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The Centennial

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PliiLAUELPiUA, May 24.- The following is tlie final and couclusive decisión of the International Centennial Couimission, and the Finalice Corauiittee present tbocondition of iffairs as t'ullow.s : 1. Bids aro to bo opened for contracta for the erectiou of the art gallery and museum on Tuesday next, and it is expected that work will be eommoneod in a few days, the building to cost $1,500,000, of whieh suiu there has been appropriated for that purposo by the Stato of Pennsylvania $1,000,000, and by the city of Philadelphia $500,000, The building will cover over ono and a half acres of ground. '2. Thu immediate erection of the eonservatory hall at a cost of $200,000, and for this purpose au appropriotion has been made by the City of Pbiladelphia, without any other restrictiou than the requireuioiit tliat the inoney shall be expended for this building, the plans to cover one and umi-huif acres of ground. .'i. The machine hall is ostimated at a cost of $800,000, which has been provided for by a direct appropriation by the City of Philadelphia, tree from restriction aud entirely tree Work on this will commeuce a few niotiths henee, in timo to be comploted in time for the conimission. lt will cover ten acres, at a cost not to exceed $80,000 per acre. -1 tli. The erection of the ïuain exhibition building will bo commenced as soou as the plans are perfected. This eau probably be effected by the first of Juno. This building is to cover a space of about twenty acres, at a oost not to exceed $100,000 per aero ; say a total of $2,000,000. To this work subscriptions to tho stock ure applicüble, whioh, inukiug dua allowanccs for 108868, aniount to about $1,800,000, leaving $200,000 yet to bu proyided for this purpose. 5. An agricultural hall is to be provided for, to covür about five acres of grouuil, and to cost about $300,000. Grading, draining, water and railroad oonuectioii, etc., aay $1,000,000 ; general administration, say $000,000; for errors in estilantes and for contingoucics, say, $875,000. Total exponditures, exclusive oí rt gallery and musouin, $020,000, of which the city of Pkiladelpbia hits appropriated direct without reservatio.n êxoept in the designation of the particular buildings upon which she amount shall bo expended, $1,000,000. The actual subsnriptions are $1,800,000; that to be be providod, 12825,000, which amount the board of üuance have no doubt of being able to raise froiu tho poople and fróm the general governnient. The statements heretofore submittcd by the the Board of Finance were based upon buildings of a charaoter which was indicated by tho commission, but undor the oircumstances the counnittee deern it wise that the buildings sbould be of a imple charucter, and 0" that basis thia eport is subinitted.


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