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- CirculHrs. -_ Bill-Heads. Letter-Heads. - Shippmg Tags. - Printed at the Akoü3 office. _- Iil the best style and cheap. Don't order elsewhere befare calling. - The weather is ver y dry. _- Dr. and Mrs. Angelí left home nu Tuesday for a short viait to Baltimore. - Lyndon has the oldest inhabitant of the county, O wen McEntee, aged 105 years. - Dr. Cocker delivered a temperance discouree at Dexter, on Suuday evening last. - Everybody ïnd his wife are are expected to put in an appearance at Ypsilauti to-morrow. _ Milieu &■ Son are nfter the cash of consumers of dry goods- with a rost sale. Sec ad. - Strawbemes are ahout " played out," and Kaspberries and Cherries are now the fruits in niarket. _ Miss E. Bassler, of this city, has been ijipointed preceptress of the llowell Union School for the coming school year. - Miss Hall, who graduated at the University list week, is the pieceptress eleot of the State Public School at Coldwater. - The First National Bank of this city has declared a semi-annuai six per cent. dividend, piyable on the first instant. - The Sharp-Shooters of this city announee a picnic celebration of the Fourth of July (tomorrow), at the Eelief Park. A. Saline merchant advertisos a car load Of "Standard A Sugar" at 10 cents a Ib. Aun Arbor dealers had better " come down." - Company B, First Regiment State Militia, Capt. Bevenaugh, will be out to-day at 3 V. iL., for the first time, for parade, drill, and inspection. - That cornet in the northern sky, now sports a hushy tail, visible to the naked eye. And it grows both longer and brighter as the moon pows older. _ Miss Iuez B. Slocum, who receiyed the deTree of Master of Arts, on exammation, at the recent Commencemeut, is a gradúate of Hiram College (Ohio). - The long string of notices giveu out in one of the city churches on Sunday last was euough to sweat a man without the addition of a sermón. Be merciful. - At the session of the Supreme Court to be held at Lansing next week - the Homeopathy maudamus case against the Eegents of the University is to come on for hearing. - A colored boy graduated at the Detroit High School last woek, and proposes to enter the University uext fall: the pioneer colored student in the literary dcpartment. - Dr. Oocker leaves home next Monday for a summer's visit to his old home and friends in Eugland, and hopes for a new lease of health and life to result trom the sea voyage. - Sunday last was the hottest day of the season, the niercury ranging - according to report - from 98 to 108 degrees in the shade. It is hardly worth while to haggle about a few marks on the scale. - Frank C Hayman, who graduated on the 21th uit., left immediately for New York, and if uot advised to the contrary by the oculists he will consult, will proceed to Europe for two vears' study and travel. - ïnstead of "getting up on his ear" and twitting U9 of our poverty, etc., why don't our friendof the Ypsilauti Commercial revise and correct history by telling us when Jonathan Edwards was President ot Yale College ? - The Jackson city tax, just levied, aggregates $110,000, and is at the rate of 4 1-2 cents on the dollar. The highest tax collected in any ward of this city last fall was 3.6 cents on the dollar' and covered the State, county, city, and school tucen. - A number of new houses are being built in different parts of the city, which coupled with the fact that a number of ürst class dwellings have changed hands recently, indicates that the worst is over and that our city is agaiu to move forward. Let 'er move. - Geo. W. Hays, of the Farmers' Store, don't propose to go down before dnll times. He knows that when business is quiet it must be stirred up, and his advertisements in our columns give evidence that he means to have his share. And he will get it. Advertising will do it. - The population of the township of Ann Arbor, according to the returns of Supervisor Shurtleff, is 1,396, an increase of 13 over the census of 1870. Lyndon the is only other town in the county (the returns of two towns - Lodi and Saline- not being in) which reports an increase, and that just the magie number of 7. - Our old fellow citizen, Dr. Haven, has been elected Chancellor of Syracuse (N. Y.) University, mee Dr. Winchell, resigned ; and Dr. Winchell has been appointed Professor of Atauy and Geology, with six months leave of absence to visit Europe. Both have accepted, and Dr. H. is to be inaugurated September 15th. Wiat will be the next move of these two Michigan University professors '{ -The Ypsilanti Commercial man took occasion last week to weigh us a " sockdolager," just because we noticed his attempt upon the political life of Mr. Cutcheon; and then was careful to withold our exchange copy, Perhaps he wanted to sell it for five cents to increase his graat riches at our expense. Well, as his article had no connection with the matter under discussion, it does n't make " adit of bifierence.'' - In addition to the several sales of dwellings heretofore noticed we have another to report : by C. H. Millen to Thos. Martyn - new corner - house and lot on the west side of State street, first hlock north of Hurou. Price S2,8OO. These movements in real estáte indícate a better feeling in financial circles with brighter times at hand. No city in the State offers pleasanter homes to those seeking health or comfort or good society than Ann Arbor, and we are pleased to see strangers giving the town " a look up." - Mrs. D. S. Wood and Mrs. Geo. Duffield represented the Ladies' Temperance Union of this city in the Womans' Temperance Convention held at Lansing last week. Mrs. Stannard and Mrs. Devere represented Dexter. Mrs. Wood acted on the Committee on Credentials, and Mrs. Duffield was appointed on the Executive Committee for the session. Mrs. Devere was made Kecording Secretary of the permanent organization, and Mrs. Wood member of tte Executive Committee. - It must have been on justa day as last Sunday, that the poet gave out, both mentally and physically, after wnting these two Unes : " The, sun's perpendicular rays Illumine the bottom of the sea." We are all the more conviuced of the truth of our auggestion, from the fact that a friond with more poetical and physical power fiuished his 'iïiea thusly : " The fishes beginnng to sweat, Cry d - n it, how hot we shall be." Bro. Aldrich, of the Coldwater Repubhcan writes aa follows of the Senior Concert, at which he was present: The concert was conducted by Lawrence Maxwell, Jr of the graduating clasi and was in every respect a decided suecess. The proceeds were used to deiray the expenses of class day and the Senior reception. The manner in which the Glee Clubs rendered the varioua Pieces they sang showed a good defrree of vocal culture. The Senior received two encores while the Junior Glee Club received three. nesolosby Mrs Bliss and Mrs. Darrow were nnely rendered, and they were recipients oi elegant baskets and bouquets of flowers. It has uot been our pleasure to listen to so fine a musical entertainment siuce listening to Miss Kei'ogg and troupe in opera at Chicago last Decem


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Michigan Argus