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In refusing at the recont special session of the Legislatura to give información askod for by resolution of oue of the Houses, the State Treasurer was not only guilty of insulting the people, through their representativos, but also of a plain violation of his bond. Soction 8 of chapter 12of therevisod utatutes of 1816, being section 228 of the coinpiled Ibwh, in prescribing the condition of the boud to ■be given by the State Treasurer, specifies that he " shall nso all necessary and reasonable diligence and oare in the safe-keeping aud lawful disposal of all suras of money, books, bonds, notes, papers, and all other thingg apportaining to said office, and whioh have or shall come to his hands, or to the hands of any persou or persons employod by hiin ; aud that the aaid Troasurer shall, upon roasonable notice, Tender a true account in the premiseg, whenever h# shall be tliereunto reqvired by any provisión of the law in that bohalf, or by the Senate or Ilouté of Rcpreêentative." The bondsnien of the State Troasurer therefore pledged thomselves that he 3hould givo all or any infnrination regarding the accounts of his office whenever he wís reqaired to do so by the House of Roprosentatives. The legislative departuient wisely considerad that the right to give or withhold iufortnation should not rest optioual with the Treasurer - though that is evidently the opinión of the present incumbent of the Treasury - and there fore provided that the vory bond he filed should hold him to the performance of this part of his duty whenever required by law or by either House of the Legislature. Ho is held in the sum of $150,000 to use all nocessary and reasonable diligence in the safe-keeping of the moneys of the State, and he is equally held to show, on (iemand, that he has used that diligence. How can the State, the Legisature or the people know what provisión the State Treasurer bas made for the safe custody of the public money if, in . anco of law and of his bond, he refuses to give ïntormation ot the disposal he has made of it V And when he refuses to giv that information- as he did refuse- he certainly does not keep faith with his bondsinen. It is true, tho Legislatura oi the State- oontrolled as it was by partisang who scarcely dare speak above theii breath against the ring, lest they might thereby lose all hopes of future political advancenient - acceptod a lame statement mado by tho Treasurer as a " true acoount" of the disposal of all " sums of money, books, bonds," etc, which had come into his hands ; but it was no account whatever, and was not what was contemplated in the condition attached to the Troasurer's bond. That coudition has boen Tiolated, and the State Treasurer is clearly liable for that violation. Perhaps this has not occurred to the Treasurer or any of the members of the ring, but if it is not the case why are the Treasurer's bondsmen holden that he " shall ren der a true account" whenever required b the Senate or House of Reprosentatives


Old News
Michigan Argus