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An Old "argus"--reminiscences

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Some weeks ago we extended our thanks to Mrs. J. F. Bowers, of York, for a copy of she Michigan Argus, dated July 6th, 1837. and now past 37 yeare old. The discrepancy between the ago of the Abous and that indioated by the nuinber of the volume at the ead of this issue (No. XXIX.) is aocounted for by the subsequent sale of the office by Mr. Gardiner, then publisher, and its change of name to True Democrat. Mr. Gardiner, associated with L. W. Cole, started a second Abous but did not date back. The sheet beforo us is in size 22x32 inches, six columns to the page, and has 15 of its 24 columns h'lled with advertisements. We learn from the advertisemonts that Rob't. S. Wilson was then Judge of Probate ; Wra. Auderson, lately deceased, Sheriff ; David Page, Treasurer; Jonathan E. Field, County Clerk; and Charles Thayer, Postmaster. A village election had been held the Monday preceding, and the following ofh'cers elected : President - William S. Maynard ; Recorder, Elijah W. Morgan; Trustees- Edward Clark, Volney Chapin, Dan W. Kellogg; Assessors - Charles Thayer and Caleb N. Onnsby; Marshal- Peter Slingerland-, Treasurer - James Kingsley. N. H. Wing was Postmaster at Dexter ; Rufus Crossman, at Lima ; and F. J. B. Crane, at Howell, and each advertises letter lista in the Akous under notice. In the namcs of the business advertisers we recognize but a few known in our business circles to-day. W.F. Leaman was painting; Demill and Goodell, grocers ; Doty & Co. wanted their customers to pay up, and declared "We oannot wait;" Mr. & Mrs. Griffen were running a " Teaeher's Seminarj-," were willing to receive youth without regard to religious opinons," and promised "particular attention to lieir moráis and mauners. The Rev. Mr. Marks was their teacher of Greek and Latin. Messrs. D. W. & C. Bliss, dealt in general dry goods, groceries, crockery, and hardware, with a jewelry attachment. E. Root & Sons were genera) dealers; E. P. Dwight sold "books and statiouery ; " B. Follett was Cashier of the Bank of fpsüanti and called on the stockholders for an uatallment of the capital stock ; Arnold & Goodspeed sold goods in the " Arcade Building," outh of the Court House square; Beach t Abel had just removed; Mrs. Love was milliner and dress-maker ; Sutherlaud & Mathewson had a rifleshop ; L. C. Hall was general dealer ; and Lund & Gibson were druggists. The names of Kingsley & Bamsdell, Miles & Wilson, M. & C. Lane, D. Goodwin, K. S. Bingham, and A. L. Millard are attached to certain iegal advertisements as attorneys. John D. Pierce was he State Superintendent of Schools and adverised a sale of University Jands in the several ounties of the State. C. H. Irish and Joseph ). Irish advertise a dissolution, and there are Sew York and Detroit ads, estray notices, a wife ' whereased," and a miscellausous lot of ads. A Young Men's Society was in existeuce, aud meeting was advertised for Tuesday eveniug, uly llth, at the Episcopal Church, the followng question to be discussed, " Is the civilized tate of man productive of more happiness than liat of the savage r" " Affirmative speakers - 3. Clark, E. E. Clark ; on the negative - Jas. 1. Adams, J. C. Smith. The editorials are : " A Touch of Whiggery,' Foreign Emigrante," and " Principies ; " and lere are a number of political Communications onvention calis, etc. The following item iudiates that then as now distinguished politicians nd statesmeu were in the habit of "swinging ound the circle : " The committee of arrangements for the reepten ot the Hon. Daniel Webster started tlus morning for Tecumseh, in order to escort him u this place. Michigan having become a State espite Mr. Webster's opposition, he now deerns ïer worthy of notice in his electioaeering town." Liquor then as now was a bone of contention, witness the followiug advertisement given a rominent place under tho editorial head : The citizens of this village are requested to meet at the Court House to-morrow (Friday), at p. M., to take into consideration the propriety f adopting means for the suppressioii of grog ïops aud their attendant evils, and enforcïg tlie observance of the ordinances of he village. By order of Council W. S. Maynard, President. E. W. Moboajt, Recorder. July6th, 187. But we are making these reminiscences "too umerous." üu the 13th iust., between the hours of 4 and i o'clock r. m., during the temporary absence f the family, the house of Henry McKeever, of alem, was entered and robbed, the burglar arrying off about Y100 in money and a package f notos amounting to some $480, belonging to "ames Keegan, a boarder, the same being taken rom his trunk which was broken open. Of the money Y90 was in gold. A linen coat belonging o McKeever, a pair of pants belonging to Keean, and some other small tliiugs were also apropriated. A stranger was seen in the viciny about the liour of the robbery, who was aced some distance towards Ann Arbor and ien Ypsilanti, and who finally took to the oods at the prospect of meeting two men. 'he stolen notes are advertised in another colmn, and purchase forbidden Payment ot the ame has been stopped. As " misery loves company" and the hard lot f one is modified by knowing that another " enoys the same blessing," we quote the following rom the Grand Rapids Democrat for the consoation of our fellow citizens who are disposed to ive our city a bad name because of the stagnaou of business : " Nothing going on in town ; the streets are uiet, the stores are customerless - and the farïers and many of the laboring people of the own are busy harvesting. Pólice matters very ull. This seems to be a millennial time ; poicemen, watchmen, and detectives mightas well o and work in the harvest field till more exting times." And we often hear this same Grand Rapids ontrasted with our quiet city, and not always ;o our credit either. We invite attentiou to the advertiseuient of ie ' Hutchins Roofing Company " in another olumn. The " Fabric Roofing " has been inToduced generally in eastern cities, is largely n use, has been tested by time, and gives genral satisfaction, proving flexible and durable nd not crumbling and cracking like the ordiary coal tar eomposition roofings. The " Roofng Paint " gives the shingle the appearance of late, preserves them, and insuren water-tight oofs. As no coal tar is used in either fabric or aint the water is not injured for household purposes, and besides a shingle roof is made next to ire proof . We understand that the " Hutchins loofing Company " desires to make our city its ïeadquarters, and we commend it to our citiens and the building public throughout the State. The dwelling house of Norman Bordine, of Augusta, was burned during the forenoon of Saturday last, with contents. The fire it is suposed oiiginatcd from a defective flue. Loss, 3,500 ; insured for $1,900 in the Washtenaw tfutual. Mr. Bordine and family were absent at a picnic, but eome neighbors who were forunately at home saved his barns by hard work, one of them catching fire on the roof a number of times. Mr. B. is a young man just fairly started in life, and the loss is a heavy one. The Courier of this city robukes the Ypsilanti Fourth of July Committee of Arrangements for going out of tbe county to get their printing done, and the Ypsilanti Sentmei gives lts readers to understand that, though the celebration was first proposed and written up by its editor, nnt a cent of patronage was extended to the establishment. The committee will remember these complaints when the centennial comes around. The Secretary of War ia becoming demoralized. The following poster, affixed to the walls of the department in every conspicuous place, has the true military ring about it : " The Secratary of War positively declines an interview with any person seeking clerical appointment, promotion, or retention." &3 The only place to purcliase goods cheap f' cash, is at the Ann Arbor Trading Association, wher they are selling all kinds of Dry Goods cheap - t close out thelr Slimmer stock. US5U G. 'W. IIAYS, Supt.


Old News
Michigan Argus