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Estáte of Frederick Ellsworth. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, as O At a session of the Probate Court for the Countv oi Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Anu Arbor, on Thursday, the fourteenth day ot Muy, in the year one thouaand eight hundred and seventy-tour. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Frederick Ellsworth, deceased. On reuding and illing tïie petition, duly veriiied, oi Sarah EllBworth, pmying that a certain instrument now on file in this court, purport ing to be the last will and testament of said deceused, may be admitted to probate, and that ndministration of the estáte of said deceased may be granted to her or soine other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that ííaturday, tlie tliirteenih day of June nest, at ten o'clock in the foienoon, be as signedforthe hearing of said petition, and that the de visees, legatees, and heirs at l;iw of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appeai at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitionershouldnotbe granted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons intereHted in said catate, oí the pendency of said petitiou, and the hearing thereof, by oansing a copy of this order to be publiahed in tiie MÜkigan Aryus, a newspaper printed und circulatiny in said County, three aucceseive weeka previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH "W. CHEEVER, 1479 Judge of Probate. A Cliancc for Bnrgains ! For sale at a great bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, lying 2! 4 miles trom the city of lonia. 100 aeres under iniprovenient, with good orchurd, barn and shed, and a eomfortftbïe house. Terms of payment - from $2,000 to $2,500 down ; balance on lunsf time. AIbo 90 ACRES, about 2 Y, miles f rom A UKUsta, Kalamazoo County, all improved, with yood luuldings. Terma - extremely low. Also 40 ACEES about eight mileafrom Uastingn. Also 80 ACRES on section S in the town of Huzelton, Shiawasse Oounty, about 12 miles from Coruunrw Well tirabered. For terma addreas the undersigned. E. lí. POND. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. AGENTS WANTED. PIERCE'S NEW HI&TORICAL m BIOGRAPHICAL CYCLOPEDIA. One Large Octavo Vol. of 1,013 Pages. It records just what should be remembered, and discaids all Buperfluities, making it the book t'or the ( miUion, and within their meaiis. v " We recommend thia work to all thoee wlio want eoncise, ■well-clausiñed, useíul Iptowleéaé. '-Qhicago Tribune. One agonfa commissions wcre over $200.00 in onft week. Aiiother report 73 orders in one week. Ni'inl for Circular to t M. M. BURMIAM, Publlsher, 1475w4 SYKACH'SE, N. Y. CLOTHING! ClOTHÏNG! CLOTHING! Tlie Spring Cainpaign OPENED IN BARNEST. BULL, THE CLOTH1ER, H:is just airived and oponed the groat Ouo-Price CLOTHING HOUSE. IN MARTIN 'S BLOCK. Whero yim om now find the Laipest, Finest and motit Complete títook of RBADY-HADB CLOIHING HATS, ('Ars, TRUJÍKS, ASI Gents' Furnishing Goods, Lwry bri'ore uiicred in Ann Aabor. No trouble to snow Goods at tlio Siar C'lottiintr House, Na 33 South Miiin St., East aide, And Arbor, Mich. GEORGE BULL. 1478tf JTROM HEADQUARTERS. ÏIIE POSÏOFFICE QUESTION IS SETTLED AT LAST. BEAL IS BEATEN BY THE ACBIC1I1TÜRAL CO. Who annonnce to their Customera that they will ael! Full Trimmed Wagons, Warranted for one year al$5, iucluding all extras. S fire, Sprinjf seats, Wliiilieti-etjs, Nerkyokes, and top base. Thia sale to be for Caah, and to be open for Tbirty Daya. Also ITIX TRintlED PLOWS, 10 DOM.IKSFarmors, if you -wish to supply yourselvea now s the time fov cash. All fjods wiirranted. Any article in our line equally low . "We are never uudersold. We are geding on a íull stock of RSAPSRS AND MOWÏÏRS of the Jobnston Patent, whieh we offer eqnally low, and we wiUput up $1,000 that thu Combiued Keaper is the best, cheapest and easiest working eombined Keaper and Mower in the U. S. of America. The oíd reliable Keaper ia too well kuown to require any backing, it is aamitted by all that it is the best Reaper in the L'nion. We would also say that we will sell all our goods for Cash at lower figures than they can be bouht elsewhere, and every artiele "V A.R,R,.nSTT BID to suit p'.uehaser or no sale. Cali Beore Tou Bnp and Save Tour Muney. A, A. AGRICULTURAL CO. U77m9 ï ,-5i!pnililiffl! 4A lluii Ittiiiüij Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has all the modern conveniences - Passenger Klevator, Rath Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Kooin, Elegantly Furnished, and located in the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS &. HUNTOON, - Propnetors. JSEW EEAL ESTÁTE OFFICE OF AUNER HITCHCOCK & 00. : Soulli Main St., Arm Arhor, Mich. ('il y l'ropert.v, Honses, Lots ana Farms l'i.i: SALE AND EXCHANÖED. (JlTJh'i.X LJJ08 FOR BALS. COLONIES LOCATED. STOCKS WO !flORTtES FOR SitE. UTüin3 AND MOXEY'S LOANED. QWELLING nOUSES i ufi SALE Alargp:iml vury wi)ll built brick house with two umon'lois. Two larffe fnuned huuses. Also a gooA izod brieft house and frumed house ; and ui:ill 'ranle house ou il good lot, in tended for adding a front 'or sale on fair torms and a reusoniiblo credit. Alsoother building, lots, imd property WOKEÏ WAlVKD...So many wibhin to orr.nt' mouey applj to inc I raa readily obtain 1 1 good üiitisfttctory invostments at teu per eut.jutere .. E. W. MOEGAN. Aun Arbor, Amil 23. 1873. M23M jsr ;e av Dry Goods AT THE ANN A_ilT3OIi TRADIñlC ISSOCïiTOI. We havo JUST RECEIVED A Big Stock of DRY GOODS! We cali SPECIAL ATTENTION -TO- FINE DKESS (JOODS Whieli will be xold CHE AH FOK CASH. CALL AMD SEE THE! We are now mnm to kxhibit To our Patrons our SPRING ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE AND Elegant Designs CARPETINGS, OIL CÜLOTKTS, &c. &c. CHEAP FOB CASH! Ann Arbor, April '22, 1874. G. W. HAYS, Supt. 1475in2 HAKDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBEE FOE SALE. THE subscriber has on hand a good assortircnt of OAK, ASH, KLM, BAS8WOOD, W'HITLWOOD, and utber varieties of Lumber, from ' :, in tu 3 in. thick. ALSO, Pence Posts, Square Timber, Plunk nm Otik StuJding of all sizes kept on hand or ui tute to order ou short notice. Particular attentíon given to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence Posts planed, Oak Pickets kept on liand and sawed lo order. MOULDINGS of different patterns sawed to order. FARM GATES kept on hand and sold cheap. Particular nttention given to furnishing bilis of timber of different lengths and sizes on Ihe most'reaaonable terms. 8AW3 OUMMED ON SHORT NOTKE. LOGS WANTED. I nm prepared to pay CASH tor sound ()ik, Ash, Basawoud and Whitewood Lois delivered at ïny mili, or will buy and meaaure Logs iu thu woods witbin ix niiles of the mili. B3A11 uersons indebted to the late flrm of Wlnes & Hallock will please cali and settle tlieir accounts at the Mili. J. T. HALLOCK. SOMETHINti NEW! No Oommissions - All Free! I have opened A KEOISTEE al my office, ia K. W: Ellis a Co.'s Dkugstoke, for tlie acconimodaUvn of the public, where thon who have stores housee lots farms, cattlc, horses.bugnies, or any other property, tor sale oí to rent, may register the me tor convenlenco ot those who may wih to purchase or rent. E There will be no charge to eitlier Beller or purchuer, provided when ■ sale or rentage is eflected by the owner, he ill m once culi and cauue] t)ie same on the Reguter. U73 A. r)i:K)l:li . ICE ! TCJT The undersigned wishes to announcc thal he la now reaiiy to delirex [ce in any pari ui' the ritv. Orders lefl In hi.s box n the l'nt Oftlce will l?e proniptly filled. PRICES : ir Ujs. 6 daya 1d the wMk, - - 98.00 permonth. " ' 4 " " - . . 2.00 " TERMS : lurariablr in Advance. M. ANDRÉS. HPAKE NOTICE. I have tliis day employed Mr. Clark, who, for the ast '20 yeara . lias had charge uf the Cook's Hotel larn, and Farmers orothers who wigh their honseü ed and watered according to orders, at reasonable ates, will flnd the " Old Reliable " at the Monitor ñvery Stable, Cor. Hurón and Second streets. Aun Albor, May 14, 1874. J. Y, GREGORT,


Old News
Michigan Argus