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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FAAZER, HtRROIAN & HAJIIITOM Áttorney ut Law. OlUce Xos. 7 and 1) South tfain street, Ann Albor Mich. rTÍTÜsTÜS THATCHER, Attorney nnd Pj Counselor at Law, No. 5 Eust Huron Street, Ann Albor, Mich. 1386 7VARROR IHiVEBAL SPRÏNCJS. V Morris Hale. M I)., Superintendent. Oftlcc nbnildine. corner Munn aud rt'eet Huron Streets. llMXES Sc W9BDBX, 20 -puth tain street, VV Ano Ar or, Mich., Wholesale and reiail dealers in Dry öoodg, Carpeta and Qroceries. 185ltf SC1IMID, Dealer in Dry Goods. U i;roceric8,0rockery,&c. No. 64 tjotfth Main ■jtruet. r ïi. JACKSOX, DeutlKt successor to C. B. f 1 Porter. Office corner Main and rfuroustreeU, over the store of R. VV. Ellis & Co , Ann Arbor, Mich. vnestheticsadrainistcrod if reqaired. TüTIIERLANB & WHEDOK, Life and A Firelnsurnnce íents:and dealei-Bin Keal Kstate jfflceonHnrou Street VDH ie ABEI, Dealers in nry Goods Qrocerios, 4c &c.,Nu Ï0 South Main Street, Ann irbor. . WH. WAÍíiVEK, D.-aler in K -adv UnnVloth 'inf.'Jlotbs, CasBiineres. Vesting, Finta. Cape, frank, Carpet Baga, &c 21 Soath MaiiiHir.M't. joahTw. cheb ve h, 'aitorney at law ! OHoe with E. W. Morgan, Kast side ofCoart House Sqmre. 1S31 jêTcABK, Deutist, -v SuceeBsor to C. C. ' ._v Ji-nkins. Nitrons Oxid - tiitSiiclmniLstered wiu-n ncCL's-siiry. f " l ) fti c e over iWliac.h & Abel's V"? ' -j"Y TC-'"" Nu. 26 fiouth MUSTh. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYS1CIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Bendenee No. 88 Arm Street, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. Office houra- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 r. m.33 Rtfmrvxt- Puof. Saoek, l'noF. Talmkr. lWiyl PROCIEUY GLASSWÁRE & OltOCERIES, J. & P 33onneUy Have in atore alarbe stock "f 'rockerj, Glnpsware, Plated Ware,''ntlery Orocene, &c, 4c. all tobe (toldat unusnally low prices No. 12 Sast Hurón Street, Ann Albor 1128tf J. Je P. DOANULLY. rOHN G. GALL, DEALEB I3ST FRESH' AND SALT MEATS, LtRtt, SíüSAGKS, Etc., üriicrsiolicitedandpromptly llled with thebet meat in the market. Cor, Huron ivnd Fourth sts. Aun Arbor, Sept. lth. 1889. üWatl DR.1?. A. LEITER, Physiciiin and Surgeon, Office over Watts' Jewelry Store, Mnin Street, Residtnce 58 East Huron Street, 1469tf ANN A'EBOR.MICH ARKNKV, . tJgrgJ Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagon?, ANÍ) SLBIGHd, of everystyle, made of the best material, and warranted. Kepniiiug done promptW tai kícós reismable. Detroit Street, nenr K. E. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1446yl T FEED. BKOSS, V . MANUFACTUHEH Ol" (1UU6EI, BtGUIES, LDflBEK W.lGOSa. SI'itl(i VA(iOS (ITTKRS, gLEIGHS, &c. All work warranted of the best material. Repairin? doae promptly und ren-ionably All work warranted to Live perfect aatiáfaetion. Íi8 South Main treet. 1422 BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Block, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. No vacations. Day classes tïiroughout the year. Htudcntb enter at any time. Instnictii n aecordinp: to most approved plans. Student htivo " Actuitl Practico" at the beginuing of the couiae iu book keeping. 1441U' a:r,:b yoxj GOINS TO PAINT! IF 80 CALL AT L. C. RISDON'S HARDWARE STORE, SNo. 31 South Main Street, Ann Arhor, and buy AVERILL'S CHEMICAL PAIIMT ictP" It is the best Paint in use. 1471m3 I


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