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A State Convention Called

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At lost the Democratie State (Jommittee has issued a cali for a State Convention, to be held at Kalarnazoo on Thursday, September lOth, for the purpose of nominating State oflicers and for the transaction of the usual routine busitiess coming before such coitventions. The cali providea for doublé the number of delegates herotofore convened at the party conventions, the bject being to procure a large attendance of representativo ruenfrom every section of the State, with a view to a full canvassof the condition and assets.the wants and wishes, of the Democracy. lt is to be hoped that every county and district will respond to the cali with a full delegation. It is now in order to discuss the platform which the convention should place the candidatos it may and v.ül nomínate upon. The resoiutions should be conciBe, pointed, and in language that cannot be niisunderstood or misrepresented. They should indict the Administraron for its mal-administration ; for its extravagance and corruption ; for its back-pay, salarygrab, Credit-Mobilier, and for any and all other frauds and steals, not forgetting to shower a doublé dose of denunciatory invectives upon any and all Demócrata who have given their votes in aidof the condemned measures, and by such votes proved themselves recreant to timehonored Democratie principies. They should, without shedding tears over the inevitable, without going over the causes of the late war of the rebellion, but accepting as acoomplished, and well accomplished, its main result , the tion of slavery, cali a halt to the general Government in its persistent, unlawful, and reckless atteinpts to treat the Southern States as conquered provinces and govern them from Washington, or to manipúlate the internal affairs of all the States, North and South, East and West, subordinating State Legislatures and State Courts to Congress and the Federal judiciary, placing State elections uuder the control of national officers, agents or tools, by whatever name oalled. Cheerful obedience to every requirement of the National Constitution, but no interference from Washington with the internal or munioipal affairs of the States : that is the kernel of the words " Home Rule,'words full of meaning and to be respected if State lines are not to be wiped out. The traditions of the party touehing moaey should also be revived ; an early return to specie payments demanded ; and the inflation of a paper currency, miB-called money, which must and will breed evil and only evil, and that contiuually, denounced. It is a finaucial craze to make paper, legal tender notes, mere : promises to pay, and irredeemable ones at that, a substituto for gold and silver coin ' -THE MON-EY OF THE WORLD. If fooli learn in the school of experienoo even Congressmen or outside inflationists ought to learn that a, note of hand is not, never was, and never can be money, and that it is the legitímate ropresoutative of nioney only so long as it can be exchanged for real money, gold and silvek, at its face or par value. It is also financial madness for Congress to assume to regúlate the volume of currency by lav. Wïth specie payments and a free andwell seoured banking system, the inexorable laws of trade, the laws of supply and demand, will do that. Law cannot. If any Demócrata havo run after strange gods it is time that they were recalled to their senses and their allegiance to principie. Again, the oonvention must utter no uncertain sound ou the tariff question. A protective tariff is the parent of monopolies, of corruption in official and business circles, and of rings to defraud the Government and the people. Taxation for the support of the Government is legitímate ; taxation to put money in the purses of manufacturera, whether of iron, copper, steel, wool, cotton, or what not, is not taxation but the levy of tribute moneys for the maintenance or enrichment of one class of the people at the expense of other classes. A tariff for re venue, and toR EEVJiNUE only, was one of the rallying ones of the Democracy in its days of victory, and, bs principies are eterna], it should be one of the rallying cries now, if the Democracy is ever again to bo worthy the votes of the people. And Democrats wha imagine that their mere personal or local interosts are paramount to principio must be authoritatively told that government is not the mere agent of the few, but for the protection of 1 the masses. Home Hule, Hard Moncy, and a lierenve Tariff, these are the three principies of a truly national party, aml inetade all minor matters. As to State matter, tlio oonvention should cali for such a revisión of the tax laws as will prevent the accuuiulation of such largo balances in the treasury, for additional seciirity from the State Troasurer, for non-interference by tho Legislatura in the mere local affairs and intorests of municipalitics, and foran economical administration of the Stato Government. But we will not elabórate this branch of tho platform at this timo. - Since writing the above we have tha cali for a Democratie State Convention to bc held at Springfield, UI. Extracta which we give from it, in another column, will show that the Illinois Democracy, if the State Committee spoaks for them, will plucojthe party on a platform substantially the same as we have suggestod. These are time for no doubtful utterances, and we aro grateful for this cali of the Illinois Committee. Dissonting Domocrats, Demoorats who have forgotten the old land inarks, must make haste to retrace their steps and reviso their creeds.


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