates. - Col. Grant and family left for their new home at Houghton on Wednesday. We commend them to the friendly oflices of Houghtonites. - Mrs. Helen Mills, - wife of Deacon Lorrin Mills, of this city and mother of Mrs. E. L. Boyden, of Webster, - died on Sunday last, áged 68 years. . - The Rev. Geo. Dufh'eld of this city was one of the speakers at a large temperance meeting held in the Opera House at Lunsing on Sunday eveniug last. - We are indehted to James Vick, of Rochester, N. Y., Florist and Seedsrnan, but why teil who Vick is V for a largo package of flower and vegetable seeds. - In the Probate Court on Monday a lost will was admitted to probater the coutents of the same being proved. The deceased testator was Thoinas H. Large. - Henry Goodyear, of Manchester and Sharon (our readers uearly all kiiow Henry by repute), has located in Nebraska. May better fortune attend hini. - The next regular meetmg of the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society will hold on Monday, April 13th, at 10 o'clock A. M., in Firemen's Hall in this city. - Dr. E. S. Smith has been elected President of the Savings Bank of this city, to fill the vacancy caused by the resiguation of Judge Cooley nearly three months ago. - The Uepublican Ward Caucuses are to be held this evening and the City Convention tomorrow evening. Just a little late Jind a premium for Sunday electioneering. - ïïumerous Kepublieans are talked of inconuection with the nomir.atinn for Mayor : Judge Cooley, Prof. ülney, J. Austin Scott, 11. A. Beal, Aid. Leiand, Aid. Rogers, etc., &O. - Henry Wagner, a young man working for the Muhlig Bros., was throvn froin a buggy on Saturday afternoon last, breaking an arm. A companion was considerably bruised. - Schuyler Grant, cashier of the Savings Bank of this city since its organization, has resigned. He goes to Detroit to engage in insurance business. Vacancy not yet tilled. - The Aegus office will be open to candidates wanting slips or tickets until 9 o'clock to-morrow evening, and early Monday morning, but will be hermetically sealed on Sunday. - J, D. Heinrich, saloon keeper on Fourth street, appeared before Justice Manly on Monday and contributed $10 to the finances of the city : for violation of the Sunday ordinance. ■ - Rev. Gr. D. Gillespie preached a sermón Tipou temperance on Sunday evening last, to a l&rge congregation. It is spoken of as an excellent discourse from a conservative standpoint. - The Ypsilanti Commercial puts up the name of C. M. "Woodrufï, the candidato for City Clerk on the Snyder or temperance ticket, but whales away at him in the true Pattison style. Consistent. - All dog owners should cali on Recorder Seyler immediateïy and renew their licenses to run at large (the licenses of the dogs we mean), which expired on the first day of April, - Wednesday last. - If Mayor Beakes dou't get his back up to a bjgher angle than usual, or say xo with a more positive ring than is usual to him, lie will probablyto-day receive the Democratie nomination for Mayor for a second term. - An ordinance has been passed by the Common Council of Ypsilauü, closing all saloons on election day, under a penalty of $100. We thought the prohibitory law was in force at Ypsilanti, closing the saloons 365 days in a year. - The Ann Arbor correspondent of the Detroit Post says that R. A. Beal, of the Courier, is the probable Republican candidate for Mayor : ateo that Mayor Beakes will probably be the Democratie candidate. We give the news as we get it. - An ordinance has at last been passed at Manchester - by the new Couucil - taxmg saloon keepers 8100 a year, in accordance with the requirements of the amended charter. This probably disposes of the mandamus suit pending in the Circuit Court. - Now that March has marched to the rear it íb safe to sum up. With some bright sunshine it will be rembered as a rnonth of piercing, boring, sour and cold winds, worming into the very yitals, chilling the bones and drying up the marrow. Is n't that enough to say f - On Monday evening there was a full meat'ug of the Temperauce Union at the Presbyterïaa Church, and an address by Dr, Palmer ■on the effects of alcohol upon the human system. Br. P. is au unbeliever in the beneficial effecta 'Of alcoholic stimulants, used either in large or small quantities, and holds that pure liquors are s injuriou as drugged ones : the alcohol itsel ieing the dangerous aud destroyïng element. - l'our 'young men, John Briggs, Jerom Warner, William Lymbumer, and James Hul. burt (all minors, we believe,) are under arrest foi kickingup a row at Nebel's saloon on Mondaj evening. Outside of too much beer the cause. Examination set down for the 8th inst. - The Chelsea Herald says (and we have never before aeen a news item in the Chelsea Herald) : " Squire Thatcher has received information from the Michigan Fish Commission, that they wiil forward to ïiim soon, 10,000 white fish fry for Xorth Lake ; also 5,000 for Crooked Lake." - Dr. Cocker and Hon. S.. M. Cutcheon, of Ypsilanti, addressed a large meeting at the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening, held under the auspices of the Temperance Union. Mr. Cutcheon is confident that the saloon business is just about played out at Ypsi. So mote itbe. - Some days ago a young team belonging to Chas. Almendingcr, became frightened as he was leaving town on Main street, and ran down Packard hill, where they became detaohed from the buggy. Mr. A. cleared himself from tne wreek by jumping, taking with him the only child of C. S. McOmber, a'little girl of twoyears, who was slightly bruised. - On Monday, Charles Binder, a saloon keeper on West Liberty St., appeared before Justico Clark, in response to a pressing invitation, plead guilty to a charge of selling liquor to a minor, and forked over fine and costs, (25.60. The complamt was made by direction of the Ladies. Temperance Union Eevery good citizen will be.glad to sec the sale oí' liquor to minors stöpped. - Andrew DeForest has retired from the firm. of Ellis fc Co., druggista, and Mr. Ellis has formed a partnership witli A. Kent Hale, who graduatcd as Pharmacentioal Chemist at the last Juno Cominencement, and as M. D. at the late Medical Commencement. This has long been one of the most popular drug stores, not only in the city but of the county, and we commend the new firm to tlie public, and predict for it an incroased popularity. - A distinguished gentleman who occupied a seat on the platform at the recent University Gommencemeht, but who with characteristic modesty desired that his name should not be " put in the papera," authorized us to 3ay that he would give $250 toward a University Hospital. Wheu any action is taken we will furnish his name to the authoiized committee. Another gentleman, a citïzen, Baid he would give as much. There is one-twentieth of the needed $10,000 provided. We will concedo that there is too much liquor sol d and drunk inourcity; that there are too mauy saloons inviting both the youngaud old, - in almost the language of the nursery song " Walk into niy parlor said the spider to the fly" - to enter their doors and at the same time upon a lite of dissipation ; andf also, that reformation is desirable and necessary ior the salvation of our own youtli as well as tlie sons of others coming here to be educated. At the same time we wish to remind certain public speakers and street talkers that there is yet both common sense and truth in the homely saying, " It is a dirty bird that fouls its own nest." Ann Arbor is no worse than other cities of its size, and we can name smaller cities in Michigan where more liquor is consumed in proporticn to population, and more drunlenness isseen, than in our city. And while we incline to the opinión that there is a sufficient laxity of discipline aud moráis (viewed f rom either a temperance or total abstinence standpoiut) in the University, we do not beheve the state of things is any worse than in other universities or colleges, or that & student is any more subject to demoralizing influences here than at Harvard, Yale, Brown, Cornell, etc. And the condition, bad as it may be, will not be bettered by denouncing our citizens as cowards. or hv pravinír for a moval of the University elsewhere. "VVhen professors have exhausted their own powera of eloquenoe and persuasión, have squared their example in all cases and every respect with their teachings, and have, besides, exhausted their own rights and duties as citizens, - which are none the less but rather the greater for being professors, - in attempts to enforce the prohibitqry law and close up the saloons, denunciation of citizens oatside of the University will come wjth a better grace. We write these words hesitatiugly and unwillingly, but under the conviction that the spirit of ultraism and radicahsm and intolerancé which crops out on all occasions is not calculated to accomplish good. " The world was not made in a minute" may be a familiar phrase to.some, and the demon of iutemperaiice, hoaryheaded with the frosts of centunes, is not to be exercised in a campaign a week or a fortnight long. It needs a long and steady siege, united and continued action and iustruction : education and conviction. At the late session of the Board of Eegents a slight change waa made in the matter of aunual fees to be paid by students. Heretofore State students have paid 10 matriculation fee, and students coming from other States $26 ; and all studente an annual fee of $10. The matriculation fee remains the same, but hereafter the annual fee for resident students is to be $1 j,and for nonresident students, $20. - A resolution was also adopted relative to Medical Department as follows : Resolved, That the President be respectfuUy requested to confer with the medical faculty añd with them to enforce rule 12 of chapter 11 of the by-laws ftxing the terms of admission ot applicants to the medical department, and in their discretion to modify said rule as they shall deem for the best interests of the department. The rule referred to requires " a good Euglish education, including a proper knowledge of the English language, and a respectable acquaintance with its literature and with the art of composition ; a fair knowledge of the Natural Sciences, and at least of the more elementary inathematics, including the chief elementa of Algebra and Geometry, and such a kuowledge of the Latin language as will enable the student to read current prescriptions and appreciate the technical language of the Natural Sciences and of Medicine." We quote the Catalogue and not the rule itself. So loóse a rule would be bettered by requiring the same examinaticn on which a stadent is admitted to the Latijj and Scientiflc course of the Literary Department. No lower grade should be tolerated. Owing to the crusade. or something else, the season opens well for spring babies. We have another to record in addition to the one we lately meutioned. A family in the Fourth ward happened, in a casual way to mention in the hearing of a physician, their wühngness to adopt a youug child, and within a week, on hearing their door boll ring late'at night, they answered the cali, only to find a basket on the step con' taining a very lately arrived applicant. Remeinbering the incident ot the conversation, an intimation was sent at venture to the physician, that this offer did not quite fill thé bill. The waif was removed without further question. lts present restiug place is unknown to us.-Ypsilanti Sentinel. "VVe have heretoiore, out of mistaken chanty, porhaps, refrained from noticing any of the trials, troubles or tribulations, short-eomings or misdoings, of Gen. G. D. llül, but it is too much to preserve silence and permit such an unmitigated nuisance to two or three times a week, more or less, disturb a thousand people convened to discuss so important a subject as that of temperance. The Methodist Church receives lts members on eix months probation, and the General should keep sober at least a tithe of that time before he forgete his inuate modesty and spreads himself in public as was his wónt in his better days. We eommend to him the stool of the humble penitent instead of tlifi platform of the teaclier. At the Ann Arbor Township Eepublican Caucus, held on Saturday afteruoon last, the following candidates were nominated : For Supervisor- S. W. Shurtleft", For I. N. S. Foster, For Treasurer - F. B. Brown, For Justice - Isaac Bisbee, Highway Commissioner - W. A. Millard, For School Inspector- F. M. Holland, For Constables - M. Alber, John Brown, Thos. Collier, Christian Braun. 9 The ladies of Ypsilanti commenced saloon vis_ itation on Saturday last ; not ior singing and r prayer. but to present a memorial to the keepers, j appealing to tllem to f orso ke their calling. - When not admitted the memorial was put under the doors. It was as follows : . To the saloon keepers of Ypsilanti : The woinen of Ypsilanti appeal to you and most earnestly entreat you to discontinue the terrible ocoupation in which you are engaged. We ask this because you are human beings, and we yet hope to awaicen in you some feelings of respect for yourselves and pity for youi victims, who, with you, fcare fast tra veling the " downward road to death." We appeal to you on the ground of your own self-respect. Traffic in iutoxicatiug drink, however proñtable it may seem temporarily, rare 1 y brings the vender laating gain. Tlie liquor seller is almost sure to become a drunkard, and his sous follow fast in his iootsteps. Where are the men in this business families are proápered, good and honorable f We appeal to you in behalf of the miserable victima of dram selling, who, but for you, would now be honest and sober citizeus, but who are a disgrace to themselvos, a source of deepest sorrow to their friends and a loss to society. We appeal to you in behalf of ouryouth, who, if your doors remain accessible to thom, wili soou through your iniluence, exchange virtue and purity for vice and crime. Kemember tliat the recruits that fill up the drunkards' ranks are supplied irom the inncoenl. Will you go on in a business whose continuance necessitates the destruction of innocence and the ruin of virtue. We appeal to you in behalf of the drunkard's family, his heart-broken wifej his disgraced and destitute children. The voice of these you mav listen to now ; but stop your ears against their wail, and it will rise up against you in the day ofjudgment - not in pitying tonos, but to condemu you. Lastïy, we appeal to you for the sako of your own souls. God'a curse is upon your work; you must give up your work if you would be prospered or happy in time ; if you would be saved in etermty. We denounce and hate your wwk. Personally we bear you no hatred; we rather pity you, so blinded to your own good and that of your fellow-men ; and while praying for your repeutance and salvation, we shall use the whole weight of our influence againíit your occupation, and do everything that Ciiristian women may do to rid the land of the rum-seller and rescue Irom ■ his grasp tlie fallen and tempted. The polls will be open on Monday uext ut the followiuEj places : lst Ward- At F. Sorg's shop. 2cl Ward- At the office of T. W. Root. 3d Ward -At the Court House. 4th Ward- At the office of M. Rogera. Lth Ward - At the Engine House. üth Ward - At McDonald's store. The polls will open as soon after 9 o'clock a. M. as may be and close precisely at 4 o'clock P. M. The several Wsrd Boards of Registration meet to-morrow (for places seeadvertisement), and all who wish to vote on Monday should see that their names are registered in the wards in which they live. A fame-seeking contributor sends us a "pome " entitled " Long Ago," and as au inducement for us to print the lines, says, " they are all mine." We don't doubt it, and wiü compronnse by publishing the closing stanza - the real nub of the piece : Of the friends that thero unitod was one with soft blue eyes - When' she wauders now I know not or beneftth what sunny skies, Oh, the winds that blow Éto-night, to the home where she resides, Waft a thought to her who loved me whon we roamed the groen blfiide. That is the best we can go for ' me " or the 11 blue eyes." Dr. Winchell, who a little over a year ago yacated the chair he had so long filled in the University of Michigan, to accept the chaucel. lorship of the Syraeuse (N. Y.) University, has now, we are advisod, resigned his new official position and severed his connection with the institution which he went trom here to preside over. Hia reasons are not fully kiïown to us, bufit is intimated that they are to be fouud in a shruuken endowmeut fund and a disinclination to enter the field as flnancial agent. The following resolutions were adopted at a regular meeting held by the Good Templars on Tuesday evéning last : Resolved, That it is the duty of erery meinber oí this Lodge who ia a legal voter, in voting for municipal ofncers, to vote for reliable temperance men, who are in favor of enforcing all laws agamst the sale of intoxicating liquids as a beverage, in preference to those who are uot temperance men, and not in tavor of enforcing such laws, (this being no ïxew doctrine of our order). Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the city papers. A Grange was recently orgamzed in Scio, with the following ofncers : Tobias Holmes, Master ; Sampson Parker, Overseer ; James W. Wing, Lecturer ; Arthur Lyon, títeward ; Daniel Lyon, Chaplain ; Israel Kuhule, Treasurer ; Geo. A. Peters, Secretary ; Henry Almendinger, Gatekeeper ; Mrs. G. A. Peters, Ceres ; Mrs. Eva Dixon, Flora ; Mrs. JamesH. Hill, Pomona ; Mrs. Tobias Holmes, Lady Assistant Steward. The Aldinc for April is a nxagnificent number. The illustrations admirably drawn and as admirably engraved and printed, are fifteen in number, and advance the reputatiou of this art journal. Among them are a full page tint, " After dark Vapors," by J. D. Woodward, an art gem ; five pictures of Lake Ueorge, by Thos. Moran, one of them a full page, taken irom the Glen's Falls road, the others, Fourteen-Mile Island, View from Fourteen-Mile Island, Long Islaud, and Cat Mountain; Knickerbooker Days, by öault; An Old-Time Sea-Fight, a spirited picture by J. O. Davidson ; Mai'ble Mills on the Uutersberg, by E. Puttner; The Fishwiie of Marken, by E. Jordans ; In the Cloister Cellar, by Edward Grutzuer ; and Getting Around Him, by Wiudmann. The contents include : The Baron's Daughter, a page in the life of Albrecht Durer, by Margaret J. Preston ; Art in California, by B. P. Avery ; Lake Ueorge, by the Editor ; The Story of Jock Willisten, by Mary A. P. Strausburg; Corregio's " Last Angel," by Mary P. Thacher ; In the Cloister Cellar, by E. H. Stoddard ; with Editorial Descriptions of the seveial eugravings, poems, Music, Drama, Literature, and Art Notes. $ü a year. James Sutton & Co., 58 Maiden Lañe, New York. The anuual parish meeting of St. Antlrew's Parish, for the election oí Wardens and Vestryjneii, and also for the renting of Pews will take place at the Church on Easter (next) Monday evening, at 7 1-2 o'olock.


Old News
Michigan Argus