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Henry S. Pierce, of Boaton aurhorizes the statement that his signatnre was attached to the Congressional Republican address without his authority. The only place to purebase goods heap for cash, is at the Ann Arbor Trading Association, where they are selling all kinds of Dry Goods cheap- to close out their Summer stock. 1485tf G. W. HAYS, Supt. l'lii ri) ïeara' Kxperlence of au Old Nurse. ITlr. Uinalou SootliillR Synip ia the prescription oí one of the best Female Phyaiciana and Nuraes in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never faüing safety and auceeas by millions ef mothera and children, from the feeble inf ant of one week old to the ad ui t. It correcta acidity of the storaach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowela, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Host and Surest Kemedy in the World in all cases of DYSKNTERY and DIAREHCEA IN CHILDEEN.whetherit arisea from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for usin will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the facsimile of CURTÍS PERKIN8 is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medioine Dealers. 14S6vl Centaur Linlments Have cured more wondertui c&sos of rheumatism, aches, pains, awellings, frost-bites, caked breasts, burns, scalds, ealt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and strains, apavin, galls, &c, uopn anímala, in one year, than all other pretended remedies have since the worldbegan. Certificatea of remarkable cures accompany each bottle , and will be sent gratis to any one. There is no pain which these Liniments will not relieve, no swelling they will not subdue or lameness they will not euro. This is strong language, but it is true. No family or stock-owner can afford to be without Centaur Liniments. White Wrapper for family use ; the Yellow Wrapper for animáis, l'rioe, 60 ets. ; large bottles, $1.00. J. B. Rose & Co. 53 Broadway, New York. Castoria ia more than a substitute for Castor Oil. It ia the only safe article in existence which is oertain to regúlate the bowela, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It ia pleasant to take. No more sleepless mothera or crying bubies. Price 35 ets. per bottle. 1481yl Cliildren Of ten l.ook Pale and Sick From no other cause than having worma in the atomBEOWN'S VEEMIFUGE COMFIT8 Will destroy Worma without injury to the child, being pertectlv WHITE, and f ree trom all coloring or other injurioua ingredienta uaually used in worm preparaCUETIS & BEOWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druggists and Clumistt, and dealen in Medicines at Twkntx-Five Cents a Box. 143üyl HOUSEHOLD" , To all persons suffcring ■n a UT nTi Ifrom Ilheurr atism, NeuPANACEA fortomShëilifus Colic, Pain in the back, bowela or side, we would - AND - say, the Household Panacea and Family Liniment is of all others the jremedy you want for inPAIVITTV Iternal and external use. X ÜIVIXJU JL it has cuied the above complaints in thouaands of cases. There is no misT TATTTVT Ti-Vl rp ! take about it. Try it. Sold LIJN IMijJN 1 by all Druggista.


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