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Froni sS.Oíiii Ut 5,O00 to Loan ,11 Bonde and Mortgages. None but firstHilass security taken. Apply to II. M. Tabee, 41 Aun St. Elecntlen a.n1 Rlictoric taught at the iïusiness College room-;, (breo cvenings por ïroek, from S to 9 o'cloclc. Coinmeiieiug Monday even ing ïii'xi. Clasa conducted by Mr.s. C E. Pond Terms - $2 per ïnonth in advanco. Tliirty ïcar&' Experiencc of au Old 7% lirse. Hlrs. Wïnslow Sootiiinff Syrup is the preacrlptión oí one of the best Keniale Phybieians and Nuxbcb in the United States, and has been used tor thirty yeurs wilh aever fmling Bttfety nul succebs by millions ot mothers and children, from the i'eeble infuntofQne week old tothendalt. It correcte acidity of the Btomach, relieves wind colie, regulates the bowel , and frives rest. hcalth and comfort to raother andchild. We believe it to be the lïest and Snreat Remedy in the Wond in 31 caaes of DYSENTEUY und DÏARRHiEA l N '"li [LDREN.whetheritariBes fi'om Teethingor from any other cause. Fttll directíona for Ubing will accompany eooh bottle. None Genuine unlesa the fnc-simile of CURTÍS l'KHKINSisonthe outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Deak-r.s. 1436vl lt. l.owitt, heiehy notifica his ptttrona tliat he hag returricd from hifl western tour and has resumed the j)ractiee of bid profesaion. Office in the Haven lilock. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 0, 1874. Cliildren Oflcu Look Fale and Siclc From no other cause tban haviag worms iu the stomacli. BEOWN'S VERMirUGE COMFITS "Will destroy Worms without injury to the child.beïng perfectlv WHITE, and free from all coloring or other injurióos ingrediënt usually used in worm preparaCURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 21ft Fulton Street New York. Sold by Qruggists and Chemis's, and dealers in M dicinesat Ïwenïy-Five Cents a Box. 140631 ffOUSEHOLFS, You To all penouB suiferïng -r-k . -x nn k jfroni Rheu-i atism, NcuPANACEA bfor&MÍ Colic, Puin in the b;ick, bowel or side, we would AÍÍD H!l5'' THE IIOUHEHOLD l'ANacea nnd Family Lihimi:nt ia of all others tix remedy you wiint lor in"P A ll TT "V ternal aml extexñal ne. X ii.lVlJ.Jj i It haa cured tlio abovo complaints in thousiinds of cases. There is no misT TATTTVTX1 Al T1 i tllke about '■ '[Ty Sold Jjl LN 11V1 Jj Vi 1 I by H DruggiatB. A BUSINESS OFFEE. X"V. A rare and excellent chance to judioionsly invest or take an interest iu a really food, saté and permnnent business, which can be prolttably incrcased (o anyextent, -without dangeroi exccedin the deïiiiml ; an.l in a Urge, well built, brick Factory, wit h :;() horse stcam power, and the monopoly of iinpiovcd and anequalled maohinery for manufucturing wood oriion, which makes lts own fuel ;) and at the best place in the United States for obtaining ms tenals of all kinds, and distributinfr work in every airee tion, by water or ruil, at the door of the Pactory, from orto any part of the V. S. or of the woild : is offcred by Dr. ):. B. Smfth & E. W Morgan, of Ann Arbor, Mich., and a thorough investigation cuurted. 3wl40 MICHIGAN CEJÍTHAL KAlLllOAD. VmXBB TIME TABLB. Passenger trainsnow leave the several tationB.aa follows OOIKO WEST. I h -g W H STATIONS, g W . j o -M -" I 'S 5 'S i u o t B p W fl H fa A. K, A. M. 1". M. P. K. P. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, 7 15 10 16 1 20 4 00 6 40 10 30 fpsilanti. 8 43 11 25 2 32 5 30' 7 10 a. m. Ann Arbor, 0 02 11 43 2 f,1 5 50 7 45.12 05 )exter, 9 'ir i 3 12 6 25 8 lo hebea, I ■" ;;) 8 s0 OruuBLake, 10 19 í. U. 3 56' 9 00 JttckBOn, 110 55 ' 1 05 4 30 9 86 1 1 30 P.M. "■ Kulamazoo, 2 20 3 40 7 40 12 20 Chicago arrive, 8 30 0 00 J0-i-?J.0 GOING EA8T. é i s i á . w -i t ■■ i j s si ■3 & 5 S1 I" ! S H q p w i w jz; p A. M, A. M. p. M. P. M.l Ohicneo, leave, 5 00 8 30 5 15 9 00 P. M. A. M. A. M. Kulamazoo, 11 05 1 18 5 00; 2 15 p. M. a. jt. Jaclcson, 2 30 3 55 8 00 12 30; 4 45 GrassLake, 2 66 8 30 Chelsea, 3 14 6 M A. M. Dextrr, 3 41 'J OS 0 25 Ann rbor, 4 05 5 03 9 88 1 r,5 6 00 6 66 Ynsilanti, 4 25 5 22 10 03 2 17 6 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive J 90 28 1 1 20 8 80 7 25 8 45 The Atlantic and Tnrillc Kxpress run between Jivtíkson nrid Xiles on the Air Line. Ü" ETEOITT TIILLSDALE & INDIANA RA1L.KÜAD. OOINO 'wEBT. -1873- GOING F.AST. stations. Slai;. Esp. stations. Exp. Mail. M ' A M P M Detroit, dep... 7:15 5:40 Y'KÜanti 8:45 7:15 Pnnkers 6: 3:16 Saline, 8:88 7:4:: Hillsdale P:l 2:3(1 H'.iil".'vatcr 0:60 8:00 Manchester.... 8:3S -i:"8 Manchester... .10:22 8:13 Bridgewater . . 9:0n 4:2 P.M. yr, Ü: Hilladal 1:08 9:Í2 Y..-üauli H:03 5:15 Banken 1:11 10:00 Detroit 11:20 0:20 T'raiiis n:n by i'hicago ';' . W. F. TAlíKl-.K, Sup't, Ypeilanti.


Old News
Michigan Argus