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A Chance for Bargains ! For Bale at a great bargain, 1B0 ACRES OF CHOICE [jAND, lying 2 L miles from the city of Ionia. 100 acres under improvement, with good orchard, barn and shed, and a comfortable house. Tenns of payment- from $2,000 to $2,500 down ; balance on long time. Also 90 ACRES, about i4 miles from Augusta, Ealamazoo County, all improved, with good buildngB. Terms- extremely low. Also 40 ACRES about eight miles from Hastings. Also 80 ACRES on section S in the town of Hazel ;on, Shiawasse County, about 12 miles from Corunna Well timbered. For terms address the undersigned. i:, it. pond. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. HARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBER FOE SALE. THE subscriber has on handia good asaortment of OAK, A8H, ELM, BASSWOOD, WHITEVOOD, and other varieties of Lumber, from ] in. to 3 in, tbick. ALSO, Fence Posta, Square Timber, Plank and Oak Studn of all si zes kept on hand or made to order uu short notice. Pai'ticular attention giren to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence Fosts planed, Oak Pickets kept on hand and sawed to order. MOULDINGS of different pattetns sawed to order. FARM GATES tept on hand and sold cheap. Particular attention giyen to furnishing bilis of imber of different lengths and sizes on the most reasonable terms. 8AWS GUMMED ON SHORT NOTICE. LOGS WANTED. I am prepared to pay CASH for sound Oak, Ash, Sasswood and Whitewood Loga delivered at my mili, or will buy and measure Logs in the woods within six miles of the mili. Bar All persons indebted to the late flrm of Wlnes & Hallock will picase cali and settle their accounts at the Mili. J. T. HALLOCK. jEW BE AL ESTÁTE OFFICE OF ABNER HITCHCOCK & CO. 43 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. City Property, Honses, Lots and Farms FOR SALE AND EXCHANGED. SOUTUERN LANDS FOR SALE. COLONIES LOCATED. STOCKS AMD TIOM C. UiKS FOB SALE. 1476m3 AND MONEY'S LOANED. 'WTyo wisr This is an inquiry which every one shouid have truthfully answered before he startB on his journey, and a little care taken in exaniination of routes will in many cases save much trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & Quiney Railroad has achieved a aplendid reputation in the last three years as the leading Passenger Route to the WeBt. Starting at Chicago or Peoria, it runs direct through Southern Iowa and Nebrtiska, with close connections to California and the Territories. It is also the short line and best line to Quincy, Missouri, and pnints in Kansas and New Mexico. Passengen on their way westward connot do better than to take thia route. Thia line has published a pamphlet eatitled How to qo West," which contains much valuable inforraation ; a large, correct map of the Great "West, which oan be obtained f ree of charge by addressing the General "Western Passenger Agent, Chicago, Burlington & üuincy Railroad, Chicago, 111. 1461yl pOTICE OF DISSOLUTÏÖNT" Notice is hereby given that the partnership, lately existing between John Scoumacher and Christian Weitbrecht, of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, under the flrm name of J. Schumacher & Co., was dissolved on the twenty-eighth day of May, a. d. 1874, by mutual consent. All debts due to the said partnership, and those due by them, will be aettled with and by the Baid John Hehuruacher. Ann Arbor, May 30, 1874JüHN SCHUMACHER, 1481 w2 CHRISTIAN WEITBKECHT. The undersigned having purohased the interest of f'liriatian "Waitbrech, in the flrm of J. Schumacher & Co., desires to notify the patrons of that flrm that he will continue the business at their former location in the city of Ann Arbor. Thankful for the many favors showa the late flrm, he hopea to receive a liberal share of public patronage. Dated, May 28, 1874. JOHN SCHUMACHER. ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WANTED. More Merchants and Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertise in the Aitaus. GET YOUE BILL-HEADS, CIECULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING GARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEPS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmen, AND REASONABLE PRICES ! PgT A WOED TO THE WISE. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING I The Spring: Ciuiipaiyn opied nrnm. BULL, THE CLOTH1ER, Has just airived and opened tho great One-Price ST-A.IR. CLOTHING HOUSE. IPÏ MARTIN'S BLOCK. Where you can now find the Laigest, Finest and mout Complete Ötock oí RBAD1-MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, TRÜNKS, AND Gents' Furnisñing Goods, Every before oflered m A n Aabor. No trouble to snow (Joods at the Star Ulothingr Houhi No. 33 South Main St., Kast side, And Arbor, Mich. GEORGE BTJLL. 14T81Í RailroaD Accident I Cases after cases of GENTS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE Spring and Nummer CLOTHING! are conti nually arriving for WAGNER. The gooda were boujht for Cash so low that they can and will be sold at priees Defyinff ail Competition, and juat suitable to thoae in need of CLOTHES, and pressed Bomewhat by hard times. Also those that take pride in wearing First-Class Clothes Will be able to select from the best of Foreign and Domestic niukes of GASSIMERES AND VESTINGS And have thetn made at the same place in the la test Style, and Warranted to Fit before they leave, If anything in Furniuhing Ooods line they ahould happen to need, everything in the Gents' Dressing line can be found at Lower Prices than at any other Clothing House at WM. WAQNER. No. 21 South Main 8t., Ann Arbor 1468tf INT E W SFBISB BOOnS AT BACH& ABEL'S ALarge and well-selected stock at the lowest cash prices. We invite an inspection of our assortment of and would cali especial attention to Dur brand of BLACK ALPACAS " THE MARIE STUART," Acknowledged to be smpeior to any other imported. Chaney Brothers, American, and Lyona BLACK SILKS at reduced prices. A LAEGE LINE OF Bleached and Brown Cottons including most of the popular brands Hill's, Lonsdales, Wamsuttas, New York Mills, &c. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF WHITE & Lili GOODS. full line of the celebrated A. T. Stowart A.LEXA.NDRIA KID GLOVES The best Glove imported. BACH & ABEL. GIT1T DRUG STORE! &LASS MORT AH! laving been for the past four year with Et. W. Ellis & Co., I have now purchased ;he Drug Store of E. B. Gidley No. 12 EAST ÏÏÏÏEON ST Cook's Hotel Block). I have Cleaned, Re-fittedi and Be-stocked the Store with Fure DRUGS, MEDICINES. l Pull line of Fancy Artlcles, Perfumes, Brushea, 3ombs, Soaps, Bpongss, Patent Medicinee, Dye Itulia, &c. PAINTS & OILS. PUEE WINES AND LIQUOES For Medicinal Purposes. Agenta for Tieman'e Celebrated MGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Physioians' Prescriptions a Specialty. L. S. LERCH. 1469tf r IVE ÖEESE FEATHjükS FIRST QTT-A.r.IT-ST , 3onstnt1yonhand andforaaleb; BACH& ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus