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c o mm e rc i a l. . Akn Akbok, Thubkda y, July, 2 1874. Bdtteb- lCc. Corn- 70c. per ba. Chiokens- Dressed lO&Uc. Egos- Command 14c. Hay- $8@20 per ton, accordin to quality. Honeï- In cap, 25c. Lakd- The market stanás at lic. Onions- $2.00. Oats- 45@50c. POTATOEP- $1.25. RAsrBEBitiES - iGc. a qual-t. Tubnips- 50c. ■WHEAT-White.ï$1.2;-,(a1.3O; AmbiT$l.lS@l.ï0 TUBKEYS- 1O@13C. Detroit ProiluceMarket. Latestquotationsfor leading article of country produce- July 2, are as follows : WHEAT-white, Í1. 251 43; amber 1.15@1.25. Bablet- $2.00@2.75 per cental. RïE-80@9Oc. per tm. Coen- 65@68c. Oats- 54@56c. POTATOF.8- $1.05 1.1 'ie. Hat-$14@17. BUTTEB- WQ-c. Egos- 13@14c. Labd- ll@12c. Honey- 27@29?. Wöol- 36@45c. per lb. Oetroit Live Stock Market. Monday Evenino, June 29. There was an unusual large run of cattle in market this week, the greater part, however, fcemg of an inferior quality, and for this kind oí cattle, pricea are somewhat lower. For good and choice cattle, however, there is no material change in prices trom those of last week. The market for sheep is less firm tlian a week ago, and we quote at 45c per pound, according to quality. The market for hogs is dull, and they are selliug at ó.25aó.3.3 per cwt. We quote for cattle as follows : Choice Michigan Cattle, $5.00a6.00 Butchers' stock and medium cattle, 4 OOaö 00 Stockers, ; 3.00a4.25 SHEEP. Kanouse bought 180, averaging neavly 88 Ihs. 4 1-2cperlb. Ulazier bought 63, averaging 10.3 lbs, at 5c per lb. HOOS. Bauss bought 2, averaging 200 lbs, at $5.25. Wreford bought 13, averaging 115 lbs, at $5.25 cwt. The receipts at the Central yards froni the interior during the past four weeks were as follows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Week ending June 29, 495 124 7.37 Weekending June 22, 415 37 1,567 Week ending June 16, 334 421 Week ending June 8, 258 221 The arrival from Chicago of shipments East were: Of cattle, 1,799; sheep, 1,194; hogs, 18,653 ; horses, 67. In Bankruptcy. E ASTEEN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN, 88. Tbe undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoiutment as Assignee of the "Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Raüroad Company," within said district, which has been adjudged a bankrupt upon creditors' petition, by the District Court of Baid District. All notes and indebtedness now due said company and all unpaid subscriptions and all balances of subscriptions still due eaid company and unpaid, must be paid to the undersigned by the lüth day of July 1874, or proceedings will be commenced in the United state Coiirt to enforce the collection of the same. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 22, 1874 EDWAKD D. KINNE, Assignee. Estáte of John Walz, Sen. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. O At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-aixtb duy of Juno, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-iour. Present, Noah W. Choever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John Walz, Sen., deceased. John Walz, Jr., Administrator of said estate, comes into court and represents that he is now prepared to ronder his flnal account as such Acllnïmstratoi . Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the twenty-mnth day oí July noit, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigued for the examining and allowmg such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show canse, il any tbere be, why the said account sliould not be allowed : And it ia further ordered, that said Administrator give notice to the persons interestbd in said estáte, of the pendency of said account and the Hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argni, a newspaper, printed and circulating in said county, three successiye weekB previous to said day oí hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, U8S Judae of Probate. SherifFs Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, Washtenaw Couuty, ss. 5 By virlue of one writ of execution isaued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, and to me directed and delivered against the goods, chattles, lands and tenements Samuel Burbank and Austin F. Burbank, I Lave the twenty-fourth day of April, A. D. 1874, seized and levied upon all the right, title and interest of Samuel Burbank has in and to the following lands, to wit : That piece of land situated in the town of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and Ötate of Michigan, described a follows, to wit : Beiug a part of the southwest quarter of section thirty, in township ' ;wo south ol range six east, beginning at a point on ] he quarter line in the center of the road leading outhwesterly from the city of Ann Arbor, thence loulh along the quarter line of snid sectian twentyhree chains and forty-flve links to the quarter post, ( henee west along the section line eight chains and ' iighty-seven links, thence north parallel with the I luarter line twentyone chains and seventy liaks to o ho center of said road, thence along the said road to a he place of beginning, containing twenty acres of h nd ; which above described property I shall exposé s or sale at public auction (o the highest bidder at the l outh door of the Court House, in the city of Ann a Lrbor on the twenty-seventh duy of June, A. D. w 874, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. ' ei Dated, Ann Arbor, May 12, 1874. ti 1478td M. FLEMING, Sheriff, fc The above sale is postponed to Tuesday, July 7th, A S74, to take place at the same üme of day and Dlace a' Dated, June 27th, 1874, M. FLEMING, Sheriff. gpecial No tice! FQR THE HEXT 60 DA7S - T l! K - ANr AÉBOB TRAD6ÏUC Wil! sell their Spring and Slimmer stock o f DRY GO O DS, DRESS GOODS, CAEPETING, At New York oost, FOR OASH OWLY. 500 nicely trimmed 1G bone Gorsets at 50 cents, worth $1.00. 100 pieces Prints at 10 ets. per yard. 100 pieces Border Prints at f Ó eb per yard. 50 pieces, yard wide. Bleaclied Muslins, fine and soft finish, at ets per yard. Together with a ver'y large Stock of other Goods which will be sold very cheap FOR CASH ONLY. COI Al 8KH mÜA July 1, 1874. G. W. HAYS, Supt. JTROM HEADQUARTERS. THE POSTOFFICE QUESTION IS SETTLED AT LAST. BEAL IS BEATEN BY THE A-ITOSr AEBOK ' AfiRICÜLTÜRAL CO. Who announce to their Customers that they will sel] Full Trimmed Wagons, Warranted for one yenr at $75, including all extras. , fue. Spring seats, WhitHetrees, Neckyokes, and top base. This siile to be for Cash, and to be open for Thirly Days. Also FIÍLI TRIMEI) PLOWS, 10 DOLLARS. Farmers, if you wish to supply yourselves now is the time for cash. All g'xida warranted. Any article in our lineequally low. We are never uudersold. We are gettin;; on a (uil stock of REAPERS AND MÖWERS of the Johnston Patent, which we offer eqnally low, and we will put up $1,000 that the Combiued Reper is the best, eheapest and easieat working combined Reaper and Mower in the U. S. of America. The old reliablc Reaperia too well known to requirt' any backing, it is admitted by all that it is the best Reaper in the Union. We would also say that we wil! sell all our goode for Cash at lower figures than they can be bouht elaewhere, and every artiele "VvT-A.R.IiL.ISrT BID to auit pmchaser or no sale. Cali Beore You Buy and Sar.e Vuur Money. A. A. AGRICULTURA!, CO. H77mS "HOW TOJO T This is an inquiry which every one tshouid have truthf ully answered belore he starts on his journcy, and a little care taken in-exuminution of routes will in many cases save mucli trouble, time ind money. The Chicago, Burlington & Qumcy Railroad has achieved a splendid reputation in the last tliree ycan as the leading Passender Route to the West. Starttng at Chicago or Peoria, it runs direct through Southern lowa and Nebraska, with cloe eonnectionsto California and the Territories, It is also ihe short line and best line to Quincy, Missouri, ind points in Kansas and New Mexico. Passengers n their way westward connot do botter thin to .jikt' this route. Thie line hu published a pamphlet entitled ' How :o go West," whieh containamuoh valuable infornation ; a large, correct map of the Great West, rhich oan be obtained free of charge by addresaing he General Western Passenger Aent, Chicago, ïurlington & Uuiucy líailroiid. Chicago, 111. 14(ilyl Comtnissionera Aotiee. C TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of "Woshtonaw.sp. ■ The undevsigned having been appointcd by the Probate Court for 9aid county, Commlsnonei to reeive, examine and adjust all clnirns and demande o ill persons agaiiiHt the estwte of Frederiek Ellaworth, ate of said county, deceaBöd, hereby give notice that ix montht) from date are allowed, by order Öf said Jrobate Court, lor creditors (o present their claim? gainst the estáte of eaid deeeased, and that they vil! meet at the store oí' (Jyrus A. Lewis, in the ity of Ann Arbor, in said county, onSaturday, the wentysixth day ot September, and on Saturday, tlie wenty-sixth day of IJeeember next, at ten o'clock . m., of each of eaid days, to receive, examine and djustsaid olaims.


Old News
Michigan Argus