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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CIBAZJBB, HABRIJIAN & HAMIITO1V t Attorneysat ]. Otti Nos. 7 and 9 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. Mich. nRASTlTS TIIATCHER, Attorney and Vj Counselor at Law, No. 5 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1386 rV ARIIOB HIIiVERAL 8PRINÍÍS. Morris Hale. M. D., Superintendent. Office „ bulldins, corner Mann and W'estlJuron Street. tVTNES & WORDEN, 20 onth. Main street, Y Ann Aroor, Mich., Wholesale and retnil deal■rsin Dry Goods, Carpeta and Groceries. 135Hf HACK & SCHMID, Dealers in Dry Doods, jl tiroceries, Orockery.&c. No. 54 fouth Main Jtreet. Ttf M. JACKSOJV, Dentlst successor to C. B. W Portor. Office corner Main and rfuron atreets, )ïcr the store of R. W. Ellis & Co , Ann Arbor, tfich. vnestheUcsadministered if reqnired. ñcTHERLAND & WHEDÓS, Life and 5 Pire Insurance zents, and dealersin Real Bstate. JfflceonHnron Street BACH & ABEL, Dealers In Try Goode Groceries, ie &c.,No 20 South Muinitreet. Ann Irbor. WH, u (. llt. Dealer in R ady MadeCloth ing.lotbs. Cussimeres. Vestings, Hats.Caps, franks, Oarpet Bags, &c 21 South Main street. voaTí w7. ohee ve k, "attorney at law ! jilcewithE. W. Morgan, Kost slde ofCourt House jquíre. I83 íííTc. O A R R , lentisl, s Successor to C. C. fS I H Jenkins. J0 ■Kbk. Nitrous Oxid K jjir %- öfts "dmimstered . z " X_ when neoessary. Oöice over 'jSÊ Baeh & A bel 's Wf P'' fJ No. 20 S o u t h 3IRS. H. J. HILTÜN, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Reüdence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of IngalU, Ann Arbor, Mich. tST Offloe houra- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 r. M.TEd Rtfertntxs- Pbof. Saokii, Pbof. Paimkii. H31yl nBOCKEKY GLASSWARE & tiROCERIES, J. & ï Donnelly Have In store a large stock of :rockerj , Glassware , 'latedWare.Cntlery Orocenes, &c, c. all tobe oldat nnusually low prices. No. 12 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. 1128tf J. & F. DON1VEI-LY. rOHN G. GALL, DBA-XiER I3ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LAR, SAX'SAGBS, Etc., Orderssolicited and promptly Hled with thebe-t neata In the market. Cor. Huron and Fourth stB. Aun Arbor, Sept. 16th. 1869. lüSotl dr.cTa. leiter, Physician and Surgeon, Ifllce over Watts' Jcwclry Store, Muin Street, Residnce 58 East Iluron Street, 1469tf ANN ARBOR, MICn. Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLEIGHá, of everystyle, made of the best naterial, and warranted. Kepaii'ing done prompty ml pricós reasonable. Detroit títreet, near K. S. Dopot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1446yl T FRED. BROSS, MANDFAOTÜBF.E OF rum v;ks. üi (;í.ii:s. i,i iiüek wi0is, si'iim. m V(;ovs citteus, SLEIOHS, &c. All work warranted of the best material. Repairin? done promptly and reasonably All work warranted to give perfect satutaction. 68 South Main itrwt. 1422 BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Blook, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. "o vacations. Day classes throughout the year. StudentB enter at any time. Instructien aecordmg tomost approved plans. Students have "Actual Practice " at the beginning of the course in buok keeping. 1441tf GOING TO PAINT! IF SO CALL AT L. C. RISDON'S HARDWARE STORE, No. 31 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, and buy AVERILL'S CHEMICAL PAINT 23 It is the best Paint in use. 1471m3


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