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The oxercise of Comiuencement Week began with the Bacoalaureate, ou Sunday afternoon st four o'clock in Univerrfty Hall. The Hall was well flllod, notwithstanding the warmth of tho day, fully two thousand persons boinp prtsent. The Seniora tuet in the Chapel, mul at four o'clook entered the Hall, taking possession of tho seats reaerved for them . On the platform weje soatod Presidont Angelí, with Dr. Cockcron hisiight, and Prof. D'Oogo on the left, also the Senior Glee Club. The exercises began with reading of soripture, by Prof. D'Ooge, and prayer by Dr. Cocker, After an appropriato hymn had boen ung. President. Angelí stepped forward und begian THE BACCALAUREATE APDRES8. The subject of tho President' addres was the moral to be derived froui the Ufe, character and careor of St. Paul, and he oommenced by ëaying that, iSaint Paul was pre-emineutly the goholr of the collega of the Apostles ; that although he was inferior in mere scholastic learning to gome of the contemporary Grceks, he stil] occupied proud pre-eminence. We rarely think of him as a scholar, or as a recluse, but as a man who transfonoed all his forcé into vital power - as a scholar in action. It was from this point üf viow that his career was of peculiar advantage to us as studeuts. Few men can afford to bury themselves in seohwion and negleot the great field of life. It is for thein to act, to touch nion's soul, and to lift up humanity into a higher sphere. He thought he could not better speud the hour, than iu drawing out from the career of St. Paul examples for the American scholar. Though these examples inight be very obvious, thpy wt-re noTie th lesa useful. 1. He then first called attcntion to the long and patiënt preparation of Paul for his life-work. He receired the careful training common to those days. He had made himself the learned e cholar in Greek ind Hebrew literatura. He had also posiessed himself of a useful handicraft. It has boen thougbt by aome of our bes scholars, that we also should pause soiue where in our work to acconiplisk the aam thing, and thus to get some knowledge o men, and know what it ia to pat one' bread by the swoat of the brow. Afterwards 8t. Paul went to Jerusalem and studied with that great teacher Ga maliel. There ho obtained that early training, which answered to our professional proparation. He engagcd in pute, debato, dialectica, aud learned how to use cogent argument. After hia appearance at Damascus, he was fur thiee years lost to ths public gaze, and this time he probably devoted to study and thought. He then went back to Athens aud l'aniiliarized hiuiself witli Greek philosophy and poetry, before he yet ventured to' enter on his lifo's grcat work. Thirty yeara wero thus spent before he was prepared for life's luission. And in all this time he had learned nothing, whether of lungruaee, rhilosophv. or haudicraft, which was not to be of service in after lifo. In all this there was an example worthy of iinitation. The greut point toward which the attention of this country should be directed was that of the necessity for solid preparation. The question almost universally asked was not, what is the best preparation, but how can I soonest gain admission into the favored body whose profession I desire to make my own. The result of all this was to be seen in Insane Asylums, in early deaths, in the uumbcrs who early fall out of the ranks, who tremble aud break down. Men fail to comprehend that it is only by long continued, patiënt and assiduous labor, that succes is to be won. Time is a great factor in attaining success. 2. Tbe noxt poiut to whioh the Preaident cnlled attention, was the perseveraace with which Paul overéame all the natural difficulties whioh he had to enoounter. If we were to picture St. Paul we should imagine him a man of iuiposing presence, of vigorous, robust hoalth, and fine oratory. And yet he had not an i niposing presence : he saya himself that his presence was " mean." In oratory he did not come up to the Greek ideal. They required method and finish. These Paul did not possess. He was " rude" in speech. Apollos was preferred by them- a man trained in their own schools. Paul also had great physical infirmities. The faot' that he was a Pharisoe made it difficult for him to reach the Gentiles. He might -oi.jr uaro ram wiibu canea to ine lientiles that he was unfitted. Yet never a word of excuse dropped from hig lips. He threw liimself with a fiery zeal into his work, and overcanio every obstacle. Although " rudo" in speech, he still spoke straight from his heart, burning words that did not fail to leave an impression. Like an old ship with weakened sides and huil, throbbing with every beat of its engine, yet pushing ahead and finally ing its port across the ocean, &o Taul struggled on over hill and valley overcoming every obstacle that opposed him as he went. Every man has obstacles, and he must overeóme them. If there is any one that is oontsmptible, it is the man who goes through life sniveling, and telling why he had failed of better suocess. Many men would guoceed if they spent half the time wasted on excuses, in an earnest effort for buccosh. He thought there was great truth in Franklin's wiying that " a man good at framing excuses was gooa tor notlnng else." The perBeverance of Paul was ever to be kept in mind.- Every man with fuir intolligence, and behind it all, honestness of character that convinced men, would always have hearera. Paul was 110 exception to the ruleIt was not forgotteu that when Disraeli first rose to speak in Parliament, he was laughed down, but it was with the remark froin his own lips that " they would live to hear from him yet." So John QuiDcy Adams, " the old man eloquent," confesses in his oto diary, in the early part of his life, that it would bo utterly impossible for him to become a public speuker. No obstacle is to be feared.- After God's will uothing is as strong as nuraan will. It can suy to inountains ' be ye removed to tliesea," and they shall movo to the sea. 3. The third pbiut to which atteution was called, was 8t. Paui's spirit of courtey. He waB the model of the perfect genleman. He had not simply a familiarity with the proprietie of social life- a thing always of positiva advantage - but a spirit of courtesy, the sources of which are sympathy, friendliuess oí' heart, a proper and legitímate regard for the good opinión of others, also a chivalrio f'eeliug for the good ot' othera. All these wero conibined in Paul. No matter where ho was, whether before Emperor, Koraan magistrate, Greek philosophers, or the lower classes, he always hai a íiue sonso of the " proprieties," whicb is great sourca of powrr. If aeked to select froui all literature, that which best exhibited the spirit of courtesy, he would take first St. Puul's address to Agrippa, and theit the one on Mars Hill. Although he had tliis spirit of courtesy he did not lack for strong principies and decided opinions. Paul had not words with Peter and Bavnabas, yet he so differred as still to rotain through lifu the friendwhip of Ijoth. - Bluntuess was not aii clement ot power ; it was a subtraction froiu it. A cliriötian raau has no business tobe otlierthan a gentleman. 4. The fourth poiut was Paul's "perpetual youtbfulneBS," or vigor of Bpiritual ambition. 8utue one has said that in this respeot no oue can comparo with him but Alexaudei' the Great. To hiui victory was but a steppiug stone to viotory. It was the most iuspiring example bietory afforded. Men hurry through lifa ambitious to get rich, and then to retire and enjoy themseves. No man, in bis opiniou, had a right to withdraw, and to settle down into a selflsh and Epiourean life. And no one is more miserable than he who does it. No man has a right to be counted out, the ranks uutil death takes hira away. " Die in the barden, vrhen die you must. .). The President thon proceodod to the fact that St. Paui's obedieiice to the heavenly cali made hira a botter and a nobler man. Altbough before, a man of high courage, this was increasod by his great purpose in life. It.was thig which bore him up at that last day when he gave his head to the headsman's axe. St. Paul was pro-eminently a social man. He loved good coiupany, was a magnifícent cotnrade and uompanion. St, Paul had to woik alone. Wo caunot appreoiate the uieaning of that in all itg t'ullneag. The groatest trial is when one cornos in conflict with one's friends, as Paul carne in conflict with his. No one can come to eininenee without goiti through the same trial. Where can be found a better setting forth of the relations of oitizens and ruler than in the thirteenth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans t Paul was statesman, philosopher and poet. He is the thinker who to-day is most moulding the opinious of society. Oamaliel his great teacher is not so widely known. - .Paul is everywhere knowu, from th burning sands of Assyria to tha pillare o: Hercules. So shall scholarship every where be known. It is the Christian scholar who wins the great victories in tha world of tbought. It ia tho man who comes to these truths with his hear opened God-ward. It has not been the doubters who have won the greatest victorie in moral and spiritual truth. He concludud by exhorting those who were so soou to step over the threshold to emulate tho example of Paul, to persevero in study after they had left these halls, that every day might be a school - day, that the torch kindled to-day might bo only the light to guide thein on in further researches. He urged tho cultiva tion of the 6piiit of courtesy that the ?ood wishes oi 10,000 friends might waft ;hem on whithor they would be. The jlass had certuinly ruceived admonitions rf the brevity of human life. Once, twice, ;hrice, four times tho class had been call)d to rnourn those who had been called iway. He spoke pathetically of Waternan, Chipman, Cutler and Platt. "We ould never forget the quiet afternoon whon we laid Cutler in his laat resting place, nor tbat spring day when we saw the iife of Platt ebb away just as we were nearing the final goal. This was a week of great trial for four households, and during all these Commencoment exercises we could not fail to hear the low, Had musio of these stricken friends. One by one as the stars come out into the heavens at night, ëo one by one stars were to come out after our names on the Triennial catalogue. He concluded by expressing the hope that when that time came, we niight be able to say with 8t. Paul : " I have fought a good fight, I have finishcd my course, I have kept the faith : Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous judge hall give me at that day." The addres was peculiarly impressive, and at its close another hymn was suug by the Senior Glee Club, the benediction was pronounced by Dr. Oocker, and the large audience quietly withdrew. Ho ended the Baccalaureato of '74. rnYPïHT Mouday evening was the time set fot the Concert in University Hall. Before oight o'clock the Hall was occupicd by about 1200 people, who listened with evident pleasure to the rendering of the followiug programme : PAKT KIKST. 1. "Gloria,"- from the Masa in B flat. Ueury Farmer. The OiiATonio Society. 2. The Rlunc. Kucken. Senior Gi.kk Club. 3. Dona Kubia. Faruicr's Mass. The Okatokio Society. 4. Duett,- Qual Mare, Qual Terra." Veidi. Mus. DARSOWiü!) MlSSAVEBY. .. March. V. E. Bccker. Tuk '75 Glke Clvb. PAKT 8ECONP. 1. Solo and Chorus, - "Daughter of Krror." Henry Bishop. Mks. Bliss asd tuk Oratorio Society. 2. The Hazen' War-Whoop. College Song. Semok Glek Club. 3. "Kyrie." Faruier's Mass. The Oratorio SoTT17TV 4. The Kuincd Chapel. Hecker. The '75 Olee Club. Í. "Tramp o'er Moss and Dell," iwith obllgato solo). Bishop. Mks. Daubow and the Oratorio Socikty. It would be invidioug to niaktj any distinctions when all did so well. Soveral were the encores, especially of the two Glee Clubs. The Concert was iu all re8pects a brilliantsuccoas, and this is the introductieu of a custora which should not be allowed Boon to die. THE CI.ASS IIAY EXERCISKS. Tuesday was thu tiruo appointed for the holding of Class Day exeroisesAbout nine o'clock the class began gathering on the campus in frout of the Law building, the different metnbers wearing on their coats the Univorsity oolors, the maze and the blue. A Httle aftor ten the line of march was taken up, Bishop's Detroit band leadiug, and playing a lively march. Arriving at. the entrañes óf University Hall, the class carne to a halt, and eo waitod for half an hour, while the Marshal looked around for a ohaplain. Ministers seemed scarce ; whother thero were none pruseut, or they wtire hiding light under a btisW we aro unabltt to certainly say. Arriving i the Hall, the class remain ed standing while the Senior Glee Clu sang " Cheer Boys Cheer." The banc then struck up a lively Btrain, afte which Prof. D'Oogo offerod prayer. An other pieoo of musio was then played, af ter which Mr. Chester T. Lañe, class ora tor was introduoed by George H. Jamson, class president. The orator begau by saying that " the world's wealth was its great uien." Thí records of their deeds and thoughts mus always bo interostiug and instructiva There were espeoiiil reasous why this waa true of Cavour. France and Spain were still struggling for a stable government. Italy alone of southern natious enjoyed a firm and liberal rule. She had shaken off the tyrants who had so long enslaved her, and had firnily reassumed her proper position as a nation. Her name had ceased to be uiorely a " geographioal expression." Her fielda were blossoming under cultivation ; her docks were no longer without sails, nor herpeople without labor. Bchocls had supplanted hor convents, and the Bible had penetrated to the very haart of Rome. wVKMMaiMí m lili IMUUJUIKU WMU To Cavour, moro than to all others, I were these changes due. This he proceeded to make apparent by a brief consideration of the events which inarked the pathway of that country 's progross froin alavery to freudom. The orator then procpoded to port ra y the coudition of Italy when Onvour ppeared upou the ROfiie. Tho Oongress of Yieinm bad dealt fatol blow to tha rieing bopeï ot' the Italian. Atnong all its bungling attumpts ta remodel the map of Elirope, the mensures which pertained to the redistribution of It'ily were pre-eminently regardless of the t'es ilmt uttturally bind men togetber ;is one uation. Tbre was not a principlu whieh ouiit to havo governed tbeir Mction, for whioh thoy did not eviiioti the most sublime contempt. Europe had long boen hni'BgBWi by i terriblo ir. iiho luust have peact. To secure that peaco tho equilibrium of the graat powers must be preserved ; honce Italy, frieudlosH and defenseles, was hacked to piacos to sorve as mako-weights in this nice adjustiuont of the politioal boale. Austria obtained tho largest portion of tbe country that was subject to any one government. Sho evon foimud the design of " üerinanizing " Italy. The people had lost the natural buoyaucy of their spirits in the struggle, but tho love of liberty had not perished. Wild schemes of Republioanism sprang up. But there was danger that the rierce efforts of the pepple, goadud to desporation by the wrongs they Jiad so long endured, should continue to fail for lack of a wiso and moderate leader. By the prospect of deniolition the worst passions of humanity are aroused. This clash of conflicting iuterestg tnust be obviated. When great crises arisa they raust bo conquered. To do this is to be a statesinan, and thifi i what Carvour has done for Italy. The speakor then proceeded to consider how Cavour had accoraplished this. The firni rock upon which he baaod his poliey was a wise conservatism. His conservati8tn was not a blind adherence to existing things. Cavour continuod to riso and fall on the surging tide of public opinión, at one time extolled as an idol, and again the target for a shower of Btones, hurled by an infuriated inob. Thus for five years he worked to edúcate Italy. The result was Carour in the Congress of Paris. The conduct of Cavour in regard to expedition of Garibaldi has everywhere been assailed. But he furthered the de sign because necessity compelled it, because opposition would havo involvod him in a civil war and placed Italy at the inercy of her foes: By such politie measures the Austrian yoke was removed. The conflict with the Roman Church has not been less severe. To Cavour belongs the honor of initiatinsr the struarele. By long and patiënt waiting, by skillful policy, by war, and by the power of speech, Italy bas been freed froin two tyrants. But the end is not yet. The Church Í8 still waiting for aid trom divine sources. Finally, perhaps, wearied by the useless struggle, she may resolve to conform herself to the spirit of modern institutions and assume a positioa more in hannony with her early history. If go, the days of miraoles are not passed. In Italy she can nevor regain her former as cendeucy, and among the names that are writteu as the deliverers of their country that of Count Camillo Cavour will blaze ike a diamond among lesser stones, and he verdict of mankind must be that he las earned a place in the great historie ;allery of the world among those men of whom Carlyle has said, they have the siun in mem. The poet, T. H, Johnstou, was tben ntroducod, and in a musical voioe proeeded to recito the class poetn. The class poem wa8 entitled " Thorberg : A Northern Legend." The poem opened in these words : Eight by thebells, Kight the mate's whiatle tella : Swedlah Karlíind I stand to the watch at mWüight, Under a star-llt sky, lu mellow golden inoonligfct. Every wind was in hi lair, Not a brcath stirred the air, lu the long dyiug swell itr vessefrose and feil. The great satis wing-like flappcd, Aud shroud-like vrrapped The speet ral yards witn.whito. In the e-anescent tight The tall taperiug pars Seemed to touch aiuong the atara. Parting soft and sweet aud clear, The riitpüag laugh of wavelet near Grew less and died as the moou gruw pale. The jewelled sky-dials told That the uight was gettiug old. Down from the mesmerie mid-year moon, While white Htars ehoired tbeir Bplteric tune All our sense mazily stealing, Unened the portals of Drearaianfi. There love found love at lail ; The fairest visions of the past Oelusive, eva.sive, ideal, Now wiuningly, woudrously real. Start into lile nd tenderly bigh, Nor pass the dreamer by ; A moment lingering faca to face, In close and rapturous embrave. Love like a fathomless abyss Hath drunk all earth in lts stteet blis, Oh bletiseU Dreamland Portals, Elysian gates for weary mortals ! There sat our shipmate Karl. Dreaming uow of bis Northeru cliiae, Of niaiden Lisa fair and true, And he pledged his laith again and anew ; But the maiden sitó by the breaking sea, Wherebiliows roll white on the tortured sea, And a wondrous weatth of hair, Brown in the shadow and gold in tho sun, ■She twineB and twiuey with care, And with the tresnes one by oae She breathes for her lover a prayer, Anon she recalls the fading sail' And her heart goea out in a vpiceful wall : üone, gone, gone, What doth it meau? That from dawn To close of day, Hearta with leagues betwteén Must walt and pny. And anon as tlie vigil sho keeps, Stie uiurniurs and she weepe, Alaa for thee weary years, A decade of druary tear.s, Alone in my woe, Ever to and fro liut never hither "Wanders my lover. , TJio maid to woman grom, The bud to bloesom blown. Fair Lisa at the low whito gate-i That open to the sea, Trustingly, loviugly, longinly, Her wayward lover awaits. But a word is spoken, The spell is broken ; Poor Karl awakes wíth n start. Ia lus anna hut an aching liiart ; The visión fair is fading, His eager grasp evadhiu'. " Teil us a tale oí thy northero clime The realin of snow and glacier 11 nu, Where ice-kings forge their arnior wblte, O'er mniui t tin torreuts leajiing brí;ht ; And bind with silvery chains The murmuring river veins. A talo of the oltleii time, Of blaziug Mlolner the Hammer of Thor, Of üaliler the fair, and the gods of jati, üf bikings and iarls and the wajygwl Thor. The above will indícate tbe character, although wo cannot do justice to Mr. Johnston's poem. All who hoard it concur in the opinión that it was the best read here in j'ears. AFTERXOOX EXERCISES. Never before were Class Day exercises so well attendcd. Bebind University Hall, where the afternoon exorcises were to be held, a large concourse of people was assetnbled. Plenty of seats had been j providud, and a sky somewhat overcast made tha weathor all that could have been desirod. A little after three tho class marched in procession froiu the law building to the seats arranged for them in front of the speaker's stand. Bishop '3 band, as in the morning, furnished the mnsic for the occasion. Upon the stage were seated George H. Jameson, clnss president ; Calvin Thomas, class historian ; Henry B. Patten gill, class seer. The exoreises consisted of the history, tho prophecy, the farewell I dress by the president, and the singing of the class song, writton by Charles A. Warren, together with the " after exercises " in the " ring." Tho exercises were unusually interestng. Mr. Thomas' history was well writ,en and well received, and cohtained nothing at all offensive to studcntn, faculty or the " congregation " - a thing not o be said of souie class histories. He was frequently interrupted by the applause of his classmates. He thoaght the distinguishing nharaoteristio of '71 I w modesty. ) Mr. Pitttenftill'x prophecy wbs ingly originH!, mul recmvad applause whioh testified that the audionce wore atill int.Kvt.Htfd in " prophetia nonsense." After thia whs finished the olasa rooe iid in fino gtyle rendered thoir oltm song to the tune of Benuy Haveus." Xhey j then mrched into thu tnclosure rpsrved for thom, and from wbioh all burbariang " were rigorously excluded by a j rope. Here the boys " smokod thetr "last cigar" togother. sang their "ogs, and repalf'd themselrea with "ioe-oool lemouade." About 8íl o'cioclt tho umus üt the peopUi dispersad, and the exsronn ot (;1hss dny w(rc over and gotie. UI.AS8 RECEPTIO.N. Wot the loast enjoyable ot whüt has bfeon, talca it all in ah, thu ploasttntest Commoncooient ever held here, was the Claas Kooeption, which took place Tuojday evaning n University Hall. Never beforo were theru so uiüny aluuini present as at thisCommencenient, and they made themselves seun as W11 as feit at the Receptiou. Tho halls and ïüoma were so filled that it was, daling nmeh of the time, a difficult undertaking to loove iround. Tho Reoeption last yuar was well attended, but it seemod as though there wero twice as uianv uresont on t.his occasion. The Campus was brilliantly lighted by Chiuese lanterns. As one enterod the roain hall the figuro '74 in brilliautgiw jets told that another class was holding its final festivities. The floor of Dr. Cuckor's lecturo room was covered with oanvabs, and until long atter mid night the lovers oi' the " light fantastic " tripped gaily to the swoet music whi(rh the baud stendily discoursod. Prof. Adam' rooia was devoted to refreshments. Ice-cream, lemonade, etc, were detilt out to hungry mortaln, and ro ome not hunThe gatkering was indeed a brilliant one, and the occasion uot soon to be forgotten. The dressing was very elabórate, and beauty, asa consequenee, very prevaient. luere wore present old and young, student, alumni and alumnce, and faculty, oivilians and soldiere in full dress. The belles of Detroit, Jackson, Grand Iiapids, and indeed froni ali parte of the State and out of it, made the occasion ono " ne'er to be forgot," at least by the Class of '74 and their lady fiiends. TUE ALUMNI AJÍNIVER8ARY. The anniversary exercises of tho Alumni A8gociation was held at 2 o'clock F. M. of Tuesday in University Hall, Prof. D'Ooge, President of the Assoeiation, presiding. The orator and altérnate both haring failed to put. in an appearance, the oration was delivered by a substituto procured at a late hour, Duane Doty, Esq., of the class of '56, now Superintendent of the Detroit Schools. The speaker callecl up some humorous reuiiniscfnoos of Uniirersity life here twenty years ago (not rery inuch unlike that of to-day;, recallod the ñames of Drs. Tappan, Williams, Ha ven, Winchell, and Boise, and of some of his fellow-students, and then proceeded to discus co-education, maintaining tbat romen should be admitted to all higher schools and colleges equally with men. No poet appeared. The Alumni supper was sorved at 6 1-2 P.M.,in Hangsterfor's Hall, and aftor f uil justice had been done to the provided feast, cauie toasta and talk, Dr. Andrews, of Chicago, '49, responding to " Our Alma Mater," Col. Grant, of Houghton, '60, to " Our Fallen Brethren ;" Hon. Lyman Cochrane, of Detroit, '49, to ■ The Next Generation of Alumni," and Hon. Wni. A. Moore, of Detroit, '50; Prof. Johnson' of Chicago, '49, and Regent McGowan, of Coldwater, '61, to othor toasts. The business meeting of the Aasociation was held at 8 o'ulock A. M., on Wednesday, and the following ofiicers elected : Preaident-Vroï. C. K. Adama. Vice PveñdenU-í,. L. Barbour snd W. D. Hitchoock. üecretary-Proi. H. B. Hutchins. Treoutwer- Prof. P. A. Blackburn. Executive Committee-J. Q, A. Sessions. Charles G. Clark and S. F. Cook. Orator- L. T. Griffin. Alternóte - M. L. D Ooge. Poet- Byron M.Cutcheon. Altérnate- D. B. Taylor. Xecroloqüt-T. E. Chage. Measures were taken to endow a " Wiliams Professorship," 25,OOO to be raised ud invested at 10 per cent., the inccme o be devoted to the paynient of the salay of the venerable Dr. Williams during his life, afterwards to a piofessorship to perpetúate his memory. Subscriptious were made at the time, as folio ws : By T. W. Palmer, of Detroit (a premature 4er), f 1,000; by Hon. W. A. Moore $500 ; L. L. Barbour, $250 ; E. F. Uhl A. J. Aldrich, and C. B Grant, $200 each J. H. McGowan, C. K. Adains, S. H White, and W. S. Perry, 100 each. A couiniittee was also appointed to take the necessary steps toward iucorporuting the Alumni Association, consisiing of Messrs. Wm. A. Moore, C. B. Grant, J. Q. A Sessions, J. H. McGowan, E. F. Uhl, O. M. Barnes, 8. D. Miller, J. J. Hagerman, T. W. Palmer, and Alex. Martin.. Theduty of raising the " Williams endowment fund" was devolved upon the same coininitteo. T. E. Chase, Esq., (who hm failed to attend but a singlo Commencement since his graduationin 18t9) Necrologist of the iwouwaiiuu, epuntíu ueaiíiH uuring preceding year as follows : Prof. Wells Ransoni Marsh, '48, died at Chicago, in December, 1873 ; the Hou. Geo. A. Hinsdale. '49, died at Pueblo, Colorado, January 15, 1874; Wm. W. Wheel" er, '56, died at Chicago, 1873 ; the Hon. Nathan Crosby, '62, died at Hart, Oeeana oounty, December 4, 1872 ; Arthur Everett, '64, died July 14, 1873 ; Harry C. [ Wilcox, '71, drowned at L'Anse, May, 1874 ; C. C. Smith, '71. died at Pomeroy Ohio, 1873; Frank Ward Farr, '73. diec at Chicago, October, 1873. The meeting, though full of interest, was not as large as it should have been. THE COMMENCEXIENT. Cominencement- the goal of collage life - carne off on Wednesday, the exeroises being held (for the flrst time) in uuiversiiy ñau, wmcn, aespite the heat and dust, was fllled at an early hour, except a few back gallery seats. The audience was a brilliaut one, " fair ladies and brave men" (for none but tho brave would have ventured into such a niasa on such a day) having vied with each other in the contest for eligible seits. The procession entered tho hall proinptly at 10 o'clock, and includt-d tho Faculties, Eegcnts, Alumni, Class of '74, and invited guests. The exerciseg opened with music by the band nd prayer by Pretident Angell I when, after a second piece of mumc, the following programma was observert 1. The Bepublio of Spain, 2 Sati 'yn ftecatur Follett, Ypsilairti. ., T1 'f H?mvMay, Columbus, Onlano. . llie Self-Keguiafcoti of Indostriag, f'raT.k Olark Hayman, Ann Arhnr. Mt'SIC . 4. Tlie Drama and tho Novel, ö. Ihe Quetion of Chureh an.t .stat.' in i riissm. Don Alouzo Mutthcws, Vpsilanti b. The DemonllziBR Iniiuenoos of au Irro(tMtnabl Currencj-, Frant Austin Carte, Eftst Troy, Wis. ;. .Mstnematies iu Nature, Mmy Downiag Bhsldon, Otwago, X. Y. U8I0. S. The Intelkiotaal Aotivity (it the Tm-ltth and 1 birteeiith Centones, a .iu t, Olwwtur ïaylor Lam;, Jacksou. 9. ll, Refiex Inéuenee of the JoumaUsf rrofession, in r., ■ Hon7jtomaine Pattongil!, Litchüeld. 10. Physics and Metaphysics, Sarah Dix Hamlin, AVestford, Mass. 11. Uur Pohtioal AntaonisniH, Hiinry Wade Rokers, Ann Arbor. I '. i l S 1 f I I t- UUJ Ur.rvn „ _, , Emnift Maria Hall, Cazeuovia, N. Y li. Ilie Old i'romethens and the New, i ,'!'lleodore Hitchcock Johuston, Ann Arbor. n. Wntten and Uiiwritten Coustitutions, i r -p Lawrouce Maxwell, Jr., Ciiicinuati, O. 15. lamo'.s of Criticism, Calvin Tliomas, Lajieor. The orations (and all were orations ter the young ladios of tho class took no manuscript upon the platform.) wure well delivered,- a few with too little spirit. The coraposition was fine, the style almost unoxceptionable, and tho thought good. Some of the subjects were really handled in a inasterly inanner, and the bountiful iupply of bouquets sent forward by the ushers, with frequent applause, showed an appreciativo audience. We heard it fre(juently remarked that the exercises excelled any for at least several years past. The reporters of the dailies (who are mpuosed to be impartial) have specially comtnended the efforts of Miss Hall, and Mesirs. Follett, Hayman, Johnston, Pattenill, Rogerb, and Thomas; others proba31 y differed in their preferences. The program me being closed, the class was called to the platform by divisions, and the diplomas presented as followg, conferring the degrees as indicated : Pharmaceutical Chemist. - , Bobert McG. Cottou, Kato Cranu, Lorenzo M. Davis, Samuel T. Douglao, Charles (}. Duncaii, John F. Eastwood, Henry Ehrhardt, Frauk F. Frita, George Harvey, George C. Henry Charles H. Hudson, Henry N. Htintmgtou, Albert Huntsman, Gertrude Jones, Eli Kuhlman, Fiuley B Pugh, Wilham Schrage, Alfred Senier, Jr., Oscar E. Shepard, Jonathan Weaver. Civil Engineer. - Horace Barnard, Clarence O. Bean, Charles L. Doolittle, James M. Everett, Horace Holmes, Julián S. Huil, Henry B. Jackson, Víctor H. Lane, Charles M. Lungren, James L. Rumsey, Levi L. Wheeler, Levi I). Wines, Robert E V ïlliams, b. a., Orrin S. Wilson. Bachelor of Srienc6.rDelos Buzzell, Frank A. Carie, John E. Ensign, Charles C. Hiblard, Edward 0. Hinman, Lawrence Maxwell, Jr., Charles H. May, Heiiry E. Patteugill, James F. Potter, John S. Eicliardson, Heymour McG. Sadler, Wilbert W Smith, Laura K. White. Bachelor of Philosopky. - Eliza Benton, ttshea S. Brigham, Oma Cadv, Dowitt C. Challis, Anna M. Cbaudler, JameH H. Glover, Louis B. King, James I). Warnerj Charles A. Warren, Francis J. West, John Wheatley, Charles E. Wiug. Bachelor of Arts.- Isaac Adama, Jr., Frank E. ArnoM, Frank L. Axteil, Micliael Brenium, Jr., Frederick A OaJy, Alpheus W. Clark, Kobert H. Come, Charles H. Cook, Lyman D. Füllett, Oeorge 1. Oleiiu, Annie Graner, George F. Gross, Emma M. Hall, Georgo E. Hall, John T. Hall, Jr., Sarah D. Hamlin, Georgo L. Harding, Frank C. Hayraan, Almon F. Hoyt, George H. Jamesou, Theodore H. Johnston, Chester ï. Lane, Don. A. Matthows, Fred A. Mavnard, Joseph R. Miller, Wilbur F. Eeed, Heury W. Kogera, Mary D. Sheldon, Herbert A. Thayer, Calvin Thomas, Henry T. ïhurber, William H. Townsend, Johu Van Bureu Vorce, William H. Wells Edvrard W. Witliey. Doctor of Medicine. - John 1). Chambers, Dontigue Desnoyer, Fair5eld Goodwiu, R. H. McC'arty, Morion L. Hice, Lafayette Riukle. The following advance degrees were ilao oonferred : Mnster of Science, (in course).- Williani S. Frackelton, Samuel S. Green Master of Artt, (in course).- William M. Brown, Charles Ohandler, Peinhrook R. Flitcrait, Alexauder W. Hamiltou, Jvlward L. Hessenmuelier, Preston C. Hudson, fcarl J. Knight, George L. Maria, Horace Phillips, Perrj a. BauUall, Benjamin G. Rice, VVilliam F. McK. Ritter, Gideou W. Seavey, John W. Sleeper, Rufus T. Thayer, Charles J. WilJett, Floyd B. Wilson, Robert M. Wright. Master of Arts, (on examination). - Iuez BlaucUe Slocum, William E. F. Milburu. Tho President also announced that the degree ofLL.U., had been conforred upon Hun. Charles Irish Walker, of Detroit, Professor in the Law School, which nouncement was received with applause. The benediction was then pronounced by the Eev. Dr. Pitkin, of Detroit, and the large audience dssporsed to ' cool off1' and diseuss the events of the day. TUK UÏUVEBSITY DINNKE. About 2 o'clock the Eegents, Faculty.Alum. ni, and invited guests, to the uuraber ot 350, pro" oeeded into the Law Lecture Boom where the UuiTeraity dinner waa served under the direction of J. W. Hangsterfer of thU city. Grace was said by Rev. Dr. Aikman, of Detroit. After the tables had been clcared, President - o w ..u .luuuumju mat me time nad come for flovr of soul. Ho said that this was the first Alumni dinuer at which he was permitted to address himself to ladies and gentlemen. It wasu't his province to say much, but to get othera to say all they could. And in the absauco of any lawyera to arguo to the contrary, he claimed full power over all present in that particular. He welcomed all ; referrod to the experiment of co-education as settled ; to the advance made aud to bo made, especially to the determinaron to secure a Polytechnic School. He then gv iha tirst toast : "The State of Michigan," and called on Gov. Bagley to respond. Ha iudulged in some facetious reinarke which kept all in an excellent humor. He said that his love for Michigan was growing with his growth and expandiug with his expansión. Whereupon lie was greeted with uproarious applause. He spoke enthusiastically in favor of a school of technology, and said the University was the one thing oi all otl.prs that made the State famous. The next toast announced was : " The Alumni- the Alma Mater flndi in their affoction her great encouragement and m their prospprity her great reward in all her work-s " Prof. D'Ooge, President of the Alumni Association, respouded. He said the Alumni numbered a little over 4,000. He spoke of the reputation of the Uuiversity in Europe, and of the honor which Prof. Watson, a gradúate, had reflected upon the institution. Wm. A. Moore, of Detroit, theu, at the request of Prof D'Ooge, explained the action of the AlTimm looking to the raiaing of ïiö.OOO or 30, ] 000, the interest ot which is to be giveii to Prof.' Williams during his life, and upon lus death is to go toward the establishment of a Williams professorship. T" i j , __1 . j ut. .rotter made the best speech of the afterneon because it was the most facetious. He responded to the sent.mant, " The Alumni of other Colleges." He said the President was an able mai,, and knew all about Latin and Greek but couldn't ruu a railroad. Th. President had starled him on a special train without divine uotico, and without a time tahle. When you i start a time table you want to give notice, so that every oue can get out of the way "The Alumni Profesor.," was responded to by Prof. 0. B. Church. Mr. Chandler, of Coldwater, was next called out, and in response made a few interestinir marks. b luresponding toThe Legal Profession,VV.ll.amP. Wells, of Detroit, made a very fine speech of few minutes in length. Prof. VVatson was called upoii to rwpond to e "Transit of H. wM grwted with oud, wthuslastic appkuse. and was ly happy in his remarjES) rfeclarinsr hi3 loyalt, totheLmversity, which had made it pok? forhim 1o gain nny victorie? which he mi y have won. ' e l Tire ajwrcifK cloaed . , -(,1.1 Hun - Th agua! levoe oí the President w, buld iu tbo evenipg, the ftttendanee being large, and all seemiag to i-njoy themselv ti tli.iv utmast. - Aud yestercUy the visit.,rs und grad. untes dispersed to their distant and widj ly seattered bomei, lesving all quieto the Huron." - As one of the incident uf the wek w.iiuust uotomit to notioo the q„artet eentennial reunión of the Class of I849 ïhis clasa giaduated 2.'j members, five „ least of whom have died, to wit : Black mar, Chase, Dextor, Ooodwin, and Hias. dalo. Of the reruaining 18 we notioed the presenoe in the city of Edwund An. drews, of Chicago, not unknown to ím in the scien tifio world ; Theodore E Chase, of Cleveland, Ohio; Judgé 0.x. rne, of Detroit ; Dr. Hasmer A. Johnson one of Chicago's most prominent phyB! ciana ; and Eev. G. P. Tindall. ot Ypsi]itn" ti. Others may have been present. The Clas Supper was enten at the Greeory House and a good time had.


Old News
Michigan Argus