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TOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the partnership, lately existilig between John Schumaeher and Christian Weitbrecht, tf the city of Aun Arbor, Michigan, under the firm iiarae of J. ï-chumacher & Co-, was dissolved on the twenty-eighth day of May, a. d. 1874, by mutual consent. All debts due to the said partnership, nnd those due by them, will be aettled with and by the said John Schumacher. Arm AÍBor, M:iy 30, 1874JOHN SOHUMACHER, 14S1W2 CHIUSTIAN WEITBKECHT. The un'derslgrned having purehased the interest of Chriatian Weitbrech, in the firm ot' J. Schumaolier & Co., desirea to notify the patrons of that flrm that ie wiil continue the business at their former location in the city of Ana Arbor. Thankt'ul for the many favors shown the latf ñrm, he hopes to receive a liberal aliare of public patronage. Datad, May 2S, 1874. JOHN SCAUMACHER. VKW liAKEEY! STILINQ Would infoim their numerous f rienda and the public generatly, tbt thëy have titted up the store lately occupied by J. 0 Wataon & Co., 28 East Huron 8t., SB a Bakery and Coniectionery Store, and hope by a strict attention to business to merit and reeoivu i ylune ot p:ttronatfe. J'artieular atttutiuii wül bepaid to the loe-Crnam Department, Weddibo Ckes, l'yramids, 11 kinds of Fruit Cakes, iH'i [CC l riMiii ftunihed families or partiea on short notice. i'resh Fruits and (üiitectionery ttlways on hnnd. (iuods delivered i'rce of charge to any part of the city. llemember the place, No. 28 East Huron Street. Aun ArW, Muy '2', I(H K. STILIN(;, W. STILINtí. tiEOtJRÏ Voi R9ELF A UojIe Valuable City Lots for sale Ckeap, and long tim ffiven for paym-mt if düëired. Ulimi c. H. MILLKN. MKHIUAX CESTRA1 KAILROAI). SUMMER TIME TABLK. t'n-eiigeitrinsnow leave Mveral tations . 'oiiowa 'as OINO WK81 . i i á ] h STATIO-. - '''Si; ' ' "3 : g I ; "f s S Q ti P M A. M. A. M. I'. M. V. M. I . M. p a Detroit, leave, 7 () 10 (lli 2 uil 4 o S 4n lu m Ypsilanti, jó 11 11) n 08 5 ;',u 7 111 , AnnArUv, s o 11 25 :: 27 :, o ; 45 11 15 Dexter, 9 17 :: -,11 ,; 2,1 m __ Chalsea, 9 3.0 4 Hl y, :;u Orau l'iike, 10 02 p. m. 4 41 Jackson, IC ;ih 12 :;.', ,i Hl y 35 1 ,K P-M. A.,i. KrtlítniHzíM), I - :; (1") H 20 12 2ó - Chicago amve, 7 :'."r sim 530 s ijo OOINO EAKT. j 0 j 3 L -sla _G_ Ca M 5 fi A. M. A. M. ('. M. P. M. Chicago, leu ve, 5 00 9 00 ". : 6 i) 00 p. M. a. ir. a. m. Kalumazoo, 11 05 1 35 5 00 2 -". p. m. a. 51. Jackson. 2 33 4 Oó 8 00 2 SO í I ■ Graas Lake, 3 08 8 31 ChelBea, ;i 3:1 8 55 a m Dexter, 3 50 9 17 35 AnnArbor, 4 i: 5 10 9 45 1 55 (i ;so ; l(l Ypsilanti, 1 ".". 5 27 10 10 2 1.1 6 50 7 25 Detroit, arrive, 5 55 6 30 11 20 3 30 S 00 8 45 The Atlantic and Puciflc Expresa run betwecn Jackson and Xiles on the Air Llne. Dated, May 24, 1874. DETROIT, HILL8DALE & INDI. ANA EAlI.IiOAU. goino west. -18;:;noiso f.ast. STATIONS. Mah. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Mail A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:15 6:40 A. si. p. m. Ypsilanti 8:45 7:15 Hunker. 6:46 215 Saline,... (1:2(1 7:4:: HiUsdale f:ií 230 Bndsewator . . 9:50 8:00 Manchester.... 8:35 4 iis Manchester.. ..10:22 8:18 Briclgewater . 9:00 4-jj __, , ■■ i Saline 9:25 445 Hillsdale 1:0 9:! Tpmlanti 10:03 515 Bunkers 1:15 10:00 Detroit 11:20 6:25 Traína run by Chicago time. W. F. PAltKER, Sup't, Yps.ilanti. JTROM HEADQÜARTERS, THE POSTOFFICE QUESTION 18 SETTLED AT IAST. BEAL ÍS BEATEN BY TJtE -A-israsr aebor AGRICULTURA!) CO. Who announceto thcir Customers that tlicy will nell Full ïrimmed Wagon, Warranted for one year at $75, includiug all extras. 'í Tire, Spring seáis. v mmetrees. Neckyokes, and top base. This sale to be for Cash, and to be open for Tliirty Da ■ FILL TKI.ÏÏJIEI) PL0W8, 10 DOLLARS. Farmers, if you wish to supply yourselves no is the time for cash. All goods warranted. .Any article in our lineequally Iüw We are never uudersold. We are getting on a full stock of RïïAPEfiS AMD MÖWÏItt of the JohiiBton Palent, which we oft'tT equally low, and we will put up l,uoo that the Cumbined Reaper is the best, cheapest and ensiest working combiuetl Keaper and Mower in the U. S. of America. The old reliabie Reaper is too well kuown torequire any backing, it ia admitted by all that it i the best Reaper in the Union. We would alaosaythat we will sell all our goods for Cash at lower figures than they can be bought elsewhere, andevery artiole to auit paichaser or no sale. Cali Beore Yon Buy and s". '7Motu y. A. A.AGKICÜLTURAI-rO. 1477m3 NEW GOODS AT UYItili Wa !l:lVf jugi ravliíj 25 CASES ISIEW Dry Goods ! Have thera open and are now prepared tor BUSINESS. 23F These goods llave been bought at a largo decline from early Spring prices, and we are perfectly willing to sell them at sniall profi's. JOHN H. MAYNARP. W. L LOVEJOY, TOBAOCONIST I Denla in both FINE CUT AM) 8M0KINÖ TOBACCO, SrmfT, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 BAST HUKOX STREET, Next to the Express Office, AIVN ARHOR, TllCH. I345tf TYWELLING HOTJSES 'xuR SALE A largeand very wt-Il built brirk house, witli two or more lots. 'l'wo I&IK4 tr.vuied huuses. Also a yood sized brick house and framed huusu ; tuda soiaU írame house on a good lot, i atended foraddirií a f runt lor sale on fair tormi ind a í-eusonable oredit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. WONEY "WANXJED- So many wishing to orroto raoney apply to me that I eau re;ulüy obtum for tenders good satisfactory invostments ut ten per wnt. ntere f. Rt E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, April 23. 1873. ■ 14231Í


Old News
Michigan Argus