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Our Architects Of Rain

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TIih Charleston New and Courier cosijiile h tublH of returns from the oflioa of the ''niiitrollür-Geiiüral of South CaroUna to show huw muoh of thu land of the State han been sold or forfeited to the State iu oonsequeiiea of iuability of the ownors to pay the tX8. The record is one of the most remarkablo indiotments against Kepublican rule that has been preferí od during its flfteen ycars' career of crime. But 19 of 32 counties bic reportad in the tablo, and in two years the aggregate auiount of land conflsoatëd was 7O,j,7:í:í acres- an area equal to 1,103 square miles. It is witbin the bounds of probability to say that wlion the returns como in from all the counties it, will bc found that over one mülioii aeren, or fiftem hnndred square miles, of proper,! in South Carolina have ia the last two yuars been sold or forfeited to the State for tho nonpayinent of taxes. This exoeeds the area of the' State of Iihode Island by 200 square miles. It is greater than the aggregato area of six of the principalitiesof Germany which are roigned over by independent sovereigns. If our pnople would like to have a vivid idea of this condition of things let them imagino the people of the State of Rhode Island so taken by the throats and plundered and squeezod by oarpet-bag scoundrels Irc other States, supported by Federal lifflP nets and encouraged by a great politlRl party, that they are unable to pay the taxes imposed upon them by thesu adventurers, and are obhged to see their property sold from under their feet by the sheriff. Suppoae this operation were performed in Rhode Ialand, how tho ieople thereof would howl ! And yet year after year they have voted by heavy majoritiesto sustain the Republican carpetbaggers in doing the same thing in the South. The head of the liepublican party insulted and turned his back on a delegation of suffering South Carolinians the other day, and when the thieyes, headed by Mobbs, entered the White House, he received them with smiles, and told them that the complaints of their viotims had not prejudiced his mind against them. A party Which through its official head, its Congress, its press, and its politicians has produced the ruin that prevails in South Carolina, Louisiana, and Mi8sissippi for the sake of enriching the off8counngs of the North, who went there on plunder intent, deserves to be consigned to the bottomless pit, and it will


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