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Text Of The Civil Rights Bill

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Washington, May 23.- The Civil Rights bilí as it passed tbe Senate reads us follows : Section 1. All citizens and other persons within tbe jurisdiction of the United Staies shall be entitled to the foll and equal enjoyment of the accommodations, advantages, facilitiea and privileges ot' iuns, public conveyances 011 land or wnter, theaters and othev places of public amusement ; and also of common schools aad public inetitutions or loarniíig of benevolence, supported in wholo or in part by general taxation and ot' colleges so supported; and alao institutions known as agricultural colloges endowed by the United States, subjoet only to the eonditions and limitations established by law and applieablo alike to citizens of every race and color, regardless of any previous condition of servitude. Sec. '2. Any porson who ohall violatu the foregoing soction, by denying to any person entitled to its benefits, except ior reasons by law applicablu to citizons of every race and color, and regardless of any previous condition of servitude, tho full enjoyment of any accommodation, advantages, facilities or privileges in said section enumerated, or inoiting such denial, 8hall for each and every offense forfeit and pay the gum of f "()() to the person aggrievod thereby, to be reeoveri'd in action on the case, with full oosts, and shall also, for every such ofl'ense, be deemed guilty of a niisdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, Bhall lie fined not more than #1,000, or be tmpmoned not more than one year; J'rovideil that the party aggrieved shall not recover moro than one penalty, and when the offense is rcfusal of burial, the penalty may be recovoied by tho heirs at law ot the person whose body has been refused burial ; and providtd further that all persons may elect to sue for the penalty aforesaid, orto proceed under theinighta at comnion law and State atatutes ; and liaving so elected to proceed in the one mode or other, their riglit to proceed in the othcr jurisdiction shall be waived therebv but this proviso shall not apply to criminal proceedings, either under this act or the criinial law of any State. Sec. 3. The District and Circuit Courts of the United States shall have exclusive cognizance of all crimes and offenses against, and violation of, the prpvisions of this act, and actions for the penalty given by the preceding soction may be prosecuted in Territorial, District or Cir cuit Courts of the United States wherev er the defendant may be found, withou regard to the other party, and Distric Attorneys, Marshals and Deputy Mar shals of the United States and Comrais sioners appointed by the Circuit and Ter ritorial Courts of the United States, witl powers of arresting and iinprisoning auc bailing offenders against the laws of the United States, are hereby especially au thorized and required to instituto pro ceedings against every person who shal viólate the provisión of this act, aiu cause hini to be arrested, imprisoned o bailed, as the cage may be, for trial be fore such court of the Uuited States o Territorial Court aa by law has cogniz auce of the oftense, except in respect o the right of action accruing to the per son aggrieved ; and such District Attor ney shall cause such proceedings to b piosecuted to their terminatiou, as in other cases ; l'iovided, That nothing con taiued in said section shall be construe to deny or defeat any right of civil actiou accruing to any person, whether by rea son of this act or otherwise. Sec. 4. No citizen, provided he has al other qualifications which ai e or m&y b prescribed by law, shall be disqualitiec tor services as grand orpetit juror in any court of the United States, or of an; State, on account of race, color or prev ious condition of servitude ; and any ofli eer or other pergon charged with any du ty in the selection or summoning of ju ïors, who shall exclude or fail to summo any citizen for the cause aforesaid, shal be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor an( be fined not moro than $1,000. Sec. 5. All cases arising under the pro v8Íons of this act in oourts of the Unitec States shall be reviewable by the Su preuie Court of the United States, with out regard to the sum in controversy, un der the same provisions and regulation as are now provided by law for the re view of other causes in said court.


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