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29! 29.19! j Í When flrst L. OOLBY hun his sign üt C. O. D.- At No. '29, And offered üroceries choiip for cash, Some peoplenaid, " he'( bound to go to smash.' And old-time Grocers would faintly amilc, Prophesyini? "CO. D. will laat but little while. In sixty dayH we'll run hun off the truck. And cali our wanderinp customera back.'' The croakers nnvl and thouht it, trne, 'He'll surely luil before the ye:tr is Ni"W ! You ciin't scll (iroceiics in ttii town And get your pny in uree nbacka down ; Wheredry tfoods merohitntson every street Wltb silkt, and sallns, hang out chk-'kena to eat ; ■Vliere tmde i mixed In very fAiice, At the sume counter yoi] buy butler oi lncf' ; Where credit mul iim go band in band Mr. CO. D. butaalimelmuce will stuud." It prophets and aroakers have tliir s:iy, ],. (;OLli (f Rui : K H 1 1,N ouly lllvA UY T AT, Andsellsao cheap tor daily cash He fears do danser of a smash. And to his patrona all, and businesa friendo, The greeting of the Maaon he extends, To younj; nud oíd, a Riad New Yeur, With hoaU oí' brieuda and lotfa of eheer ! Give him a cali, and frnm his store Your tablea spread with good things more. At that place you will always find Fresh nt-w Uroceries ot best qualitv nnd kind Fverythinir needful for Rood cheer'at home You can buy at hia counter whenever you liiiaic. The daya are ho short tliis bitter eotct winter, Tomention detail would weary the printer. But ask if you choose for anythinir e itable, You get it at once, in quality unbeatable ! Forhnngry men who re wenry and cold, He ha Oyater hot, Oystcrs that must )esold - Oystora pickled, Oyater atew, and oyater fry, Or Oyntors any otlier way you choose to try. He will aerve up Oyatera at any hour of riiiy, And the best of cinara to smoke on your wiïv. A dish of hot Oystera will do you much Bood. And cheer you while selling your {rain or wood. And with cash in hand lay in a atore Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour anil many more. Of all thinga mibstantial for daily use, Nor treat life'a good tilinga with abuse ; Crockery and Glassware and Fruits to put in them, Nuts, ltaisina, and Candy, for ohlldren wlio win t hem And ye who are blessed with their beautiful faees Will flnd [2ü] the beat of all places, To buy a trille, to brir a smile or rinRin!; lau"h, Your pleasure. than theirs, will ba grenter by half Then do not. íorget to cali on Mr. (;. o. 1)., And buy of him your Fruits, Hugar, nnd Tea. Though the big fl)Q may fall frnm its place, The C. O. D. Z atore is still on the race And does uot intend to ily from the courae TUI croakers of evil talk themselves house. öroceries can be sold for reudy pay An? J-Mt-!'::Llc'y ha lniin' the way : wold flve times more than he exiected- By C O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teil- Keep the beat of all thinas-with pnees low-be goo natured, ptve prood measnrti, And you are bound to sell ! ,29! 29! 29! CIVEN AWAY IF IT WILL NOT NSTANTLY RELIEVE p Ei:. á BBL Cuta, Burns, H jm rMSea3e3. l ' WILL KILL The worst cough In qulcker time than any other preparation In the wond. We wilt will refund the money If we do notglve Immedlate relief. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ONLY HARMLESS DYE. Acts like te. the most a charm ! Am Hk natural ' Nevcrfails A B shades to W Wf of Brown ly produce B jB' or Black SY QWE APPLICATION, . 'T'HE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. 00. OF DETROIT. .T. 8. FARKAND, - - - President. W. A. M)ORE, . - - Vice President JOHN T. LIGUETT, - - Secretary. L. M. TH AYER, - Gen'l Agent. Assets January lst, 1874 $500,335.41. The people of Michigan can no ÏOBger afford to pay tribute tn Ëastern States hy plftciitff their Life Insurance with Eastern Comp:inies, who by their charters are eompelled to loan their monoy in their own Otates, thus bccomintr n heavy drain on the resources of the State, when we have so reliable and well maDaged Life Company as the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1873 the business of the Compaay was increnped fort y-'i(rlit and on'-li;tii per cent. of the total amount done the prerioun flve years This shows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE has the Confidence of the People. Thelossesduringtheyear 1873 were only FIFTYF1VE per ceut of the amiumt the nioitulity tables cali for, showine great care in the sclection of its risks. Duriuff the year lH7:i tbere was a macerinl reduction in the ratio of expenses uhowing CAPEFUL MANAGEMENT. The MichiRan Mutual issues all the most desirnble forma of Life and eudowment Policies. Dividends Dcclared and Paid at (hc end of the First Policy ïear and eafh . year thcreafior. All Policios iion-forMting after one Animal Premium has Ijeen paid. All Enrlowment Policiea are convertible into Cash at the eud of auy year alter the tirat. Reliable iiidenmity at lowent f'sisli rutea can be procured of the ,ln liian 'I uiiiiil l.ifr. GEO. L. FOfrTE, Dis't Ai?ent, Ypsünnti. J. 0,. A. Sebsions, Atrent, Ann Arbor. Geo. E. I'oote, Agent at Dexter. __________ I SherifFs Sale. j OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, m, I By virtue of a writ of execution lssued out of and 1 ander the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of VVashtonaw, and to me directed and delivered galnst ■he gooda, chattels, lands and teneraenta of John D. ( Heinrich, I have this lStlulay of February, A. D. 1874, i teized and levied upon all the right, title and interest r lohn D. Heinrich has in and to the foïlowing lands, j :o wit : lot pumber four, five and six in block nuinber a hree in Page & Ormaby's addition to the villaje (now t rity) of Ann Arbor, acrording to the record ed plat hereof, excepting and reserving the part of said lot t uimbered five and six which lies southwestcrly of a p ine drawn parallel to and five codi Dortheaaterly p 'rora the southwesterly line of lot number fourtecn p n said block together with all the appurtenances s hereto," which above described property I shft.ll extl ose for sale at public iiuetion to tlie highest bidder, at c he south door of the Court House, in the city of Aon Lrbor, on the second day of May, A. J. 1S74, at 10 o'lockA.M. ofaaidday. c M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Bated March 9th, 1874. l470td r Mortgage Sale. DEFACLT having been made in the condition of u certain inortgage made by David ilcColl, of Kcio, in the County of Wnshtenaw and State of Michigan, to William Latson, of the city of Ann Arbor, iu the (Jounty and Ötate aforesaid, dated Jl.ircli twenty-aixth, 1S68. and reoorded in the office of fteguler ot deed Ier Washtenaw County, Michigan, on tlie twenty-sixth day of March, 1866, at eleven and one-balt' o'clock, A. M., in liber 36 of inortgages, on page 257 ; which uuid laortgnge, togetherwith the note accompanying the ram, na on the eightoenth day ot January, A. D. 1072, duly aeaigned to Leonard Vaughn and Martha Vaughn, wlijdi uasiguinent waa duly ïecorüed in the office of Register oi Deeds, aforesaid, on the third day of March, 1H74, at nine o'clock, a. m., in liber 4 al absiBUinenta of inortgnges, on page 2115 : upon which mortguge there ia ciaimed to be dut by virtue of the conditionb thereof, and reniaining unpaid at the date of tliis uotice, the siini of twenty-two huudred and torty-two dollars and aixuen centa, and an attorii(i'a tee ot thirty dollar provided tor in snid morlgage, and no auit or proceeding having been institulcd at luw to recover the sum now due and l by tuiid mortjage, or auy part thereof : Now, tuerefore , by Tirtue ot the power of sale contniued in suid mongaaa and by virtue of the atatute in ueli cuia made and provided, nolice ia hereby given that on Suturday, the thirtieth day o'f May next, at twelve o'tfock noon of that day, at the front door of the Court Monae, in the city of Ann Arbor, in suid Oounty of Washtenaw and Htute of Hichigan (said Court House being the place ot holdii-íí the (Jiicuit Court lor said (Jounty), there will be soid at public auction oi vendue, to the highesl bidder, the premisea described in said mortgnge aa : All tliat cerlain truct or parcel of land knewn and described as foUows : Beinff one equal and undivided half 01 the curding and clothing worka and one-halt öf the appurtenances, machinery, and premiara thereto beloning ; said preinises are upon the southeast fracttonal quartoc of section two, in townhtnp two s-jutli ot ranye ftve east, beginning Ht a atake standiny on the uorth bank of tlie iiuron river, at a point neartmee rods from the end of the bridge acroaa said river on the road leuding from Ann Arbor to Howell, inLivingston County, thence running north trom aaid stake eight rods on the line of said road, thence westerly eijjht rods, thence southcrly and paiaUel wlib sald road eight roda, thence easterly to ttie place of beginniug. Jluted, Murch 4, 874. LEONARD VAUGI1N MAltïHA VAUUHN, Jamks B. Oott, Att'y tor Assignee. 1408 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition ol a certain mortgage executed hy Jonathan liockert and Lydin his wife, of the t'iwnship of Dexter. eounly of Washtenaw and rtttte of Michigan, te Isaac Hay, of the same place, on the twenty-fifli duy of August, one thousand eight hundred and aeventy, and recorded in the Kegister'a office, in the coumy of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the fourth day of November, a. d. 1870, at '$4 o'clock p. M., in liber 42 of mortgages on page S28 : And there ia now elaimed to be due on said mortgage and note accompnnying the same the sum of flvo húndred and eighty-seven dollars and seventy-one cents, (and the furthei aum of three hundred and four dolíais and seventy eents to become due on the S-ith day oi August, Ib74 and 1S75.) also an attorney's fee of thir ty dollar should any proceedings be taken to foreclose said morfgage, and no proeeeding in law or ir equity having been had to recover said sum of monej or any part thereol : Now, thereforenotice is berebj given, that by virtue of the power of aale in sait morigiigecontained, 1 ahall aellnt public auction t( the highest bidder on the thirtieth day of Mny next at 2 o'clock p. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county afor saidthat being the place of holding the Circuí 'tourtfor snid county), all that certnin piece or pur cel of land siluated in the township of Dexter, Waah a tenaw County and State of Michigan, known, bouu ded nnd desscribed aa follows, to wit: The nortl half of the Southwest quarter of section uuniher tiv ot townahiponeaouth of range four eaat. I Dated, llaich G, 1874. ISAAC RAY, Mortgagee. I John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. r EFAUI.T by non-payment of moneys, haring beei VJ made in the coudition of a certuin mortgage ex ecuted by William A. Benedict and ( atherine H Benedict, to Andrew J. Shively, hearing date thi twenty-tirst day of April, A. D. 1870, duly stampei and recorded in the office of the Register of Deedi of Washtenaw County, fn the State of Michipan, oi the sixteenth day of May, A. D. 1870, at four an one-half o'clock p. m., in liber 42 of mortgages, oi ' paire. 412, and thereafter fully assigned by the sa 1 Andrew J. Shively to Philip Bach, by an mstrumen of asaignment, beuring date the tenth day of Janu aiy, A. D. 1874, and recorded in the aforesaid offici of Register of Deeds, on the seventeenth day of Feb ruary, A. D. 184, at three and one-half o'clock p. M. in liber 4 ot assignments of mortgages, on page 220 where by the power of sale contained in said mort I baa becoiae operative, and no suit in law or ir chancery haviug been instituted to recover the debt remairting secured by said mortgage or any pari thereof, and the sum of eight hundred and ninetyaeven dollars, and tifty-nine cents bcing elaimed t be due on said mortirage at the date of thia notice: Therefore, notice is hereby given that to satisfy th( amount due on said mortKafre, with the ínterest costs, and charges jillowed by law and provided foi iu said mortgage, including an attorney fee of thirtj dollars, the premises desenbed in aaid mortgage, to wit All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate in th( city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and Ltat of Michigr n, known bounded and described as follows to wit : Being in fche southeast corner of the north east quarter ot the northwest quarter of section nun ber thiity-two (:i2), in townxhip number two f2 south, range number six (fi east, commi'ncing at th corner stake in the Ann Arbor and Lodi plank road running eight roda west on the line of aaid quarter thence north twelve roda, thence past eight rods tl the center of said road, thenoe south twelve roda te the place cf beginnine, will by virtue of the aforesaic power of sale"contained in .said mortgape, and o1 the statute in sueh case made and provided, bj solil at public auction or vendue, to the highesi bidder, at the south door of the rourt House ir tho city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Wash tenaw and State of Michigan (said Court Hous heinu' the place of holding the Circuit Court withir and for said County) on Saturday the sixth day oi June, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon oi th:tt day. Dated. March 13, A. D. 1874. THILlr BACII, B. F. Granoep., Assifnee. A tt'y for .4ssignee. 1409 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conrlitions o a certain mortgapre, made and executed by Jeru sha Huil. of the cily of Ann Arbor, County o Washteuaw and State of Michigan, to Lewis C. Ris don, of the same place, in trust íor Francés M Hogers, amtnoi, bonring date the twenty-flrst da of 4 une, A. D. 1869, and recorded in.the office of th Register of Deeds for snid County, on the same da at four and one-half o'clock p. m., in liber 42 of mor ijagea, on page 57 ; by which default the power of sal oontaine 1 thereiu bee:t me operative, and there now being elaimed to be due thereon the snm of tw thousand six hundred and twenty three dollars aai ninety-six cents, principal and interest, and no pro ceedings at law or in equity having been taken to re cover the same or any part therof : Notice ia hereb given, that. bv virtue of a power of sale contained i said mortgage, lshall sell at public auction, to th hij-hest bidder, on the sixth day of June next, a 2 o'clock noon, Rt the south door of the Court Hous in the city of Ann Arbor (that being the place fo holding the Circuit Court for the County of Washte naw), the premises described in said mortgage, or s much thereof aa shall be necessary to nay the amoun due theieon and the legal costs of sale, to wit : Lo numbertwo south of Kuron street and Range num el -ven, in the eastern addition to the vilhige (now city) of A un Arbor in the County ol Washtenaw an State of Michigan. lated. Ann Arbor, March 12, 1874. 14(!9 LKWIS C. R1SDON, Mortgaeeein Trust. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions o a certain mortgago, executed by üeorge R Iiraithwaite, of the city of Ann Arbor, county o Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Samuel P. Jev. tt, of the same place, bearing date the flfth day o January, a. d. one thousand eight hundred. and "se enty-two, and recordnd in the office of the Registe of Deeds tor Washtenaw County, Michigan, on th ninth day of January, a. d. 1872, in liber 48 of mort gages, on page 18, by which default the power of sal contained iu said mortgage has beeome operative and on which mortgage there is elaimed to be due a the date hereof the sum of thirty-four dollars ant thirty cents (and the further sum of four hundroc dollar-i to bécome due thereon), also an attorney's iVe of thirty dollars should any proceedings be tak'cn to foreclose said mortgage : and no proceedings at law ot in chancery having been instituted to recover the debt seeured by said mortgage or anv part thereof Notie ' is therefore hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and the statute in such case made and provided, said mortgrge will bé foreclosed on Saturday, thk Twentieth da ï of June, a. d. 1874, at two o'clock iu the afteruoon of that day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor in said county o; Washtenaw (said Court House beieg the place of holding the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenáy), by a sale at public auction, to the'highest bidd er, the premisos described in said mortgage, which are fcnown, bounded and described as folfvws to witBeing lot number twenty (20), in Jewett's addition to Ann Arbor city, according to a recordad plat thereof in the Registert ofllce ui' Washtenaw County, in liber t!7 of deeds, on page li78, Dated, March 20, 1874. SAMUEL P JEWKTT, John N. CroTT, Mortgagee. Auy lor Mortgagee. 1471 Estáte of Hugh Vaughan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss. . At a sentón of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tueaday, the twenty-fourth dj of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Present, Noah W Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hugh Vaughan, deoeasd. Cathsrine Vaughan, Administratrix de tantsnonof said estáte, comes into court and represents that she is now prepnred to render her tiual account as such Administratrix. , Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday the twraty-third day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assip-ned for the examining and nllowing such account, nnd that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons mterested in said estáte, are required to appear ut a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show : cause, ií any there be, why the said account should : R?j. j allowed : And i i further ordered, ! tliat snid Administratrix give notice to the persons mterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof, hy cauaing a copy ! ot tliis order to be.published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper, printed and circulnting in said county, ' three auccessive weeke previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH TV. CHEEVER, 1471 Judee of Probate. rpHE CIRCUIT COCRT for the County of Wash-I tenaw- In Chancery : Rozella Sinter, complnintnt, va. Jacob Slater. Defendant. ]t siitisfuctorilr to this Court, by ath'davit, that the defenduit, Jacob Slater. is not a resident of thi Sfate but resides in the Mate of New York, or. mot ion o'f D Jramer, solicitor for complainant, it is ordered that f .he detendant cause hia ippearance to be entered in C Jus cause within three months from the date of this T rder, nnd thnt in case of hi nppearing he cause his h mswertothe complainant's hill to be üled in this d muse, nnd a copy thereof to be served on the ., ilainanfi sohcitor within twenty days after Beivice s o hun or his solicitor. ot a copy of the bill of ilainant flled m this cause, and a notice of this ordi-r „ nd in default thereof, that the said complainanfs n ■ïll be taken as confessed by the said defendant. Lndit is further orctered, that withiu twenty dn ys ,„ ne said complainnnt cause a copy of this order to be ublished in the Michigan, n public newspaper ñl nnted in baid county ,f Washtenaw, and that the io ub ïcation continue at lenst once each week for six bu imcessive weeks, or that she cnuee a copy ol this th er to be personally served on the id céfendant Bn jrding to the rules and practice of this court. -„ Dated, Miirch 16th, 1874. j . . JOHN F. LAWRENCE, t„ ïrcnit Court Commiaaioner, Waihtenaw County, H 1. Cbamik, SoUoltor for Complainant. C '""vo ] Mortgago Sale. DEFACLT hoving been made in the oonditim - a certain mortguge, made und executed bv ïïif Cook and Ann L. Cook, his wife, of the citv L a ' Arbor, Washtenaw County, and State of " to Sila H. Douglass, of tfie same pïace, bearü. S'1' the flrst day of Auauat, in the year of on Lort , ' thousand eight liundred and sixty-seven, and uL ? ed in the office ot the Kegister of Dteds ól tl.eS' ty of Washtenaw, in said State of Michienu on flrst day of August, a. d. 1867. m liber 36 oi "rrZ. e ge, on page 536, on which mortpagc thtre is tiTJ "' to be due at the date of this notice, lor princinnl d interest, tlie nra of two tl.ousand fiïe hundíed ""' .ninety-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents tocc, with au attorney fee of fitty dollars, ns providtd agreed should nuy proeeedings be taken lor the f closure of suid mortguge; and whereas io Bron f ingsatlawor in equity have been tuken Io re the same or any part thereof : Kow, therefore nm ■ i hereby given that by viitue of the power of, ' Í' contained in roortgage, I shall ee 1 at public „ct,v! to the hlghest bidder, on Monday, tl.e ninth dut February, a. d. 1671, at ton i;f the cloek in the iV noon ot that dny, at the south cooi ot the fv„ House in the city ot Ann Arbor and State of 11, gun, that being the buildftiB in which the Cirn'i' (Jourt for the coutity ot Vashtem.w is held ï premisi-s described in s,id mortgnpe, ui f0 .f thereof asshnll lie nccrsmiy to ratisly tl-e aim due on s-iid m. .rtgnge i he coats a rid exp ntes of Z sale and the attorney fee at ajon said ; mió riirr are described as followe, tovit: All thai tractorpai cel of land known nnd desciibtd ■ ? f lows, to wit : lying in the township of Ann ArV and betas part ot the northwest quaitcr of Hc,( numbar thirty-Unee in tewnship numbei in, ':" of range numbei six cast in üid Mate, iheeustlineof amd qunrti-r wet ion at 1 luin ,' ten chains and tttty-threr linke soutli (.1 tl.e uoi ï' east of snid quartei w-ction, nnd tlu,J, thence south on smd lino live chaira and thirtvü links, thence south flfty-one and B-hall degrses 2 twenty-twochmns und f leven links ti the centers the Ypsihinti road, thence nortbwerterly alono 11 penter of aidroad ninoteen chair.s and links to a point eightcen chaina and seventn flvelinJ south of the north line of said section, thence „ parallel to the north line uf suid sectior chains and thirty-two links, thence north pnralltj i the west, line of said section six chaina an; five links, thence east parallel to said uorth line m chains nnd forty four links to tho cast line of i Tjartersection, thence south four chains mid tb links to the place of beginning, and beinc the tm land deeded ly .lacob Kcmpfto said (.ook, pan;, the nr-t part (to said mortgnge) and the same U desenbed in two deeds to said Kompt' recorded in .! KeglsterV office, in said rounty, in liber Y of 1W on papes 67( and 677, and m líber No. 32 of detJi pages 558 and 659. ' Ann Arbor, November 12. 1873 SiLAKH.DOUCil-APS.Mortga,, Felch & Ohant. Attaneyl for MortgHLee The sale of the premises above detcribed ij ,; journed to ïliursilny. Muy seventh, nt'th'eu place and hr ur of tbedjly. : Dated, Pebruary 9, 1874. Felch & (íkant, SILAS H. DOCOI.A Attorneys. tgagj, Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT having bef n made 111 the conditie í a certain mortguge made and eiecuted bv Hl! . W. Morgan und Lucy W. 8. Morgan, lus Í . John Hunly and Amanda SI. F. -Goodul. 1 eleventh flay ot August, A I). 1S73. and rctordnS. ■ the otUce of the Register ot Dfeds ior the ('ountr' Washtenaw and Mute of Michigan, on the f I teenth day of August, A. D. 1S73, at tlucc o'cioclf 1 M., In liber 4 J of mort(;a(;es, on pape H04 and ml , which uid there is now cluimed to bedi anilunpaid the num ot live hundreu und IveiittJ . dollars and ninety four iMM.M) cents piin t interest md a ïeasoniiblo .-ittoiiic y He is Mi],!,i . in said mortgage, and 110 suu haviim been 1 . in hiw or equity to recover said sum or ,r.y u, . thereof: N.w, therelore, notice is l.eieby givenfi 1 by virtue of 11 power of s.ile contained in mid umi. 3 gage, and in pursuance 01 thestatute in m,cI. , ' uiade and provided, the lund and prtniise? dwalbs in said mortgage. to wit : All those certaio Dai of land known and rlenciibed as lots numbi aix fPj, seven (7), eight ft] . nine (!), ten CIO] eleïn . Cll),tw,:lve(12), thirteen (131, fonvteen 1 U' teu (15J an i Bisteen (16), in block number tivp 5MD,'' in range one west, in Maynord'n addilkn, SL city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Jliciii or o much thereof asmaybe necetsaiy to pats' ; amount due, with intf rest, KtBof sale and ttid torney fee. will he sold at public auction, to tli ' highest bidder, at the south oom of 1 1n (c in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Count; ■■ , of Michigan, Cthat being the place for holdintH, ' Circuit tor said County), 011 Friday the twentT ondday of May, A. LI. 187-1, at ten o'olo , foienoon of said day. 1 Dated, Ann Arbor, F,h. ?5, 1874. ; JOHN HEN1.Y, : AMANDA M. F. GOODALE, Tbazsb, Haihiiman & Hamii.ton, Atty'8 ior Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale. V KFAULT having been made ie the conditiomi! U a certain mortgage, by the non-paymeot 1! ' money due thereon as provided by the ttimsoimi moitgage, execut.ed by Elijah ". Morgan nDd Lu. ' W. S Morgan, his wiie, to John Heuly and Anm M.F. Ooodale, hearing date the rirst day ot ,ipi( A. D. 1870, and recordad izi the office of the Et ter of lieeds of Washtenaw County. in tlie Shit '■ Michigan, on the nineteenth day of Muy, A. ' inbook4ó of mortga.'s, jiiige 310, by Whicli detiii ■ the power of sale euntiined in said moitgageliutt ' come operativo and on which mortgage tlieni 1 claimed to be duu at tliu date of this notice tiietm ■ of one thousand one hundred and ninoty-ninpdollin I andnosuit or proeeedings haring been iurlaw or equity to recover the dtbt tecuren by uk 1 mortgage: Notice is berfby given tlmtonrridij the twenty-second day of May, A. D. 1874 ' o'clock a. m., on said day, at the south door of thcCms I ! House, in the city of Ann Arbor, County 01 { naw, in the State of Miohigan (said Cou'rt Houat I : ing the place for holding the Chcuit Court iorai I ' County), there will be sold by virtue of Ihepom ■ Bale contained in saltl muligüt;e at public hl 1 the highrst bidder, the premiees deseribed in j mortgage or so mucli thereof as may be neo ■ satisfy the amount due and pnyuble on raid Mt 1 gage, with interest, costs, charges andtxp . lowed by law and provided ior in said morlpw, thatiatobay: Lots number five (5j,bíx (6), eight C8j. nine (ü), ten (101, ekven [UJ, iwelve C, thirleen 03), tourteen (14} fifletn (14) and miKii C 6), iu block number live Cfl) south in iui(e w west, in Maynard's addiiion, in the cily of Ann Albor, Washtenaw County. Micbifïn. Daled, Ann Arbor, Feb. '2.1), 1874. JOHN HliNLY, AMANDA 1. S. GOODALE, Mortgugea, FbAZER. HAItniMAK & HAMILTON, Atty's for Murtgiigeet. Mortgage Süle. DEFAULT having been made m the oonditionii a certain mortguge exeeuted by Wilhnni I. llallory and Htln M. Mallory to Joti N. CoH bearing date the sixteen'h dn y of September, t.l 1S72, and recoided in the office of the ltegiitenf Deeds for the county of Washlenaw and Ststelt Michigan, on the ninth day of October, a. d. 18;2,i Liber iorty-nine of mortgages on pjige two hnniW and ninety nine, whicli said morlgage was dnly mgned by John N. (jott to Samuel P. Jewett, and tt Samuel P. Jewett to Christian SlaekandFnM Schmid,andby reason of said uetault the power oí psï in said mortgage having become operative, and tl being claimed to be due and owing on snió mortgifi and the bond accompanying the same at the date M this notice, the sum oí one thousand seven hundid and flfty-six dollars and twenty-nine cents (}1,!291, together with an attorney's iee ot flity dolbBi pivided for in said mortgage, and 110 snit er IKceedingp at law or in iquity having been insütntei to recover sa d amount. or any part thereof: NoW is therefore hereby given tl-at on ïuturday, thetw ty-third day of May. a. d. 1874, at eleven o'clotU the forencon uf said day, at the snuth door oí Court House in the city of Ann Arbor fnid C"" House beniK the place for holding the circuit Ci for the county of Washtenaw) there will be sold 1 virtue of the power of sale contained in said gage. at public auction to the highest bidder, f' premises deseribed in snid mortgiigf-, nr bo ffiffi thereof as may be necessary to satity tlie nnioM' due and pi.yable on said mortpne topètliei mi1i tl interest, custs, charges and expenses allowcd bylf and provided for in said mortgage, that is to gay: Ai that certain piece or puroel of land situiited i city of Ann Arbor, connty aforesaid. known, bouni and described s iollnvs. to wit : Commenciu? ' ' point in the north line cf Huron streef, in tlien'"i: Ann Arboi aforesaid, eiht i-ods and eiïhieea üwi & west of the west line of D. Mcïntyre's land'n: ■ ning thence north parallel witli said west lineóla' Mcïntyre's land twelve rotls, thence west jon-with Huron strect to the east. line of Manu""', thence south twelve rods to the oornei oí Marn"i; Huron Btreete, tlionce e:ist to the piace of bcpnnB Said description being intonded to cover the premi1 where said William H. Mallory uow lives, ot north side of Huron street. Dated, February 26. i874. CHHISTIAX MACK, PKEDERIC SOHMID, Assisnees of said IA D. Chamei!, Att'y for said Assignee. W Mortgage Sale. 0ï:FAL"LT having been made in the eoniiitim' '[ a certain mortpage exeeuted on the tweutyW lay of July, A. D. 1868, by Kobert I'. Leonard tü 1 ifartba A Leonard. of" the city of Ann 1 Washtenaw County, Micliignn, to Joseph PitiJ-: he township of Northfield, in tle Countj of 'ff' enaw and State of Michiaran, aforesaid, and id the same day in the office of the lieiiistcr ot 1'' or the County of Washtenaw. Michigan, in ''M S of mortgnp-es, onpare4í3. upon wlnili 111 here is claimod to be due at the date of this noS I wo hundred and n'fty-. ue dollars and six ' ients, for principal and interest, and also fchirtj! irsasan attorney or solioitor's fee as otten ■■" I troceeding is taken to foreclose sai I alí I o proceedinprs having been taken at law nr in fí I o recover amount due or any part thereof: Thfif" 1 ore, notice is hereby given tht by virtue ot 4 R ower of sale oontnined in said morta'e, I sbtill I t public auction, to the hiuhest biddt'i . he twenty-third dny of Maynext, at two o'J' I . M. of said day, at the front door o the 0f I 'ouse in the city of Ann Arbor, County ,-iforrt"' I hat being the place of holding the Circuit Court I lid County): All that cevtain piece or parcel ' I and sitúate in the townehip of Northfield. WuwJJ ftw County, State of Michigan, known. bounde(l r' I escribed as follows. to wit: Cornmer.ciris 2 . iirty-six deerreeo forty-four minutes cast, eip t ■ods and eight links írcm a stuke. seven li"11 fi ront of the northenst corner of Albt-rt Btevi jtand, thenco soutli fifty-three degTeea and tiï'3 minutes wet, eight rods. thence soutli t):ii:!';I j Ipgres and forty-four minutes east, foiir rw1 B ;henee north flfty-thrce dfgrecs and fiftecn rJi011" I ■ast, pííiM rods, thence north thirty six degre"1". 'ortyflve minutes west, four rods to tliepli"? I )eginning, contnining one fifth of au acre of3d11"' I nore or less. Dated, Feb 25, 1S74. phat, Mortg.igf'' Johx Gott, Att'y for Morigngee. NOTICE f a Special Term of tlie Circuit CoKr' I for the County of Waslilenaw. JTATEOF MICHIGAN. WaBhtenaw Coun" ' J Wherens it appears to me mcessiiry that n Pp''1 ! erm of the Circuit Court for snitl county sbeuM " I i'ld for the trr,nsnction of the erene'nl husinppspf , ing in said Thers-fore. Special Term"' lid coiirt is hereby ordeied, in pursunnee d atute in such case made nnd provided ; nnd not" hereby piven to all prrsoi e hnvlnft bitsineFS ïcr' tr in said court, nnd to their resptctivi' attollfJ?j licitoi and counselors. I hat n special tfjmct. urt will bebegun and hpldat. the fourt Houw" '? ld county, on the FIRST TUEPDAY OF AVR'H ■xtensuinir at ten o'clock in tlu1 torenoon 5i1.' y. nnd to be continneóVfrom dny to dny fls nuT , und necessaiy for the trans iction of the penerij .siness of said court : And it is further orrfft ut the Clerk of this court pnrtRP n eopy of thi? orw d notice to be nublished both in the Pt urier and Family VttÜant and in the jV'1cAj.'"Ift gits. for four succèssiTe weeks, once in eacli wee' oommence on Friday, the 27th instant, in ccl1 d papers. A. D. CRAXE, Circuit .Tndf. Jated, Feb .24, 1874. 146TW


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Michigan Argus