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Local Brevities

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CABÉIS. _ Ciroulars. _ BiU-Heacto. I.elt.T-H Shipp"'S Tags. _ Priuted ftt tho Ahitos office. _ In tlie best style and CHEAP. __ Doat order elsewhere before callin!?. _ Satisfiu-.tion gnaxftnteed in every respect _ Xow is the time to subscribe for the Argos. _ The stieet sprinkler commenced its rouuds yesterdoy" - V. A Lovejoy, Eocorder elect, entered mondutyoB Wedj _The wiud yesterday wns raw ennugh to „üikfi another snow storm desirabie. _ Palmer Btewait, for a long time clerk with (Jiiuiure & i-'iske, died in Chicago a few days _Ueorge W. Haye, of the Farmers' Store, Icft for New Vork yestcrduy. Look out for nsw ood. . _Baoh & Abol have their new goods m, and orercady to show thera to the gooda buyiug public. _The unexpected defeat of J. B. Dow iu the Third vnxd deprivos the Council of agood workj,,rr incmber. _-The ürst meeting of the new Commou Council vriU probably be held on Mouday evening, the 2Oth. _Henry Binder contrilmted $20 and costs to the funda of this county ou Wednesday : for selüog bee a minor. _ AVe let " üphelia " say her say this week : in r.jpiy to an article whioh appeared in the two weeks ago. _ The Sunday snow was very benelicial to wlieat, clover, and grass : but copious rains are verv muoh needed, -litis not too rauch to say that the retired Eecorder, A. D. Seyler, has made a prompt, efficiënt, and correct ofticcr. _ In the Supremo Court on Wednesday a motioii for iilimony in the suit of Eogers rs. Eogers was argued and submitted. - Postm'aster Dean's commission expires May 15. The contest must soon be ended and the igony We wait l'fiaoefully. _ About four inches of snow feil on Sunday last, since which the weather has been milder, with a real feel of spring to tho íir. - I'rof. Fowte has met with such success that he propwes to continue liis dancing school in this nty another half term- each Saturday evening. - Sleighs weie out on Sunday afternoon, and also oi Mondar: but the snow was soon whittled away by the daily increasing heat of the sim. - If you want Letter-Heads, Bill-Hcads, Statemijiite, Caids, Circulan or other tine job woi k, cali at the Aegüs office and leave your orders. - Report saya thatthere are thirteeu oandidates for City Attomey : all rjood Eepublicans, ond al!, no doubt, in favor of vigoroasly enforcing aü the city onlinances. - üeneral good order prevailed at the several polis úu Monday, and very few men were seen on the streets cither during the day or cvening, showiug signs of iutoxication. - The Dor.ahue and O'Conuor adultery suit has beeu settled out of court: to the great disgust of a class of hangers-on about the Court House, wiiu fatten on such oarrion. - The annual meeting of the Ladies' Library Associatioii of this city will be held on Monday ne.f, Aprü VSlh, at 2 1-2 o'clook r. ai., iu the parlora ut tlte V refibyteri&n ühurch. - ilrs. E. M. ïiahor, of the Fiïth ward, has comnieiieeJ au Bction in the Circuit Court, igainst Augustus Herz, for sel I ing liquoi to her husbantl, claiming damages in the sumof Í2,000. - At a recent meeting of the Ladies' Temperance Union, of this city, a resolution was uiiaiiiinoii.sly adopted not to trade with or patmuize tlioe deaïiug in mtoxicatuig beverages. - The iavuri'u Mandclssohu Club, of Boston, give a concert this evening, in University IIal! ander the auspicês of the Studente' Lecture AsBociatioii. üur music-loviug citizens may expeet a rich treat. - Charles Darison, pressman at the Courier ofSce, drqpped a larite iuk fouutaiu uío.i hia bot uu Mouday, ïuaking the amputatiou of one tue necessary. The other ii.jury to his foot was considerable. - The University is again in court, the Supreme Court having entered an order on Wednesday, to show cause why a mandamus tkouldu't issue. The application is made iu behali of the Homeópatas. - Kev. C. (r. Howland, of Kalamazoo, will preach at the Unitariau Church uext Sumlay - moming and evening. Subjeets : morning - '' W'itneases to the Trutb. ; " evening - " Methods of Religious Study." - In tho Supreme Court, at Lansing, on Tnaeday, twenty-eight members oL the recent grauuating claas of the Law Department of the University were admitted to practice in the several courts of this State. - A committes of the Ladies' Temperance t'nion called on the several saloon keepers of this city on Wednesday, requested them to discontinue the trame, and warned them " of a judgraent to come " in case of refusal. - For the information of our readers and the general public we publisli this week a full kyuoyais of the laws of the State aimed at the licuor trafiie, copied from the Detroit Tribune. It will be fouud of special interest just now. - Mack it fcohmld are now opening a very large f-tock of Sxring goods, and to-morrow will offer the Lidies eometlnnf; new, including an enormous assortment of Eibbons at the aniform pnce of 25 cents a yard. See advertisement. - We give place in another column to a letter from Dr. Fairand, of Detroit, to the Tribune of that city. Dr F. harbors no jealousy of the Eniversity or our city, and offers to give $200 toward the hospital. Tally Y700. Who next f - Joe T. Jacobs stopped off ot Mt. Vernon; Ohio, a day or two ago, to interview the women (praying) crusaders, and brought home some line ■tereoftcopic views of street scènes -including the earing down of the picket box. Go in and sea them. - Inasuit brought by Mclteynolds & SesBions, on complaint. of a mcmber of the Ladies' Temperance Union, Justice Clark yesterday levied a contribution of 20 and costa upon John Frey, Fitth ward brewer, charged with selling a keg of beer to a minor. He plead guilty. - It is told of a saloon keeper on Main street (say an ax-aldermfm) tliat seeing the women tooving on Wednesday, lie rushed into his saloon Qiscoveredsorae customers with cards and boer, and fraiitically exclaimed, " Mine Got, the vim■noni are coinin', get dese thmgsoutof the way." - Juat by way of reminder we wish to "drop a line" (privately) to the Anotrs readers. It " this : if you know you owo for the Aeous )'ou will oblige us by making immediate paym6nt. If you thinli you owe cali and inquire We need and must have mraiey, and that at once. - A Cincinnati publishing firm sends us a ready made " puff of a picture we have never "n. and promise us a oopy for its insertion as " local." That isn't just our style. On receip of tlie picture we will give it such a notice as we may think its merite deserve. That's our offer. - One alderman reports being delayed four nours in gomg from his residence to his placo of business on Tuesday : by applicants for office who gnaped his button-hole and besieged his oms. And he was a Demccrat at that. Wliat must the urne liepublican aldermcn havo sufted and enduied ou that day- a"il since 'f Thc Demócrata succeeded in elccting but ono AUlermau on Mouday, aud Uiat in ■ ward hopeleasly Espublioa- tho Fifth. Had tho Sixth ward Democrats been plucky, we might, porhaps, have seeured auotlier- as tho election went by cuntraries. No uoininatiuns is uot a good rule. - Wo wisli to mako an "on time " Buggestion to tho new "City fathers;" aud that is that there is a good deal oí bad and dangeroos sido walk and niany defectivo crossings. And Ihis on some of tho most frequented streets. Bad Bidewalks, next to broken feuces and dirfy door yards wül give a city a bad name. The following officers f or St. Andrews' I'arish wcre elected on Monday: Senior Warden, John M. Wheeler; Junior Warden, Chauncey H. Millen ; Secretary, S. B. Haymau; Vestrymen, S. II. Douglas, H. S. Friezc, II. W. Hogers, J. T. Swathel, Ueo. S. Morris, A. B. Palmer, Wells, fa. B. Ilayman. - We hear that several saloon lteepers grossv insultcd the ladies who waitcd upon them on Vednesday. It must bo a demoraliiug busiess tliat makea men turu a deaf ear to the remonstrancos of woinon and dony their petitiona ith jeers or taunts. If saloon keupers are Bat-ñed that their business is legitímalo, legal, ocessaiy, honorable, or uvon respectable in the rue senso of that word, tliere is 110 reasoii why ïey should not hear the requests of the ladios ith equanioüty. - A young man named Charles Brownoll. livïg south of the city on the Saline road, caine ito town on Satuniay last, and whcnhe roturi:d carried witli hmi a bottle of whisky. Drinkïg freely, he dropped down upon the lounge ad was soon dead. At a. pont mortem examiim00 held by Coronor Breakey, tiie medical wites=es agreed in charginghis deatlito congestión t the lungs and brain, to which the jury added, LOied or incited by the use of liquor. How ïauy such facts aro uecessary to convince the moderate drinker of Am dauger and the seller oí ie teudency of his business t


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Michigan Argus