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AtchisoDjTopeka and Santa Fe BAILBOAD. THREE MILLION ACRES LIBERAL TERMS TO IMPROVERS. 11 YEARS CREDIT, 7 PER CENT. INT. No Part of the Principal payable for Four Years, FINE ORAIN-OROWINO REGIÓN. ?racts of one and two thousand acres availAble for Neighborhood Colonies, or for Stock Farms. Excellent Climate, with Pure Flowing Water. " I would aay, that in the course of many years, ' and through extensive travel, I have not seen a more 1 inviting country, nor one which offers greater in'duoements, with fewer objections to eettlement, ' than theae lands ot the A. T. & 8. F. R. R."- Exract Report of Htnry SUwart, Agncultural Editor American AffricuUuralisi. For iull partícula inquire of A. E. TOTJZALIN, Land Commissioner, Topkka, Kansas. E. B. Pond, Local Agent, Ann Arbor. Mich. HARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LlliïBEE FOE SALE. THE aubscriber has on hand a good assortment of OAK, A3H, KLM, BA88WOOD, WHITEWOOD, and other varieties of Lumber, from i in. to 3 in. thick. ALSO. Fence Posts, Square Ttaber, Plank and Oak Studding of all hizbs kept on hand or made to order on short notioe. Particular attention given to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence Posts planed, Oak Pickets kept on hand and sawed 10 order. MOULDINGS of different patterns sawed to order. FARM GATE8 kept on hand and soldcheap. Particular attention given to furnishing bilis of timber of different lengths and sizes on the most reasoxtable terms. 8AWS GUMMED ON SHORT NOTICE. L0G8 WANTED. I am prepared to pay CASH for sound Oak, Ash, Basawood and Whitewood Logs delivered at my mili, or will buy and measure Logs in the woods within six miles of the mili. B3T AU persons indebted to the late flrm of Wlnes & Hallock will please cali and aettle their accounts at the Mili. J. T. HALLOCK. A Chance for Bargains ! For sale at a great bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, lying 2 y% miles f rom the city of Ionia. 100 acres under improvement, with good orchard, barn and shed, and a ooinfortable house. Terms of payment- from $2,000 to $2,500 down ; balance on long time. Also 90 ACRES, about 2 % miles from Augusta, Kalamazoo County, all improved, with good buildings. Terms- extremely low. Also 40 ACRKS about eight miles from Hastings. Also 80 ACRES on section 8 iu the town of Hazelton, Shiawasse County, about 12 miles from Corunna, Well timbered. For terms addrese the undersigned. . E. II. PON. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873. TSJEW REAL ESTÁTE OFFICE OF ABNER HITCHCOCK & CO. 43 South Main St, Ann Arbor, Mich. City Property, Houses, Lots and Farms FOR SALE AND EXCHANGED. SOUTHERN LANDS FOB BALE. OOLONIES LÓCATE D. STOCKS AND MORTUAGES FOK SALE. 1476m3 AND MONEY'S LOANED. TÖTICE! The public are forbidden to purchaBe certain notes stolen from the trunk of the subscriber, at the reaidenee of Henry McKeeyer in Salem, on the evening of the 13th inst., described as follows: One note given by J. B. Vanatta to Jas. Keegan or bearer, for $200 at 7 per cent., bearlng date in September 1872 ; one given by Niithan Wooster to Jas. Keegan, for $100, at 10 per cent., dated Dec. 2, 1873; one note given by James Vanatta to Jas. Keegan, for $55, dated sometime about the ñrst of April last, due in six months at 7 per cent. ; one note for $100 giren in March last, by Henry McKeever; albo one for $25 given by Henry McKeever and James McKeever to Aaron Vanatta. Paymont of the same htts been stopped. Dated, July 14, 1874. H87W2' JAMES KEEGAN. CBCURE YOUR8KLF A HOME. Valuable City Lots for sale Chap, and long tim given for payment 1f desired. K 1475mí C. H. MILLEN.


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Michigan Argus